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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

I have returned from the eclipse! Okay, time to adjudicate some stuff.
16 successes before any of my SM are appied if I can count correctly
Sherwood Sherwood That's a ridiculously high roll! You have your choice of either destroying the Aurochs or binding it to your will.
6 Successes.
Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws A solid distraction, but that person who is definitely not your daughter has either taken out the target or made it into an ally, so I'll let you choose a new action.
OOC full Excellency here to try and out-power the Dragon Blooded woman. Is this standard str-vs-str roll?

Str 5, Excellency+5, Brawl +2, DBT +5, stunt +2 = 19 dice
And I roll crap. Let's hope she bites her roll, too. 7 successes
Psychie Psychie I think you're rolling a Grapple Clash here? If you have a Charm that allows you to reflexively Clash an attack with a Grapple (that's an awesome Charm, you should make one if you don't have it) then carry on, but otherwise you're just receiving a regular attack and can't Clash it as you're not acting this tick. You're stunting your defence and choosing any defensive Charms you'd like to use.
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Psychie Psychie are you doing okay? I hope you aren't also in the hospital! When you have a chance, please declare your defense. We're blocked on you at the moment. Once this attack is resolved, everyone else can act.
Psychie Psychie I think you're rolling a Grapple Clash here? If you have a Charm that allows you to reflexively Clash an attack with a Grapple (that's an awesome Charm, you should make one if you don't have it) then carry on, but otherwise you're just receiving a regular attack and can't Clash it as you're not acting this tick. You're stunting your defence and choosing any defensive Charms you'd like to use.
I thought it was my action to attack, and I went with a grab to yank her in and pin one of her arms. What did I do wrong?
I thought it was my action to attack, and I went with a grab to yank her in and pin one of her arms. What did I do wrong?
No, sorry, you're acting on initiative 3 this turn because you spent your initiative on a decisive last round. We're still up at the high initiative values. The Blackscale effectively gets to go twice because she went after you last turn and before you this turn. You're stunting your defense against her attack, and the attack of the warriors against you.

Garret has yet to refresh his DV, so with a -2 Overwhelming the Bronze Tide warband attack him, scoring 4 hits.
The Blackscale follows up with a -4 Overwhelming penalty and 14 dice, scoring 9 hits!

How will Garret defend himself?
No stunt, no charms? Okay, I'll sort out what happens. If the Blackscale crashes you, she can make a reflexive Decisive attack, which might sting a little.
Equusheart Equusheart Sayuri is up! You're Medium Range from Garret, the Blackscale, the Aurochs, and the enemy warband. You're Short Range from the enemy Chanters. You're Long Range from the Wind Dancers. What would you like to do?
Hmmm... Garrett looks a bit swamped (yes?). So Sayuri will probably take a shot at the Auroch to try to help(?).
The Aurochs is, unknown to Sayuri, currently an ally! Sjet just bound the elemental that powers it to her will. You're still welcome to shoot it - it is a big scary thing leaking fire and clearly not dead yet as it struggles to get up, so it makes sense Sayuri would think it was an important target.
It's difficult for you to say. The mist is thick and the battle is chaotic. You can try to roll Perception+Awareness to make sense of the battle, at a -3 penalty due to obscuring mist.

Sayuri doesn't know the Aurochs is friendly, and it's the biggest target by far. She can see its silhouette looming in the most, and the glow from the flames leaking out of it. She can see the silver pillar of light surrounded by figures mostly visible by the way they obstruct that bright light.
At what point can Sjet call out some orders to the Aurouch to have it defend Garret and not be out of order?
Another update on my medical status. I still have a lot of infected fluid in me. I have a operation tomorrow to go in and drain more fluid, so hopefully it will well.
Heya friends and fellow gamers! I may not be part of this game, but guess what? Here's a blanket Sherwood update for you!

Sherwood will be in the hospital for about another 6-10 days, and he wants to assure you that - OH YES! - Sherwood WILL be back! Mark your calendars, people! The laser-chasing kitty knight we all know and love WILL be making his return!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)

P.S. Game on!
Heya friends and fellow gamers! I may not be part of this game, but guess what? Here's a blanket Sherwood update for you!

Sherwood will be in the hospital for about another 6-10 days, and he wants to assure you that - OH YES! - Sherwood WILL be back! Mark your calendars, people! The laser-chasing kitty knight we all know and love WILL be making his return!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)

P.S. Game on!
Thanks for letting us know! That flu had a real kick to it, huh? I'm happy to hear he's expected to make a full recovery.
Thanks for letting us know! That flu had a real kick to it, huh? I'm happy to hear he's expected to make a full recovery.
Heya Random! Good to see you! This is the least I can do. Sherwood and I knew each other LONG before RP Nation was even a thing. And you care about him too!

How can I not share such news with you? =)

Honor and fun,
Purr a.k.a. Dannigan =)
Heya friends and fellow gamers! I may not be part of this game, but guess what? Here's a blanket Sherwood update for you!

Sherwood will be in the hospital for about another 6-10 days, and he wants to assure you that - OH YES! - Sherwood WILL be back! Mark your calendars, people! The laser-chasing kitty knight we all know and love WILL be making his return!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)

P.S. Game on!
Thanks for the update. I wish Sherwood a speedy recovery! And lots of flowers and 'Get Well' balloons 🎈

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