Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: February 2019

[div class=container][div class=header] [div class=leaf style="left:1%;animation-delay:0s,0s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:10%;animation-delay:1s,1s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:20%;animation-delay:6s,.5s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:30%;animation-delay:4s,2s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:40%;animation-delay:2s,2s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:50%;animation-delay:8s,3s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:60%;animation-delay:6s,2s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:70%;animation-delay:2.5s,1s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:80%;animation-delay:1s,0s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=leaf style="left:90%;animation-delay:3s,1.5s; color: #a84444"][/div] [div class=tri][/div][/div][div class=headertxt]February Newsletter[/div][div class=ofthemonth][div class=headerf]Housekeeping Announcements[/div][/div]

February's Supporter Badge
Many thanks to Fable Fable !​

  • We've added a new section to the Community Guidelines covering the subject of Bump Etiquette.

  • The broken addon we used for Hosted Projects is officially ding-dong-dead! Hosted Projects that met the requirements or fell under legacy now have their own forums under the Hosted Project category. We don't currently have any viable replacements to the addon at this time so Hosted Projects function as a normal forum with special moderation privileges. We know many were upset by this massive change and thank you for your patience and understanding with the situation.

  • We're still not accepting Hosted Project applications at this time as the dust is settling after a five month process of reviews and organization.

  • Notice a few buttons missing from the RTE? We're preparing for the next software update so a few things are offline at this time.

  • The 2019 Writing Event has begun!

[div class=otm][div class=avatar]
[/div][div class=info]Roleplay of the Month
thefinalgirl thefinalgirl [/div][/div]
Give everyone a quick summary about your roleplay.
The The Gods' Will is about a group of humans are selected to bear a Major Arcana and a Minor Arcana. A goddess who goes by the name of Terra unites them and asks them a favor, proving to her fellow gods and goddesses that humanity is still worthy of living in the land of Hellion. 4 beasts will be unleashed to exterminate humanity.

What are some of the things that inspired you to create this roleplay?
Just a Final Fantasy 6 and a tarot deck really, I had this idea for some time now, also this is my first group roleplay as well! Tarot always fascinated me and Final Fantasy always had a place in my heart, especially 6.

What do you enjoy most about GMing?
Well, leading a group of players is always a fun task as their reactions to certain events would be a nice thing to see. Hosting an event happening in the game is fun as well, as it unleashes my creativity based on that event.

What do you believe are your strengths and weaknesses as a GM?
I let myself be pushed around by players, even though I'm the GM'. But trying to engage players is usually my thing to keep the group together, I get help from some players time to time since it is my first time GM'ing a roleplay, but I learn from my mistakes and proceed to use what I have learned.

How do you garner interest for your roleplays?
Usually by giving info about the world that the story will take place in and the type of combat or action that will be involved to see if any person who looks at the interest check may be interested by it.

How did you come about roleplaying?
It was when I was chatting with a friend, she introduced me to a roleplaying group in an Amino. I started to look for other sites as it didn't fill me on my thirst for writing stories.

How did you discover RpNation?
I stumbled across RpNation by a random google search. I took a look at the site and was interested by the types of roleplays that were present. I never found a reason to hate the site, it was certainly good.

How do you usually go about planning your roleplays?
I try to make a flowchart of things, seeing that if they were to choose this option, they'd go down this path. When it comes to abilities, I try to get help from the players a bit on what they understand from it and create a sort of description that is easy to understand. For NPC's, I just wing it really, I try to see the most fitting NPC, depending on where they are currently in the world.

What struggles do you have when you create a roleplay?
Trying to be strict, I tend to be a pushover as it really is a problem. I grant my player's wishes while suffering from it as I tend to regret allowing it in the first place. Usually, some good-willed players do help me and make the ones that have asked for something behave.

Do you prefer plot driven or player driven stories?
Player driven stories are quite nice as it makes you see the impact that you had to the world when participating in a story like that. It's very nice to think that when you spared an enemy, they may help you later on as it shows that your actions do matter and it can largely affect the story.

What genre or type of roleplaying are you interested in but haven't tried yet?
I haven't tried a 1x1 yet, I find it fascinating but never had the courage to roleplay with another person as my shyness usually gets the better of me.

What are some roleplaying tips and tricks you think others could benefit from?
Just try to go with the flow, take a look at other posts within the roleplay to make sure that when writing your post, you're on the right track. Freedom when it comes to rp'ing is important to let the players unleash their creativity on a problem that they'd tackle but make sure that that freedom is maintained, just to balance it a bit.

Do you have any other projects in the works that you would like to share?
I have an idea for a roleplay that I'll create, I may post an interest check in the future.[/div]

[div class=featheader]More Features[/div]
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[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Discussion
@R0s3 [/div]
What do you look for in a role-play partner? While many will always have certain preferences, perhaps there is an overlap or a common preference that most search for. You can share and discuss what it is you look for in a roleplay partner.
[div class=smavatar]
[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Artist
F forsythia [/div]
[ smile. ] »»—-» fabkin's art dump's thread has cute pixel art, digital illustrations, sketches, and doodles. While the thread doesn't have an overload of art, what is shared displays versatile ability and good humor (the meme is cutely unsettling).
[div class=smavatar]
[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Poetry
@Avi-Sina [/div]
Late-Evening Poetry Collection hosts a lovely array of poems from @Avi-Sina. It features pieces from a 3 year collection, named "Shallow Pools of Faint Dreams", with their favourite excerpts pulled out, while the full poems are hosted in spoilers if any happen to catch your eye.
[div class=smavatar]
[/div][div class=sminfo]Featured Character
@Ailurophillic [/div]
With a lovely array of characters plopped into their character dump it's Mishil Park that stands out the most. A mech pilot with a cool exterior and a flirt to boot. She along with her Titan do their part in long fought war valiantly, or so it seems.

[div class=featheader]Trivia Time![/div]
"What was the original legendary Pokemon supposed to be?"

[div class=featheader]Suggest Features[/div]
If you are interested in suggesting a feature for next month's newsletter please read the following information and instructions. There are a few rules though.
  1. Previously featured members for Member of the Month or Roleplay of the Month cannot be featured again for that category. This means if a user has already been featured in a certain section of the newsletter that they cannot be featured in that section again.

  2. Please do not spam multiple suggestions or messages.

  3. Remember that not all suggestions are going to be accepted. While your suggestions are appreciated there are limited slots in each newsletter. If your suggestion isn't accepted please do not let it make you disheartened; there is always the next newsletter. Additionally, some suggestions may not meet the requirements to be featured in the newsletter.

  4. Please do not expect or anticipate a response to your suggestion. This isn't to be rude but rather Staff having limited time.

  5. All suggestions will be kept anonymous, meaning we won't be sharing who suggested who/what for the newsletter.
What are you suggesting as a feature? (Options include Member, Roleplay, Character, Discussion, Artist, Prose, Poetry, #forumgame)
Please provide a direct link to your suggestion.
Why do you think your suggestion should be featured in the newsletter?

Please fill out the form and send a PM to Fyuri.
[div class=featheader]Ask Alteras[/div]
This is just a fun new section of the newsletter we're going to try out. It's a bit experimental! Before jumping into shooting Alteras Alteras some questions, we've got to lay down some rules here.
  1. The 'advice' of this advice column is meant to be for comedy reasons. While we know people may have serious or personal questions, please remember that this is RpNation and not Dear Abby.

  2. Coding questions are welcome here, but it's best to probably stick to the BBCode Center.

  3. Please don't send a PM, ask your question as a reply to this newsletter with the tag "Ask Alteras Alteras ".

  4. Please don't be upset if your question isn't selected! We can only do so many.
@Birdsie asks [div class=QBubble]Why are you such a BBCode junkie? You seem addicted to it, buddy. Also, when is the BBCode update coming out?
Alteras Alteras says
[div class=ABubble]A HERETIC!!! HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN THE TRUTH THAT IS BBCODE!!![/div] [div class=ABubble]The next update will come out with the site upgrade to xf 2.1.[/div] Lunar Lunar asks [div class=QBubble]"DoEs BrUnO mArS iS gAy??"[/div]
Alteras Alteras says
[div class=ABubble]...[/div] [div class=ABubble]I is do not believe.[/div] @Cicada3301 asks [div class=QBubble]"wHaT iS lOvE?!"[/div]
Alteras Alteras says
[div class=ABubble]"Walking 500 miles and then walking 500 more."[/div] [div class=ABubble]— Fable Fable [/div] [/div]
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Wasn't that legendary meant to be best tiger/lion/doggo Arcanine?
Dong dong, the witch is dead.

Looking forward to the software update, and to whatever future solutions there might be for mass roleplays! (but remember, fyuri is supposed to bitchslap me if I apply for one)
Dong dong, the witch is dead.

Looking forward to the software update, and to whatever future solutions there might be for mass roleplays! (but remember, fyuri is supposed to bitchslap me if I apply for one)
-gets thine glove ready- XD
Congrats! Hope this February is fantastic! (heh heh, fantastic february? alliteration?)
heheh bruno mars does not gay >:]
Well the current Pokémon lore states that Arceus was the very first Pokémon in existence, but at the release of red and blue the first in the Pokédex was Articuno... I think the first idea for one was Mewtwo or Mew... I’m not sure when the term legendary was first coined in the games, though...
Did you seriously make me listen to the entirety of What is Love? I'm impressed. Clap and a half.
Ask Alteras Alteras "When the heck did you change your avatar? Also which twin is it?"

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