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Storm Over Rivayle



The Pun Tyrant
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My Interest Check
Storm Over Rivayle
Nearstream Camp


Travel by cart might not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was certainly easier than having the whole group come by horse and without question more affordable than either that or taking the Magitrain to get here. That later point was especially relevant to your whole purpose in coming here: You needed funds. They weren't easy to come by when you were attempting to oppose the very man who made all the coin in Rivayle, but nonetheless even thieves needed money.

Their arrival was an uneventful affair. There were a few hired guns going around, mostly around the perimeter of the camp of beige tents or standing guard at one of them(notably the ones walking around the perimeter wore the buttoned blue uniform one would associate with Iceschillendrig's staff, while those inside the camp wore more mish-mashed clothes of rough leather and cloth), but even accounting for the miners and other personnel resting on crates while making small talk to pass the time, or having lunch in one of the tables, it was hard to tell if their number or the number of tents was fewer. One of the people from inside the camp signaled one of the guards on the perimeter, who nodded back to them, and the gunner from inside came to greet the new arrivals.

You explained to him that you came because of the offer the owner of this mine had sent to various towns, a desperate request for help with talks of a generous reward, or as generous as feasible given his circumstances. What those were, well, those were yet to be explained. The guarded responded he expected folks like you to arrive, and led you inside. Gazes followed you, you could feel them judging you head to toe, while others mutter among themselves or exchanged slips of paper while pointing at each of you in turn, sometimes giggling as they did. When you arrived at the largest tent in the camp, right at the center of it, your 'guide' gestured at you to stop.

"Another party is here to deal with the mine!" He shouted.

"They may come in!" A rasp voice called out from inside the tent, followed by a fit of coughing.

The two guards at the front nodded to the 'guide' and moved a bit aside. He in turned to you all.

"Alright, you can come inside. I'll come in after you."

The tent was a bit less spacious than it seemed from the outside, on account of the furniture crammed inside of it. There was a soft bed on the left, and about three tall shelves that almost reached the lanterns hanging from the supports of the tent. They were nearly surrounded by crates and leather bags stuffed with something that gave them round protuberances in places, and the ground wasn't much better, being littered with shredded or mashed parchment all the way to the desk to the right, which faced the entrance alongside a comfortable-looking chair, decorated with a number of colorful pillows.

At the center of the mess there was a man sitting on an elaborate iron chair, pudgy arms seeming to spread across the armrest. He had heavy eyebags, and his hair was in patches around the edges, a smile with teeth barely cleaner than any of the miner's and a poorly shaven beard. While his clothes were certainly of the better sort, made of fancier materials and including such things as a lace jabot and a second-hand tuxedo, it was evident they were loose on him even if he was far from thin. Across from him on his right side was a small table likewise made of iron, with its contents hidden by a single piece of white cloth. Two hired guns stood on his left and his right, hands on the holster. They looked a bit meaner than the ones outside, with their unkept hair, sturdier-looking clothing and a couple of scrs on one of them. As the man in the center saw you enter, his hand began moving towards the cloth on the table, only to be stopped and tremble back onto the armrest.

"So you're the ones this time. Buncha... misfit-looking fellas. Well, I'm long past the point of caring about backgrounds. I don' care if you are men of the angels or you came right from Nahtnaught's darn rear end. All that matters is you get the results. You clean up that mine for me, you walk out with bags of gold. You don't, then you better get walking out of here, cause it can be a little hard to walk six feet under. It's up to you. But let me make one. Thing. Clear." As he stated that, he pushed the armchair, lifting himself out of it, revealing himself to be surprisingly tall, though your party had no shortage of people who could tower over others. "This place here is my property, as is the place I'm asking you to clear out. I catch you with a pebble's worth of my gold that I didn't give you myself and the deal's off, you hear?"

He sat back down, practically throwing himself into the chair.

"Now, then, before you make your decision, I suppose I oughta give you a few more details. Well, if you read the poster you already know most of the story anyway. My name is Don Nearstream I own that goldmine over yonder, and we'd barely been a few months working on it when those darn wretches showed up. We didn't realize what was happening at first. Everybody thought there was a darn ghost making the miner's disappear. Then someone managed to escape an encounter with one of them and we got the proper news. We tried dealing with them ourselves, but frankly I ain't got the manpower to be sending on suicide missions. Now I don't know if you folks are some kinda experts on the 'paranormal' types or just crazy enough to throw yourselves at a problem until you dealt with it or it dealt with you, but as I told you, that's none of my business. I ain't gonna sugarcoat it: You are not the first to go in to do this job, but you may yet be the first to come out, if you don't count those who gave up less than an hour in. As for your payment..." He reached towards one of the bags on the floor behind him, which clinked as he shook it. "A whole fifty gold coins for each of you. Double that if you can find the cause of whatever brought those wretches here and deal with it. And before anyone asks, there won't be any advance payments. You either make it out alive and clear that place of those wretches or you aren't getting paid."

He adjusted himself on the chair.

"So, what will it be?"

Sherwood Sherwood blitzfritz blitzfritz kakemha kakemha Wandering Owl Wandering Owl D. Rex D. Rex
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The cart ride into the mining camp is not so bad for the golem, but he is not some soft bottomed organic to have to worry about splinters in his rear end. Cayde-6 sits quietly, observing his surroundings as they travel along, looking for signs of trouble as they go. No sense in getting into an ambush when a bit of situational awareness will keep them all in one piece.

He wonders just what it is that could have the whole of this mine shut down, especially with all of the money that this operation must be bringing in. Whatever it is, we will bring order to the chaos and make this mine operational once more.

Cayde listens to the speech politely, anxiously gathering information about the situation in this mine that has called them here. In a calm, measured voice, he asks, "Don Millstream, my designation is Cayde-6, and I have a few questions for you if you would be so kind as to answer it. You only mentioned these things we are looking for as 'wretches'. Can you be more specific as to exactly what we are dealing with? Is it Drow, or something else? Also, you have mentioned other groups that have gone inside. How many are we talking about, and what is their make-up, so we don't suspect them as the source of the problems we are here to clean up?"
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The road was bumpy sure, but Asuga didn't mind, she'd ridden in carts plenty of times, although she did prefer a horse, but now wasn't the time to be picky. It was a bit of a tight squeeze in there, but luckily for them, they would arrive at their destination soon. As she stepped off the cart, she surveyed the area, and maybe sizing up the people who were there. She would never be rash as to attack without cause or command. Their guide led them throughout the camp, looking around she noticed some guards wearing an all too familiar blue uniform, she'd seen a lot of men in her day wearing those outfits. Even though she didn't know them personally, she knew they never really were good people. She wondered how much the reward would be. The group was pretty strapped for cash as far as she was aware, and a little more money would never hurt. She wore leather armor over her regular clothes, with a jacket attached with a hood, and a few weapons stashed where they weren't visible but she could easily grab in case of an emergency. They were finally at the tent of the man they would be working for, at least only for this quest. Hearing the raspy voice and fits of coughing on the other end, she couldn't help but think that the man was sick or a smoker. Either way it didn't matter, the group was about to hear the details of this quest and needed to give it their full attention.

Entering the tent, she couldn't help but notice the lack of sufficient space. Crates took up most of the the area, making it a tight space with not much room to move around in. Trying to create more room for the group to stand in, Asuga tried not to make her stance all too wide. she crossed her arms and legs and wore a slightly intimidating or cold expression on her face. Her hood was still up on her head, but not pulled down enough to cover her entire face. The hem of the hood sat comfortably on the top of her head, just a few inches from her hairline. A few strands of her white hair framed her face and her pink irises were fully visible. She was ready to hear out whatever this man had to say. As she listened to him, she nodded along, showing she was in fact listening. After all that explaining, Asuga was ready to take on the mission, the reward for it wasn't half bad either. Honestly, at the mention of ghosts and paranormal activity made her laugh but be a bit more relaxed. In a sense, she herself was kind of paranormal. But before the group could all agree, she heard Cayde-6 ask some questions that would give them crucial information that could help with their mission. Looking at the rest of the group, she was trying to gauge their reactions. Don Nearstream had called this quest a suicide mission, but to Asuga, it kind of made her more excited to get on with it. But she wouldn't put it past the others in the group to be a bit hesitant. She had gone on a few suicide missions in her day, so she knew how to deal with the pressure and fear that came with them.

  • What a pain in the ass.

    Kyriakos Archange, resident scaly acquaintance. They were leaning back on the sides of the cart, hands resting on their lap while their tail had curled around the left side of their placement, down across their legs, and rested itself on the ground. The usual armor could be seen on them-scale mail interwoven between common clothes to be more presentable-while a warhammer was latched at their hip. Their eyes were closed for the moment, but the dragonewt wasn’t sleeping; “just resting my eyes”, to quote from Kyriakos themselves.

    But their whole point to coming here was because Nahtnaught always had a bone to pick with Iceschillendrig. Kyr didn’t mind the pointless squabble, as long as they did what they were told and were not in danger for it.

    The arrival to the Nearstream Camp was uneventful, and Kyriakos opened their eyes while their tail flicked and unwrapped itself from their legs as the caravan approached the perimeter. Icey’s staff were the immediately noticeable ones, followed by the other personnel on the inside of the perimeter. Typical. But they wouldn’t argue about it now-not when there was a job to do.

    The mission was simple: take Icey down a peg so that Naht would have more reach in her leverage. But being sent with only enough gold to provide for three measly days was a no-go, so the dragonewt decided to snag the opportunity to earn more coin; hell, the Prosperity Titan had his hands in everything, so any job could’ve offered information along the way. While searching, Kyriakos came across one Jack Holloway-the human seemed to also be looking for a way to knock the Prosperity Titan down the latter, albeit for a different reason. Regardless, the two decided to start traveling together as acquaintances for the time being.

    Sure, Jack occasionally tried to see how far he could push Kyr’s buttons and the two could hold themselves in a fight, but traveling with someone was quite nice as you weren't so lonely when you had someone to talk to. Not that they would admit it willingly.

    Eventually, more travelers were encountered-Cayde-6, Asuga, and Walker-and each one became united with each other under the one common purpose of beating Icey senseless. Of course, that’s an exaggeration, but this newfound group all had their sights on the Prosperity Titan in one way or another; that alone somewhat put a slight smile on Kyriakos’ face, but it would be when no one else was around. Now, the five of them were on a cart to the same place for funds-they needed funds, everyone needed funds.

    Though the guide was a bit quick-talking, Kyr still followed near the tail-end of the group. The dragonewt occasionally saw the glances, and one particular few off to the side who had pointed to Kyriakos and exchanged a slip of paper were in turn met with a harsh whip-flick of their tail before the dragonewt minded their own business afterwards. The emotions that Kyriakos often displayed were usually shown through their tail: whip-flicks for displeasure, slowly waging for interest, and pointing it at something to bring attention to said something are just a few of the nuanced signs. At least, they often displayed when Kyr wasn’t trying to focus.

    Finally arriving at the largest tent right smack dab in the middle of camp, and the guide called inside to which it was answered with a hoarse voice and a coughing fit. “Whoever this man is, is he even healthy enough to be in charge?”, Kyr would’ve asked themselves, had they not gotten a look inside once the dragonewt stepped into the threshold. Pudgy, with two vicious-looking guards at his side-most likely enforcing with fear, or aligning himself with the miner’s ideals to be rather rowdy sonsofbitches when pushed. Kyriakos kept on the right side of the room, near the tent’s edge, crossing their arms over his chest so as to not get blamed for touching anything, and listened.

    His mine, his rules. Get in, deal with the problem, and get out. Even if Don believed this to be a suicide mission, Kyriakos had been through the wringer of tracking sinners higher on the threat scale. Persistence was key. Though they perked a little up when the coins had clinked, the dragonewt let Cayde-6 do the talking; talking wasn’t Kyr’s forte.

    During this, Kyriakos gave a glance to the others. Cayde was a patchy golem with a religious streak, Asuga held precious to a glass dagger and was not an outsider to killing, Walker was a lone ranger wandering the desert, and Jack is a gambeling coward who’s arrogance would most likely make them a dead man walking. That’s how Kyriakos saw them as, and wouldn’t change it until something made the impressions snap like a knife through twine.

    The dragonewt’s tail absentmindedly swished back and forth.
Walker approached, letting each of his bootfalls hit the ground with a purposeful thud. No, he wasn't trying to make noise. Instead choosing to forgo his habitual silent stride in favor of something more suitable for this human encampment. For whatever reasons human tended to associate quiet movment with one who is up to no good. Not something he fully understood, as to him, it was ideal that a predator should always strive to move quietly unless one intended to make a an a display for one reason or the other. If nothing else, it was a good habit. Even so... even with the conscious choice of doing it, his steps still did not rattle his gear or jostle his clothing noisily. Just soft but audible footsteps as he followed behind his party. Walking feeling quite nice after the agonizingly long cart ride.

His party... they were certainly a unique bunch. Nearstream was certainly correct in calling them a bunch of misfits. Walker would agree. They certainly made for an eclectic pack. However he had yet to decide if that was for the best. He had not quite gotten a good read on them... not save for the most important part. That they too wished to bring down this troublesome Titan. That was good enough for him. Whatever their reasons, the end result would be the same. If they succeeded. A big if. One entirely dependent on how much they prepared beforehand... part of the reason why this job was so important. It was going to be quite the expensive task.

Walker was a quiet man. He did not talk much, though he did not refrain from it either. He would speak his mind and answer questions, readily enough. But no one would ever label him as being ling winded. He was a tall man, too. Clean shaven with shaggy white hair underneath a well seasoned old leather hat with a wide brim. His clothing well suited for traveling, a long leather coat to keep off the sun and dust, over leathered armor. As well a pair of dark breeches tucked into tough boots. On his back was a rifle that was as nearly tall as he was. An old but sturdy model, reliable too, as Walker preferred it. It hung from a strap around his shoulder casually hanging from his back, though he would be able to ready it with surprising quickness. Not that he had any intention to use it anytime soon.

The man's lecture was not an unexpected one. Most of the barons here seemed to be of that sort. It seemed to be the type that the job warranted. Still, Walker watched the flabby man, and his guards. It was an odd sight. Humans did certainly value different things in leaders than his kind did. He couldn't say if he entirely approved of that yet... but gold was indeed gold. And they needed gold.

The one called Cayde had brought up a few interesting questions. Ones that Walker wouldn't mind knowing. It was always wisest to know your prey before you began the hunt. Never a good idea to reach in a hole if you didn't know if it housed a viper or a lizard. And these wretches... rumors did not paint a pretty picture of them. A new sort of prey was an interesting prospect, however.

Walker decided to ask a question of his own. "How many wretches?" He asked in a quiet yet deliberate voice. A rather important question. And would well cement the value of price of this expedition. As much as they needed gold... they could squeeze some extra out of them if the job was bigger than initially let on. It was a good deal if they were clearing out a handful... but the price was a pittance if they were expected to clear out hundreds.
Jack stretched their legs out in the bottom of the cart, leaning back in their seat. Personal space was precious when packed in this tight, and they intended to make the most of it. Not the easiest thing to do when they were a good bit shorter and slighter than the other members of the group. The pale-haired girl seemed to be the only exception.

As if traveling with Kyriakos wasn’t bad enough.

Jack winced slightly, remembering how people tended to underestimate what they could do when paired with Kyr, or talked to the bulky dragonewt over their head. They didn’t resent the partnership itself, but that kind of behavior never failed to be frustrating. It was hard to tell whether this group was going to be better or worse; though, glancing around at the solid-looking golem and the tall man with the rifle, they doubted the odds were in his favor.

They’d caught sight of Iceschillendrig’s signature blue before the cart had even got close enough to make out the faces of those wearing it. Figured, really. It seemed like anyone who had money was one of the titans' lackeys. Maybe Jack should have felt a sense of kinship with those also bound to their patron’s service, but it was hard to muster anything but a deep-rooted contempt.

Still, as they made their way through the camp, they kept their head up, pointedly meeting the gazes of any who stared. They made no effort to pretend the whispers and the note-passing and the laughter went unnoticed. The only pleasantry spared was the fact that they carried on walking, keeping pace with their companions. If they’d been alone, or they didn’t have anything better to do, they might have confronted some of these observers. Made a flippant comment about saying things to someone’s face, perhaps, or leaned over one of the note-holders and faux-innocently asked what they were reading.

But today, they had a party, and a purpose, so they carried on.

Jack raised their eyebrows at the fit of coughing, storing the information of the man’s health away in their mind. A gambler’s habit for devising strategies, only half-conscious, but one that had served them well in all sorts of situations. As they ducked into the tent, and their eyes darted around the room, and its occupants, that mental list grew.

He’s rich. Or was, at least. Before things got bad. Not surprising, considering how much of a cut that titan takes. Cares about seeming like the powerful guy in charge, but he’s stressed. Tired. Scared, more than he wants to let on.

They weren’t paying too much attention to his words - it was mostly things they knew already - but they noticed when he stood up, fighting the instinct to take a step back. A hint of a smile flickered across their face. They hadn’t really thought about taking anything other than their payment from this job, but now it seemed like a challenge. Doesn’t count unless you get caught, right?

Don relayed the rest of the information, and they nodded as he talked. Not too much that caught their interest, until he mentioned the pay. Fifty coins - possibly even a hundred - was good money. That was more than double everything they had in their pockets right now. They had, in fact, been about to inquire about advance payments, but Don answered their question before it was even asked. A little disappointing, but a sensible answer. They probably would have just taken the money and run, after all. He was right to be scared of that.

After the explanation had finished, jack looked around at his companions, seeing their reactions. They were, of course, willing to attempt the mission. There were a lot of risks they’d take for that type of money. There didn’t seem to be any strong dissent in the group, but a couple of questions bubbled up, and Jack was happy enough to let them be answered before they added any more to the conversation. The specifics of what they were up against didn’t trouble them too much. They had yet to run into anything that couldn’t be learned about first-hand.
Storm Over Rivayle
Nearstream Camp 2

"Wretches are wretches! How the hell would I know what else they are? From what the survivors said, they looked like some kinda...some kinda sandstorm. Or living darkness. Mist that clawed at people. Shadows on the walls trying to whisk you into their realm. Whatever hell spawned them did a mighty fine job, cause it scared all them survivors shitless. Though they did come in all cut up, wounds all over them, so the clawing part seems about right. There was also something about feeling tired when they touch you, I think. Everybody was always in a panic, they barely made any sense. But that's what I know, if it helps you folks. As for their numbers, there's probably no more than ten of them. Nobody who's ever returned met more than four, but of course those are already the ones who came back with a limb or two missing. And since we don't even know where they came from or why... Well, I think even your types get the picture. Well, just make sure to look through the whole place. We have a way to check if you cleared the place or not, not that I'm gonna tell you what it is. But you either walk away with gold for a good job, or with led for a nasty coffin. Assuming you don't take the sensible way out and go home empty-handed that is."

A rumbling sound filled the tent, and Nearstream grabbed his belly. His eyes shifted from one guard to the other, and then to the small piece of white cloth in front of him. He reached out to it again, folding it upwards, revealing a small silver plate with some half-eaten bread and cheese. He picked up a tiny round knife, and carefully cut up a teeny tiny slice of cheese, which he proceeded to move to his other hand and then to nibble on while he put back the cloth. After that was done, he properly ate what remained of the tiny slice of cheese, cleaned his mouth with washable napkin and faced the group again.

"I apologize for the interruption there. You asked about the other groups that tried their luck against the wretches, so right? Well, before you folks there were three. That's about as much as I remember. Not the type who gets any sweet night's rest while trying to remember every darn dead face I'd known since Rivayle was a pebble. I know they ain't got anything to do with this though. Wretches were here before we called anyone here. Unless you're trying to blame the miners but... If you're thinking of doing that you better come back with some darn good evidence. I said I don't recall the faces of the dead but... the husbands and wives those miners left behind? Their faces I remember. Before AND after they took all that money."

"Now then. I think that will quite do for questions. I still have some other financial matters I need to attend to in order to salvage this whole situation, so I'll have mr. Daves escort you to the location of the mine. You can make your final decision there."

Don gestured towards the group, or rather to the man who brought them to the tent, mr.Daves, who in turn waved at them from behind them with a serious expression.

"Follow me then." He requested.


The mine entrance was a large grotto, sealed behind two iron doors. There were four guards standing outside of it, when they saw you and Daves, they looked at each other, before proceeding to pull the doors. Inside was a tunnel with a few lit torches on each side of the wall, appropriately distanced from the wooden supports for the mine. The light, however, also revealed the tunnel was quick to turn, only being able to glimpse a bit of what laid beyond this initial wide tunnel.

"The light goes as far as we can safely reach." Daves explained. "Unfortunately, every other torch is probably a goner by now. That means little to no light wherever those things are hiding. Just a friendly warning. Would hate to see another group running out crying and screaming. And the sooner you folks are done, the sooner everyone else here can return to their actual work and actual pay.... I wish you all luck, because luck is all we can give... if you are taking up the task."

Sherwood Sherwood blitzfritz blitzfritz kakemha kakemha Wandering Owl Wandering Owl D. Rex D. Rex
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Cayde thinks hard, searching his memories for what these 'wretches' might be based off of the description that Don has given them. At first, he draws a blank. Then as he continues to ponder the various religious texts that it's read, and some old stories come to mind. This is something that the others will need to hear about. But wait for the right moment.

When the guide takes them out of the tent, Cayde says, "We may need more light if we are to survive in the darkness. Torches or lamps. We should get some before we go into the mine." To the guide, he asks, "Is there a location where we can acquire more? I have coin with which to purchase them."

Depending on the response Cayde gets from the guide, he would ask to be given directions to where he can get either a few torches or a lamp and oil. He's sure that there

Then, before they go into the mine tunnel, he quietly says to the others, "I may have come across descriptions of creatures like these in the ancient texts that I had the opportunity to read through in my days at the monastery. They are an old phenomenon, and no one seems to be quite certain as to what they are. But what the texts are consistent on is that in the religious texts is that they seem to be enemies of the Titans or the Goddess herself. Most notably, they are known to lurk around certain places where murders occurred, or graveyards. One thing that the various texts do agree on is that it is documented that they can drain the very life out of you with a simple touch, to weaken the most stalwart of heroes."

Cayde ponders the information he is sharing, then says, "The stories are all over the place with just what they are, wondering if they are spirits, elementals, physical, or possibly even illusions. But they are real, and they will harm us unless we use extreme caution. I am thinking that since these things are creatures of darkness, the blessings of Victor that I possess within my matrix might be very effective against such things. In any case, light is going to be a potent weapon, and so we will need more of it to get through this."

It then turns to look at the yawning opening of the mine entrance and asks, "Anyone by chance have light creation spells in their repertoire?"
Jack only half-listened as the man carried on talking about the wretches, idly rolling a coin back and forth across his knuckles. Rumors, all of it, nothing more than rumors. Fear and panic could make any story unreliable. They’d see these with their own eyes soon enough, and make their mind up then. No point in getting worked up over stories.
They looked up as he mentioned having a way to tell if the place was cleared out, though, the coin stilling momentarily. It couldn’t be a simple monitoring system, surely, or else he’d know more about these wretches. But the fact he didn’t want the group to know about it made them wonder, was he trying to prevent them tampering with it, or hiding something greater? It was clear they weren’t going to get any more information on it, though, so Jack didn’t interject. They just made sure to keep that in mind from now on, to not assume any type of privacy within the mines.

Eventually the lecture drew to a close. Jack brightened a little as Daves approached, looking forward to finally getting into action, and followed with the rest of the group. The guards opened the doors for them and Jack, unused to this kind of treatment, sketched a mock bow to the closest one. They weren’t used to this kind of treatment. Why not make the most of it while they could?

“...the sooner you folks are done, the sooner everyone else here can return to their actual work and actual pay…” A snort, badly masked. “Jeez, some priorities,” Jack muttered under their breath. It was hard to tell whether there was no reaction because Daves didn’t hear them, or because he just didn’t care to dignify it with a response.

Jack listened to Cayde with closer attention than they had Don. They respected the golem more, and it tended to talk more succinctly, which was a welcome relief. Their response is still flippant, though. “So don’t let ‘em touch you. Not a problem. I can fight from a distance.” Jack paused, tossing the coin up in the air as they considered. “Murders, huh? Think it’s just because mining’s a risky business, or is there somethin’ the old man’s not telling us?”
...Well, they were almost certain there was something Don wasn’t telling them, but whether it was so dark a secret remained to be seen.

At the comment about light spells, they gave a shrug that vaguely attempted to look apologetic. “Nope. Never needed ‘em. I've always been good in the dark. This is all I can do for ya.” Muttering a word under their breath, Jack flipped the coin high up into the air. As it reached its peak, sparks flew off it, providing only a brief light, before they caught it and flicked it back out of sight.

“I'm sure Kyr's more than happy to provide some light though, aren’t ya buddy?” Jack nudged the dragonewt with a grin. They knew full well Kyr wasn’t eager to help out, they’d seen that much traveling with them. But this could be the key to defeating the wretches, if Cayde was right, and they’d be damned if they were going to let some pointless stubbornness cheat them out of a good payment.
Asuga didn't bother listening to the man unless it was regarding important details of the quest. She thought about the things they would be fighting, wretches. Nothing came to mind for her, she hadn't even heard of them before. To her they didn't sound all that scary but she knew better than to assume things this early on, for all she knew they could be the deadliest creature out here. Maybe she'd recognise it once she saw it but, as Nearstream said wretches are wretches, she assumed if you have never seen them before then you wouldn't know of them. She focused in on the details that the man used to describe the wretches, they were all completely different things, no way a sandstorm looked like a shadow or mist. She wondered if that meant the monster would look different to all of them, but there was one thing that Asuga was certain of, this wasn't gonna be a physical monster, it had to be some sort of magic. And they were about to find out, she just hoped they didn't end up like the other adventurers who were either dead, or probably mentally scarred.

As Nearstream ended his warnings and discussion and his entire speech came to a close, the group was free to head down to the mines, with the guidance of Mr. Daves, the man who brought them here in the first place. Walking through the camp again, she took this time to double check her pack and supplies to make sure she was fully prepared for whatever the hell was in those mines. As she checked, she felt relieved that everything was there and in its place. All the supplies she packed was still there and all her weapons were there and of easy access to her so it would be easy to grab and use in combat. Asuga alway hated when she forgot something or something that was out of place. It has sort of become a habit or ritual to double check, or even sometimes triple check, the things she brought with her,. But she could rest easy, at least for now since she remembered to bring everything she needed. She removed her hood, revealing her short white hair that was flowing with the breeze that was present in the air. She kept walking with the group until they reached the mines.

The doors took her aback, though she didn't show that in the slightest. She didn't expect for the door to the mines to be so heavily guarded and made out of iron, but she didn't question it. As Dave took them towards the mine entrance, he stopped suddenly, saying that this was as far the light would reach, now she wondered how the hell miners mined beyond this point, but that's beside the point. 'Rude' Asuga thought as Daves said this, "And the sooner you folks are done, the sooner everyone else here can return to their actual work and actual pay" but she paid it no more mind than that. Hearing Cayde's question, Asuga shock her head, "No light creations spells here, I do have a torch." She answered Cayde's question. She hoped someone did have a light creation spell how ever, it would be much better than a torch and they would need light to see whatever they were fighting in the first place.
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  • Well…the sensible way out wasn’t an option, with what little Kyr had. So, that would be a hard “no.”. Regardless, the dragonkin figured that everyone else was determined to get their payment as well, so when Mr. Daves let the five of them out of the tent and to the mine entrance, nobody objected. 50, up to 100 gold? Why would anybody object to some extra coin?

    It was rather dark further inside, and Kyriakos’ tail flicked back and forth. They did have a spell that could work to fix the darkness, but they would rather keep their cards close to their chest. Stubbornness and being rather snippy helped with that. Kyr’s ears perked up at the information that Cayde-6 was giving the rest of the group, however. “Enemies of the titans, huh…” Though Kyr wanted to sneer at the automaton’s fanatic talk of the Titan of Order, they kept their silent composure.

    Despite their clerical duties and status, Kyr was by no means a staunch and fanatic supporter. The titans were powerful, yes, but were they immortal? Maybe. They were demigods. Regardless, Kyr would often roll their eyes at religious fanatics of faith, especially if said fanatics came from Vincent or Iceschillendrig. Do as you were told.

    At Cayde-6’s questioning of if anyone has light spells, Kyr would’ve remained idle had Jack not jumped in and vouched for the dragonnewt like the little brat he was. Kyr’s tail lashed as they gave the human a glare of utmost disgust before snapping and softening their gaze to Cayde. With a clawed hand, Kyr hooked the twine and thread of a dog tag-esque holy symbol that was around their neck and held it as far as they could pull it without the string going taunt; Kyr put their thumb and forefinger around the tag, and it started to glow-glowing bright enough to most likely provide sufficient light for twenty feet. “It’ll stay bright until I dismiss the light.

    Setting the tag back onto themselves, Kyr gave a glance to the rest of the group. The dragonnewt moved their other hand down to where the handle of their warhammer was located, and rested it there. “I prefer close-quarter fighting, but can hold my own at range.” Kyriakos would most likely be the designated one at the front, with the facts put together: excels at close-quarters, and has a light spell-Kyr gave a low grumble at the thought.
Cayde nods, then says, "I have a few torches, but I can also generate light." He places a hand over his holy symbol that he wears around his neck and murmurs a quick prayer of thanks to Victor, and the pendant begins to glow brightly enough to light up the area around him. "There. This should be sufficient light to be able to spot these wretches, but if we need more, there are always our torches."

He reaches over his back and pulls out his shield and sets it firmly into place on his left arm, leaving his right hand free to draw his sword or pistol. "I would suggest that I take point. Thanks to the sturdiness of my construction, I should be more resistant to damage from these wretches, whatever they are." He then pauses to look into the opening of the mine, silently wondering what they are about to walk into. "Would any of you object to me speaking a quick prayer to Victor, asking for His blessing on our venture as we try to bring order to this mine once more? If these shadow-things are truly the result of murder, having the blessings of the Titans on our side might be able to bring their tortured souls some peace, one way or the other."

Justice will be had.
Initiative: +1
Walking Speed: 30 feet
Passive Perception: 11

Level: 3
Class: Paladin
Hit Points: 31
Hit Dice: 3d10
Armor Class: 19

Spell Slots
Level 1: 3
Spell Save DC: 13
Spell Attack Bonus: +5
Sacred Flame Damage: 1d8

Lay on Hands Pool: 15pts

Armor and Weapons
Chain Mail +6 to AC
Shield +2 to AC

Longsword - +2 to hit, 1d8+2 Slashing, Martial, Versatile

Revolver - +3 to hit, 1d10 Piercing, 40/120ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 2
--30 ammo
Carbine - +3 to hit, 2d8 Piercing, 80/240ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 3
--20 ammo
Storm Over Rivayle
Into the Mine

"Well, many of us here are mining folk after all, so they'd have our due equipment. Heck, depending on your poor fortune your employer may even expect you to bring your own equipment from home. But it ain't gonna come cheap. So you folks better go in first. If you don't run back out screamin' and kickin' then I can get some of the men here to talk business." Daves's looked to both sides, biting his lower lip as he thought about something. Then, at last he closed his fist and shook his head. "I, I gotta a favor to ask you. I got this friend, see, who's got a real knack for that engineering stuff. Few days ago a shaft the miners built broke down, so they sent him in with some escorts. None of 'em came back out. Now, you may think I am a fool for hoping for this kinda miracle, but messing with mechanic whammer-zammers ain't the only thing he's got a knack for, he's real good at running and hiding. When we were kids his parents stopped scolding him cause he'd vanish for days. Point is, if you can find him -dead or alive- I'll put be sure to put in a good word for you with the folks around here. Plus you may wanna go down that shaft yourselves to make sure you clear out whatever may be crawling down there too, but you'd need someone to fix the thing first to do that."

Seeing the impatience on the guards there, Daves hurried and gave you a push nodding before leaving to go report back to Nearstream. You all then made your way inside. Cayde-6 and Kyriakos, both of their amulet shining a radiant light, were the first to venture, followed by Asuga and Jack, and finally by Walker behind them. There wasn't really room for more, only 10 feet wide an opening, and even that narrowed while they passed the gap on right end of the wall, but then returned to the previous size. The rotten scent of dried blood was already invading their nostrils.

Walker's found his thoughts beginning to wander as he readied his rifle for the eventualities. This place was not like the deserts that he'd become so accustomed to, with their wide swaths of sandy expanse under a blazing bright sun. The greyed, constricting, narrow walls seemed right about ready to swallow the lot of them, and though could tell he was stepping on rock and wood even on his boots, but it was still not the kind of sensation that would ever feel as natural as running about on his own paws, chasing prey with the rest of his clan. Such a place was the stage for his first big mission in this group... His mind couldn't help itself from dredging up an old memory, the one that had changed the course of his fate forever. One hand held the barrel, one finger on the other inched closer to the trigger: For better or worse, this bunch of ragtags aiming to tear down a mountain with toy shovels, were his team now. Walker would not allow himself to fail.

As they reached that narrower part of the path, he turned around and aimed his gun into the darkness. A whole lot of people were killed here, from the conversation so far, and there were probably more wretches than the reported four. Wouldn't be strange for something to jump out at them from behind, so he kept watch. That's when it occurred to him that behind them was dark as well.

"They closed us off in here. Are they that scared of whatever is in there?" He inquired.

Well, a challenge wasn't bad once in a while, especially when he had to get used to dealing with bigger fish before he caught the whole sea serpent. And then there was the gold.

Your party reached the next turning point, with only the noise of loose rock under their footsteps, until Cayde felt something hard with a soft, hairy surface under him. A look downwards revealed a face mauled across, with dark shades of rot around the wounds despite the relatively fresh look of the body, and the pool of recently dried blood around it. Near the broken, open palm of the dead woman was the unlit stick of a torch, simply laying on the ground with its flame put out by the fall. Perhaps the sight distracted you, as when you looked to your path there was a figure standing in the middle of it, not far in front of you (around 15 feet away from your front row).

An immediate feeling permeated through all of your bodies, at first like a wave that engulfed you and then seeming to creep out from your very core. It shook you, it was twisted, a feeling that what you were looking at was plain and simple wrong. It had a vaguely humanoid shape, though it was hard to see with any clarity. The dark and ashen-colored mist that continually erupted from and completely surrounded that somewhat humanoid-looking shape like a blaze previously seemed to blend into the darkness of the mine, until the light of Cayde and Kyriako's spells illuminated the area where it was stepping into (if floating while barely moving its legs could be called "taking a step"). A wind appeared blow and swirl around the creature, kicking up dust that made trails around the mist.

Sure, you knew what that creature was, but you didn't know what it was. But you had to fight simply to keep looking at it, as your very being rejected the twisted, unnatural sight.

It continued it's advance, and soon enough a second one emerged from the darkness as well, moans muffled by the wind that whisked around them.


Ac: 11
Each non-undead creature within 60 feet of the Wretch must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute when they first see it. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to this wretch's Disturbing Presence for the next 24 hours, and has advantage on saving throws against other Disturbing Presence features.

Everyone, please make two wisdom saving throws, as you just saw two wretches. If you succeed the first saving throw you have advantage on the second. If you fail either saving throw, you are Frightened (disadvantage on attacks and can't move towards the wretches). As this is a magical effect, Jack and Kyriakos roll with advantage for both of these saving throws either way.

After making your saving throws, please roll initiative with the following format:
**(Character Name) Initiative**
[roll command]

Combat Tracker
CharacterRemaining HPACSpell SlotsAmmoConditions]
Asuga2114N/A20 ArrowsFrightened (wretch 2)
Cayde31191st Level: 30Frightened (wretch 1)
Kyriakos21171st Level: 4 | 2nd Level: 220 Bullets | 10 Catalyst BulletsFrightened (both)
Jack15122nd Level: 230 Bullets-
Walker31141st Level: 320 Bullets | 20 Catalyst BulletsFrightened (wretch 2)
Wretch 2????11N/AN/A-
Wretch 1????11N/AN/A-

Sherwood Sherwood blitzfritz blitzfritz kakemha kakemha Wandering Owl Wandering Owl D. Rex D. Rex
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With Kyr and Cayde lighting up their way in the mines, the group ventured in to find those wretches, with Daves rushing them in a bit, but Asuga didn't mind. Letting the two sources of light go first, she quickly got behind them and was behind Kyr. Her guard was up, they could attack from behind for all they know so she was determined to keep the backs of Kyr and Cayde safe from attacks if she could help it. She grabbed her shortbow from off her back and loaded an arrow into it. She didn't pull back or anything, but she kept the arrow in the shortbow, ready to aim it right at the thing they were gonna fight and take a shot. Going through the route if the mines, the group reached another turning point. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, it felt weird, but of course that wouldn't last for long. Looking at her surroundings, she saw Cayde stepped on something. With the light source, it was visible to her to an extent. He stepped on a body, a fresh one at that, that didn't disturb her, she's seen may before. What alarmed her is that they were getting to the den of the monster and the fight was about to go down.

Averting her eyes back up, she saw something that sent chills down her body, it terrified her. She wanted to look away but she mustered up everything she had in her to keep her eyes on it. To make it even worse a second one appeared before them, they were about fifteen feet away from the front line of their formation. The wretches were black and shadowy to Asuga. And the sand around them was picked up by the wind and it made it look like a sandstorm. I guess they found out the reason the other people here described them as a shadow figure and a sandstorm. Her body went into a fight or flight response. As much as she wanted to just run out of that cave, she was never one for fleeing from a hostile opponent unless necessary. She slowly brought up her loaded bow and aimed it at the wretch closest to them, leaning to the side a bit as to not hit Kyr with an arrow. An arrow flings out of Asuga's bow, just narrowly passing through the shoulder blade of the wretch. The dark mists appear disturbed, but quickly reform back into their original shape.

She knew the creature was magical so she wasn't as surprised as when it reformed to its original shape. With the bow shot, she knew the wretch was harmed, although it appeared that her bow shot did nothing. "That wretch, the one closest to us. I'd say it can take a few more hits before it goes down." She said to the group, telling them about how much damage the first wretch could take before going down. She just hoped they didn't end up like the body Cayde stepped on earlier.
Fear. It is a rare feeling for Cayde-6 to feel, having been built to be a soldier before he moved onto his existence as a holy warrior for the Titan Vincent, and then it is even more rare for him to feel any signs of terror in his mechanical heart. His first instinct is to draw his blade and move forward, using the blessings of Victor to bolster his attacks against the Wretch. But with the terror in his heart, he is going to have to steel (ha! Steel? See what I did there?) himself against the fear effect of the monsters before he can move into melee range.

In the meantime, he still has to do something. So, after seeing the minimal damage caused by the arrow in the body of the first creature, he decides to call upon the blessings of the Titan to bring holy fire down from above to burn the wretch away. With a murmured prayer, he calls out, "Vincent, come to aid of your champion and grant me your strength! Ignite these twisted creatures in the holy fire of your truth! Sacred Flame!" With that, he stretches his hand out and points at the closest wretch to direct the burning flame, hoping to do some serious harm to the shadow creature.

Once the prayer is spoken and the spell is cast, the golem digs deep to embrace the courage of his convictions to be able to continue to engage the enemy and keep his fear at bay.
Initiative: +1
Walking Speed: 30 feet
Passive Perception: 11

Level: 3
Class: Paladin
Hit Points: 31
Hit Dice: 3d10
Armor Class: 19

Spell Slots
Level 1: 3
Spell Save DC: 13
Spell Attack Bonus: +5
Sacred Flame Damage: 1d8

Lay on Hands Pool: 15pts

Armor and Weapons
Chain Mail +6 to AC
Shield +2 to AC

Longsword - +2 to hit, 1d8+2 Slashing, Martial, Versatile

Revolver - +3 to hit, 1d10 Piercing, 40/120ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 2
--30 ammo
Carbine - +3 to hit, 2d8 Piercing, 80/240ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 3
--20 ammo
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Though Daves’ offer was kind enough, the result of it would depend on if they found anyone alive down in the mines. Or if they found the corpse of his friend not half-eaten. Regardless, with Kyr side by side with Cayde, the ragtag group ventured down into the mines, the dragonnewt’s nose scrunching up when the thick scent of blood first hit. Blood was an accommodated smell in Kyr’s profession, they were used to it, but the first scent of it always made them scrunch their nose up.

Continuing the trek down the mine, Kyr’s tail flicked as they observed the walls and dim light beyond what their Light spells could offer. It wasn’t long before the two at the front encountered something, though; a woman, mauled. Such a sight did out the dragonnewt on edge, but when they looked up to the path…


Humanoid shape. Dusty wind. It was wrong. Kyriakos’ tail stiffened and stood straight, and that meant one thing that Kyr never wanted to show: fear. Fear, fear, fear.

If Jack caught on, then he’d tease and take the piss out of them regularly. Kyr quickly shook his head, but upon seeing the second vaguely dusty, humanoid shape, a semblance of keeping appearances cracked inside their soul. Their mind blurred for thought. The dragonnewt wanted to reject the sight, but their eyes wouldn’t let them look away.

So, with a hiss, Kyriakos did the only logical thing inside their frightened mind that they wanted to do. They were swift of hand, as tucked away in the groves of their armor…was a revolver. It was already loaded with bullets in preparation for surprise attacks or ambushes-thusly, Kyr shoved a hand into their armor and pulled it out.

Cover your ears.

That was the only warning as the barrel sparked with energy, with magic. Instinctively slapping their free hand to their ear, Kyr took the shot against the first wretch he could see as a loud CRACK erupted in the mine. Even with the noise, it was followed by a brilliantly blinding light, too bright for the cramped space of the mine. The light, a spell charged-bullet, pierced the Wretch right through and halted it for a moment; then, rays of light and a big burst of radiance shot out from the hit Wretch as it howled and moaned in pain, it’s body a faint translucent and shimmery.

… Bingo.” That was all Kyriakos said in the moment, standing his ground as his tail lashed. That perfect shot, despite his fearful aim, restored confidence in the dragonnewt; he wasn’t fearful anymore.
The wretch was there, right in front of them. Jack startled a little, seeing it appear so suddenly - they’d never liked anyone that could sneak up on them. There was something about that form that seemed to twist at the edges of their mind as they stared at it, an almost alien fear threatening to creep into their mind. They shook their head, as though they could physically shake the fear off, and things cleared a little. What was it, a bunch of mist and sand? Not exactly terrifying. All they needed to do was blast it a couple times and they could grab the money and go home. Taking a quick glance around, they noticed that the rest of their party hadn't been so lucky. A wave of fear seemed to have hit each one of them, though Kyr looked especially petrified. Jack found themselves cracking a smile, unable to ignore the humor in the moment, but their attention was quickly drawn away by the attacks that began firing off towards the wretch. An arrow scraped its shoulder, and Jack nodded at the comment the girl made as it hit. They’d guessed as much, though they didn’t get a chance to say. The robot called out a prayer - perhaps a little dramatic, considering its flame missed the wretch completely - and finally, Kyr’s warning made them take a step back, bracing for the familiar blast.
The light had barely faded before there was a card in Jack’s hand, ready to follow up. They flicked their wrist and it flew towards the wretch. As it spun through the air, it transformed into a bolt of dark red fire, striking the wretch in the chest. As the explosion of ash faded away, Jack grinned, shoving their hands back into their pockets and turned to the second figure. “Easy. I’ve known rats put up more of a fight. No idea why you lot were so scared of it.” The figure still wasn't comfortable to look at, so they focused their gaze on a point just behind its head, keeping it in their peripheral vision. They were still a little tense, but no point in showing that, not when they seemed to be the only person here keeping their cool.
Don't fail. That was his thought. Thats how he hoped it would go down. This was hunt. He could hunt. Perhaps less so in this body, but he still had his instincts. Maybe that was why he didn't startle upon the sudden revelation of the figure. His instinct said shoot. He thought it would have... the chill that shot through his body as he laid eyes upon it seemed to bring rise to a different sort of instinct.

It was wrong. The creature, this aptly named wretch. It wasn't natural. Like a sliver of disease made manifest into some... thing. How could such a thing frighten him? How could it make his mouth go dry and his breath catch? It was unnatural. The feeling it invoked was unnatural. Its visage was unnatural.

Walker took a step back, trying to center himself and failing. The doors behind him were closed... he could not run even if he wanted to. Not very far. It was a shameful thought, to run... but even so his legs seemed to move on their own. Backing away. Slowly at first.

There was nowhere to run. He HAD to fight... but also run. Even a frightened rat would bite a lion if it was cornered. And he was a frightened rat. He raised his rifle to the shoulder and aimed down the sites, finding it hard to keep the barrel steady with his hands shaking as they were.

Walker pulled the trigger, and fired.

Then turned and fled back from where they had come, chambering the second round. It did not matter if it was blocked off. Or if it was dark. Maybe he would be able to get off a few more shots in the time he gained. Maybe he could hide in the darkness and strike from there.
Storm Over Rivayle
Into the Mine 2

One strike after the next blasted the first of the wretch's into ashes. There no remains to speak of, as even the very ashes the thing had scattered into soon blended into the air as if dissolving in it. The second wretch paid little heed to this however, its trail of mist or smoke following it as its claws stretched towards the party as well. Many of them had their hearts twist at the sight of these creatures, but nonetheless stood their ground and fought back - for however long that lasted. Walker's attack on the second momentarily traded the creature's moans for screeches, but it's neck recomposed onto the usual shape, not that any shape was very concrete to begin with. It was like looking through dirty glass, through the eyes of a drunk or of someone who's been lost in the desert for too long, all faded and distorted. The shot got the creature to finally truly react, body bending forward, before it threw itself ahead. Its clawed arms stretched as far as they could flailed in your direction, and the creature seemed to practically flicker in and out of being, partially floating and partially sinking inside the ground as it got closer much faster than it was moving before.

It finally stabilized in front of Kiryakos. Was it always heading there, or did change course? Did it find them to be easier prey, or was it attempting to take some manner of revenge? Who could say...

Behind the spot the wretch had come from, you began to hear some sounds. They were faint and distant, but the little echo of the mine was able to get it to reach your ears: Sounds like those of shuffling leather, and of metal dragged through the loose and solid rock, followed by a dragged out moan like the one of the creature you were currently combating, and yet distinctly not from it. There was something else out there, multiple something's even, just out of your sight.

Wretch 2 dashes towards Kyriakos.​

Feel free to make a DC 10 Perception check everyone. Read the spoiler above only if you pass.

Current Map

newmap (2).png

Combat Tracker
CharacterRemaining HPACSpell SlotsAmmoConditions]
Asuga2114N/A19 Arrows-
Cayde31191st Level: 30-
Kyriakos21171st Level: 3 | 2nd Level: 220 Bullets | 9 Catalyst Bullets-
Jack15122nd Level: 230 Bullets-
Walker31141st Level: 319 Bullets | 20 Catalyst Bullets-
Wretch 2????11N/AN/A-
Wretch 1011N/AN/A-

Sherwood Sherwood blitzfritz blitzfritz kakemha kakemha Wandering Owl Wandering Owl D. Rex D. Rex
After firing that first arrow, Asuga was no longer frightened of the thing. But she noticed something behind the spot where the wretches had initially appeared, sounds of leather and a moan even. She had a feeling that this fight wouldn't be over after the wretches. But she couldn't dwell on that thought much longer, since the second wretch started to dash towards Kyr. Putting another arrow in the bow's notch, she pulled back and fired in an attempt to injure the wretch so Kyr could get back. Unfortunately she missed and it still made it's way towards Kyr. She wasn't able to help him hinder the wretch, but she hoped someone else could have better aim than she had, they had to help Kyr, they were one of their sources of light after all. Of course that was a joke in her head, but she really wanted to save him. Over the time they spent together, however little time that may be, she felt like this group was becoming to be her little family, and so her loyalty kicked in, she needed to so something to help at least.

She looked closer at the wretch, trying to evaluate it like she did the previous on, which was now gone. Eyes scanning the wretch, she noticed a few things. The places that Kyr's shot hit, smoke wasn't rising anymore. So that meant the wretches were actually taking physical damage from Kyr's attacks, of the one he just made at least. 'Could it be light? Could they be vulnerable to radiant light?' Asuga thought, and it seemed to be true. Looking more closely, she could see that pretty much half of its health was gone, it was almost dead. After two good hits, it could be gone like the one before it. "Light! Radiant light! Its vulnerable to it." She called out to the group. Maybe someone could hit it with light to hinder it from hitting Kyr. "It can only take two pretty good hits." She called out once again, telling the group so that their shots would be aimed properly as to hit well and this wretch fight could be over. But the noises coming behind the wretches kept nagging at her mind. She wondered what the hell was back there. Was it another monster they had to fight? Or could it be survivors from these wretches and they were in pain? Could it be something she killed before? She couldn't tell right now. But whatever it is, she hoped that they would be prepared for it.
The golem hears the words from Asuga, and thinks that it makes sense that the creatures, being some sort of shadow-thing, would be affected by the holy, radiant damage of the Titans. He steps forward, and with a smooth action yanks his sword from the sheath and lets out with another prayer to Vincent (got the name right this time. lol) to guide his hand and grant him success against the wretch.

The problem is the rocky floor. Cayde didn't take the uneven footing into consideration, and he stumbles over a fairly hefty sized rock that trips him up and causes his swing to go wild and off to the side instead of being on target. Humph. If I was so clumsy as a solder, I would have been scrap a long time ago. I need to get my head into the fight and stop screwing around!

After a muttered curse for his big feet, he says, "Just make sure it doesn't have a chance to touch you! These things suck the very life out of their victims, weakening them with every strike!"
Initiative: +1
Walking Speed: 30 feet
Passive Perception: 11

Level: 3
Class: Paladin
Hit Points: 31
Hit Dice: 3d10
Armor Class: 19

Spell Slots
Level 1: 3
Spell Save DC: 13
Spell Attack Bonus: +5
Sacred Flame Damage: 1d8

Lay on Hands Pool: 15pts

Armor and Weapons
Chain Mail +6 to AC
Shield +2 to AC

Longsword - +2 to hit, 1d8+2 Slashing, Martial, Versatile

Revolver - +3 to hit, 1d10 Piercing, 40/120ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 2
--30 ammo
Carbine - +3 to hit, 2d8 Piercing, 80/240ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 3
--20 ammo
Kyr hastily tucked away their weapon, as attacks fired off around them and the wretch got closer. Asuga didn’t hit, Cayde didn’t hit either. What shitty luck.

Got it.” Was the gruff response from the dragonnewt as they unhooked the latch on their warhammer and hissed. That wretch was precariously close this time, aiming to swipe at them, but Kyr wouldn’t want to give it an opportunity. Their ears picked up sounds farther off, behind the enemy farther off-more were in the darkness.

A grin, sharp canines protruding, came across Kyr’s lips as they felt the familiar grip of the one weapon which they loved to use. When fighting and feeling the weight in their hands, Kyr would let himself go and show emotion in the heat of battle, but it would always be followed by violence-Jack saw this once, when fighting bandits.


Regardless, Kyriakos did not heed the radiant damage warning and like a bat out of hell struck the wretch in the side with their weapon. The monster exploded into a fine dusty mess like a desert dune being impacted with a solid object, before quickly reforming again in between its moans. Letting out a hiss at not finishing it off, the dragonnewt’s tail lashed before glancing past it and into the darkness beyond it.
Being in the middle of the group meant that there were a lot of sounds going off around them, but Jack registered Walker’s retreating footsteps behind them with a slight frown. They hadn’t thought the intimidating figure would cower so easily. Seemed like he wasn't from around here though, so maybe he was one of those weirdly superstitious types. The thought was quickly dismissed, though, as another noise made their head snap back around. Another noise, coming from somewhere unseen in the cave ahead. Jack couldn't make out exactly what it was, but there were things moving, they were sure of it. “There’s more out there, keep your eyes open.” The warning was quick and sharp. They weren’t in the habit of sharing every observation they made, but right now this group was what was standing between them and those monsters, so they were perfectly happy to keep safe back here as long as possible

And talking of those monsters, there was still a more immediate threat to focus on. The second wretch was quickly approaching the group, arms outstretched, and Jack’s annoyance grew with every shot their party missed. Kyr’s strike was the only saving grace.

Squinting at the wretch, they mentally ran through their spells and weapons, trying to to work out if anything would give them an advantage. Nothing. The golem’s holy flame had been the only thing to have made a noticeable difference. And whatever people may say about Iceschillendrig, the powers he’d given Jack were far from holy.
Stick to what they can do, then, they think, as they send another card flying towards the figure. These things were weak, and they knew they could keep doing this as long as they needed. There was a little satisfaction in landing the hit, and more in seeing the way the creature struggled to reform around the blow. Nearly there.
Rather swiftly upon reaching his destination, Walker turned and held his rifle at the ready, half expecting the creature to be behind him. No... no it wasn't. It struck him then how unreasonable that fear was... no he should not have felt that way... he knew what he was afraid of and what he wasn't afraid of. He knew what he was getting into when he entered this mine. That these wretches were some sort of freakish shadow creatures. That it would strike him so deeply, however, he wasn't prepared for that. It was a pressure he had felt leave him the moment he turned the corner, as if it was the creatures very presence that inspired the fear rather than anything internal.

Regardless, he had wasted enough time running. He had to get back in and help his compatriots finish those things. To that end, Walker rushed backed to the corner, placing his back against the wall and making sure that there was a round in the chamber. Yes. One left before he needed to reload... so he needed to make this one count.

The werewolf took a breath and came out halfway from the corner, keeping cover as he raised his rifle and aimed down its sights at the remaining wretch. It didn't seem to bleed... but it seemed to be visibly effected by these attacks. Hurt? Annoyed? Laughing perhaps? It was too late to second guess his decision to attack now... not that he would have chosen any other path... Walker was invested in this hunt.

Walker pulled the trigger with his too human finger. Causing the hammer to collide with the firing pin and launching its ballistic payload out through the rifled barrel, and through the air with a resonant bang and a flash from the muzzle.

The high caliber bullet struck true. The spinning missile drilling into the shadowy figure with a swirling splash. Where the bullet had hit whirled and spun like a maelstrom of darkness, ripping away at the shadowspawn as it began to collapse in upon itself... eventually disintegrating into motes ... and he was surprised... not that he had managed to kill it... but that the creature had enough substance to even be able to leave behind what seemed like ash or dust.
Cayde slowly lowers his sword down as the immediate threat of the wretches seems to be gone - at least for the moment. He feels more than a bit miffed at himself that he was soooo very useful in this fight; he never even managed to hit a target! If I were this incompetent in his previous battles, I would have been melted down for scrap a long time ago. Get over it, Cayde!

Looking around the chamber, the paladin of Vincent decides to tap into the powers gifted to him by the Titan to try and sense any more of these wretches nearby. He murmurs a quick prayer to his patron, opening up his senses to include the presence of evil. It takes a moment for the feelings to wash over him, but when they do, the quiet lassitude he was feeling comes to an end. Calling out to the others, he quickly says, "Beware! I can sense more of these things in here, the closest is less than thirty feet away! Over in that direction. There are other sources of evil and hate in this mine, but they are farther away, and others may be out of my range to sense. Do not lower your guard."

Now knowing that the fear can be tempered with his own courage, Cayde is now confident that his next encounter with the wretches (or anything else down here) will go much smoother, and hopefully with Vincent's blessing, he can actually do something besides wave his sword around ineffectually.
Initiative: +1
Walking Speed: 30 feet
Passive Perception: 11

Level: 3
Class: Paladin
Hit Points: 31
Hit Dice: 3d10
Armor Class: 19

Spell Slots
Level 1: 3
Spell Save DC: 13
Spell Attack Bonus: +5
Sacred Flame Damage: 1d8

Lay on Hands Pool: 15pts
Divine Sense: 4 / 3

Armor and Weapons
Chain Mail +6 to AC
Shield +2 to AC

Longsword - +2 to hit, 1d8+2 Slashing, Martial, Versatile

Revolver - +3 to hit, 1d10 Piercing, 40/120ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 2
--30 ammo
Carbine - +3 to hit, 2d8 Piercing, 80/240ft range, Reload 6, Recoil 3
--20 ammo
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