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Realistic or Modern Silent City - The Lounge

oh i love her!!!

new kid and holiday: picks locks to do a b&e

sasha: kicks the door down
that scene in Umbrella Academy when Diego fucking jumped through a glass door even though the door was unlocked.
made a tiny Iris moodboardβ€”

hey folks! sorry for leaving yall hanging yesterday, i've been working a ton and been dealing w school on top of it. however, i got a wip up for beth, enjoy peeking at that while i finish her up
lynn being like 'cyril is the only other well adjusted person here huh' 🧐 LMAOOO
Define 'well adjusted'.

Also I love Bethany. The rocking goth girl we deserve and a nice contrast from Iris!
LOL STOPPP both are extremely anxious but she’d be more likely to be afraid of the loud ones, worried about the quiet ones and start looking at em like β€œI should have stayed in the apartment” than someone who she’s β€œan intellectual” 🧐

Bethany is literally goth baby 😍😍
hey folks! sorry for leaving yall hanging yesterday, i've been working a ton and been dealing w school on top of it. however, i got a wip up for beth, enjoy peeking at that while i finish her up

oh i love her! also an adoptable little sister for sasha lmao
Cyril and Lynn agreeing they're the only 'normal' people on the team. :closedeyessmile:

sasha: normal people don't get emails to fight horror movie monsters. you know that, right? right?
Goth Sister is absolutely pog and that's ong.

also, the cast: tiktok
beth is all done yeehaw
i'm super excited, everyone's characters are so good! this is gonna be a blast
also, if there's anything missing or lacking from her cs pls lmk ! im on campus rn and a bit scatterbrained atm
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beth is all done yeehaw
i'm super excited, everyone's characters are so good! this is gonna be a blast
also, if there's anything missing or lacking from her cs pls lmk ! im on campus rn and a bit scatterbrained atm
EEEE i love her so so much!!!

I can't wait to get this story started with y'all!!

and good luck learnin' venus!
The City of Silence stands like a growth, corrupted by roots of doom and decay below it.

But something worse is waking...

Where the police and government fail, a group of individuals are recruited to try and find a way to stop the killing of the innocent.

The joke of a journalist...
The icon with a bloodlust...
The mole from within...
The inane driver...
The paranoid genius...
and the girl who took the risk.

Something is growing.
It's growing beneath Chicago. It's growing in the air, in our bodies.
Like a steam, like a mist, it grows like mold.

Early in the morning, in those two minutes...

One-Four-One Productions presents

The hype is real! πŸ‘€

Out of curiosity, are we sticking to this ooc thread or will there be a discord server? I've found the latter makes it much easier to plot and chat with people.
The hype is real! πŸ‘€

Out of curiosity, are we sticking to this ooc thread or will there be a discord server? I've found the latter makes it much easier to plot and chat with people.
I can't make one currently, but is that something that everyone would like to use? I can try later on if that's the case
absolutely! discord oocs def help with more efficient plotting and chatting!
LETS GOOOOOOO that intro is hype as fuck
& i would def be interested in us having a discord server! that'd be really easy for plotting and organization imo

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