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Fandom Secret Crisis (Character Sheet)

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Name: Emma

Age 13

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: Super Hearing, Ghost Clones

Skills: Street dancing, ninjala battling, disguise (though she’s not entirely good at it), handling kunai.

Universe: Ninjala

Bio: Before becoming a student of the WNA Academy, she was an orphan girl who would street dance in Eagle City, however at night, Emma would go as a vigilante and fight crime due to her super hearing. One day, she gets discovered by a WNA worker named Lauren Warren who encourages her to dance on a popular talent show on TV, at first she had grown nervous due to her superhearing catching the negative comments from the audience, but thanks to Lauren’s reassurance as well as the positive comments from certain fans of the street dancer, Emma was able to perform her dance at ease. This event leads to her unlocking a new ability, the ability to create illusion copies of herself, leading her in winning a trophy. After winning the competition, she learns that she comes from a ninja bloodline and was ecstatic, calling herself a ninja dancer, and begins attending the WNA Academy. Since then, she’s befriended other children with ninja abilities. She still does her street performance and her vigilante work on the side.

Weakness: Disguise. While Emma is good at looking like the said person she’s impersonating, she doesn’t have their personalities nor habits right.

Bonus: Emma would send care packages to the orphanage she was raised in.

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