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Fandom Seishin Kaiju Sentai: Gādianranger (Lore Page)


Gundam Watcher 27

I'm blue bababeeba
2004. This was when Tokyo faced a great crisis. A wicked Kaiju, born from the hatred of the malevolent spirits who died in the pacific war, rose to destroy the country. This Kaiju, known as Godzilla, nearly destroyed the entire country, but 3 guardian spirits, ancient deities who existed to defend Japan, had managed to defeat the monster and save Japan. However, the crisis would send ripples felt throughout the 20 years after.

The year is now 2024, and a new branch of defense forces, known as the Anti-Godzilla Squad (The AGS), has been training since their creation in 2005, to combat giant monsters. This group however, is not ready for a new enemy to arrive.....

The Threat from Space
A billion light-years away from their destroyed home planet, the Xillian Armada has arrived with one goal: to eliminate the native lifeforms on Earth and to colonize the planet in order to continue their civilization. The Xillians consist of many monsters of different shapes and sizes, as well as their great leader, Emperor Xirxes. Emperor Xirxes gave the task of conquering the world to his 3 great generals, who in turn, each have their own soldiers to send towards earth to conquer it.

An Unexpected Team of Defenders
Even if Japan and the other countries detest and fear them, not all Kaiju are wicked. Baragon, having died by Godzilla's hand, had left his spirit behind to find someone to gift his power to, in order to continue to protect the earth. He wasn't alone, as 4 other Kaiju who came before him, have also left their spirits behind to find a suitable person to grant their power to in order to continue to defend humanity from destruction. The chosen ones, 5 Sentai, will join forces to combat the extraterrestrial threat, with the help of their spirit Kaiju.
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Important locations:

The Global Defense Force (GDF) Headquarters: Located outside of the city of Tokyo, the GDF undergoes special training to prepare for future combat against giant monsters. The place is also where the Rangers will gather after they obtain their powers and defeat the first Xillian Monster sent from the armada. Note that while the GDF will require the Rangers help, not all of the common soldiers in the GDF will view the Seishin Kaiju as protectors. This view will change as the RP progresses.

The Gotengo:
A giant ship built 10 years after Godzilla's attack on Japan, the machine is designed for aerial combat and undersea warfare, specifically with the mission to eliminate Kaiju. This will serve as the Rangers mode of transportation towards places outside of Tokyo, such as the countryside and even the artic circle, whenever a Xillian Monster appears in those areas.

The Lost Continent of Mu: A legendary continent spoken of in legends. This Continent is the birthplace of the Seishin, and has a important role in the story as the RP progresses.
The 5 Seishin Kaiju
The spirits who protected earth when it was in danger, they have returned to defend it from destruction. Besides being miniature versions of their original kaiju selves, each Spirit can take on a mechanized battle form for fighting evil giant monsters. When the Rangers have the need to unite their powers as one, they will combine to form the Seishin Kaiju King, a robot warrior possessing the strengths of the 5 Kaiju used to form it.

Baragon is the youngest of the 5 Guardian Kaiju reincarnated to protect the world from the Xillian invasion. While it may be inexperienced in terms of knowledge, it has a firey heart which is the reason it has partnered with a child of all the other candidates. While Baragon is reckless at times, the other Kaiju do their best to keep it from getting hurt. Baragon when it speaks sounds like a 5 year old child. When forming the Seishin Kaiju Shogun, Baragon is the main body and head of the combined robot.

Powers: Digging, Heat ray

Rodan is the high flying Kaiju Spirit who possess great speed and has somewhat of a airhead personality. This is especially reflected in her tendency to not pay attention at times because of this personality. Rodan is very loyal to the other Seishin however, and does her best to support them. When forming the Seishin Kaiju Shogun, Rodan becomes the wings/backpack of the robot. Rodan when she speaks has a somewhat deeper voice than most females.

Powers: Flight, Heat Ray, Sonic Boom (a double wing beat shoots out a wave of invisible force to strike an enemy)

Gamera is the second oldest Seishin Kaiju, being younger than Manda. Gamera however views Manda as a older sister, and does his best to be seen as a equal to her. Gamera being the younger brother and all, gets hot-headed whenever his sister is assaulted, and rushes in recklessly to fight the attacker. He also knows about the sunken continent of Mu, but not the entire history of the civilization. Gamera's voice sounds very similar to a certain orange bandana wearing teenage turtle from a popular series in the States. When forming the Seishin Kaiju Shogun, Gamera becomes the arms and his shell turns into the shield.

Powers: Flight, Amphibious, Whirlwind attack (by hiding in his shell and spinning around, Gamera can become a spinning top that crashes into enemies).

Manda is the oldest Seishin Kaiju of the entire group of Kaiju. Manda is wise and has alot of knowledge about the lost continent, but she prefers not to bring the subject up due to a terrible event she doesn't wish to remember. She views Gamera as her little brother, since they both share the same homeland and have a shared past. Manda talks with the voice of a middle aged woman, and she forms the right leg of the Seishin Kaiju Shogun when the Kaiju form the robot.

Powers: Amphibious, Constriction, Ice Breath.

Gorosaurus is somewhat of a strange entity. While he is a Seishin Kaiju, he never actually was summoned to fight any evil Kaiju, at least not in Japan or any other the northern continents. Gorosaurus had appeared in Australia to fight another odd monster only known by name as the Bunyip. Gorosaurus managed to defeat Bunyip, but sacrificed himself to do so, by pushing the enemy off a cliff into a deep crevice that entraps anything that falls in. Gorosaurus when he speaks is in Australian English, including terms like "Crikey". When forming the Seishin Kaiju Shogun, Gorosaurus becomes the Left Leg.

Powers: Kangaroo Kick

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