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Project M.O.M.O; "Der Wille Zur Macht"

Salvira Ava

Death is the Beauty of Life
Period Unknown; Year Unknown; StarMap "Lost Jerusalem"; Coordinates Unstable; System Steady

Generations ago, Earth has been completely erased from the starmaps and renamed "Lost Jerusalem" while mankind existed on isolated planets and artificial colonies. Mankind has become advanced since their time in the galaxies for generations on end that their own government has been formed; known as Galaxy Federation of Realians. However, the universe is not divided into galaxies or solar systems for the few that exist, but is divided into UAN columns. Initially, everything was hosted by humans and were the dominate species but no thanks or thanks to science and paranormal beliefs; the birth of several similar and very different species came to existence including cyborgs, Gnosis, Realians and Mecha.

Since its discovery in Lost Jerusalem or what was once known as Earth, this column hid an artifact known as the Kabbalah which is highly sought after. The Galaxy Federation of Realians wish to harness the powers it holds within, harnessing it. Both groups (The Federation and Non), believe that the Kabbalah's significance is threefold, as a power source, the cause of Gnosis appearance, and the key to rediscovering what has been erased of Lost Jeruselem. Many researchers have studied and attempted to control the Kabbalah. Among the results, a handful of Emulators and Clones have been developed. However the original still by far surpasses them all with it's energy output and none is capable if the original Kabbalah's capabilities.

As a result, an society known as the Covem and the Galaxy Federation of Realians attempt to find the Original Kabbalah which has been sealed away on Milita after the Militian Conflict. Unfortunatly for them, the key to unlocking it is contained within the Y and Z Database hidden in the minds of two special Realians; M.O and M.O.

To retrieve such data, the Covem unleashes a plot against the Federation and all who sided with it using a series of insiders and it's military force; Z-TIC Organization. In turn the Federation unleashes it's own pawns against them, possible in the line fire to start another war or conflict. Meanwhile, one of the largest corporations in existence known as the Xeno Industries is currently researching new ways to use nanotechnology to build a clone database of one of the M.O.M.O, along upgrading it to focus on an anti-Gnosis battle function; an android. Will all this chaos reshape the destiny of mankind? What would happen to the very things we once knew when things go down the drain?

Lost Jerusalem, a column filled with useless metal scraps, an empty sky with no stars nor sun and not a sign of life for years on end. Creaking metal came from a space craft passing through Lost Jerusalem, like a lost whale calling for it's mother due to the forces of flight. The craft looked rather out-dated with worn painting on the frame. Crying yellows and bleeding blacks made out to say "Solaris" were barely visible as a bold dark blue hue that read "Gevio" laid on top of it. It was clear that whatever kind of Captain was once on that craft, no longer was and some wondered if the previous Captain was more of a decent person with good morals. Perhaps, but that Captain is no longer there and a new one has made their place on the craft now named Gevio.

Captain Zea now controlled the old, creaking craft with her demanding psychotic ways. Some would call her 'Silver Mane' due to her silver complexion out of some respect while others would call her worse. Those who dared to call her anything other than 'Silver Mane' were found dead within the hours, but she would never have to move an inch. Zea was a woman of lies and stealth, anyone who trusted her was sure to pay a sort of price. However, there are some who seem to be willing to pay a price with her, and none are ever sure if they ever do. The skin pigment is a smooth blend of a creamy white, with glistening white eyes, as her ghastly midnight hair reaching hip length. Zea was like a space banshee who struck few to the weak. Though is one was to do a background check on her, very little information would ever be revealed making her 'mysterious' in a sense, and being listed as a Gynoid made things even more mysterious. She never looked like a sort of android. So what was she?

Inside Gevio, things were quiet and dark as if everything was asleep. Peaceful to some, haunting to others. Down a corridor that had harbored the main crew that worked with Zea, clicks could be heard piercing the metal floors. Each step echoed like metallic screeches. The darkening hair blended with the darkness of the craft, cloaking the body from view other than their legs that were wrapped in a bandage of sorts misleading to be a sort of wound that never was. Zea stopped at the end of the corridor before turning, a door hissed open behind her and a few steps could be heard stepping out, but never approached her.

/This is currently being worked on. Not Open until further notice./
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