• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource SPRITE COTTAGE - novice tori's codes

  • AnemoVictorious

    local tired fool
    Roleplay Availability
    Roleplay Type(s)
    My Interest Check

    Hello! My name is Emerald, and I'm a sprite! Master and I are travelling the world, training together so that we may keep the world safe! One day, while I was off training my crystal key making, Master decided that she wanted to try this 'coding' thing. She looked at the inner workings of some, kind of like her own training regiment, and learned how certain things work! Of course, as the faithful guardian sprite I am, I decided to help her out with the distribution. After all, she's a very busy lady, travelling around Saphael, doing quests, yelling about how she can't read the item names because the 'English client in this private server is bugged', or whatever that means....I don't think our time in Prism Island Prairie or Twin Lion Mountain was all that kind to her, she had a rough time in that goblin camp...

    Anyways, this thread will be where Master and I put her codes! You're free to comment, and either Master or I will respond! Please go easy on us, we know they're not all that great! Master wasn't going to share them at first, but I convinced her to do so! Master may be a 'Key Master' classwise, but with coding, it's like she's a little Novice again! I remember those days on Siwa Island fondly...

    Oh! I've gotten sidetracked... Let me read you a letter from Master. Ahem...

    "Hi! My name is Tori, a budding writer and amateur artist who wants to learn to make pretty codes because I can be picky at times. I'm still just starting out, so I'm experimenting and the like! They... aren't very good, so I don't blame you if you don't want to use my dumb little box next to a box code, hahaha... With that said...

    Here's a current list of my codes!

    EVENT 1: Grand Fantasia [Mobile Friendly, Code Distribution, Hidden Scroll]
    EVENT 2: Message Board Permit [Desktop, Bulletin Board, Sticky Notes]
    EVENT 3: Winterflake Forest - Party Version [IC Code, 2 Characters, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly]
    EVENT 4: Winterflake Forest - Solo Version [IC Code, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly]
    EVENT 5: Nanaro's Bell of Life[Interest Check, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly]
    EVENT 6: Box of Destiny[Character Sheet, Hidden Scroll, Semi-Mobile Friendly]
    EVENT 7: Friends List[Character Directory, Mobile Friendly]
    EVENT 8: Diary Entry[IC Post, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly]"

    Master also told me to give you some rules and tips.

    1. Edit as much as you'd like, but don't remove the credit!
    2. Please leave a like if you want to use a code.
    3. Some aspects of the code will be listed in the long green bar at the bottom of the header code.
    4. Next to that, click on the green Sprite Emblem image (it's mine!) to go to pastebin, where you can easily copy the code.
    5. If you want to play with us, let Master know via a message and she'll tell you how you can! Wait, I think Master is just trying to recruit for her guild... You can ignore this part, unless you really wanna play with us. It does get a little lonely, but this isn't about that! This is about codes!

    Anyways, that's all that needs to be said! We have a business in Knight Valley!
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious
    Last edited:

  • OT6MV0y.png
    1 - Grand Fantasia
    This code is... well, this code! Literally! This is the code you'll see everytime I'm talking - whether or not it's the version in the first post or this one depends on the context. The ony being distributed is this version - the one for code distributions. It's mobile friendly and you're free to change images and colors or remove the footer and header parts - barring the credit of course. It looks a bit funky in the preview, but it looks fine once you post it, I swear!

    Usually, you'd see a preview of the code under this but... since you're already looking at this code, I'll include the sprite emblem images master found while... snooping in the game files, whatever that means. You can replace the emblem here selecting only the emblem you want, cropping it, and then sizing the height down to 23 and keeping the proportions.

    Let me read Master's letter...

    "All images are from Grand Fantasia - credit to X-Legend."

    Fine words, Master!
    Mobile Friendly, Code Distribution, Hidden Scroll
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious


  • OT6MV0y.png
    2 - Message Board Permit
    This code was made for Master's role play, Guardian Angels. Why are the sticky notes attached to pins and put on the bulletin boards? Why do they scroll? Don't ask questions that Master doesn't know the answer too. Anyways, this one gets all weird on mobile, so it's best viewed on desktop. The preview notes might be placed a little differently than the ones in the template, but it's fine. The template contains instructions on how to move the notes.

    Let me read Master's letter...

    "You could probably get away with making it mobile friendly if you had two sticky notes but I wanted four for some reason... I jsut googled corkboard and pin on google images, sized the corkboard texture up, and sized the pins down and recolored them in paint.net. You can do that too, I guess. If you want the image I used recoloring (it was at a normal size), just let me know. I made this before the first code and with no references at all, it was me furiously googling stuff, but it worked for the purpose I needed it to work for. Oh, and the image in the preview is just some random dog from Toontown I made."

    Thank you for your words, Master! Anyways, hopefully this isn't the last code Master ever makes, because she's known for quitting and giving up quite often... Err, don't tell Master I said that.
    Desktop, Bulletin Board, Sticky Notes
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

    MS, HS, U - Angelwood International Academy Club Preview Day
    WHEN: September 8th
    WHERE: The field outside the Student Resources building, by the outdoor stage.
    Instead of classes, every club, or people who would like to make a club, will be showcasing what they do! This is a great chance to get to know your peers and make friends! Remember: every club needs a teacher sponsor and 5 or more students to be officially recognized by the school.

    Be prepared for an exciting, fun-filled day!
    - Headmistress Mirabelle Faulkner

    These are the rotating meals you can get here each day this week, alongside the normal things that are always offered.

    Breakfast: Personalized, made-to-order omelets
    Lunch + Dinner: Personalized, made to order pizzas.

    Breakfast: English muffin breakfast sandwiches
    Lunch + Dinner: Personalized, made to order pizzas.

    Breakfast: English muffin breakfast sandwiches
    Lunch + Dinner: Burgers (Veggie burgers included!)

    Breakfast: Cinnamon rolls
    Lunch + Dinner: Nacho bar

    Breakfast: English muffin breakfast sandwiches
    Lunch + Dinner: Baked potato bar

    Breakfast: Chicken and waffles
    Lunch + Dinner: Fried chicken

    Breakfast: Custom, made to order breakfast burritos.
    Lunch + Dinner: Calzones

    - Head Chef David Reign

    [PS: Check out the cooking club at the club preview day!]

    Why is it always the meanest toons that smell the worst?


    A joke by Raven Curran.
    The toons say 'you stink' as an insult, by the way. Just so you know.

    Please do not do this. ↗ And also, do not sign your name if you do not want there to be consequences for your actions. We will be having a chat later, Mr. Curran.

    - Professor Sasha Shachell


  • OT6MV0y.png
    3 - Winterflake Forest - Party Version
    Master has finished her code! With a little help from azariel! ...Master's messiness really cost her this time, but I doubt she'll change... Master is certainly a strange human, huh? Today she asked Sage Babama for 'dollars', to buy things but... we use gold, silver, and copper coins. Is it an otherworldly thing? I don't know. Anyways, as always, you can edit the images (not included in the distribution, you need to add your own!) and colors, all that.

    Let me read Master's letter.


    IC code for two characters at once, yippee! Featuring the two comfort character OCs that live in my brain rent free. I got lucky that there's an area with a name that's close enough to their ship name (Winter Evergreen). I'm a winner, yay! (If only I could win in OTHER aspects of life like getting a scythe via alchemy... It's not your fault Emerald, it's just RNG. Oh, and my 50 dollars down the drain, only to get C2 Keqing instead of Alhaitham for my Nilou bloom team... Sorry Cyno, you're getting benched.

    Image Credit
    Left character: Kokichi Ouma - Danganronpa V3
    Artist: Konghi98 on Twitter

    Right Character: Rantaro Amami - Danganronpa V3
    Artist: Souprince on Twitter"

    Ahaha... you can tell Master had some trouble with this, all because of a missing end tag. Plus, she started spouting nonsense about dollars again. And what's RNG? Oh well. I love you, so never change, Master.

    But wait! There's more! Wait juuuuust a few minutes....
    IC Code, Two Characters, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

    Tsubasa Amanogawa
    LOCATION: Frost's Guidance Academy, Tsubasa's room

    "...What the hell IS she...? Some sort of... hamster creatura?" Tsubasa raised an eyebrow at the small creature that seemed to be squirming within Ray's arms. "I know there's that one girl from Sea's Sanctuary who is also a hamster creatura, but something about this kid is..."

    Ray tilted his head as his boyfriend trailed off, before trying to finish the sentence. "Different? Yeah, you're right, she doesn't seem like a normal creatura... Usually their features are the same color as their hair but- HEY!"

    The little girl grabbed the star shaped badge attached to the necklace chain, yanking it and causing Ray to drop her and the chain to break. She sweetly smiled, before she let out a cheerful cry and ran off. "Poppo!"

    "Give that back! That's mine! That's my Dreamseeker badge, I need it for school!" Frantically, Ray chased after her as Tsubasa followed. It seemed like they had gotten themselves into a big mess, all just because they thought they saw a baby fall out of a portal in the sky.

    TAGS: Marie Poppo (@100%OrangeJuice)
    Raymond 'Ray' Seidel

    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

  • OT6MV0y.png
    4 - Winterflake Forest - Solo Version
    You know the rules about editing! Master graciously decided to include a version of her previous code that has one character because she said that most people would only need one character. In this one, you can assign the character a title or include a role.. Or you can probably double the size of the name box and remove to secondary one.

    Let me read Master's letter.

    "This was a lot easier than the two character version, as one can imagine. Do I favor Tsubasa or Ray more? Ehh, I'm a green kinda gal and Ray was the first of the two, so I do favor him... Tsubasa was just on the left, so he got to stay.

    Image Credit
    Character: Kokichi Ouma - Danganronpa V3
    Artist: Konghi98 on Twitter"

    Okay, that's enough for now. See you next time master codes!
    IC Code, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

    Tsubasa Amanogawa
    Wintersworn Royal
    "...What the hell IS she...? Some sort of... hamster creatura?" Tsubasa raised an eyebrow at the small creature that seemed to be squirming within Ray's arms. "I know there's that one girl from Sea's Sanctuary who is also a hamster creatura, but something about this kid is..."

    Ray tilted his head as his boyfriend trailed off, before trying to finish the sentence. "Different? Yeah, you're right, she doesn't seem like a normal creatura... Usually their features are the same color as their hair but- HEY!"

    The little girl grabbed the star shaped badge attached to the necklace chain, yanking it and causing Ray to drop her and the chain to break. She sweetly smiled, before she let out a cheerful cry and ran off. "Poppo!"

    "Give that back! That's mine! That's my Dreamseeker badge, I need it for school!" Frantically, Ray chased after her as Tsubasa followed. It seemed like they had gotten themselves into a big mess, all just because they thought they saw a baby fall out of a portal in the sky.

    LOCATION: Frost's Guidance Academy - Tsubasa's room
    TAGS: Marie Poppo (@100%OrangeJuice)

    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

  • OT6MV0y.png
    5 - Nanaro's Bell of Life
    We finally defeated the crabs in Blood Soaked Bay! ...But Master delegated me to training and gathering because I should have been able to evolve already... I have enough downtime to make this though!

    Master had an idea for a role play involving a concept she was going to use earlier mixed with a game she states 'she can make safe for work'. But Master doesn't have a job - despite us travelling all around the world, she says she's a shut-in who sits at a computer all day. I don't understand Master sometimes, but... well, I've said it before! Master's a strange human, but she's MY strange human.

    Let me read Master's letter.

    "Okay, listen. I have a story about the game the image is from and the inspiration RP I made this for. I was just a little girl on Toontown Rewritten, or whatever private server I had access to - might have been Infinite? - roleplaying as female Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening when I met someone who also wanted to roleplay as Robin but the male version of Robin. For some reason, we decided to have the two Robins get married and I even made a short-lived and bad youtube series about it (Episode 1 was 'The Two Robins Get Married' and episode 2 was 'The Two Robins Have Twins', the twins being the two Morgans). This was 8 years ago, I was 11, making questionable content on the interwebs because I had unrestricted internet access.

    This person wasn't allowed to get Fire Emblem: Awakening, but really liked the series. I had bought the game myself with a random 3ds e-shop card (rest in peace soon my beloved, i got banned off it for uh. Reasons.) because I really liked games where you could have a family like Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and The Sims. One day, they told me about a game they found called 'Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars'.

    With a title like that... OvO

    In this game you can have kids - well, Star Children - in a strange process called 'classmating'. It's a dating simulator/RPG developed by Spike Chunsoft - those guys who made Danganronpa and developed Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, though there was merger so it's confusing but who cares and also Atlus, the Persona developers/publishers/I don't even know published the original release but not the Steam release - but surprisingly isn't an adult game because it's with Star Energy and matryoshkas and they come out of matryoshkas and all you really do is hold hands. But you could NAME them! You couldn't name the kids Fire Emblem Awakening! What if I didn't want a son named morgan, what if I wanted a son named Steve? I could have a kid named Steve here! So little baby Tori put it, a game rated mature and 17+, on her Christmas list. And got it. At age 11 or 12. Thanks Mom, thanks Dad.

    Also there's DLC where you can fight Monokuma - it's free. Beat up that murder bear, revenge for killing the best boy first in the third game.

    Now, 20 year old me, wanting to be a content creator, decided to make a video about the game and started replaying it and... then I thought 'I could make this work as an RP, maybe. I don't need the... err... I can make it follow the terms of service and be SFW!' Please don't ban me, I swear I'm a good little Tori! I'm good at taking inspiration from things and then getting rid of the stuff I don't want - just like the guy from Packing Pests in Rhythm Heaven!

    Err. Sorry.

    Also looking at all these sprite summoning instruments, mwehehehe, I have a lot to work with for titles.

    Image Credit
    Screenshot from Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars, but made grayscale and with a layer of color put over it."


    I don't think I need to repeat myself... Change whatever you like but keep the credits!

    Interest Check, Hidden Scroll, Mobile Friendly
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious


    Crisis of Meteoroids

    Twenty years ago, a series of large meteoroids fell down to the planet Aetherina. Many were killed and the terror caused them to transform into labyrinths and unleash creatures known as 'Penumbra' upon the world. This event came to be known as the Crisis of Meteroids. Things were bleak, as nobody knew how to deal with these creatures. That was when a scientist known as Nova Faye took up studying the Penumbra and the labyrinths, sponsored by the Church of the Divines. Nova, with the help of the high priest at the time, was able to work with the divines for a way to harness their powers to fight to eradicate the Penumbra and labyrinths, to save Aetherinia and humanity, and prevent such a crisis from happening again. They way they decided to do this was... Haha, you thought I'd just post the whole interest check for you? If I've got you intrigued, you're going to have to wait. Though, if you are interest, you can let me know and I will notify you when it's all finished ^v^

    The code comes with 4 headers, and if you don't have enough text, it will look very thin and weird - I don't think it's the hidden scroll's fault, it's probably mine, but make sure you've ready to write to at least fill up one line! The headers will also stay at the top of the box when they arrive there. The font for the headers is also different in the code, after looking at this I decided I didn't like it, so bye bye Amita!

    If you've read this far, uh... Have a sticker of my beloved monkey friend - Curious George >v<

    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious
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  • OT6MV0y.png
    6 - Box of Destiny
    In the time since we alst spoke, Master got Supernova Sanctuary up and running! Hooray! There isn't much to say, so I'll go ahead and read Master's letter.

    "Stupid idiot tries to make things mobile friendly and fucks it up. It's a semi-mobile friendly CS sheet styled somewhat like an ID card and has a hidden scroll.. I say semi-mobile friendly because I kinda. forgot how to do everything and now the image cuts off on mobile. Oh well. Life goes on. If anyone wants to fix it for me, go ahead. I will appreciate you forever.

    The artist is mamaladecat on twitter, but the original post has been deleted and the image itself has been reuploaded to danboru. Anyways, I'm gonna go take
    a nap."

    Well... Master's been a lot more tired lately, so I guess I should let her sleep...?

    EDIT: I forgot to add the code! Silly me!
    Character Sheet, Hidden Scroll, Semi-Mobile Friendly
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

    Name: Aion Rei Alterio
    Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Date of Birth: June 3rd
    Age: 18
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
    Region of Origin: Enise

    Face Claim: Mika Kagehira from Ensemble Stars
    Height: 5 foot 6 inches
    Weight: 138 pounds
    Hair Color: Dark Green
    Eye Color: Blue and Yellow Heterochromia
    Voice Claim: Cristina Valenzuela as Xinqiu from Genshin Impact
    Accessories and Modifications: N/A
    Other: N/A

    Aion is a fairly shy young man - he's clumsy and awkward and lacks confidence. While he tries his best to put himself out there, he oftentimes runs away from others. He's easily flustered and will usually do whatever is asked of him, afraid of disappointing others. He can bit a bit gullible as well. He's also quite intelligent, but is afraid to speak up so most times his input isn't voiced. Overall, while meaning well, Aion can come off as a shy coward who often makes mistakes, but inside hides a kind soul who can easily retain information and formulate a plan.


    Luminary Stats
    Type of Luminary: Starlight Luminary
    Brand Color: Everglade #1C402E
    Elements: Flora and Aqua - skilled with Allure spells.
    Stardust Beacon: Aion's Stardust Beacon is named Satellite. Satelite takes the form of four cubes - two yellow, two blue. These cubes can fire elemental bullets and levitate around Aion and can even shoot lasers. Individually, they aren't all that powerful, but when fired in sync, both the projectiles and lasers are more powerful.
    Voyager Appearance: Aion's combat attire is a fairly simple green battle suit - it's lightly armored and has floral designs etched on his left side and fish designed etched on his right side. It allows for him to excel in speed and flexibility. It also gives him gauntlets to use in melee combat, for when his Stardust Beacon won't be helpful.

    Name: Relationship - Status

    Likes: Sweets, warm foods, plush toys fish, animals, gardening
    Dislikes: Spicy foods, the cold, rough fabric, his eyes
    Other Information: N/A

    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious
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  • OT6MV0y.png
    7 - Friends List
    Hey everyone, it's Tori! I haven't played Grand Fantasia in a long time, so we're retiring Emerald and the Grand Fantasia themed naming (though, there is a friends list in the game...) for now - it's just gonna be me. Despite struggling to do things with my current RPs and... accidentally forgetting about my partners due to The Big Sad(TM), I found myself wishing for more group rps, so I checked both this site and another. That other site is actually what's brought me here today! Said said uses div boxes, and when I copied and pasted the code I made there to RPN, to my shock it worked! It just needed a little finessing and boom! It looks really similar to how it did on the site I originally coded it on! Yippee!

    This is that code - it's a character directory code! You can use it to showcase your characters and link to their CSes for quick navigation - or you can use it for a group RP's directory! Feel free to edit it however you please, as long you keep the credits! The links here on the preview lead to some random ToonTown music.

    Anyways, uh... any roleplays with anime styled faceclaims that involve vampires? Or a vampire romance? I like vampires... I will also accept a Percy Jackson like RP involving mostly OCs. I should make a list of things I'd like to join, huh...
    I'd make an RP myself but... Tragically, I'm a bad GM by myself ;A;
    Character Directory, Mobile Friendly
    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Origin RP/Verse

    Coded by AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious
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