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Fantasy Prisoners of Introspection/Time for an Intervention

Introspection: To look within, self reflection.

The human consciousness is a powerful force to reckon with. After all we are beings made in the image of the universe. But the force that makes us truly human is our inner self, both our conscious and unconscious. This unique force had created cosmic energy a force effected by the human mind. It being controlled by individual and the collective conscious. Due to the unconscious mind, the collection of people had created the Emotion Force, an enemy created from the unknowing desires of humans.

Plot: Our characters would work for the cosmic forces unit. They deal with threats made from cosmic energy. Unintentionally people or a person will create a dangerous creature created from the undesirable feelings, urges, and thoughts of humans. This special unit investigates and finds out why these creatures were made and also must exterminate them.

The reason they can fight these creatures is because they've learned to use their own cosmic energy and give it shape. This energy can create almost anything, however because we are only human it's our nature that takes shape, this is different for each individual. This energy can create physical objects, or energy mixing spells, or even create an effect. Basically an ability unique to an individual. Though similar people may have similar abilities. These abilities just take certain form based on the individual.

While cosmic energy can theoretically create anything, humans have yet to acquire this power. So instead they meditate, slowly turning cosmic energy into personalized energy, which is a special energy - unique to the individual. Upon the create of this energy, a sigil appears somewhere on their body, which glows when using their powers. As they meditate more and convert cosmic into personalized energy their sigil will grow and/or evolve. Showing their experience and power as a Personalized Energy User.

Because these characters are powerful beings they end up creating a very powerful Emotion Force creature which tends to hunt them. This create is the manifestation of their darkest secrets and feelings. It's said by defeating ones inner demon increases their understanding and cosmic power.

Setting: A modern world with a high fantasy setting. There are fantasy creatures and even world conflicts. It's a mix between modern and medieval. A modern world with an medieval life style. I like JRPGs so it's inspired by those as well. I'd like to keep that in mind as it's important for a setting the... Setting hahaha. Their is a modern city in the "center" of all the nations, while the outskirts and outside the city are fantasy-like. Might be more appropriate to say medieval. There are Elves, Humans, and Dwarves. The starting location is in the city. There are tall buildings reaching into the sky, and buildings underground. This is to accommodate for all races. Dwarves live in the underground cities, Elves live in buildings that go into the sky, and humans usually live at ground level. this being the case - yes they may live in other places. We live in this city because we work for The Agency, which takes on the Emotion Force. Some of their work is also sent out to help the more uncivilized nations and towns, in return for favors, and for the chance they might join The Agency's nation.

Final Notes: Ideally, it'd be nice if one character was new to this world so we could explain some of the rules to the character being introduced to the world. While the other characters have been doing it awhile and possibly experts to this. I do intend to have multiple Arcs. Each arc having a theme associated with the creature and resolving the problem/source of the problem to prevent it from coming back, but also destroying the creature itself. Also playing with the idea that understanding the feeling behind the creature allows one to accept it and understand it which gives them a power boost against it.

If you're interested I will have a character sheet to help get an idea for your character and some expectations. This has to be an original character. I don't mind inspiration but for the setting it might be easier to create a character unique to this roleplay.

It sounds fun that as our characters grow so too do their abilities. It's a journey of self discovery.

There is more character information but we can discuss more a out it over PM.

This RP has started, and the lore has expanded a bit, but one or two members would be coo!
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Sounds like you describing a Magical Girl theme without the cute girlie transformations lol. Loves it. Interested!!

Oh wait. Where are you hosting OOC?
This isn't a magical girl's thing what 😭😭😭😭😭😭 wait, your statement does kinda make sense though. Because you can almost do whatever. Like each character having a theme. I was thinking more JRPG. But gotta love how it's open to interpretation as most things are.

You know I'm not familiar with that or how to do that as I've always done OOC in a PM page with all the players. But if a page would look better I wouldn't be opposed to doing that but may need help. I do have a character sheet just deciding on a few things regarding that. More-so one world aspect hahas
This isn't a magical girl's thing what 😭😭😭😭😭😭 wait, your statement does kinda make sense though. Because you can almost do whatever. Like each character having a theme. I was thinking more JRPG. But gotta love how it's open to interpretation as most things are.

You know I'm not familiar with that or how to do that as I've always done OOC in a PM page with all the players. But if a page would look better I wouldn't be opposed to doing that but may need help. I do have a character sheet just deciding on a few things regarding that. More-so one world aspect hahas
Cosmic force team, Emotion Force monsters... sounds soooo magical girl to me. Say less. I'm in lol.

Yeah that PM group chat thingie works too for OOC. All goods.
My charrie throws exploding roses and has tattoos that turn into vines! Make a cool cool Cosmic charrie too or a wide-eyed charrie that is new to the world! Let's Goooo!

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