• This section is for roleplays only.
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Lobsters will play no significant role in my life
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

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welcome to sunshine fun zone!

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Welcome new employees of Sunshine Fun Zone! We are so excited to get started and make this summer the best summer ever but first, we're going to need some information about you. Please fill out this form at your soonest convenience.

The Basics


Personality Bio:

History Bio:

See you soon! You may choose to include any other information you deem necessary and feel free to format this info in any way you wish! I will be choosing a maximum of seven people for this rp, so be creative and show off your strong suits.

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Β© weldherwings.

veronica reynolds

gender: female
age: 22
d.o.b: january 3
orientation: bisexual
height: 5'6"
hair: brown, bleached blonde
eyes: brown
modifications: double ear piercings, navel piercing
face claim: sophie thatcher
occupation: trainer/shift lead at sunshine fun zone


likes: horror movies, popcorn, drop rides, quiet, rain
dislikes: her job, bugs, planes, camping, crowds
virtues: loyal, humorous, confident, practical
vices: apathetic, disorganized, insensitive, pessimistic
personality bio: having always been told she has a bit of an attitude problem, veronica has ceased giving a shit. luckily, so have most of the authority figures at sunshine fun zone due to a staffing shortage- so they'll have to put up with her for now. she is apathetic towards her career and social life, and often comes off as unapproachable and rude. she distances herself from others because she does not want to get hurt, so she hardly opens up to anyone. pretty introverted, she'd rather be alone than with people. but, as long as you're not passionate about whatever it is you're meant to be doing, veronica can be fun to be around. sarcasm is her default setting. she has no problem standing up to rude customers (in her mind, the customer is always wrong). she's fiercely loyal and will try to help you out in her own way- i.e. help you slack off as much as possible, always doing the bare minimum on the job.


veronica grew up in town, near sunshine fun zone. her father left when her younger brother was born, she was about five. she doesn't remember much about her father, but the details she can recall aren't great. she remembers him yelling at her mother a lot, but she can't remember the specifics of it all. growing up, she received very little attention from her mother, who was either at work or drunk (most of the time it was probably both). she's always had a contentious relationship with her mother, but has been very close with her brother and often acted as a guardian figure. she had to learn to grow up quickly. even at a young age she was taking care of her brother since her mother typically wasn't up to the task, while trying to take care of herself. she was always a bit of a shy kid, closed off and guarded. instead of doing childhood things like joining sports teams and doing arts and crafts, she was constantly worried about herself and her brother- never knowing if they'd revive the support they needed from their mother. as she got older, veronica grew more intense. she always had an attitude at school, somewhat angry at the world. she got a job at sunshine fun zone as soon as she was able to. most of the money she got went to her brother and basics for herself. she didn't try very hard in school and was a straight c student. as soon as she turned 18 she got a crappy apartment and moved herself and her brother out of their negligent mother's apartment. knowing that college wasn't going to happen and she likely wouldn't find a better job, she kept working at sunshine fun zone- even got a promotion to be a shift lead and trainer. she was never great at her job, she doesn't take things too seriously and only does the bare minimum. as of now, she's worked at sunshine fun zone for six years and has loathed most of her time there.
albert reynolds- father. 53. status unknown.
carlise reynolds- mother. 47. the two don't have a good relationship and veronica avoids interaction at all costs.
andy reynolds- brother. 17. the most important thing in veronica's life, the two get along very well- although andy is a lot more positive than his sister.




coded by mountainpost
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the skeptic

fc: miles robbins

richard beaumonte

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

  • i like you. it's as simple as that. can't that be good enough?





    170 lbs

    hair c.

    dark brown

    eye c.



    clipped short and choppy around his ears, mousy brown hair worn exactly how he rolls out of bed. a curtain of bangs fall in and around his eyes, often brushed away from his face to no avail.


    plagued by sleepless nights and early mornings, cool carob eyes framed by heavy lids and dark eyelashes. truly a window into his soul, beau's eyes betray his craftily collected composure- deep brown and brimming with emotion.


    bumbling and broad-shouldered, beau has a tendency to take up too much space. lanky and long-legged, too tall for his own good and too often described as a bottomless pit. his slouching posture aside, he proves to be surprisingly sturdy, if not wiry.


    miles robbins

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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Name: Aaliyah S. Neptune
Age: 17
D.O.B: May 15th
Gender: Female

Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5'5
Modifications: Scar on shoulder that's about an 1inch long, and multiple on her back
Wardrobe: Any pastel she loves. She prefers Skirts and dresses to pants, but she loves hoodies and oversized jackets. She always wears these pair of converse, so they're old and run-down
FC: (Lee re)
Likes: Soda, Strawberries, makeup, and ice skating
Dislikes: Spiders, small spaces, the color green, and blueberries (she is allergic)
Personality Bio: Aaliyah is very confident in herself. Like, VERY. She's popular, pretty, and isn't afraid to use that to her advantage. At least that's how it's seem. To the outside world that's how she is, a total jerk unless your popular or cute. But put he in the right situation, and her true colors shine. She's very clingy and shy. She hates being alone and will always stick with someone.

Vincent C. Neptune - Dad
Jessica B. Neptune - Mom
Carlos A. Neptune - Brother

History Bio: Her family is rich, and her father's status has made Aaliyah popular sense she was young. She's known in school for multiple reasons. Some think she's an angel, others think she's the devil herself. She only hangs out with people her parents approve of. She tried to hang out with others before, but she paid the price for that one. Sometimes she's lonely, only hanging around the same people for all her life. But she can't risk hanging out with others. Not again anyways...
Ethan Ledger , 20 , male


date of birth: October 11th

hair: Brown
eyes: Hazel
height: 5'11"
modifications: none
Often heedless of the weather, Ethan will typically wear dark colors, simple t shirts and jeans coupled with a flannel and sneakers. If it's hot enough, you'll see his flannel tied around his waste or it will be altogether missing because he's sat it down somewhere and forgotten it.
face claim: Cole Sprouse

likes: Reading, learning, documentaries, road trips, solitude, minding other people's business, fellow open minded individuals.
dislikes: Crowds, loud noises, new people, summertime, daytime, skeptics.
virtues: Truthful, curious, open-minded.
vices: Impatient, unhelpful, withdrawn.
personality bio: Others would say Ethan is having a difficult time growing up, Ethan would say it's that he refuses to conform. Over the years what began as a childlike wonder has developed into an obsession with the unknown, making Ethan somewhat of a conspiracy theorist who spends entirely too much time reading into every situation in life. Ethan can make something out of nothing in just a few minutes, leaving others to write off even his most truthful statements because he is always so fantastical that people just don't buy into it anymore. In reality, Ethan only ever tells the truth, or at least what he believes to be the truth. Having been homeschooled by parents who always worked on the road, his formative years lacked the socialization his peers received on a regular basis, and Ethan can struggle to create lasting relationships, and more than that, seems to be completely incapable of reading the room. He will say whatever comes to mind, in total disregard to whether it's currently appropriate or not.
His lack of friends isn't for lack of trying, but Ethan is often impatient with others and unwilling to involve himself in matters that aren't interesting to him. This makes his usual knack for being a quick learner relatively useless in areas, because if it isn't something he wants to know, he won't put forth much effort.
Ethan lived a life of comfort, and his parents identified a little too late that he possesses traits one might liken to those of spoiled children, and despite continuous efforts, they can't seem to get him to do much, and have determined the unfortunate reality that Ethan is just lazy.
Ever the open mind, Ethan doesn't agree with his parents' perception of him, and thinks that he is just a free spirit who sees the world differently- sees it the way that it actually is- and that others just don't get him.

family relationships: Phillip Ledger, father: close, but not as close as they were when Ethan was young. The relationship is especially tumultuous now that Ethan has moved in with his Dad after two years of living with his mom, and Ethan isn't willing to make any real moves to improve his life.
Melinda George (formerly Melinda Ledger), mother: Ethan loves his mother dearly but they don't see eye to eye. He recently left her house to go and live with his father.
Corrine Jameson (soon to be Mrs Ledger), future step-mother: Ethan doesn't really know anything about Corrine, but she seems nice enough so far despite occasionally bugging him about "needing to listen to his father". But he's glad his father found someone he's truly happy with and supposes she won't be the worst step mom. Since she has no children of her own, Ethan remains an only child.
history bio: To the outside world, the Ledgers were a tight knit crew, and for many years, Ethan believed that, too. His childhood was different than his peers, he at least understood that much. His parents are anthropologists, and Ethan was homeschooled so they could travel the world while his parents wrote research papers. It wasn't until he was a teenager that they finally settled down somewhere, and it took a great deal of adjusting to a day-to-day lifestyle for Ethan. Having a consistent schooling schedule and list of daily responsibilities just wasn't what he was used to, and he struggled to measure up to others his age when it came to standardized testing and exams.

Over time, as things became more routine, Ethan got used to it.

His parents divorce was something he didn't see coming. What started as a life of spending time together every weekend, special holiday traditions, and a family that shared everything, ended with just a few short weeks communicating between lawyers. Ethan understood the break to be relatively clean, and it wasn't until his mother told him that he realized they had only been waiting for him to turn eighteen, they had been planning this for a while.

However, one front his parents remained united on was the success of their only child. Ethan was propelled into college prep courses while living with his mother, and pushed to find a singular focus for a career. In rebellion to this, Ethan only delved further into the "nonsense" his parents had tried driving him away from his whole life. Urban legends, conspiracies, cryptozoology. It's something he hoped to make a career out of, regardless if his parents found it worthwhile.

For a time Ethan lived with his mother, he requested to take a "gap year" to figure out what he wanted to do with his life (though he knew with complete certainty he also wanted to travel the world and research, just in a totally different field than his parents) and his request was granted. After about a year, his mother started pushing him. Ethan has come to the end of his rope with excuses he can give his mother why he's not in college, so, he called up his dear old dad and asked to move out to his place. Unsurprisingly, Ethan's dad was ecstatic to have his son living with him, so he showed up bright and early to pick his son up from the airport. Unfortunately for Ethan, his parents still communicated. He was met with a barrage of reasons why he needed to go on to college. Somehow, Ethan talked his dad into just another year off, while he saved a little extra money... which was funny because Ethan had neither ever had a job, nor had any intentions of getting one.

Push came to the eventual shove, and his dad told him he had to work if he was going to keep putting school off and living at home. Ethan gave in, but elected to get another nonsense job that he knew his dad wouldn't approve of. Could he have called up any of his parents' colleagues and landed a better job? Definitely. But he didn't want the responsibility, and he wants to prove to his parents that he is not a man to be controlled...

..Despite the fact he's totally controlled by whatever the latest conspiracy fad is, or the fact he's completely too lazy to realize any of his own dreams in life.

ps i may or may not add a code to this later but don't currently have the time!

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  • rain-rainyday.gif
    Ivy Stewart


    January 19th



    Bi-Curious, Demi-Romanic


    White, Lots of Irish and Scottish ancestors

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tab one

tab two

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tab four



    Appearance :
    Mei has long, wavy, brown hair with some warm light brown highlights. She has pale ivory skin, an oval shaped face with bright almond-shaped brown eyes. She is 4’8'' tall and has slim features.
    Her face is quite clean without distinctive marks or scars, although there are some scars on her knees and elsewhere cos she is quite clumsy and often hurts herself.

    Mei does not have a particular style, besides the days wearing hoodies , she also wears sporty clothes and has an excellent choice of outfits and often buys too much when she tries to match some trousers and tops. Lately she’s been into streetwear and cosy clothes.

    Lee ho Jung

    2nd may


    tab one

coded by weldherwings.


The Basics
Assumed Name: FernΓ‘ndo Pecha
Real Name:
Joshua Holt
Age: 23
D.O.B: August 22nd
Gender: Male

Hair: Brunette curly
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5ft 10in
Modifications: N/A
Wardrobe: Usually jeans or chinos with T-shirt and depending on the weather might add on a denim or leather jacket.
FC: Adrian Grenier
Voice Claim: Sam Reigel

Likes: Performing magic, flirting with women, video games, cooking, swimming, chilling
Dislikes: Fast food, spiders and any sort of insect, police, talking about his past, staying in.
Virtues: Considering, Sweet, open-minded, funny
Vices: Dishonest, Manipulative, secretive, selfish
Personality Bio: At first sight appears to be quite the charmer, soft-spoken and gregarious with the odd cheeky and funny comment. Slowly he will find he is a man of various contradictions. Despite a sort of reserved and taciturn manner, he is a relentless flirt and showman when it comes to their job. Though always wanting to learn about other people, he rarerly talks about his own past. More so he seems to tailor his manner to match the person, trying to be what other what like him to me, having always the right things to say that maybe makes him come of as disingenuous. He generally takes a lot to break his calm and soft-spoken demeanour, rarely getting angry or flustered when someone is aggressive to him, preferring being passive-aggressive rather than actually getting into a physical fight.

Family/Relationships: Unknown
History Bio: Not much is known about the man known as FernΓ‘ndo, he does not speak much about his past. As best as he revealed to his coworkers, he is just one of many immigrants who work for the park working to make a living and to help out his family back home the best he can. He began working in one of the stalls, selling various gadgets, magical kits and other little nick necks. He would get in regular trouble for living his post, often found using some of the stores' product to performs tricks for kids and some of the mothers as well. Despite being chewed out, his easygoing manner and charm made him quite popular with customers, saved him from getting fired, and he received and new role as fair magician. It is a role that he took quite readily, becoming a quiet proficient and popular performer.
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Clay Blakely

  • req.

    the meaning of life

    full name
    Clay Blakely, no middle name. The name Clay was the only thing left behind by his parents and Blakely is the surname of his last foster parents that he adopted out of convenience. Clay does not hate his name, but he also doesn't care about it. For him, it's just another couple of words in a series of documents with no emotional value whatsoever.
    Acquaintances often think his name is short for Clayton and refer to him as such. Clay can't be bothered to correct them. His friends and coworkers call him Blake from time to time.
    Recently turned 21.
    January 1st. Sometimes he can pretend the people that celebrate New Year are celebrating his birthday. When he was in foster homes, the date made most families miss or all together skip celebrations for him. Nowadays he doesn't do anything with his birthday.
    Demisexual. Clay has little sexual desire or interest in romance but it mainly stems from his reticence to form relationships. If he were to establish a deeper bond, something could bloom out of it.


    #sunshine fun zone employee

    #chronically depressed, like literally

    FC: Tyler Young

    1.83 cm/6 ft 0 in.
    70 kgs/154 lbs.
    None, curiously. He just never got around doing something.
    Clay is on the slim side. Apart from his arms, which his boxing hobbie has helped him develop some muscle in that area, everything else from his torso to his legs is lacking in bulk. This doesn't mean Clay's particularly small as his height makes up for it, but he doesn't appear intimidating at first sight. Basically, he went from a scrawny teenager to an average guy that grew into his bones properly.
    Dark brown, naturally wavy hair that barely reaches below his ears, styled either in messy curtain bangs or slicked-back. It's abundant but not that velvety to the touch as Clay is not too keen in hair care.
    eye colour
    Hazel eyes, a red brown with a tint of green and yellow mixed in.





Β‘coded by uxieΒ‘

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The Basics
: Noella Chase
Age: 18
D.O.B: November 1st
Gender: Female




: Dark brown, usually in twin braids

Eyes: Chestnut Brown

Height: 5' 8" | 172cm

Modifications: Lobe and Cartilage Piercings

Wardrobe: Noella loves her graphic clothing- tees, long-sleeves, sweaters, everything. She has them in all colors, most of them being pastels.

The majority of them depict cartoon characters, but some of them have movie or video game characters on them as well. Her clothes that are not graphic are also lightly colored. Jeans are a go-to, both ripped and not, though she has a variety of knee skirts.

FC: The FC is of Gina Porter, who is played by Sofia Wylie

: Sports, Specifically Baseball and Track | Gardening | Collecting (dried flowers, feathers, etc.) | Photography

Dislikes: Small talk | Silence |Fruitless Tasks | Mundanity

Virtues: Energetic | Determined | Sincere | Caring

Vices: Whimsical | Stubborn | Blunt | Overbearing

Personality Bio:

Whether she is feeling the blood pump through her ears or planting adding to her flower bed on a Saturday afternoon, Noella rarely steps foot inside her own house.

Noella's backyard looks more like a forest grotto thanks to effort she pours into it, and pour she does- regardless of if she has the means to do so. Being a college freshman, she is still coming to terms with the budgeting aspect of living alone with her less than stellar spending habits. It's just that there are so many things that she needs, like a vase for a new bouquet or more film for her Polaroid.

Of course Noella knows a line must be drawn somewhere. Thankfully, she also enjoys indulging in less expensive hobbies. A tried and true classic, running has an appeal that never gets old. Anything from a simple park stroll to a hiking trail that gets her lungs burning is on the table.

And while she is out, she might as well brush up on her photography. There are no shortage of photo opportunities, especially when you know where to look. Noella has a fair few spots where she loves to return to. She will not turn down a landscape shot, but wildlife cannot be beat. Flighty as they are, that just makes it all the more satisfying when she snaps the odd deer or rabbit.

Whatever she is doing, she will always be listening to something. She might eavesdrop on nearby idle chatter, but it will be her own music for the most part. Birdsong and woodland critter scuttle are not enough to fill the void of sound. There is something off putting, something deeply uncomfortable about silence that Noella could never label.

Which is why Noella loves team sports, Baseball in specific being her favorite. Not only does she play, but she also has quite the collection of player cards. Some of her best memories and friends have come from her grade school sports teams.

Nothing matters more to Noella than her friends, but it is not always a good thing. Her brand of advice can come off as uncouth to some. That, and her tendency to stick to her guns even if the situation calls for otherwise.


Ryan Chase | Mother
Elijah Chase | Father

History Bio

Who she is today probably was not what Noella's parents had in mind when they told her she needed to get out more. Once upon a time she had to be dragged to camping trips, park outings, and summer camps.

Noella got the worst of it from her mother, who had no shortage of not-so-fun health facts that she would love to spout off. Even Noella's dad was not immune, as even though he would try to keep up with her, she would find something she felt needed improvement.

Noella figured that if it could not be avoided, she should at least attempt to make the most of it. She knew her folks would bite without hesitation when she asked to try nature photography. It was a faint interest at best starting out, but one film camera and a few months later her bedroom wall was lined top to bottom with polaroids.

Often Noella would pick flowers and bring them home. They always died though, and much too quickly. She bought potted plants but then she would end up with so many she would not know what to do with them all. They were so beautiful though, and she would hate to waste them.

After asking her dad to help plant them so many times, a miniature meadow began to form. This clicked something in her, and once again, not much push was needed for her parents to let Noella have her own garden.

The small flowerbed in the backyard was Noella's domain. Soon enough the little patch sprawled with hydrangeas, azaleas, snapdragons, and whatever else was in season. Flowers do not grow overnight. Despite knowing this, it still agonized her. Though nothing made her swell with pride more than watching her seeds bloom.

Even with Noella's newfound appreciation for the outdoors, she still spent her summers trapped at camp because 'If you like being outside so much you should like it there!' and 'Why stop? You might stumble on something like you did with photography.' And she hated to admit it because she did not want to enable them, but it happened. Again.
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