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Stars Without Number-Recruiting


The Star Master
Been a while since I been here, so much has changed...

I've been experimenting with the SWN engine with my friends on Skype sms, and I think it's pretty fun and, while not entirely simple, is simple enough to go over the rules as they come up. The main burden would be on the GM, but since that'd be covered by me, no worries about that.

No experience required, and all resources needed will be provided. The most important, of course, is the rule set found here:
http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/86467/Stars-Without-Number-Free-Edition It's free unless you want a physical copy, but all you need is the PDF.

To give a quick summary, to give you an idea of what you've signed up for, here's the TL;DR of the backstory:

The year is 3200, the Terran Mandate which used to cover the galactic confederacy of humans, is still recovering from a cataclysmic event known as "The Scream", which disabled all warp gates and killed almost all psychics in the year 2665. Tech before the Scream was lost, and many core planets reliant on farm worlds have starved. Those on the colonial frontier are largely disconnected from each other. Alien races once only living on the outskirts of Terran space have begin to fill the now-empty space.

On the tail end of "The Silence", some worlds remain lost--disconnected from the radioactive materials required to construct the Spike Drive, which moved humans before the advent of psychically powered Warp Gates. Others are even more-so, since they even lack fossil fuels. Some, however, have begun to rebound, and are expanding to other planets, for one reason or another.

This is very open ended and, simply through my style of GMing, it will probably involve some "silliness" involved, which will only make it more interesting.

Those interested, respond. I'll do my best to keep an eye on this post. My schedule is varied, but I'm mostly available on weekdays and afternoon weekends. Those who want to learn more about SWN, I'd advise you to check out "itsmejp" on YouTube. They don't provide a 'tutorial' necessarily, due to the sandbox nature of this rule set, but it's something to give you an idea of what to (possibly) expect.
PS: I'd prefer to have the bulk of the RP over either Skype or Google Hangouts or some chat room of some sort, since it's rather involved with dialog at points. Since it's been like, a year since I've been on this website,I'm not sure how the chat rooms work. Not the end of the world if we do it through forum posts, tho. Just keep in mind your character sheets need to be kept over Google Drive, unless you want to keep your own--which, Drive is just much more simple.
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