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Realistic or Modern Only We May Judge (A dark magical girl interest check)


Junior Member
You were different, that's why you were being punished. Those are the words that the angelic statue had told you before it had nearly choked the life out of you. You remember your vision swimming, everything becoming much dimmer, questioning why this was happening to you. Just because you want to do something different, just because you don't want to go into the same company that your father had, the sane one that had drained away any semblance of life from him? You remember having nothing but regret for your life at that point, for not doing all of the things that he would wanted to do, but had been too afraid of going against the grain.

And then blistering relief, cool air rushing down your throat again, And the sight of a man in clothing that you had never seen worn before, a style that would have been unthinkable to see within the confines of the City. You remember him tearing apart the wooden angels taking you to a strange bar filled with odd creatures and odd people. and most of all you remember his words.

“The world might have abandoned you, but that means from this point on you can do whatever you want.”

Now I live a life of freedom and rebellion, warring against the factory and their manufactured angels, having sold my soul to a true demon. All in the hopes that one day others will not have to walk a path of hardship just to follow their dream.


Judges of the City is a play by post RP that has players take the role of characters that have been divorced from the city-wide control of a massive corporation simply known as the Factory. Almost every business within the city has ties to the Factory in one way or another, and everything from local government to religious organizations within the city also have ties with them, it wouldn't be inaccurate to say that the factory controls every aspect of life within the confines of the city.

And when someone disrupts the unity of the city or goes against the factory the city itself will become engulfed in a thick fog, which heralds the arrival of angels. beings of clockwork and fire that seek out any who disrupt social order in even the most minor way, and will either drag them back to the massive building on the outskirts of the city to be reprogrammed into ideal citizens or we executed on the spot and erased from the city's history.

There exists another choice for those targeted by the factory however, making a contract with a being known as a demon. In their own words they are those who decide on the judgment of humans, and see the Factory as an affront to their existence. Without free will, without the option to choose, there can be no good or evil, an existence of stasis that will cause the soul of a human to rot to nothing and cease to exist when they meet their end.

Once contracted with a human the demon will stay on earth tied to an object closely regarded by that person, or take the form of an animal that the person would find pleasing. When in dire straits the demon can tie its existence even closer to a human, which takes on two separate forms.

The first of these being Apotheosis, where the human takes on aspects of the demon but remains largely themselves with full access to the unique abilities carried by the demon. This could be anything from weapons and armor to control of magic that a human would not normally have.

The second is known as Submission, with a human allowing their consciousness to sink to a secondary role allowing the demon more control over their shared body, they take on more demonic traits and are used fully as a vessel of the Demons power. This form comes with a time constraint of around 5 minutes at maximum, however until that time ends there's no ability for the human to cancel the activation.

Whether what you do is right or wrong, only you are going to be able to judge.

Quick info

  • It is impossible to leave the City by normal means, anytime one leaves the confines of the city for any reason they will simply find themselves turned back. If asked , the demons simply say this is one effect that the factory is having on the area but otherwise remain completely silent on the issue.
  • The time period is modern, however technology itself is a limited resource for most people within the bounds of the city, most modern tech is either sold via Factory stores or Factory brands of the same product.Most pop culture that enters into the city is highly sanitized versions of what we might see in the real world, however those outside of the system have ways of getting around the blockades put up by the Factory.
  • No one knows how the angels are made nor who runs the Factory, there's only been one assault on the Factory's main base within the Rebellion’s short history, and it ended with them forced retreat against a near endless army of clockwork angels.
  • Demons come in all forms, some take the form of mythological creatures, and other demonic beings taken from studies of the occult throughout history.
Character Sheet
(There will be a separate page for characters, this is just to show what the sheet itself looks like.)
  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Demon: (The name and description of characters contracted demon.)
  • Apotheosis: (The abilities taken on when in this state)
  • Submission: (The abilities taken on in this state)
  • Weapons: (Those summoned by fusing with your demon or brought with the character)
  • Personality:
  • History: (Please include what they were targeted by the factory for.)
  • Appearance: (Picture or description for all forms.)
  • Etc: (Everything else)
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Sounds fun,might want to be a part of this. Kind of makes me think of how Magical Burst handles things.

Is there any particular theme (like the Ars Goetia) that you're planning for the demons?
Sounds fun,might want to be a part of this. Kind of makes me think of how Magical Burst handles things.

Is there any particular theme (like the Ars Goetia) that you're planning for the demons?
I've kept it open to traditional demons and mythological deities in order to give the widest possible pool.
I've got an idea or two for a character,then. You may want to make a separate CS thread to keep things neat too.

Hopefully more people show up.

In the meantime,I'll ask a question or two. What is it like outside the city? No known power can get out,but do people come in? Did people come in willingly to live in the city when it was first made or was an existing city converted into its current state?
I love the City I live in.

I love the City I live in.

I love the City I live in.
I've got an idea or two for a character,then. You may want to make a separate CS thread to keep things neat too.

Hopefully more people show up.

In the meantime,I'll ask a question or two. What is it like outside the city? No known power can get out,but do people come in? Did people come in willingly to live in the city when it was first made or was an existing city converted into its current state?
No worries I'll make sure to have a separate page for characters if I draw enough eyes, but I wanted to let people see what the sheet would look like beforehand.

As for newcomers there are those who come from outside, two flavors in fact.

1st- Those who are moving into the city for the first time, usually families but occasionally a single resident. If asked about the outside world they will usually respond in vague terms of where they came from and what it's like. If pressed they will change subject in a naturally unnatural way.

2nd- Delivery Drivers, they are seen entering and exiting through the mist, only moving in and out of the Factory's storehouse. If their trucks are attacked it innates an immediate angelic response. Even in the best case scenarios on attacks drivers are always found dead.
Question. How illegal is religion, and if the demons are going to be from stuff like Ars Goetia and actual mythology, does that imply the existence of shit like Catholicism and the such.

Asking for a friend, of course.
Question. How illegal is religion, and if the demons are going to be from stuff like Ars Goetia and actual mythology, does that imply the existence of shit like Catholicism and the such.

Asking for a friend, of course.
All practiced religion exists within the City without restriction. However they exist in a modified state that puts adherence to authority, social values, and hard work as being more important then any sense of spirituality.

All high level clergy of any major religion within the City are paid for by the Factory, and can be seen at times entering into the Factory main office.
All practiced religion exists within the City without restriction. However they exist in a modified state that puts adherence to authority, social values, and hard work as being more important then any sense of spirituality.

All high level clergy of any major religion within the City are paid for by the Factory, and can be seen at times entering into the Factory main office.
Second question, do clergymen actually display any sort of spiritual shenanigans like performing 'miracles' of healing and etc or do they just tell you to 'have faith, lol'
Second question, do clergymen actually display any sort of spiritual shenanigans like performing 'miracles' of healing and etc or do they just tell you to 'have faith, lol'
They don't perform miracles, however every so often the mist will roll out and the angels will be deployed to 'change' something, and the resulting good fortune is taken credit for. People remember thr feeling of their worries, and the relief of it being gone and call it a miracle.

"My son was acting strangely and is rebellious."

-a week later-

"My worries are clear, my wife and daughter are so happy, it must be divine providence."
They don't perform miracles, however every so often the mist will roll out and the angels will be deployed to 'change' something, and the resulting good fortune is taken credit for. People remember thr feeling of their worries, and the relief of it being gone and call it a miracle.

"My son was acting strangely and is rebellious."

-a week later-

"My worries are clear, my wife and daughter are so happy, it must be divine providence."
Aight thanks ima start cooking now.
How many rpers do you intend to recruit for this? Additionally, are all of the player characters going to be female (since this is titled as a magical GIRL rp; I'm fine if it is, just curious)?

I am interested either way, however.
How many rpers do you intend to recruit for this? Additionally, are all of the player characters going to be female (since this is titled as a magical GIRL rp; I'm fine if it is, just curious)?

I am interested either way, however.
Piggybacking off this question,will all the main characters be girls? As in,18 or below. Or might an adult that runs afoul of the angels find themselves making a contract as well?
By the way, how much leeway do we have with the demon's backstory? I ask since my idea is to try Amon-Ra/Aamon by mixing and matching them.

In the Egyptian myths, Amon-Ra was poisoned by an asp Isis had bite him. She only would cure him after being given his true name, which he did in order to survive. Isis then gave the name over to her son, Horus, in order to bolster his rule.

Aamon, also known as Amon, is one of the demons in the Key of Solomon and Ars Goetia, who can spew flame among other things.

My idea is to have Amon-Ra have degenerated into the demon Amon when he had his name of Ra stolen from him. I am wondering, however, if this is would be allowed or is too 'out there'.

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