News Russo-Ukrainian War Updates


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This is a serious thread intended to provide "what we know so far" form of information for anybody not following - assuming some people aren't following. I will try to keep this as up to date as I can, but I do have stuff going on for me right now, so expect some delay. I will try my absolute hardest to stay as factual as I can, without diving into subjective feelings. In fact, I'll just throw up this disclaimer right now: I feel very strongly about this subject, so there may (will) be bias. I don't encourage: I strongly recommend that you seek further reading, and I will include links wherever I remember to do so. I'll do my best to stick to real information: disinformation has been running rampant.

This is not a thread for jokes, memes, or discourse/debate. This thread is ONLY for posting information. Thought and prayer sentiments are OK, for either side. Anyone is welcome to contribute.

The Situation as of 2nd of March 2022 at 8:31 AM MST:

Numbers for dead and wounded are all over the place, but what is concrete so far is this: at least 2,000 Russian military personnel have been killed in the fighting, according to U.S. intelligence, but Ukrainian estimates range as high as 4,500-5,300 deaths. Wounded is still unconfirmed. On the Ukrainian side, at least 352 people have died (Combining military and civilian as of Feb. 27th), of whom at least 14 are children. This information is pretty old, relatively speaking, and I will update this number as new figures are presented. Additionally, at least 1,600 people (combining civilian and military) have been wounded, and at least 116 of them are children.

Ukrainian military casualties specifically are difficult to ascertain, but what we know is that the fabled Snake Island Defenders ("Russian Warship, go fuck yourself") are, thankfully, alive and well according to the Ukrainian navy. This insinuates that Snake Island has been occupied, but take heart that the soldiers are still breathing.

The number of refugees fleeing the violence continues to climb, as upwards of 800,000 civilians have fled Ukraine into a mix of Poland, Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania. Poland has so far accepted the most, at over 430,000, and are reportedly admitting a further 50,000 every day. Incredibly long lines have been reported at the borders. There have been reports from numerous African governments (Namely Nigeria) and civilians living in Ukraine that many Africans have been barred from leaving Ukraine, with authorities providing neither food nor shelter for the African civilians, "beating them with sticks," and repeatedly stating "Ukraine first." Interior Minister for Ukraine Anton Heraschenko has denied this fervently, however Poland is citing that the slow process for African-Ukrainian refugees is "on the Ukrainian end."

Peace Talks
While there was initial hope for a diplomatic solution going into peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, negotiations have unsurprisingly broken down as Putin's forces continue to bombard - with increasing violence - civilian infrastructure and houses. No further dates for peace talks have been issued.

Protests continue in Russia, in spite of severe crackdown and mass arrests. Over 6,840 Russian citizens have reportedly been detained as of writing.

Russia has been cut from SWIFT (a financial system in Europe) and the Russian Ruble is continually falling in value since the start of the war (now valued around 0.008 USD per 1 vs 0.014). The EU has imposed various sanctions, which is too many to cover in a single paragraph but notable targets include freezing the Russian Central Bank's assets in Europe, crippling their ability to liquidate assets to fund the war, freezing Putin's own assets as well as many other oligarchs, embargoing nearly every major Russian bank (Sberbank, to name one), Germany has barred finalization of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, although Nord Stream 1 continues operation, Japan has followed suite, according to their Prime Minister, who believes that in doing so they have forfeited Japan's claim over a disputed island directly north of the mainland. The United States has also imposed severe sanctions, but it should be noted that this would have less effect than EU sanctions.

In Africa, Kenya's UN ambassador has been a vocal critic of Putin, although this information is over a week old by now and may have changed.

Fighting is still at its most violent in Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, and Russian convoys are getting closer to Kyiv, the capital. President Zelensky has been repeatedly pleading to be admitted into either NATO or the EU, an action that would force all participating members to engage in military conflict with Russia - a move that could end the war, or escalate it further. Some reports are claiming that the Russian military is "running out of steam" and that the invasion is stalling compared to Putin's initial claims of a swift victory.

Putin's mobile Nuclear Arsenal is still on high alert. Some experts are saying the risk of nuclear war is "very high right now."

Billions of dollars in military aid has made its way into Ukraine in the form of Rocket Propelled Grenades, anti-air and anti-tank provisions, medical equipment, and ammunition. Zelensky has been critical in recent days of NATO/EU's lack of direct military action. Ukrainian volunteers continue to take to the streets armed with AK-47s and RPGs.

Every source I've pulled information from. Please read further.

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Conflict in Ukraine poses immediate threat to children (scroll down)

Note: links are pulled from a YouTube link and may act a bit funky. I've checked them all, they do work, you just have to click another button first.
Putin continues to shell and bomb residential areas amid tentative mentions of peace talks, and destruction was furthered earlier today when Russian forces bombarded and seized a nuclear power plant, sparking a fire and nearly another nuclear disaster. Putin placed blame on the Ukrainian workers, although nobody is convinced as far as I could find, and Biden has slammed the attack as a "War Crime." The fire was extinguished by Ukrainian workers before they fled, and a radiation leak has not been detected.

Civilian casualties steadily continue to climb, with the Ukrainian government estimating that more than 2,000 civilians have died in recent days.

More than one million people have fled the country, and a further two million have been forced from their homes to escape the fighting.

India has been facing increasing pressure to condemn Russia, with some officials even going so far as to say that sanctions may be on the table. India has been a major consumer of Russian armament for decades, and former diplomat JN Misra stated that India "has bad and worse options to choose from."

Putin continues to tout the Russian military's progress into Ukraine, although analysts across the globe are universally agreeing that the invasion is going very poorly. Deaths continue to rise and desertion is still an issue in the Russian ranks. As Lorsh Lorsh stated above, a critical figure in the Russian military has been shot and killed in Ukraine. Cause of death is reportedly a sniper.

On another note, there is still debate over whether the "Ghost of Kyiv" is in fact a real pilot, or simply an internet urban legend, following the debunking of a popular video depicting a Ukrainian fighter shooting down another place - reportedly, the footage was captured in Digital Combat Simulator. Even so, the GoK continues to be a beacon of morale for many both inside and outside of Ukraine - regardless of their existence.


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