RpN on Smite!

The Dark Wizard

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Hey All,

We've been getting some great gaming groups together however we can't always play games that cost money.

Join me and other RpN members on Smite. Its like League and DoTA2 if you like that kind of stuff but with a twist to it.

Also if you have never played before then here is a referral link. Make sure to click the "Play for free" button when you click the link.

We also have an RpN clan going on and the such.

My ingame name is TheDarkWizard for whoever wants to add me.
I play league to much to play smite though I did once apon a time ((like to months ago))
Akio said:
I play league to much to play smite though I did once apon a time ((like to months ago))
Its gotten a lot better and reworked.

The modes are a lot more fun for groups.
I play more League. I've tried DoTA2 and hated it... I played Smite in the beta and just couldn't get into it. The 3rd person thing just doesn't fly with me, and I can't bring myself to get used to the WASD + mouse + 1234 etc keys for play. I find my gaming experience more enjoyable when I can focus more on the game and not worry if I've got my hand in the right place. QWER, tab, and mouse clicks for me (and the occasional actives, of course.)
I used to play League and dabbled in Smite. My account on League is kind of gone, so I haven't played in awhile. I was considering starting a new account but still haven't. I don't have people to play with currently, but I would be happy to join some people if they'd like. I was in Silver 2 if I remember right.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]I quit League since it was a bit too stressful. How good is smite?

Better and a lot less stressful, I can't really deal with stressful games any more.

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