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Fantasy Search for the Realm Stone


New Member
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A realm feuding in war and an endless peril... The Realm Stone once brought peace, uniting the land
and races in harmony... One council of Elders was formed under the unity of the stone. But then
the stone was lost years ago, bringing war and anger in it's wake. Every race blamed each other
for the loss of the Realm Stone. One race in particular wasn't in turmoil and took the opportunity
to take power over the realm, causing the other races to go to war in an attempt to take power
for themselves. To restore peace, the Elders council formed again.


โ„™๐•๐• ๐•ฅ
The realm of Illeanmar is a beautiful mesh of all types of landscapes and kingdoms united in harmony by a council of elders under the Realm Stone. There are rolling hills, fine sandy beaches, lush grasslands, periless mountain scapes, unearthly dry deserts, and tightly knit forests. Off the southern shore of the mainland is a small island surrounded by deadly cliff faces, beyond the cliffs is a glorious white sand beach, further beyond the beach is a thick and overgrown forest, and in the center of the forest is a grove, home to the most enchanting creatures. The Realm Stone was created in the heart of the island's grove by some of the oldest creatures the realm has ever known. Once the Realm Stone was lost, the land fell into darkness and despair. Ancient feuds between races, which once had been mended by the Realm Stone, began again. One race, full of envy and greed, took advantage of these warring kingdoms to rise up and claim total power over Illeanmar for themselves, the Dark Elves. Once the Dark Elves gained power and disbanded the Elder Council, the council's oracle told of a prophecy that one day after the members of the council died out, the new Elders would unite once more in secret to bring peace back to the realm. The oracle spoke of the return of the Realm Stone and the return of harmony. The oracle claimed that if the Realm Stone was lost for good, a new one could be forged within the island's grove.

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Centuries have passed since the Dark Elves took power and the Elder Council was disbanded. The original members have all passed on and the oracles prophecy has faded into nothing more than a bedtime story told to children to give them hope. Though the current Elders still believe the prophecy to be true and lie in wait for a new oracle to arise and set them on the path of fulfilling the prophecy. The Dark Elves fear the prophecy and have vowed to stop at nothing to prevent the prophecy from ever happening. But whispers have spread of a young woman capable of seeing events before they unfold. These new Elders have formed a council once again, in secrecy, to find the oracle, protect her, use her help to retrieve the Realm Stone before the Dark Elves get her within their grasp. In order to find and protect the oracle, the Council has sent word of summons to every inch of the realm hoping some will answer the call.

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Deep within a tightly knit and vibrant forest is a beautiful kingdom, home to the Faekin and Woodland Elves. The kingdom is secluded and rather peaceful compared to the other kingdoms across Illeanmar. They tend to keep to themselves and prefer the seclusion the forest provides them. After the rise of the Dark Elves, the faekin used their mystical energies to intertwine the branches of trees and make the forest impenetrable those unfamiliar with the territory. The forest has brightly colored greenery and sunlight streams through the canopy of the trees in such a way the forest appears to glow. Within the trees are makeshift elven homes, made from branches and leaves. Large, brightly colored and bio-luminescent fungi grow unchecked throughout the forest. Lovely ferns and flora grow abundantly along the forest floor. A plethora of fauna reside, protected, within the forest and coexist with the Faekin and Elves.

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Just outside the forest protecting Aesca is a stretch of lush grassland leading into beautiful but treacherous ice covered mountains. The grasslands serve as fertile farmland for the Humans, Halflings, and Dwarves who inhabit this kingdom. Deep within the mountains are caverns and passages hustling and bustling with mining work done by the Dwarves and a few Humans and Halflings.The mountains are covered with snow and ice with very few shrubs and foliage growing, and to anyone foreign to the area the mountains seemed to appear unable to support life. Those who live on and within the mountains rely on those who live on the grasslands for food. And those who live on the grasslands rely on those living within the mountains for the coal, gold, and gemstones mined. The two regions of this kingdom work together to stay a live and support one another. Feuding within the kingdom is rare, though the neighboring kingdom tends to raid and pillage the mountains and grassland.

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Right outside of the Kingdom of Vexiel is a vast, barren, almost inhabitable desert butting up to the ocean. It is full of rolling dunes of sand and is home to the Kingdom of Draekarand. In the center of this vast desert scape is a great volcano which endlessly erupts, causing the desert around it to become hard with lava. Very few creatures inhabit the landscape, and those who do are formidable foes. Orcs, harpies, and dragons of kids thrive in this kingdom. The Orc inhabitants of the desert are ruthless and power hungry, raiding and pillaging their neighboring kingdom of Vexiel. Littered across the desert are makeshift mud huts created from sand and ocean water. The occasional watering hole can be found across the kingdom and are typically in the center of Orc villages. Near the volcano are where the fearsome dragons and harpies roam, even the Orcs do not dare venture towards the volcano.

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On the outskirts of the desert kingdom of Draekarand lies a dark and twisted forest. The trees are black and gnarled while the canopy is so tightly gathered no light shines through. The forest is abundant with bio-luminescent plant life and fungi which provide the only natural light source. In the tree tops are large homes made from the branches, leaves, and plant life. Each home is adorned with beautiful lanterns. This is the kingdom of the Dark Elves. The Dark Elves make it a point to bring terror and war upon each of the kingdoms. Within this dark forest also live the Naga and the Khajiit, those these creatures tend to stay in the dark and seclude themselves out of fear as many of their races had been captured and enslaved by the Dark Elves. Fauna rarely enter the forest and if they do, they quickly get lost in the dark maze of trees and most flora lacks the light to grow.

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The Isle of Kaenaria is a small island off the southern coast of the mainland. Though it appears small in size, it holds three main regions. The first of the regions is a beautiful white sand beach, protected by large cliffs. The cliffs seem impossible to penetrate to the untrained eye, but if looking carefully there is a small outcrop in the cliffs leading right to the beach. The waters around the island are teaming with sirens, singing their songs and leading ships straight into the cliff faces to meet an untimely demise. Just past the beach is a tightly knit forest, lush and vibrant, making the forest protecting the Kingdom of Aesca to seem drab in comparison. The forest is like a maze, disorienting any who get past the cliffs and beach. Within this forest live the Satyrs, dazzling any who venture into the forest with their mystical flutes and lulling them to an unbreakable sleep. At the center of the forest is an ethereal grove, abundant in flora and fauna. The ancients of the Faekin and Dragons live in this grove in harmony, protected by the forest and beach. At the center of the grove is a magnificent and enchanted tree, beneath its roots stones of pure magick are formed and have only ever been harvested to create the Realm Stone.

๐•‹๐•™๐•– โ„๐•’๐•”๐•–๐•ค
General Side Note: these races aren't the only ones to choose from and if you wish to pick one not listed you can do so as you please. Also the oracle can be any of these races, but just know if someone already snagged it in the character tab (which I will have posted in the CS forum to help keep track of who picked which race and class) then it is no longer available!
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Woodland Elves are humanoid creatures with long, pointed ears and beautiful long hair. Their skin tones and hair colors are very similar to that of humans. They can live an extraordinarily long life, much longer than humans but not as long as the faekin. These elves tend to be extremely loyal and are extraordinarily skilled hunters.
Residing Kingdom: Aesca

The Faekin are beings of nature, they can be either faeries, pixies, brownies, or dryads. They typically have beautiful and intricate wings of all sorts of colors. Their skin tones and hair can range from anything resembling a human to any color nature can produce. Most of these creatures have a natural affinity to nature and fauna.
Residing Kingdom: Aesca & Kaenaria

Humans are well... Humans. They aren't magical in origin though some have learned to harness and wield magick to their will. Many humans are just hard laborers but there are a few who practice magick to conjure spells, create potions, and even summon beings. Humans come in all shapes and sizes and colors though they have a very limited range of skin tones compared to other races.
Residing Kingdom: Vexiel

Dwarves are short, stout, and stocky beings, closely related to humans but with a magical origin. Even though they are magical beings they have foregone their magical abilities and prefer to work using their natural abilities. Very very few of the dwarven population continue to practice magick but it is extremely rare for this race to do so.
Residing Kingdom: Vexiel

Halflings are the product of the union between a dwarf and an elf. They are small like dwarves but as quick and nimble as elves. Their short stature and nimbleness makes them perfect theifs. Halflings are known for not working for what they have, instead they tend to steal and are extremely greedy and possessive over their stolen wares.
Residing Kingdom: Mainly Vexiel but they are nomadic and roam from kingdom to kingdom.

Orcs are extremely large and rather unsightly beings. Their flesh tends to be green, red, or a tanned yellow color. Their hair is typically dyed to any color of their choosing or left natural. They are known for being skilled warriors and thrive in dry, desert climates. It is unknown how exactly the orcs came about, it is just known that they are an extremely volatile race.
Residing Kingdom: Draekarand

Tieflings are horned beings with an eerily demon-like appearance. They thrive in hot conditions and are talented hunters and magick users Their flesh is typically a red or ashen color. They are a feared race as many of them practice dark magick. It is thought that these beings were created when the dark gods summoned beings of darkness to terrorize Illeanmar, once the dark gods were defeated the Tieflings were left in their wake.
Residing Kingdom: Draekarand

๏ผค๏ฝ๏ฝ’๏ฝ‹ ๏ผฅ๏ฝŒ๏ฝ–๏ฝ…๏ฝ“
Dark Elves are humanoid beings with small, pointed ears and dark toned flesh. Their hair is typically white, black, or any shade of gray in between. They are a greedy and envious race known to betray and take advantage of anyone they can just to get what they want. These elves broke away from the Woodland Elves a millennia ago to worship and help the dark gods.
Residing Kingdom: Waromar

Khajiit are humanoid cat-like creatures. They tend to seclude themselves and are easily afraid, as their race has been hunted and enslaved for centuries. They are extremely skilled hunters and have adapted to be both nocturnal and diurnal, meaning they can be seen roaming around at all hours of the night and day. They tend to avoid cities and villages and prefer the outskirts.
Residing Kingdom: Waromar, but much like Halflings they are nomadic and can be found in any kingdom.

Satyrs are most literally half human and half goat, they have the upper half of a human being and the lower half of a goat. They are skilled musicians and are able to use their music to put anyone who threatens them into a trance. Being rather skittish creatures, they absolutely hate to be startled. These beings and very kind and able to adapt to different climates easily.
Residing Kingdom: Kaenaria & Aesca

At a young age, every inhabitant of Illeanmar chooses a path to follow. Whether that path be magick, nature summoning, or just brute strength. Any race has the ability to choose their own path but it is more common for some races to stick to a specific path associated with their race, such as Orcs and Dwarves are known for choosing a path of brute strength whereas the Faekin are known for nature summoning and the Elves are known for mixing magick and brute strength. Each character doesn't exclusively have to stay on their races known path and may venture off as they please.
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โ€ขMagick Wielder - Those who choose this path specialize in wielding magick in the most pure form. They tend to specialize in one specific form of pure magic, calling on one element, whether it be fire, water, air, or earth to give them their powers.
โ€ขHealer - Those who choose this path specialize in calling upon magick to help heal others. In order to wield this specific kind of magick it requires a sacrifice of some sort. Being healers, they tend to sacrifice part of their own life-force in order to heal others.
โ€ขBard - Those who choose this path specialize in wielding the natural magick that is produced by music. They choose to carry some sort of instrument whether it be a flute or a lyre. They channel the magick within the music to daze, stun, or lull their enemies.

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โ€ขNecromancer - Those who choose this path specialize in dark magick and call upon the spirits of the dead. Necromancers have no powers of their own to fight, so they rely on the dark magick they wield to bring forth the spirits to fight but once the fight is done they must release the spirits.
โ€ขConjurer - Those who choose this path specialize in nature magick and use their powers to call upon nature itself. By calling on nature they are able to control the trees, grass, and flora around them, using them to attack their enemies. The conjurer must respect nature to wield this magick.
โ€ขShaman - Those who choose this path specialize in calling upon their ancestors spirit animals to wield this magick. In order to use their powers the Shaman must pay respects to their ancestors and leave offerings. They summon the animals associated with whatever ancestor they call on.

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โ€ขChampion - Those who choose this path tend to specialize in brute strength and rely only on that. They prefer two handed swords or battle axes and charge into battle. They typically wear a full set of armor to better protect their body in up close combat.
โ€ขWarden - Those who choose this path specialize in long range combat, utilizing a bow and quiver of arrows to their advantage. They typically wear lightweight armor made from animal hides in order to maneuver quickly and let arrows fly with ease.
โ€ขOutlaw - Those who choose this path specialize in close range combat. They wear light weight armor to easily maneuver around and avoid enemy attacks in order to deliver quick and steady blows with two easily concealable weapons.

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โ€ขTrainer - Those who choose this path specialize in connecting with animals and bonding with them. The Trainer has a natural affinity for fauna and easily tames any animal they come across. They specialize in training animals for battle and is the one to command them.
โ€ขEnchanter - Those who choose this path specialize in studying and connecting with the flora they come across. They tend to lean towards the more deadly flora and extract the essence in order to create poisons and enchant their weapons as well as the weapons of their allies.
โ€ขOracle - The one whose path chose them tend to specialize in the essence of time. They are unable to control time but they are able to manipulate it to witness events unfold before they occur as well as witness events of the past. This path is one of a kind and can be used to help change the course of events.
General Side Note: Remember there will only be one oracle so before filling out a form for the oracle make sure you check the CS forum to see if this class has already been taken!
Above is all of the information I have compiled for this roleplay. I've been wanting to create this rp before I joined this site and is part of the reason I'm here. This is a high fantasy rp with a very detailed quest. I am posting here to see if anyone is interested in joining this. I'm really hoping people will be intrigued by this rp because it will be very in depth and consists of a lot of lore, world building, and character arching. Please let me know if this is something of interest to you!
howdy, I'm interested though I do have a quick question. I've got a kobold character I've been wanting to play for awhile, would he be allowed even though he's not one of the pre-set races?

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