Tech Phones


Senior Member
I'm thinking about buying a new phone after the weekend but I'm not really sure what kind I should buy. Currently, I've rounded it down to two possibilities, LG L40 or LG Optimus L5, mostly because neither of them costs an arm and a leg. The Optimus is a bit more expensive, but the name is a plus (see my avatar for why), but I really like the L40, at least how it is described. But I don't really know which one is better or if either one is actually any good. What do you think?

And to avoid making this thread about me and what I want, what sort of phone do you use? Are you a smart-phone person, or are you a smart person with an old-school phone? (Really, why do you need anything else from your phone other than the ability to call someone and answer a call?) Lets talk phones! Specs! Usability! Carrots! Sticks! Positives! Negatives! STUFF! (If you don't want to talk about cellphones, the one you have in your home is good for conversations too.)

I currently have a hand-me-down LG phone from my girlfriend. It has a touch screen, but it's not particularly smart. Not sure of the model, but I think it predates 3G and wifi connectability for phones. It doesn't warn me with a sound about the battery being low, only when it is dead, and I usually don't hear it. Since I don't check my phone that often, I tend to leave my phone off for couple of days before realizing.

(EDIT: Looks like it might be the LG Viewty.)
It all depends on how you (want to) use your phone. For a bunch of people who just call and text, any phone is good - which makes cheaper, less-than-smart phones a more viable option. Why pay more to get a ton of features you'll never make use of?

But let's face it, for most people in developed societies a "smart" phone has become a must. I believe we can narrow down the reasons why to a single one: Apps. Smart phones are costly, but there's models out there that don't cost a thousand dollars like the new Samsung S5, and most operators are offering relatively good deals if you take the phone with a subscription plan and a couple years' worth contract. Does it pay off? Provided that you don't get an overpriced phone to begin with (which immediately excludes all iPhones), I would think so :P

The first phone I can remember having was a Motorola, old foldable one that you could use to call, text or even play Snake I think. Wow! Some years later I remember getting a Nokia X3 which was hands down one of the best phones I ever had despite being stupid and not a touch-screen. It's still around somewhere. I gave it to my mom when my dad bought me an iPhone 3GS. It was my first smart phone, so of course I liked it, but I was completely clueless - my eyes didn't open until I sold the 3GS and got a Samsung S2. Boy, oh boy did I see glorious light of the almighty Android! I am still using the S2 and have since tweaked it a bit with custom launchers (Nova), so it looks better than it really is :D I have dabbled a bit into Android application development since, and as someone who's been on both sides of the fence in the iOS/Android war, I would always recommend Android to everyone. Unless you I dunno, have a money-wasting fetish or something. Sorry, they're not literal crap as people like to overstate, but let's face it they're overpriced toys.

I've started longing for HTC recently - read that: for the past year or two - the One model mainly, but it really is far too expensive for poor old Wolf. Besides, all the apps and stuff is really nice, but I have far better uses for my barely earned money than wasting it on phones. The phones I had so far were always from my dad. I never actually bought a phone up until a couple weeks ago, when I got a Nokia Lumia 520 for @Petal . It comes with Windows so it's also an experiment to try that out. So far still prefer Android :P

That's as much stuff as I can think of at 1 AM. Sorry I can't give you any solid opinion, Skari, as I've never had an LG phone in my paws :/ *bark*
Settled for the Optimus. It is pretty awesome, in my opinion, but I'm taking the jump from not-smartphone to smartphone, so pretty much anything would be :P Its price had even dropped a little bit so it now costs as much as the L40, so that's nice too :)

What would wolves even do with phones? Who would you call and what would you talk about? Or do you just play games?

With that in mind, do you know of any good Dice-roller APP for Android?

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