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Answered Question about Multiple Threads


Whispering Pines Native
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hi there! I'm rusty in using forums to recruit partners so I'm not sure if I just missed the rule for it, but what is the standard practice about someone having multiple threads in one recruitment area? Is it generally encouraged to limit one thread per person or do people commonly have multiple threads open at a time? I do know that the bump rule applies to it the same where you wait 24 hours or more to bump it regardless of the number, but I didn't see anything regarding the number of threads you can have open at once.
Hey there! Just in case, here's the relevant section of the rules:
📢 Recruitment Rules

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RpNation is not a dating website. Users seeking personal relationships for dating purposes will have their content removed.

Off-site Information
Recruitment information for roleplays, even those happening off-site, must be hosted on RpNation. Off-site contact information should only be shared in your profile identities, PMs, or the Off-site Ads. Discord servers can be linked from OOC threads or PMs for OOC purposes, but off-site roleplay links must be posted within Off-site Ads. RpNation does not moderate content outside of its webspace, so users should exercise caution when going offsite for roleplays. Please refer to the Offsite rule to learn what is and is not allowed when posting offsite links.

Bump Spam
Bumping is allowed within reason. Excessive bumping may result in content removal and infractions. Follow the Bump Etiquette:
  • Do not bump multiple threads in the same section at the same time.
  • Only bump a thread once per 24 hours.
  • Deleting previous bumps to falsify a 24-hour waiting period is not permitted.
  • Only the GM/Co-GMs or the OP of the recruitment can bump the interest check and/or partner search.
Incorrect Thread Placement
Ensure your content is posted in the correct forum or sub-forum. Incorrectly posted threads will be moved, and repeated offenses may result in warnings/infractions. For guidance, consult the Community Hub, Ticket system, or the Frequently Asked Questions.

Thread Hijacking
Do not recruit people to your roleplay using other users' interest checks. Create your own thread to recruit players.

Thread Approval Queue
RpNation's filter acts as a precaution against spambots and spam-like content. If your thread is pending approval, do not re-post it. Staff will manually check your thread when they have time, so please be patient.

So, as regards multiple threads in one recruitment area: it's OK to have more than one, and many people do. However, the once-per-24-hour rule applies to all of your threads within the same section, so you'd only be able to bump one of them each day. (Which you said; I'm just repeating in a different way to make sure we're on the same page.) So, to me it makes sense to just have one so that I can keep all my ideas bumped, but other people see things differently, and that's fine as long as they aren't bumping too much.

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