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Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

No rush to post! a funny warning Luffy is gonna eat and eat till he gets told no more food by the restaurant staff, owner, or gets full.. lol the gömü gömü no mi gives Luffy an inhuman fast metabolism. That’s the reason he’s always hungry
Should I have Rengoku to be sent to retreive Luffy? If Specialist Specialist is alright with that too.
Should I have Rengoku to be sent to retreive Luffy? If Specialist Specialist is alright with that too.
Idk I’m for waiting for icee to post for Tank man I’m still wanting their plot. I don’t know the reason he’ll go to the military base unless he has to.. it was once just a quick escape the second was to raid Marineford to go to war to save Ace from execution who was his sworn brother. Look what happened then..
Funny his grandpa is a military man who wanted Ace and Luffy to be marines than follow the path of piracy.
Ohhhh my lord I am SO SORRY! Life caught me up in a whirlwind of activity. 'Twas my bday a few days ago, and I've been trying to get signed up with an agency to go to IT school in the meanwhile. My sincerest apologies; I'm totally free now and will post much more frequently.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 -Random_Person- -Random_Person-
I am so sorry I havent been active on here cuz my main rps were moved to discord when the site had issues. I also kept forgetting to post after my work weeks...
I can post tomorrow, if this is still going. I kind of forgot this for awhile due to the site outages and am trying to get back into it since things seem better now.
I can post tomorrow, if this is still going. I kind of forgot this for awhile due to the site outages and am trying to get back into it since things seem better now.
idk know either I’m still interested in continuing
I’m on the fence about Luffy and that.. power of his.
Posted. And lol yeah...Tankman got a bit lost in his thoughts for awhile and is like "well looks like I'm obligated to take this guy on, can't just leave him in the middle of a city" LOL. That said he's probably likely to follow suit with going along with Luffy, should we decide to plot with other people, I'm down.

Also in regards to plotting: -Random_Person- -Random_Person- I beleive we had plotting going on in PM? I'll give it a bump and we can resume talking about it since I kinda ghosted cuz of the site stuff...
Posted. And lol yeah...Tankman got a bit lost in his thoughts for awhile and is like "well looks like I'm obligated to take this guy on, can't just leave him in the middle of a city" LOL. That said he's probably likely to follow suit with going along with Luffy, should we decide to plot with other people, I'm down.

Also in regards to plotting: -Random_Person- -Random_Person- I beleive we had plotting going on in PM? I'll give it a bump and we can resume talking about it since I kinda ghosted cuz of the site stuff...
I’m down lol and Tank man would probs find out that Luffy’s grandpa is a big shot marine lol.
He threw Luffy in a ravine and did other things to train him lol.
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Ye he’s gonna say eating the Gomu Gomu No Mi he’s always hungry cause of how his devil fruit works he burns calories fast.
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Specialist Specialist
If Icee and I do go the military route I think they would be interested in the Gomu-Gomu No Mi unsure how to go about them picking up its energies.. he uses it for combat and sometimes to get around hard to reach places. I think the best way if somehow it’s revealed unintentionally by someone or something stretching his skin. With the Gomu Gomu No Mi giving Luffy rubber properties his skin stretches longer like gum.

I can’t see Luffy coming willingly because the one piece universe is run by a military government which hunts down pirates. Like any irl government there’s corruption and really the five elders are in charge. Luffy raided two WG facilities one was just because the going merry landed there after leaving Skypiea, the second is to save Robin from persecution and the other time is to save Ace from a failed rescue operation at the summit war arc. Unless someone being evil figured out how to hurt Luffy he won’t come willingly. Yeah not all of the marines are bad.. his grandpa being the war hero is one.

Hmmm I may have Luffy give an explanation of the Gomu Gomu No Mi and demonstrate to Tankman? 🤔
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