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Realistic or Modern SBURB: YCM (Your Choices Matter)

A Dark Room


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
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You awaken in the cold, sweat dripping down your face.

It’s dark, and for a few minutes you have no idea where you are or what’s going on.

Sitting up, you can feel something underneath you. Hearing a muffled thump somewhere, wherever you are, you try and squint to see where you are...

There are figures all around you! You’re in some small room, on a kind of rectangular mattress, with shadows lining the walls and one that’s extremely close to your right.

Your memory is foggy...how did you end up here?
Where are you?
What were you doing?
How did this happen?


Who are you?

[1] Male

[2] Female
> Ladies for Life
That's right...

Your a GIRL!
How did you ever forget that?

Now that you've got your gender figured out, you decide to brave wherever you are.
Sitting up, you stumble past the dark shadows and figures, watching, and waiting silently around you.

As you reach the wall parallel to where you were, you feel around, and feel some kind of small, plastic box.
Hurriedly, you flip it, and turn around to face your oppressors-

You facepalm as you realize its your bedroom, and you simply forgot to turn on a lamp or something.

Those dark figures were nothing but the furniture in your room,
and that thump was probably the only other person living with you.

Sighing, and regaining your composure, you begin to tidy up.
A good day begins with a good mind, and a good mind needs a good clean every now again.

Turning around, you face your door, seeing that your nametag, an accessory on your door, is crooked.
Straightening it to look nicer, you decide to read it.
It says a few inspirational quotes, but the most obvious thing on it is your NAME.

What Is Your Name?

(I don't have options for this one, I simply want you all to follow a pattern of:
Four (First Name) Six (Last Name))
> Enter: Nova Anders
The placard proudly displays the name NOVA ANDERS, as the centerpiece of the doorframe.
You smile, then turn and keep cleaning up.

You put clothes away, make your bed, and even organize various items around the room
into appropriate drawers and containers, just for the fun of it.

As you finish, you wipe your hands against each other, proud of your handiwork, when...

There's still something bothering you...

WHat could it be? You begin thinking...Girl...Nova...

OF COURSE! How could you forget one of the most basic ideas in human nature?

What's Your Favorite Color?

[1] Orange
[2] Green
[3] Purple
[4] Red

What Items Are on Your Bookshelf?

[1] Manga
[2] Blueprints
[3] Classic Literature
[4] Comic Books

What Kind of Computer Do You Have?

[1] Desktop
[2] Laptop]
[3] You don't, just an IPHONE
[4] In-Wall Monitor

How Many Stuffed Animals Are In Your Room?

[2] A horde of PANDAS
[3] A handful of Raggedy Anne/Andy Dolls
[4] None. You're not a kid anymore, duh.
[2] Green
[1] Manga
[1] Desktop
[3] Raggety Anne
> Dolls and Desktops
Ah yes, of course! GREEN, that's your favorite color!

In fact, that's the color of the wallpaper to your room as well (complimented by a fine shade of white).
Speaking of your room, you decide to view your handiwork.

Standing at the foot of your BED, your facing your DESK that sits on the wall parallel to you, which contains miscellaneous PAPERS and other RANDOM TOOLS.
Sitting on the desk, is your trusty touchpad DESKTOP computer that you got last summer. It came with a wireless KEYBOARD and MOUSE, and you've used it as much as you can.
Slightly to the right of the desk, is your door, decorated with a variety of phrases and your NAME in bold letters.

To your right, lies a small beanbag chair that you sit in to read when its raining outside, as well as your DRESSER and your WALK-IN CLOSET.
To the immediate right and left of your bed are two small bookcases, both containing a variety of MANGA and BUMBLEBEE PROPGANDA...

Speaking of bees, to your left, next to the wide window that sits in the middle of the wall, is the organized pile of BUMBLEE PLUSHIES and STUFFED ANIMALS that you love so.
You just adore their habits, hence why many of the furniture designs in your room are white and have small carvings of the cute things.

As well as the window and the pile of plush, lies the door to your SMALL BATHROOM, a HAMPER, an ELECTRIC GUITAR SETUP and a FLOOR LAMP.

You don't really have anything to do today...maybe you can find something in your room?

What Should You Do?

> Investigate Desk
> Look on Your Favorite Websites
> Look through Dresser
> Look through Walk-In Closet
> Investigate manga Bookshelves
> Look through Bumblebee Plushies
> Go into Bathroom
> Sort through Hamper
> Play some guitar
> Turn On Lamp
> Investigate manga Bookshelves

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