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Realistic or Modern Project Anarchy [CLOSED]


"Confused and fungal"
Roleplay Type(s)
(The RP with 3 rules)

An amnesiac waking up in the middle of a field or on a beach is a trope used quite often in stories. Many speculate that it's a cop-out move used so that the writer doesn't have to be bothered making a backstory until later, or even at all. It's always so terribly convenient. This trope is often accompanied by other cliches, such as "Even though I have the arms of a prepubescent man-child, I somehow have fighting abilities akin to a black-belt bodybuilding bouncer for the president," or "My dog stabbed me in the back when I was an unborn fetus and burned down my entire town, leaving me to miraculously survive, raised solely by naked mole rats."

Which is why we're NOT going to use the trope of waking up in a field or on the shore.


Our protagonist wakes up in the middle of a dense forest with a start. They've no memory of how they've arrived where they are. Birds sing intermittently, and as our protagonist gasps air into their lungs, the squirrels and other wildlife scurry away for shelter, not foreseeing the body's movement.

The unknown person sits straight up, their palms flat on the grassy, mossy blanket that envelops the forest floor. Trying to remember how they got there in the first place, a realization smacks them upside the head: They have no idea what their name is, either. For a few minutes, they keep trying to remember...

What should they do?/What is their name?

LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod
BackSet BackSet
Lunar Lunar
KageYuuki KageYuuki
Mechking Mechking
callisto callisto
Remember, folks. Anything goes.​
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I concur with the name Sue Donim! Let's yell out and see if anyone's nearby.
I say we name her Sue Donim! And she should climb the nearest tree to get a good survey of her surroundings.

Also for Sue Donim and they are going to check their pockets for clues
Sue Donim's her name, and calling out for help's the game. Let's see if there's anyone nearby who can shed some light on her predicament.
BackSet BackSet rolled a 1!
This mystery person makes... Some sort of attempt to remember their name. It doesn't exactly come to them easily... Their calloused palm meets their pounding forehead as they try to wipe the headache from their face. They figure they'd have to worry about this whole name situation later. Our protagonist slowly rises from the green, lush ground, stumbling upright.

Naturally, as any normal person would do, they figure that the first step... would be to take a first step. Easy as can be, right? Lift up the leg... bend the knee.... lean forward.. and...


O-Oh gosh, they fell. They screwed up walking. Face-first. In the dirt. A mouthful of grass, and probably a few insects. That's gotta hurt.

KageYuuki KageYuuki rolled a 5!
Coming up to their knees, they cry out into the air. Turns out that this yell isn't actually a yell that's looking for people, but it's a yell of pain. Either way, it's sure to gather attention from anyone that's around, right? During this bounteous and surprisingly loud scream, recollection hits them. Their name. "Sue Donim" are the words that ring through their head with clarity.

A few more words ring through her head, so loudly they're almost real. "Hello?! Is someone out here?!"
Oh. Those are real. My bad. We've found a voice!

Distracted from the bruising around her face, Sue Donim brushes the powdery brown grit from her bare knees, simultaneously discovering that her dirty cloth pants do, in fact, have holes in them. Reasserting her standing position with gusto, there's a new hope glinting in her eyes. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, and the voice is a-calling!

Lunar Lunar rolled a 1!
For some freaking reason, our apparently-dim protagonist Sue decides that after having wholeheartedly thrust their face into the ground not five seconds ago, it would be a good idea to climb a freaking tree right about now. "Hold on! Let me find you!" she yells out back at the voice, making her way towards a lush, green oak tree. She has a little bit of trouble hurdling the first branch, but our dear, determined Sue doesn't let this get her down.

Swatting a few bumblebees and dragonflies from her face, her hands eventually find their way to a higher branch, when suddenly, she finds her fingertips in an oddly soft, sticky place. Looking up, the discovery is soon to hit her that she's somehow managed to stick her hand directly into something sweet, fresh, and golden. Sue has little time to wonder what it is before the answer comes to her. In fact, many, many answers actually. Many angry answers with stingers.


And then falling. And then branches. Many, many branches. Oh, is that the ground? It must be, because the falling's stopped. Needless to say, Sue wastes no time in sprinting away from that mess. Somehow, she hasn't broken any bones, but many, many red welts are forming all over her body as the remainder of the swarm takes chase.

Mechking Mechking rolled a 4!
While walking was a bit of a struggle before, Sue seems to have no issue finding her running feet when there's a bunch of angry, floofy sting-wingers on her tail. In some attempt to fight off the hive, Sue searches through her pockets, which are luckily pretty saggy and spacious. Unluckily, however, she only seems to find some kind of large pearl of a deep black nature, a leather satchel filled with liquid, a detailed drawing of some man, and... a necklace of some sort? None of these are bee-fighting things! She doesn't have much time to check these out! She'll have to find the time later.

callisto callisto rolled a 1!
Even more desperate than before, Sue screams out for someone to help her, but as if some cruel god were laughing at her attempts, a bee flies straight into her mouth. The panic of this little predicament causes our adorably clumsy hero to take her mind off of her feet for one freaking second, which is all it takes for her foot to catch on an old tree root, forcing her to plummet ever-so-gracefully into the ground again.

She resorts to curling up into a ball on the mossy floor, finding herself in a bed of tall, skinny, blue mushrooms. She prays that her toadstool friends are able to cover her sufficiently as she covers her head, vainly attempting to protect herself from the angry swarm.

It's... a bit of a rough start to the day.
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Sue Donims scarves down some blue mushrooms in a hope that they magically fix her glasses that have become broken from her multiple falls!

Sue Donim jumps into the lake with a few of those blue mushrooms, and she finds that they have a curious interaction with the water...
Sue Donim jumps into the lake water to avoid the swarm, but keeps a few bees in her pocket for future use (or, for a tasty snack).
Lunar Lunar rolled a 3!
Sue may very well have some form of concussion.

Sue thinks it's somehow a good idea to take a big honking bite of one of the mushrooms while her face is buried in them. It tastes like dirt and its texture isn't a pleasant one, but she keeps on trucking along, anyway. For some reason, she seems to think that it'll fix her glasses? Which, with the bees, is probably about the last thing she should be worried about right now. The bees still ramming into her skin, she takes off her glasses to check for cracks. Yep. The cracks are still there.

On the bright side, though, she is beginning to get a pleasant tingling sensation in the tips of her fingers. That's... fun. This surely won't have any adverse affects on her later. Her hand abruptly shoots out towards the tall mushrooms, tearing at their bright blue tops as she shoves more and more into her mouth and pockets.

Mechking Mechking rolled a 6
Now turning her attention back to the pain swelling on the tops of her arms and legs, she decides that sitting around eating mushrooms with wishful thinking probably isn't the greatest idea. She jolts up to her feet in a frenzy, taking off running with the intention of finding some body of water - anything to ward off her persistent attackers.

Sue has seemingly learned her lesson in the art of running, focusing on actually moving between the trees instead falling back down on her face. She stumbles a few times, but catches herself quickly, surprisingly adept at running whilst the world around her begins shifting and distorting.

After a small amount of time spent barreling blindly through the thick forest, coincidentally, she comes across a large wooden sign that looks quite aged. The paint marking its surface reads "Lake of Life" with an arrow pointing her in another direction. A grin breaking out across her swollen face, she follows the arrow.

callisto callisto rolled a 2
Sure enough, the sign wasn't wrong! Through a break in the trees, an expansive, glorious, magical lake can be seen. It sparkles in... far too many colours to be natural. Disoriented and confused, our dim hero brings her attention out towards the slightly-lessened swarm of bees that are buzzing around her. At least... what used to be bees. Somewhere along the way, while she was running through the warping and shifting woods, the bumblebees have changed forms.

Various fruit and vegetables float around her majestically, not ever seeming to settle on a hue. Oh gosh, she's really, really gone. Why did she eat the mushrooms?!

Wh-okay, now she's reaching out and trying to grab the bees. That's just lovely. Her fists try to close around a few of them as she makes an attempt to stuff them in her pockets with the vibrant blue mushroom heads. Not coming as a surprise to literally anyone, she jerks her hand back, clutching it tightly as it begins swelling up from the numerous bee stings. "Ow!" She sharply yells, feeling betrayed by the flying shapes she's now inwardly dubbed "the happy-fruit".

Tears welling in her eyes from this unforeseen betrayal, she lets out another yell as she sprints back towards the Lake of Life. That is, if it's not all hallucination.

KageYuuki KageYuuki rolled a 1!
BackSet BackSet rolled a 1!
Sue valiantly, and without hesitation, dives straight into the-Oh no.
Ms. Donim makes a dramatic leap towards the lake, but somehow manages to completely miss. She belly-flops forward into the dirt and mud surrounding the edges of the lake, covering her clothes and face in disgusting brown-green muck.

This doesn't seem to matter to our drugged-out gal, as she appears to truly believe with all her heart that she's safe in the confines of the water. She then proceeds to ferociously raise her fists into the air and makes two... unkind gestures towards the bees, grinning triumphantly.

The bees do not like this. The bees are angered. The bees take absolute offense. They lead the charge harder than ever before, and Sue continues her muddy, pathetic misery, now with a side of angry and offended bees. She probably doesn't even know what they are anymore.

LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod rolled a 6!
One thing she does realize, however, is that the mud pit that she's in somehow isn't the Lake of Life, and the pain around her arms, legs, face, and... everything else, is still persisting. Her head raises up out of the muck, wildly looking around for where on Earth the lake that was supposed to be underneath her went. A look of complete and utter betrayal marks her expression... She needed that lake! She wanted that lake! Her love and desire was unmatched for that lake! Focusing all the mental energy she can muster, her eyes set themselves on the glinting surface of the lake ahead of her.

Tears of confusion, anger, and many other emotions stain her face as she belly crawls through the mud, trying her hardest to make it to her destination, which is really only a few yards away. Inwardly, she prays that this lake will ease all her troubles once she arrives, and she puts all her energy into hauling her swollen butt into the water.

Sue lets out a primal scream as she hurdles the final few feet, awkwardly walk-stumble-crawling into the long-sought water. Face-first is how she enters, and the instant the water comes into contact with her head, the absolutely chilling temperatures do wonders to sober her up, even if temporarily. The sheer shock is enough cause her to launch herself even further into the cloudy abyss. She flails the rest of the way in, closing her eyes as the shocking temperature sends sharp pain through the stings speckling her body. Even so, she can't help but grin beneath the surface, knowing full well that she's won against the hive. At least... for the moment.

Holding her breath for a few more moments, she finds that something is amiss, however. Within her worn, cloth clothes, something curious happens... Her now completely submerged pockets begin squirming and wriggling of their own volition.

Sue's head bursts from the water in surprise as she frantically gasps more air into her lungs. Unfortunately, it'd seem as if the angry, fickle bumblebees have not left her after all. They swarm back towards her, and she ducks her head down again with new breath, her pockets still writhing in the cold. She tries to squint through the water to see what's happening, and all she manages to catch is... blue shapes rising from her loose, open pants pockets. Blue shapes that are expanding.

The mushrooms floating up to the surface begin to grow exponentially in size, struggling and twisting themselves from side to side. They stretch larger and larger, their stem bodies widening to the size of tree trunks, and their enormous flat heads breaching the surface of the water. Their size very swiftly towers nearly 10 feet into the air before its growth peaks. Branch-like arms and legs suddenly sprout from their forms, creaking and crackling as they come into existence. Five of these new, giant mushroom creatures tower into the air, their bright blue bodies covered in glimmering drops of water.

The behemoth toadstools' tree-like arms plunge into the water, lurching for our entirely confused hero, who is surely hallucinating all of this. All too real, however, they hook beneath Sue's body before lifting themselves upwards.

Sue finds herself in the branch-arms of two of the five enormous mushroom creatures, rising well above the water, higher and higher up. She is brought above the flat heads of these new creatures, the water from her body dripping down onto the surface of the lake, over 10 feet below her.

The bees focus their energy on the ginormous blue creatures, their stings not doing much against them. Seems like Sue Donim no longer has to worry about her bee issue.

That escalated quickly.
What now?
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Sue should slowly stand (so as not to disorient herself more than she already has) and pinch herself to see if she's dreaming. If she is, she should try to wake up. If not, well, consider the second possibility that she's high as f*** from the mushrooms.
She needs to speak to her rescuers. Mildly interrogate the gigantic mushrooms, wholly expecting them to respond.
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She needs to convince the mushrooms that she is the god of life, and this is her lake and they need to worship her
Sue apologizes for eating the large mushroom’s children earlier.

BackSet BackSet rolled a 6!
It's a hallucination. It must be a hallucination, right? Or at the very least, some sort of whacked-out dream.

Despite her limbs trembling and her teeth chattering from the chill of the already-cold water catching the breeze, Sue is able to make herself upright, given enough time and caution. Her eyes wide in confusion and soberness that will probably not last, she stares at her rescuers, her fingertips making her way to the skin on her wrist. She pinches herself quickly, and is greeted with yet even more pain. "Ow...!" she sharply exclaims, unhappy to have the extra prick of being pinched along with all of her aching, throbbing bee stings.

Speaking of bees, they appear to have locked onto the mushrooms below, who don't seem to be overly affected by them. I suppose being lifted into the air by giant mushroom monsters does have its perks... The two that are currently holding Sue keep her in the air, while the other three stare at her, tilting their large, flat heads up at her patiently.

Her pinch worked. Definitely not a dream. But maybe a drug trip...?

KageYuuki KageYuuki rolled a 6!
The giant toadstool people not seeming to do anything else at the moment, Sue decides something's gotta happen. She looks down at her feet on the tree-like arm, holding her up. She manages to squat back down again, and crawls her way down the weave of tangled branches that appears to be their hands. Eventually, Sue manages to slide down one of the mushroom's thick arms, and onto the top of its soft, squishy, mushroom head.

The arms belonging to the other behemoth toadstool that raised her from the water lower down slowly, resting by its sides.

It's not long before... Well, Sue bellyflops onto the big blue surface, welcomed by its soft embrace. She begins wailing like an anime girl screaming for forgiveness because they did something mundane.

"Thank you so, so much! I-I'm so lost, I don't know what happened, I just woke up in the middle of the woods! I g-got chased by those bees, and I... I thought I was done for!!"

Her arms and legs splay out on the squishy, pillow-like surface as she continues babbling on about something or other, giving the giant friends the biggest hug she can manage. If this is a dream, it just turned into a wonderful one.

LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod rolled a 6!
Sue manages to calm herself down, the giant mushrooms still not really doing... anything noteworthy. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she lifts herself back up to her knees, looking at the pleasingly-coloured surface beneath her, which is.. Oh my, it's starting to change colours and distort again. Those shrooms that she ate are really starting to become a bit bothersome...

Still trying to hold on to what little of a clear head she has left, she puts her hands flat down and begins talking again, this time in a gentle, yet firm voice. "Who.. are you? Why are you doing this?"

They look at each other for a moment or two in silence.
Then, suddenly, a gentle blue glow flickers out from beneath the head of the individual she rests her knees on. A deep, soft, and compassionate voice booms out, echoing in a pleasing manner through Sue's ears.
"We are new."

Holy crap, that actually worked.

Mechking Mechking rolled a 3!

"O-Of course. I knew that." She explains, an idea beginning to form in that tiny, tiny brain of hers. A smile comes across her face as she lifts her hands into the air, dramatically emphasizing her words. "I knew that... Because I know all! For I... am the Goddess of Life. This is my lake, and you are my humble people. I created you... lifting you from nothing, and filling you with my wonderful grace! Kneel and show your affections towards your creator, and I will bless your souls!"


Okay, not the response she expected. Nervously, she clears her throat, as no voice graces her back immediately. ".. I, uh... I said... kneel?"

That same glow returns to the underside of the mushroom cap, the voice booming out again.
"We do not know of any Goddesses."

... Ah. Well, it's better than nothing.

Lunar Lunar rolled a 5!
A startling realization comes to Sue's mind as she takes her focus off of making the mushroom people her servants. Oh... Oh my gosh... Were those mushrooms she ate...?

The very thought of having eaten children of any sort makes Sue feel ill... But honestly, at this point, who's to say that nausea isn't an affect of the probably-poisonous shrooms? You know. The children ones. That she ate.

"Oh no..." Her voice squeaks out of her throat as she covers her mouth with a hand. "Those... Those things before... I think they were... your children...? I'm so, so sorry...! If I'd have known, I wouldn't have-...."

On second thought, why on Earth did she eat those mushrooms?!

"I'm so, so sorry..."

... "You are forgiven.

Oh. Well... That was surprisingly painless.

After the constant action and intensity of the past few minutes - the only few minutes she remembers, mind you - it's ever-so relieving to get a break... Even if for just a few seconds. Her wet, cloth clothes cling to her skin as she simply takes in the comforting silence...

Now what?
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Now that she isn’t being chased by asshole bees, Sue can take a better look at all the items she was carrying.
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[Div class="button Kar"]

Sue decides to jump on the mushroom like a trampoline and do a SICK FLIP!!![/div][Div class="button Kat hidden"]

He Babbles on about something you don't Understand
But CLICKING on him is rather fun
Sue pauses, and then asks the mushrooms what they do know. If they don't know of any dieties (she can hold off the existential crisis until later), perhaps they do know of something else. Something relevant to her forest awakening, perhaps?

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