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Dice Sun, Hero, and Citadel Lore



An Apostle of Ghan with Fiendish Intent
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Citadel has always been a rough place.

It started in the 1600s. The capital was a mess of violence and organized crime. At that point, you could rob a bank, and as long as you weren’t there when the police arrived – well, you were off scot-free. Over time, two major organizations were funded, one public and one secret.
One claimed to serve Citadel’s people, while the other did the dirty work to keep it stable. Not much of that has changed today. The citadel still stands.

The year is 2118. The world has faced one calamity after another over the last hundred and twelve years. A third world war. The emergence of mutated children. Global warming. Resources are scarce, and truth be told, nobody wants to be on this planet anymore.

The leaders of the mega-corporations have all jumped ship to Mars. Politicians, too, have abandoned their alleged duty to the people in favor of life in a place where plants will actually grow. On Earth, most foods are highly synthesized, made of soy, or suspiciously bland meat products that result when you feed low-grade fake food to livestock.

If you had money, you wouldn’t be here, but none of you are billionaires. The mega-corps hold all of the power in this new world. As the government dispersed, so did regulation, and most neighborhoods fell to disrepair. The city is divided into districts, and they take care of their own to the best of their ability. Work is scarce due to a high level of automation.

Most of the citizens of your district – Renton – spend their days in the Gypsy Sage Emporium, a bar with a fancy name for a marginally less-so clientele. It’s commonly called the Gypsy.

The scent of stale bourbon and soykaf hits you like a wall as you walk in the door. Tired hands raise to greet you, but nobody approaches, instead resuming their earlier conversation. The bartender – a young woman who might be beautiful in different circumstances – is slow on the draw. The world has went to hell.
But hey, at least you could get cybernetics, if you could afford them.

Tia Williams is not the best information broker on the market. She's not been quite the same since her brother died following his participation in a raid on a complex. A small human woman, Tia is mostly unassuming, and that gives her power. Between her contacts, her customers, and unwary folk who spill their secrets to her pretty face on the streets... well, she makes a living. Tia Williams is not the best information broker on the market - but she is a damn good one.
Lance Obrien has picked you out to be his legs. He has offered each of you a safehouse, a team to run with, and access through him to all of his contacts and employers - an offer hard to resist. Lance is middle-aged, not that much older than most of the veterans that crowd The Gypsy, but carries himself with an air that suggests he has seen more horror than most. Pursuing skilled individuals is his bread and butter.
Unlike private contractors, representatives of the corps often refer to themselves as Mr. Johnson, as a way to retain anonymity for the employer. This is similar to a street name for a runner.

Cybernetics are not cheap, although nobody can dispute their effectiveness. A specialist is willing to replace a missing limb, or rip one of yours off to replace it, for the right price. Cybernetics come in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of uses. Some increase accuracy, while others give brute strength, and still others pad your footsteps. They are incredibly useful - but an excess of cybernetics is rumoured to damage your sense of humanity.
A commlink is a form of minor cybernetic that even the most decrepit of people find necessary. It acts as your phone, a vitals reader, and (optionally) a GPS tracker. Handheld devices connect wirelessly to your commlink in order to show you texts, emails, and calls. These devices can also show you a detailed rundown of general health (that is, how close you are to dropping), any sickness you might be suffering from, and the status of your organs.
Most computer terminals can be wirelessly synced to your commlink in order to access your files. However, many high-profile workers and executives prefer to keep their data stored physically on one terminal, as a security measure. Rudimentary password systems still exist for physical media.

Renton was never a terrible neighbourhood. Rent was cheap, but word traveled fast, and nobody wanted a target on their backs. As such, it tended to be filled with aspiring performers, college students, and others that couldn't afford rent anywhere else. Public events in the district ensured that most who weren't complete hermits at least knew the rest of the area by sight. A sad sense of community and mourning has washed over Renton following the last wave of deaths.
The Pit, as it is affectionately referred to, is a hostel that was once run by a charitable organization. Now, those that can't afford rent all but pile on top of each other, forgoing beds entirely to avoid wasted space and sleeping elbow-to-elbow on the floor. Violence often breaks out here when tensions reach highs. It lays in an area of the district once referred to as Logan Park.
The Gypsy is seen as a neutral space for meetings and general debauchery. The bouncer, Cairo, keeps an eye for conflict and often puts the participants down before they can even start a commotion. Tia, the bartender, mixes drinks disinterestedly while listening intently into the earpiece of her commlink.
For years, the Citadel was a meeting place to negotiate between hostile parties, for better or for worse. Violence was forbidden on the property - in the early years of the city, by punishment of public flaying, but later on it carried a hefty $2500 fine in addition to charges brought. Now, many of the districts fight for control over this beloved monument, in the hopes that they will be able to take charge of negotiations between the districts in the coming months.

The last six months have been extremely difficult for the general population. A new wave of automation following the loss of government regulation absolutely destroyed employment opportunities, and most of Citadel's citizenship has found themselves out of work. Synthetic food is slowly growing cheaper in the aftermath, but for the moment, it remains more expensive than most people can afford.
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