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Futuristic Sci-Fi Quests from a returning player! COME SEE!

Regardless of the poll's result, may we all enjoy it!

  • The Cascading Cacaphony

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • The Confederate Raiders

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • The Dark, When You Want Lights Out

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Pop-punk n' space magic. Not always in that order.
Hey there, folks! I'm an old-hat here, but I'm back and ready to party now more than ever.

As I heft the familiar spear of RP, and test its weight, I find myself wanting to take on a quest thread. As it stands, I have three major ideas, and I'm curious which the site at large would enjoy! I can't promise an immediate launch of these ideas, but "within the next few weeks" is certainly a possibility. Each of these quests will take place within the same setting, however some of them may be happening at completely different eras and involve different conflicts. These will be action-y, with the typical rooty-tooty of science fiction stuff these days but with an added element of somewhat-mystical-but-not-entirely-magic psionics! Want space magic? Want gun runners? Want crazy factions all at one another's throat in a time of official peace? Well! Aren't you in for a little treat!

...you are staring at another doll with a hinge on its back. Its paint is old and faded, proof you are not the first to see it. Growing more frustrated, you open it and you find...
...True Madness creeps in on all of us. After a time of war, when peace should reign, psionics across the Confederacy of Mankind are growing increasingly uneasy as something is growing in the darkest recesses of a Psi-Terror, a unique phenomenon where the ability to project one's will upon reality overwhelms the one with the ability. Assume the role of an agent from one faction of three, each on a quest to discover this creeping darkness. Your choice will determine your partners in this terrifying dance, as well as who you may end up leaving alone in a throbbing, crowded nightclub. However, with each discovery, the puzzle seems to grow deeper and deeper. The deeper into this you sink, the louder your ear drums will ring and the richer the colors of the world will seem, until you eventually discover in the deafening bass that...​

"We are the Promethean Heisters! You know what that means, ladies and gents! Donacdum! Clear?! Good. If you keep your faces on the floor, nobody will get hurt. Hey! I said on the Progenitor-damned ground!"
Even in a far-flung future, where Humanity stood unified after fighting back extinction, the feel of adrenaline coursing through a man's body and the promise of exorbitant wealth are enough to encourage otherwise sane men to don masks of long-dead saints and go on a heist spree that would utterly annihilate previous notions of "excessive force" and "payday." Alternate control between Leone Reid, a member of the paramilitary organization "Black Scribes," and the group of bank robbers he has been tasked to apprehend. The Promethean Heisters are a small band so audacious that they stole a casino using a hijacked combat mech, [REDACTED] stolen combat droids from [REDACTED], and a [REDACTED] artificial intelligence that utilized [REDACTED] weaponry. As a lone agent given free reign to operate and "commandeer" non-Republic assets, Leone Reid must build a network all his own to either get ahead of these Promethean Heisters and apprehend them, or have enough information on hand to prepare the Black Scribes for their next 'show-stopper heist.' The Promethean Heisters, however, seek to chase a dotted line on an old starchart to [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. Find endless riches, or blow open a conspiracy that spans a greater stretch of time than any living human being could ever fathom.​

"We’ve got to do something! Just look at the news! Incidents like Dominion and Domus are happening throughout known space, the Plague are at the gates as if they never died, and we’re too busy fighting one another to repel them! So what do we do? We do what the Black Scribes should have done from the start. We man the wall, and put Humanity at our backs."
The Black Scribes have been a suspicious, shadowy organization since their inception during the Promethean Era. However, when the Plague War nearly wiped Humanity out, they rose from the darkness and drew a line. Men and women who had been scorned for generations, despite their roots tracing back to the daring few who would hunt the lost technology and knowledge of a dead world, so that the Flames of Prometheus could once again burn in Man's heart, fought and died to buy the Republic of Terra time to marshal its forces. A particular Scribe even stands as the most notable hero in recent history, but as the Plague threatens to return the common man has lost faith. Enter the freshly declassified Cloak & Dagger Unit, once a supersoldier-killteam now remade to become a team of heroes that will hold the final spark of Prometheus' Great Flame and will it to sear the maw of extinction once again. Build the team, train them, and dig your heels deep against the coming storm.​
Update: I mislabeled an option and just realized. "Heist of the Century" was meant to be "Confederate Raiders," however I realized that is the name of another concept in where the cast of characters are actors in a reality show where the only actors are them, and they're scripted to be pirates to a galaxy that never got its copy of the script.
Looks everybody's cast their vote but we still can't decide what story to pick. Now, I've decided that I'll break the tie, and decide things once and for all. I'll pick the Cascading Cacophony. And hey, isn't that from the Starcraft Universe? Confederacy of Mankind? That's definitely Starcraft.
Seeing the interest check replies warms my heart! I'll be working on this now, as my life's calmed down a good bit more and I'm hitting that point where my creative muscles itch! Buuut, let's get to replying!

Looks everybody's cast their vote but we still can't decide what story to pick. Now, I've decided that I'll break the tie, and decide things once and for all. I'll pick the Cascading Cacophony. And hey, isn't that from the Starcraft Universe? Confederacy of Mankind? That's definitely Starcraft.
Haha, it's close! The name may have been inspired by Starcraft's Confederacy in its early days, but that was loooong ago. Back when WoL was a twinkle in someone's eyes, haha

Looks everybody's cast their vote but we still can't decide what story to pick. Now, I've decided that I'll break the tie, and decide things once and for all. I'll pick the Cascading Cacophony. And hey, isn't that from the Starcraft Universe? Confederacy of Mankind? That's definitely Starcraft.
Cascading Cacaophony it shall be! I'm hyped, as that one is gonna be a blast to write! \o/
Seeing the interest check replies warms my heart! I'll be working on this now, as my life's calmed down a good bit more and I'm hitting that point where my creative muscles itch! Buuut, let's get to replying!

Haha, it's close! The name may have been inspired by Starcraft's Confederacy in its early days, but that was loooong ago. Back when WoL was a twinkle in someone's eyes, haha

Cascading Cacaophony it shall be! I'm hyped, as that one is gonna be a blast to write! \o/

Show me what ya got.
Did it just quote the same post twice? I swore I made it quote other posts. Dx

But I certainly shall!

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