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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

House Rules & Setting Info

Random Word

Three Thousand Club
I will edit this post with house rules later.

Notes for self:
Willpower reward for failed consequential non-combat rolls.
Players choose their own stunt rewards - Default Minor, one Major per Scene, one Defining per Session.
Special XP awards as a group. Once everyone gets an expression bonus, everyone gets it immediately and all at once. Then everyone resets.
10 XP per Session.
Craft variants are welcome.

City of Ombrelune
City Qualities
Dark Mirror - The city is tied to a vibrant and powerful afterlife in the Underworld. The city’s denizens venerate their ancestors and have elaborate funerary rites. Their powerful ancestors grant them wisdom and protection in return, lavishing them with blessings and protecting them from supernatural threats. The Underworld mirror preserves much of those who have lived here through the millennia, piled atop each other in what often appears to outsiders to be a chaotic mess.
Mercantile - This city lies at the crossroads of many important trade routes, or has extremely valuable exports to draw merchant vessels from far and wide. Perhaps it maintains a large and far-ranging merchant marine of its own, or has markets overflowing with valuable goods brought by foreign ships from across the Direction. The merchants of the city have deep pockets and a keen eye for a good investment. Nearby cities may be indebted to the people of this city, exotic goods will be easier to purchase, projects easier to finance, and news from far abroad easier to come by.
Ancient Wonders - The city is built upon the ruins of ancient wonders in various states of disrepair, or still benefits from ancient workings the original function and purpose of which are long forgotten. The denizens may have developed many innovative ways to make use of the failure modes of these wonders that their original builders may be horrified or delighted by in equal measure.
Cornucopia - Whether through ancient geomantic engineering, pacts with potent harvest gods, or alchemical secrets handed down through generations, the city produces a veritable cornucopia of food, fit to support a very large population in rude health with plenty to spare for export. It likely produces rare delicacies coveted by neighbouring cities, and those with the esoteric knowledge required may be able to convert some of the rare plants into potent alchemical reagents.

Notable Locations:
The Obsidian Harrow
- A Shadowland that extends up the steep and jagged slopes of the volcano at the centre of the isle. It is said that long ago a great battle was fought here between the armies of a mighty sorcerer and a band of brave heroes. Some of the ghosts in the city below still fight it to this day, though none will speak of it.
Coldfire Market - Half in the Obsidian Harrow and half in Creation, this vibrant and sumptuous market is anything but dead. Bridges span the Mercymourn river, which runs down the border of the Shadowland, but only the Ferryman's Guild know the esoteric art of crossing the river into Creation or the Underworld as they desire, day or night, and they guard the secret to their wealth jealously. Rare delicacies from the Underworld and Creation change hands here, bringing great wealth to merchant houses of the living and dead. The market draws its name from the icy blue floes produced by the volcano's endlessly active underworld mirror, which fetch a high price in the sweltering heat of the Cinder Isles.
The Gilded Cothon - These basalt enclosed docks embossed with opulent gold leaf decoration can hold and unload hundreds of ships safe from the fiercest storms. The wealthiest merchant houses own massive junks partially crewed with embalmed zombies and experienced sailor-ghosts to take the night shift while consuming no food or water, and expensive spirit-speakers to control them.
The Palace of Merciful Tears - The palace that hangs eternally in the sky above the city, the flowing tears of the god Bounteous Thalir feeding the rivers that nourish the city's bountiful fields and orchards. Most citizens pray daily for this great blessing.
The Quincunx - These five opulent counting houses are where the Guild and the four great merchant houses of the city hold court.
The Hall of Acclamation - The Counted, the wealthiest hundred living citizens of the city, meet here weekly to vote on laws and pass judgement on cases that are beyond the Justices Eternal. Seats are bid on in a blind auction every five years, the proceeds going towards civic infrastructure.
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So, does our Solar, or Lunar, or both want to be the children of an old cast-off priestess of the ancestor cult?

I do plan to give her some Lore and Occult, so she could have given the Solar some basic education in those, and worked her life to give him a better education.
So, does our Solar, or Lunar, or both want to be the children of an old cast-off priestess of the ancestor cult?

I do plan to give her some Lore and Occult, so she could have given the Solar some basic education in those, and worked her life to give him a better education.
I'm here! Woot!

I'm still plugging in some numbers on my Twilight, but I'm making good progress. Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws What do you have in mind for the ancestor cult?
You can see in the Interest check thread a very first draft of my character background. Basically, my character is older, around 60+. She used to be a priestess of the ancestor cult, but was forced out after she got pregnant. She had to work hard to survive with a newborn child, outside the city, until he/she came of age, and then she returned to the city, to give him/her a better future.
Sooooo, during the game, I could be like, "Ma! Ma! Ma! Mama! Mama! Mommy! Mommy! Mom! Mom! Mom!"
And you reply with, "WHAT?!"
Then I say, "I love you!"


Seriously, that would make for a good tie between our characters.
As a Casteless Lunar, the only information on the Abyssal Exalted that he would have heard would have come to him as a mortal, and with a large shadowland in the middle of our fine city, I don't see it being a really negative vibe for him.

Sure. Lets do that. It makes for a nice close-knit group.
Random Word Random Word Maybe Black Heron has some vested interest in this city, with it's nearby Shadowland, and has been keeping tabs on it. And discovering one of the former priestesses' son has Exalted as a Solar, would be an even greater incentive to recruit her as an Abyssal, to try and bring the Solar over.
A question regarding Supernal/Apocalyptic Abilities:
Some Charms say they get some auto-upgrade with higher essence. How does it interact with Supernal/Apocalyptic? After all, one's Essence isn't a limit to buying Charms in that Ability.

For example, Deathknight's Faithful Beast is a Survival 3, Essence 2 Simple Charm that becomes Reflexive at Essence 3. Does it mean it's Reflexive for me, since it's my Apocalyptic Ability? Or do I need to wait till Essence 3 to get that benefit?
You must wait until E3, because the Neverborn hate you. But, like, a little bit less than everyone else, which is almost but not entirely unlike love.
Yes! The Neverborn hate me less than everyone else! Am ahead in the game! I will find them, and hug them, and cuddle them, and love them, and will call them George!
So I have been perusing the latest Draft (which is more or less complete) of the Sidereal book and trying to figure out my character and their place in this story as well as their connection to the rest of the circle.

Do note that it is ruled that their circle is immune to the Sidereal's arcane fate trait, so they will be able to remember and not forget my character if that is what we want for this campaign.

This city has been designated as important to fate and destiny and a focal point to stop the Wyld Advance one way or another. (The Sidereals are not opposed to making a deal with the Wyld to establish a Wyld Kingdom on the border, which does well to buffer against other Wyld incursions.)

I am thinking that maybe the Manse contains one of the Golden Gates to Yu-Shan? And that the Heavens have placed a Sidereal there, my character, to watch over the gate (in addition to the Celestial Lion Guardian which watch the gates probably from the Yu-Shan side). This may also have situations where there are maybe other Sidereals or Gods passing through if they are in the region or are leaving into the region.

Interestingly I have read in other books that the South and West coverage of Sidereals is very thin as most of the Bureau of Heaven is focused on the Realm and the East. So my character has been assigned a what is seen as "thankless" job helping maintain the borders in this region. My character probably has several jobs and goals assigned to him here. One job is watching over the Manse and gate, another is finding a solution to the Wyld incursion, and I am sure there are others, trying to improve and fortify the city to protect the gate, they is probably dealing with a lot of gods wanting them to intervene in various situations that would benefit them among various other things. The life of a Sidereal, always busy, and always short of personnel.

So right now I am still debating which Maiden my character will serve and it will depend much on the feedback as to my characters role in the city and with this circle. I want to match well and complement well with the rest of the circle. Garrett is a battle machine, Droplets of Blood leans towards a more social side but is fairly well rounded, Sjet is more in the Occult, Lore, and Sorcery path.

Since this is basically a stationary campaign I do not see an Agent of the Maiden of Journeys as viable here.
An Agent of the Maiden of Battles was my initial thought...placed at the city to oversee conflicts.
An Agent of the Maiden of Serenity maybe was placed there to bring unity to all the groups there in preparation for the trials and tribulations of what is to come and better protect the City, the merchants, the Guild, the Fae, the Deathlords, the other exalted there.
An Agent of the Maiden of Secrets is another option which would fit well with overseeing the Manse/Gate (if that is what we want to do)...but there is overlap in occult and sorcery with Sjet.
An Agent of the Maiden of Endings has abilities which I think would complement the Circle, their focus is on "Athletics, Awareness, Bureaucracy, Integrity, Medicine". They could be placed at the city to make sure that certain things do not End until their appointed time and put an End to things that require such a fate.

So I am open to thoughts on which one would be the best here. I kind of like Endings here...but I kind of like all of them. I would love to hear your feedback.

In terms of Faction...I see my character kind of towing the line between the Bronze and the Gold. They are short staffed in this region, and the threat in this place is so great that my character does not really care if there are Solars,. Abyssals and Lunars here, and that they see them as possible resources to overcome the threat no matter what given that the existing resources here are having issues standing up to the Bronze Tide. (Which I suspect from the Bureaucracy of Heaven's point of view, is a failed mission or another project gone arigh by some other Gold Faction Sidereal with the interference of the Bronze Faction AGAIN). My characters focus is mainly keeping the Wyld on the edge of Creation and the City Protected by any means at their disposal, so if they can get a Solar, a Lunar, and an Abyssal to help them in doing so...great! Do they have concerns about the presence of those three groups, definitely but the current situation pushes all of those concerns aside. It also helps that the three in question are close to my character.

I kind of see my character not originally being born in this city, but maybe from the region, close the bordermarches of the Wyld and possibly with connections to the Guild. One of the reasons he was assigned this job would be his familiarity with the Region, the Wyld and the Guild. If we go with the Gate option, he would be familiar with the city as this was the place he was taken to after he exalted to go to Yu-Shan to train.

I am still kind of trying to work through my character and this is where I am at now. I am open to ideas and suggestions for them. Once I get a clearer picture of them I will start on building them.
In general I like your concept, and it would fit well here.
2e had the closest gate about 600 miles southwest of Bluehaven, but that's far, and for 3e, the map has grown, and changed, so some gates have likely changed locations.

I'd suggest you look at the Charmset, and see what Charms resonate with you more, and choose the Maiden according to what they suggest to you. After all, especially with Sidereals, whose Charms do not fully correspond to the associated Ability, it's important that you'll enjoy playing with the powers you have at your disposal.
Random Word Random Word
the 55xp we get, is that spent for all of us according to the table you posted in the Characters thread? Or is it spent according to each Splat's XP costs?
Excellent question, as I notice Sherwood Sherwood and Psychie Psychie have included the core rules splat advancement tables in their character sheets. The table at the top of the characters thread replaces all XP costs both during character creation and advancement.

It remains a valued tool in the hands of the Five-Score Fellowship, loaned out to end marauding demons, behemoths, and other mighty monsters that oppose the will of Heaven.
He brought the unprecedented phenomenon back to the workshops of the Heavenly City to be preserved in artifact form for the Sidereal host’s use, and to this day it’s occasionally requisitioned by Sidereal Circles embarking on dangerous missions.
Sherwood, is Sjet going to raid a Sidereal's tomb? I can put a Sidereal's tomb under the Manse, it would be fitting and appropriate, but yes that is a daiklave in her ghost's pocket and no she is not happy to see you.

**Lore: 5 - First Age Knowledge
*S*Occult: 5 - Sorcery
Sjet received one of the best educations in Creation, on an obscure and often forbidden topic. Who was your teacher? Eonivar's Sidereal might have been able to teach you this well, but you may well know more about the First Age than they do. You are lucky in that the wealth of the Guild and the Timeless Order means hiring the best tutors is possible, and luckier still there is an immense Underworld city connected to yours in which ancient ghosts who were present in the First Age still linger. Ancient ghost tutors don't come cheap, though, and they're the most plausible source for your education. How did you manage to either afford the finest education the Underworld could provide, or impress them enough to take you on as a student without paying? There's quite a story in these Ability ratings.

This city has been designated as important to fate and destiny and a focal point to stop the Wyld Advance one way or another. (The Sidereals are not opposed to making a deal with the Wyld to establish a Wyld Kingdom on the border, which does well to buffer against other Wyld incursions.)
It certainly has.
I am thinking that maybe the Manse contains one of the Golden Gates to Yu-Shan?
It does now.
Since this is basically a stationary campaign I do not see an Agent of the Maiden of Journeys as viable here.
I don't expect it to be entirely stationary, simply have the city as a home base. There will be optional excursions: Saving city-states on neighbouring isles, coalition and alliance building, launching assaults to disrupt Bronze Tide and eventually Fae operations, hunting for MacGuffins, possibly even some exploring the Underworld. Journeys also covers good admirals, which are valuable. All this is to say, Journeys isn't right out, so enjoy more decision paralysis.
In terms of Faction...I see my character kind of towing the line between the Bronze and the Gold.
The file on this island is thick and mostly sealed by the Forbidding Manse. What you do have spells out in no uncertain terms that Solars are not to be permitted to enter the Isle, and if any do, they are to be terminated with extreme prejudice. A legendary audit awaits you if you're caught harbouring Solars here - you'll have to call in very powerful favours to get off with only a slap on the wrist, or make the case that it was essential to the survival of Creation. Any loyal scion of Kejak would report a Solar found here immediately, so toeing that line may be difficult. Eventually it will be almost impossible to hide your involvement, and a scandal will ensue.
Melee: 5 - Spear/Lance Fighting
We'll want to know which legendary spearmaster or school taught you, and how your surpassed them, or how you became a self taught genius of the spear by facing truly terrifying enemies on a regular basis.

It appears Garret is good at being swole and murder. I will endeavour to regularly offer serious combat encounters that exercise the full rules, but I do worry about the problem of the Kandara campaign where the combat focused characters did not receive the spotlight often enough. Try to make sure any exclusively combat-focused character has a strong personality and a lot of ties to the world so they have a strong incentive to stick their nose into even things they're bad at. Just because you aren't a Charisma 5 Presence 5 social monster doesn't mean you can't speak up often and add something to every conversation. Intimidation can be a good way to contribute socially as a combat monster, but so can leaning on your community ties and reputation. It doesn't matter if you aren't eloquent, if you're a well regarded member of a community, people will listen when you speak.

Sherwood Sherwood ! Your previous incarnation built this War Manse. What sort of weapon does it wield? I assume your Hearthstone comes from attuning to it, so it must be Solar aspected. Maybe a giant orichalcum mirror array that focuses the sun's light into a heat ray, Archimedes style.
The file on this island is thick and mostly sealed by the Forbidding Manse. What you do have spells out in no uncertain terms that Solars are not to be permitted to enter the Isle, and if any do, they are to be terminated with extreme prejudice. A legendary audit awaits you if you're caught harbouring Solars here - you'll have to call in very powerful favours to get off with only a slap on the wrist, or make the case that it was essential to the survival of Creation. Any loyal scion of Kejak would report a Solar found here immediately, so toeing that line may be difficult. Eventually it will be almost impossible to hide your involvement,
Enter the isle, do you mean Yu-Shan here? I can definitely see my character not letting ANYONE not Sidereal or cleared God entering Yu-Shan.
Oh no, naturally no non-Sidereal Celestials in Yu-Shan, I meant the island on which the city state is set. Records indicate a significant battle late in the Usurpation wars was fought here, and the Forbidding Manse has sealed the records but left standing orders that, while Solars are to be executed everywhere, they're extra-special dead if they're found here. That usually means the Solars built something nasty that couldn't easily be destroyed and Kejak doesn't want them digging it up and causing Direction sized headaches.
Oh no, naturally no non-Sidereal Celestials in Yu-Shan, I meant the island on which the city state is set. Records indicate a significant battle late in the Usurpation wars was fought here, and the Forbidding Manse has sealed the records but left standing orders that, while Solars are to be executed everywhere, they're extra-special dead if they're found here. That usually means the Solars built something nasty that couldn't easily be destroyed and Kejak doesn't want them digging it up and causing Direction sized headaches

Then why would my character even bother associating themselves with Sjet, Garret, or the Blood Lady?
Maybe because he knows that if the Fae get their hands on it, it could be even more devastating, and without their presence on the isle, there's not much he can do to stop the fae from overwhelming the isle.
That's up to you, of course, but if you're asking how it's possible, then I would say: Because Sidereals are as infamous for flouting as following rules. To many, bureaucracy and law are games to be played and won. The Gold Faction completely ignores the unwritten rules on executing Solars, and actively conspires to aid them in their return. The Bronze Faction obviously doesn't want the reincarnated Solars who built this island to recover whatever wonders or horrors they built in the First Age, but you aren't Kejak and your character is allowed to think differently. Perhaps you want to give the Fae a Direction-sized headache of Solar proportions. Perhaps you believe a Solar dominion in the Southwest is exactly what Creation needs to liberate An-Teng and Zhaojun and Nandao from brutal Realm oppression. Perhaps you simply intend to profit off the chaos and sell influence and positions for unemployed gods in the new superpower that emerges. You would hardly be the first Sidereal to break the rules. The question is how you intend to get away with it, because you can't hide the Bull of the Southwest for long once they get rolling.

Maybe because he knows that if the Fae get their hands on it, it could be even more devastating, and without their presence on the isle, there's not much he can do to stop the fae from overwhelming the isle.
Or this! Indeed, there's almost certainly a note in there that the island shouldn't be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemies of Creation under any circumstances.
Maybe because he knows that if the Fae get their hands on it, it could be even more devastating, and without their presence on the isle, there's not much he can do to stop the fae from overwhelming the isle.
Based on my reading of the book, it is my understanding that such an audit has never happened and would never. I am sure Kejak has tea with Ayasha Ura on a daily basis and they know well what each other are doing (well mostly the Gold faction is all over the place). The Sidareals are too valuable and too few with very little time and resources to execute on such an audit. Also the precedent from such an audit if successful who severely hurt the Five Score Fellowship ability to do ANYTHING with all the convictions and cases that would paralyze them. If anything I could see such implication and legal action be a Gitemian plot. The Sidereals are a family, a dysfunctional one for sure, but when it comes down to trying to save creation they are in lock step. Based on this reasoning, I do not think my character would see such consequences for having the Circle on the island.

Yes, the Bronze Faction thinks Solars are bad and they could be, but they are here as are the other groups...and given the situation my character will use whatever they can to prevent the island from falling until their enemies hand.

Now if the Circle starts taking over and using this War Manse to start conquering creation particularly against the Realm then my character will be the first to try and stop them. So there is a balance. My character will ultimately still be aligned with the Fellowship over his circle if need be, but they are not in that situation at the moment.

Now if there is other lore I am missing on this, please enlighten me, I can only read so much at a time.

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