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Futuristic Rizty Roundabout Idea [1x1] (Both MxM & MxF)


i eat fish burgers
Roleplay Availability
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Hey all! Welcome to my search thread. This idea originally came from another search thread of mine. I decided to give this idea it’s own thread since I’ve been expanding heavily on it. I hope you find this idea interesting and can’t wait to plot and play any of these out with you! I was inspired to make this idea after watching Lackadaisy and revisiting some of the Mafia games.

A little about me. I've been roleplaying for around 8 years now. My usual writing length can vary depending on how inspired I am or the scene. Consistently, I can write 1-3 paragraphs. At most, I can probably go up to 7-8 when playing multiple characters or heavily describing a scene. I'm just gonna warn you beforehand, I am a fury. So if you're not a big fan of those, then this isn't the thread for you! If you're a fellow furry or are cool with furries, then welcome!


So, this is how this works. Ritzy Roundabout is the base plot. We can choose to either brainstorm a story around the plot together or we could do one of my subplots for this. Either is fine by me! But before we do that, here are my rules!

1. No controlling my character. Sounds simple, right? Well.. It's happened WAY too many times to me. This is my golden rule. If it's broken, that's an instant leave and block from me. Seriously, It's VERY frustrating when this happens. Especially when people make MC do something they would never do. PLEASE if you want my character to do something, ASK me. Don't just take the initiative and play my character for me. I'd gladly take your suggestions for my characters (as long as it's reasonable).

2. I am a furry. I mostly play anthro characters as my main(s). I can play human side characters, but my mains will always be anthro. This is non-negotiable. If you do not like this, then I may not be the right partner for you.

3. I'm cool with ghosting. I know it's hard to tell someone you're not interested anymore, so don't worry! I'll understand.

4. I don't really have triggers.. but I have some things that make me uncomfortable. For me, self harm, anything to do with suicide, depression, etc, are off limits for me. They aren't triggering for me, just things I'm not interested in RPing. You can have them in YC's backstory and such, but we're not making either of these a main point in any RPs.

5. A good few ideas I have include violence and death. So if you're not a fan of that, then I may not be the partner for you.

6. Let me know your triggers please. I really don't wanna accidentally upset you.

7. My main will always be male. I'll play female sides, but I'm just more comfortable with playing as guys for mains. You're cool to play female mains if you want.

8. NO ONE LINERS! Please.. at least a paragraph.

9. Have fun!

(I will add more rules whenever more come to me.)

Now.. on to the idea!
The Ritzy Roundabout [Base Idea]

The year is 2625. We’re currently in the middle of an era called “The Rizty Renaissance”. It started around the year 2500 and has been going on strong since then. What is the Rizty Renaissance? Well.. it’s pretty much the revival of old culture from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Stuff like music, cars, weaponry, speakeasies, clothing, and lingo from those time periods have all been revived. Even the violent mobsters have made a comeback. People participating in this renaissance are referred to as “Ritzies” due to their high fashioned vintage look.

Nearly the entire galaxy has people participating in this trend. Though.. It’s most prevalent on the planet Cyclone-19. This planet is the birthplace of the renaissance. The place where the ritzies were born. They’ve gone so far as to remodel a good chunk of buildings within their cities to have a more 1920s look to them. It’s truely a magnificent sight.

In the city of St. Barnett, Ritzy fever is especially strong here. Many ritzies are born and raised here and Ritzy culture is VERY strong. It’s got many magnificent sites and activities.. but also many dark secrets. Will you be the one to discover them all? Or would you rather dance and drink the night away?

TRR: Intruder Alert [Sub Plot] (Inspired by “The Thing”)

In the outskirts of St. Barnett, a strange plague has begun making it’s rounds. The main parts of the city has closed off access to the outskirts. So no one from the slums/outskirts can get into the more densely populated districts.

This alien plague is very deadly. Those who are infected, will never know they’re infected until it’s too late. Once the plague takes over the body fully, it can control the infected person’s mind and make them do whatever it wants them to. When the plague is threatened with death, it can morph the infected person’s body into becoming a horrible, terrifying, and grotesque monster in an attempt to defend itself. It only has one weakness.. Fire. So it’s best to use anything flammable or explosive against these things.

There are only a few signs that infected people present. The fear of fire/heat, sticking around other infected people, and generally disassociating from groups they’re in.

Do you think you have what it takes to survive this mini-apocalypse? Or will you succumb to the plague?


TRR: Tales Of Berry Avenue [Sub Plot]

Berry Avenue, a long road stretching from the Migrant district of St. Barnett to the suburbs. This avenue is known to be the biggest hotspot for strange happenings and criminal activity. Many have had strange experiences ranging from the supernatural to downright absurd and disturbing events. The things that happen here are so strange, that you’d have to see it to believe it. It seems to just attract tons of negative energy.
What kind of trouble will you find yourself if? Will you walk away unscathed and live a normal life? Or will your experience be added to the long list of odd tales?


TRR: The Roaring 20s [Sub Plot]

With the Ritzy Renaissance comes a new age of reason. Robotic workers that were originally only used as tools to avoid having to pay real workers, have recently began gaining their sentience. Due to these robot’s new found personalities, people have been questioning whether it’s right to keep forcing their robotic peers to work slave labor. Well.. pretty much all businesses say that it’s “A-Okay!” and that “They can’t feel a thing! So they’re alright!”.

Well.. not everybody shares this same sentiment. The Robotic Rights movement is quickly gaining supporters. Businesses are NOT happy about these new robot sympathizers and want to silence them for good.

Becoming an Robo-rights activist is both thrilling and dangerous. Businesses have hired mobsters to silence activists and are using dirty tactics in an attempt to discourage these people from protesting.

Will you push through for the cause? Or will you hang up your hat and call it a day?

More subplots will be added overtime when I think of them! This is not all of them!
But yeah.. this is pretty much it for now. If you're interested in any of these or would like to brainstorming something around the main plot, then please send me a PM!


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