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Only War: Heresy


*Yawn* Really?

1st Rhean Armoured

"Operation Javelin"



The regiment has been dispatched to Vanta IV, a small desert world in the Coronid Reach and part of the Imperium's Northern Frontier. The planet has recently been engaged by several large Ork warbands united under the banner of the Warboss Morkthunda. The Warboss has managed to secure over half of the planet, and is currently in the process of wiping out the remaining PDF defenders.

However, even before the arrival of the Orks on the planet, Vanta IV has been under strict observation. The ++content redacted++ observed evidence of corruption and the influence of Chaos on the planet. An Inquisitorial team has been dispatched to investigate, but contact was lost in the vicinity of the planet's capital, Vanta. It is currently unclear whether this is due to the Orks, traitors among the PDF or a simply communication failure.

The 1st Rhean Armoured have been dispatched to the planet in order to find, assist and extract the Inquisitorial team, code-named Epsilon. Upon contact with the Inquisitor the regiment will be placed under his command for the duration of the assignment.

Friendly Presence:

Full combat capacity of the 1st Rhean Armoured.

Unknown numbers of allied PDF fighters.

=== Be aware, if corruption is present on the planet then some PDF forces may prove traitorous. Treat with caution. ===

Hostile Presence:

Strong Ork presence in and around Vanta. Reports indicate both foot mobile, motorized and armored troops in the area. Ork minefields have been identified, precede with caution.


Primary: Find, assist and extract team Epsilon.

Secondary: Investigate corruption on the planet

Secondary: Eliminate Orkish high-value-targets as encountered.

Tertiary: Secure fuel depots on Vanta's outskirts.

Tertiary: Capture and re-activate planetary defense system.

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8:43 AM. Firebase Pugilus. Vantan Outskirts.

The firebase is alive with activity, crewmen rushing to their tanks carrying bundles of ammunition or canisters of fuel, their shouts largely drowned out by the roaring thunder of explosions in the distance. The order to move out has just been passed; the 1st Rhean Armoured are preparing to go into battle. Four tanks are already prepped by the Firebase's main gate, three Leman Russ, one Chimera. The transport is already filled with 12 guardsmen, who are to act as escort for the mission's duration. Crewmen scuttle around the tanks, making their final checks and awaiting the arrival of the command squad.

A pair of crewmen pause to murmur to each other.

"A Commissar,
and a psyker? So we've got to worry about warpiness as well as a bolt pistol to the brain? Just great."

The other shrugged.

"There's the sergeant and his operator to mediate between them though."

His friend scowled.

"I'd still rather not be trapped in a metal box with either."

The commander of one of the tanks yelled something at them which was lost in the sounds of combat in the distance, and the pair quickly clambered into the vehicle and took up their allotted roles. Now the only free spaces are in the foremost Leman Russ and the Chimera.

From Chimera's cargo bay, Sergeant Kimba Hanock checked her PDA for a moment, then announced to no-one in particular.

"They're here".

The screen of the PDA was marked with four blips, approaching the tank section.

At least the squad trackers work, Kimba thought. That's a good start.

Then she settled back into her seat, her lasgun resting in the footwell, and waited for the vehicle to start moving.

/// These four tanks are your section for the operation. Once you arrive, its up to you guys where you want to go, you have autonomy from the rest of the regiment for this mission. Use the map in the overview tab to plan your route. Remember that your objective is to find the Inquisitorial team, who were last seen somewhere in the warzone. Over to you! ///
Hieronymus dashes out from under the eves of a supply tent, shielding his head with a data slate held in one hand as he runs towards the tanks carrying a promethium canister in the other. He's spent enough time under 'skies' to learn that the clouds are in fact boil off from reactor cooling tanks, and that the frequent failures of the environmental control systems could lead to a temperature drop and a deluge of condensation at any moment. Coolant has already flooded the base three times today.

"Any moment now," he mutters as he eyes the skies warily, nodding and smiling to Sgt. Hannock as she enters the Chimera. He secures the promethium canister into its compartment and slams it shut as he makes a nimble ascent to the top of the vehicle and quickly drops through the hatch. Secure in the event of disaster, he peeks his head out and looks down at the map table. "Down main arterial south and curve around north to the fuel depot. Play to our strengths - move fast and secure what we need to keep moving. Don't trust them to keep the fuel flowing," he calls before dropping back down and beginning the rite of initiation to awaken the machine spirit.
"Big" Moira Sorn walks out towards the vehicles with a scowl as she regards the unit. Her own tank was waiting for her along with her fellow command squad members. She cut an imposing figure in a unifrom that hugged a muscular frame and feminine curves. A lot of men joked she got bad hormone treatments, not familiar with the Labor Stock before the purges. The Laborers were bred for hardship, physical labor and if need be good stock to make Skitarii from. Her own family were a genus meant for command, proud of being chosen for the gene boosts for high intellect, perception and force of personality. Rheans at least dealt with it better than some not used to a woman could could beat the hell out of them personally.

She wasn't a violent woman, far from it relying more on her reputation with her squad for making common sense calls over panicking. She looked out for her squad and they looked out for her. It felt natural she'd been chosen to go Sergeant after Basford got fragged a while back. She had good rapport though she still was edgey with how her regiment was being treated. Having a Commissar attached to her was a hinderance and honor... but then Command stuck a Psyker with them too. She wanted to swear at that, being stuck in a tank with a Psyker wasn't her ideal command. Still, she couldn't help it, so she'd give them the benefit of the doubt and try to keep the Commissar from fragging them until they proved dangerous to the Squad's survival.

"Lorval! Check the seals and make sure we're fueled fully!" She looks on out at the tank with a sigh as the considers the map she had in hand. She'd need to direct the Squad in a good position and would have an idea shortly how to proceed.
Barthandantalus is already seated in the tank; shuffling a deck of the Emperor's Tarot cards. He's been in there for nearly thirty minutes- having received the briefing on his Datapad. He's a weary man- large for his profession, thin by most standards. He's made an active effort to stay healthy after the Sanctioning ripped his body and soul apart and put them back together; his life one of semi constant pain ever since the Emperor looked into his soul, and tore it apart. He's laid the cards down- shuffled and focused as he focuses on the weaves and warp of fate; the deck is shuffled and twisted in his hands- cards flickering in impossible movements between his two hands... and it's all centered around a little purple crystal that seethes with energy- into which he stares as he manipulates the Tarot cards all around it.

His ritual nears it's end, as the others walk about outside. He prefers it like this- alone in the tank, without the hateful and suspicious gazes of his comrades in arms. Alone, where no one can hurt him with words and jibes. It's a lonely life, being a psyker among the imperial guard; alone in a family of compatriots and comrades- always looking on at bonds closer than most families, while being left outside and unable to participate by their suspicions and fears. He shuffles the cards and stares into the future- focusing his will to gaze upon the battle to come as his heavy coat hangs about him in one of the few places he feels truly at home and safe anymore; inside a Tank.... and peers into the future, peeling apart the skeins of fate and the webs of destiny to see the battle to come... and how best to win it.

At first all Barthandalus sees is smoke and dust, rising in plumes from craters on the battlefield below. Then, slowly, his vision clears. He sees Orks, a literal green-tide rushing through the streets of Vanta, and PDF troops scattering before them, the embassy on fire.

The vision changes. Now he's inside, in a dark dome lit only by an eerie red light which shifts and pulsates. He can't see the corruption, but he feels it as the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He sees an Inquisitorial rosette abandoned nearby, and beyond that, a corpse.

Again, the vision shifts. Now Barthandalus sees a fuel depot. Greenskins surround it, but from the fuel station itself he sees the flash of las weapons and the smoke of autoguns emanating from inside. Nearby a Chimera lies abandoned, out of fuel and despoiled by Orks.

Finally, Barthandalus sees the wrecks. Four smoking Leman Russ, dotting the northern highway at occasional intervals. The mines which destroyed them lurk under the sand, not crude Ork work, but instead the military precision of a Guardsman.
A few dozen yards back from the squad leader, a ripple of tense quiet spread through the normal buzz of debarkation. At the nexus of that pointedly studious quiet came a thin figure wrapped in a black and crimson greatcoat and matching uniform.

The figure beneath the peaked commissar's cap was preceded by his own set of sounds and smells. Into the silence his presence provoked, Commissar Eikonos' rasping breaths sawed forth, near fit to set teeth on edge. A sharp gaze raked across the various assembled soldiery before he nodded a marginally, he approved of the fact that when he was around the troopers set to with a will; it made him feel things were progressing rightly, like he was doing his job properly. They needed that for this assignment, if he'd judged the briefing correctly.

Preceded by the heavy scent of his tabac tox stick, the commissar took another draw before dropping the butt and grinding it out beneath a well-shined boot. Setting his palm against the chimera's side to feel the reassuring thrum of the transport's sacred hymns to the Omnissiah, Eikonos took hold of the hull, pulling himself up to drop in through the pintle hatch. Looking down into the hold, the commissar rasped out, I'll ride here, squad leader, if that's acceptable to you. I doubt abyvof your troopers would wish to share a seat with a commissar, and I'd rather they have their minds on the mission, if it comes down to it.
"By all means, Commissar. Never hurts to have another pair of eyes looking out for trouble especially considering the mission," Sergeant Sorn said with a nod. She felt a bit of relief as well mainly because she didn't need both that and a Psyker trapped inside a tank with her. One was bad enough and she honestly couldn't decide which was worse.

Like most citizens, Moira feared the witch if not more so because of the fate of her own homeworld. She had little love for the Commissariat though, considering it had descended upon Rhea after the purges. She'd seen a friend or two vanish after Informant Booths were set up. She couldn't hold that against her current Commissar but she still didn't trust them because of it. Too willing to remove someone over hearsay at times when all they had was the word of someone else and no evidence. That irritated someone who grew up in a society based around the glories of logic and mechanical excellence.

"Better get things rolling," She muttered some, walking on over towards her command tank. She climbs up, lowering her strong frame down into the turret as she looks out at the landscape more. Their objectives were clear, but just how in the hell did command expect them to find a damn Inquisitorial team out here? Not like they ran about flaunting that status especially in a warzone. She looks down at her map again and considers that as she puts on her tanker headset.

"Alright, I'm making a final check of the map before I get us rolling out. We've got our orders and I'm considering securing that Fuel Depot first to give us a better approach lane to Vanta itself," She states before clicking over to the channel she hoped the Psyker was using. She'd read his dossier, knew he was some sort of diviner so as a squad leader she had to count on his gifts to make good strategic and tactical decisions.

"Any portents I should be aware of?"
The psyker sighs as his coms unit flickers on, and he hears his commanding officer's voice. He thinks for a few moments, on how to answer- still dizzy from the overwhelming clarity of his vision as he frowns... and takes a deep, calming breath before answering.

"Many portents. Most important of the lot is that we'll be having a minefield to worry about- the northern highway is full of them.... and it's the work of Guardsman, it looked like... not Ork mines. Traitor PDF, almost certainly confirmed... The Fuel Depot is being attacked by Greenskins- or will be... I can't tell when my visions where, just that they pertained to this battle, as the Emperor's Tarot divined to me." he explains softly- pausing there as he debates whether or not to continue.

"...Though, I do have some good news. I think I know our destination- where is the ah.... on the region's map.... Dome? Right- the research facility... I think it's there that the inquisitorial team might have been last- though I think it likely there is something truly dark in that place... regardless; my visions where unusually clear today.... so I beg of you. Actually make use of them- I've seen altogether too many guardsmen die from ignoring my visions. Sometimes, I see nothing- but when I see, I see truly, I swear it." He pleads softly- glad this commander actually thought to ask him for his portents..... and pausing.

"Oh, also good news. The fuel depot- there's a mostly intact Chimera there that was abandoned when it ran out of fuel, but we'd have to fight our way through a sizable Ork horde to rescue it.... but we'd be rescuing what is likely loyal PDF remanants from the Orkish siege... meanwhile, Vanta and the Embassy are lost. An attack into that area is likely to result in doom... or at the very least, casualties and damage."
Hieronymus intoned the last of the catechism of initiation with the rest of the crew, listening to the crackling radio while reciting or answering questions by rote, flipping switches and examining gauges. He glanced up into the turret and then out the forward viewing plate to ensure the road was clear. "Alright, you heard the Sergeant, Grimaldo. Load and ready, we're about to move out."
Sgt. Sorn frowned some as she listened to the diviner. A lot of the Guard made the mistake of not listening to their psychic advisors at times. She that was all a bit damn foolish considering these people had been shuttled off to Holy Terra itself for processing and possible judgement before the Omnissiah himself. Fortunately for him, she wasn't a member of the Imperial Cult.

"I'm not about to dismiss viable informatin. Just be sure if we're dealing with future or present on some of them. Or at least do your best to discern it; I'm not about to dismiss your services when command provided you in the first place," Sorn responded reassuringly before snapping her comm over to the Squad channel to address everyone.

"Listen up! Change of plans after consulting with our attached advisor. We have a potential minefield of Imperial build on the Northern Highway. Mark it on your maps. We're not going that way. More so it sounds like Vanta is going to be hit soon. Much as that pains me, we have a lead on our primary objective. We are to make course for the Industrial Park, which we will move through for added cover to approach the Research Facility. There is a good possibility we can link up with our objective there," Sorn stated without waiting to hear objections. This wasn't some worker's council and she didn't have time for debate once she had made a decision.

"When we reach the Industrial Park, Fireteams will deploy to provide escort and covering fire for the tanks. Its going to be a bit more closed in there and I don't wan you lot trapped in a tank for a missile to cook you all. We don't know if the Orks have it but honestly if we can secure it, we deny the Greenskins a machine shop they might repurpose. You've seen their grox-shit vehicles before; let's deny them the chance to more easily make more. We'll take what we need from there and for the love of the Omnissiah watch your water, we are on a desert world. From there we're going to search the Research Facility for our contact. Roll out!"

Sgt. Sorn moved to rekey her comm to the her the other tanks in the area.

"All Units, be advised that we have a potential minefield on the Northern Highway. I repeat we have a potential minefield on the Northern Highway. Also be advised that Vanta will likely be hit soon by overwhelming enemy attack if they haven't already taken it; be aware of likely Greenskin encroachment soon. Good hunting," Sorn said with a concerned frown. Vanta being lost wasn't good news but there was nothing their meager force could to to halt the Green Tide. Command wanted them to find the Inquisitorial Team and she'd damn well pursue that above all else. She sighs and signals Company Command now.

"Command, be advised my diviner has warned of a large scale attack on Vanta if it isn't already in progress. High possibility of Greenskin contact. Also be advised of an Imperial manufacture minefield likely on the Northern Highway. I have warned local units but am passing it up the chain of command. Squad is now deploying for a possible lead on our objective at the Research Facility. Sergeant Sorn Out," She said and went silent for any possible confirmation. Feeling the tank shudder beneath her as they began to roll out. She almost alway put the Leman Russ in front to shield their troop carrier.
The tanks rolled out of Firebase Pugilus in ordered formation, moving past columns of PDF troops who were jogging back and forth from the defensive lines in the distance. The company reached these lines after only a short drive. Trenches ran along a ridge line, marked with bunkers, overlooking the theater of operations. PDF were entrenching their positions as the tanks passed. A few whooped their approval of the armor as it rolled past, but most kept heads down, unwinding reels of razor-wire or preparing heavy bolters in their dugouts.

The defenses were soon lost to the distance, and the 1st Rhean armoured were in no-man's land. In the distance they could see the tall skyscrapers of Vanta, and the plumes of smoke which rose among them. To their right they could see cranes, silos and two long warehouse buildings, surrounded by a chain-link fence which enclosed the Industrial complex. There were no obvious signs of life, but even from this distance they could still hear the rumble of industrial machinery.

Once the convoy was 300 yards out from the complex, Kimba called up from the Chimera's transport bay,

"You want us to bail out here and proceed on foot?"

The guardsmen shifted, making final checks on their weapons. They were aware of the dangers that could be lurking beyond the vehicle's armored plating, and weren't planning on taking any chances.
In the Chimera's pintle hatch, Commissar Eikonos struggled to catch his breath, the searing agony of his hacking coughs causing his vision to fade for a moment. Holding still, eyes closed, he waited until the agony finally subsided, meanwhile checking his teeth with his tongue for the iron-taste of his blood. No blood. Good; he hadn't cracked a tooth, this time. Taking two careful breaths, he accepted that the pain was gone for now. Mentally, he recited a binaric catechism of gratitude to the Omnissiah for his continued ability to function.

When the medicae had diagnosed him with a chronic obstructive lung condition, with the apparent beginnings of a squamous cell carcinoma, Eikonos had felt a yawning pit of despair at the thought of his service being cut so short. The medicae had wanted to prepared to file a notice to the Munitorum that he was, by regulations, to be relieved of duty. Eikonos had spent two of the next three days in a black haze of anxiety and fear, ever certain that he would be ordered back to the back lines, to end his career, his service, in failure.

Then he had caught the medicae officer selling medical supplies to degenerates among one of the squads. It was with an uncomfortable mixture of relief and vindictiveness that the Commissar carried out field executions upon each of them, prior to removing the pertinent information to his diagnosis from the offending medic's dataslate. That deviation from regulation on his own part still burned at him, as did the fact that he had allowed emotion to creep into his performance of his duties. Commissars were not supposed to feel. They were supposed to function. It did not matter that feeling and function had, for that moment coincided; it was enough of a fleshy failing to have permitted himself the emotions at all.

Spitting a gob of pale phlegm his hacking cough had brought off over the side of the troop transport, he set a hand against the hull, reassuring himself with the faithful thrum of the vehicle's engines. As ever, the sacred strivings of the machine eased his fears, brought clarity of mind. Turning back toward the chimera hatch, he grated out a rough statement to the squad-leader. "I am prepared for whatever duty requires of us. Remember to fulfill your functions with precision and reliability."
Hieronymus felt a stirring of pride; even as the flesh failed and withdrew, still this machinery continued to function. Clearly the engineers responsible for its construction and maintenance had done well. That didn't mean he particularly wanted to get close to this shining example of duty well executed - driving tanks into enclosed spaces with plenty of cover rarely ends well. He peered out the narrow forward viewing aperture and, seeing no signs of life or movement, relaxed slightly.

"Looks quiet. I don't want to get outflanked, but I also don't want to drive a tank through that. What are we doing, Sergeant?"
"Go ahead and deploy. For the approach I want the tanks spread out to lay down fire. I want to be sure the facility is still ours. If not... we may have to deal with the enemy there. All units keep an eyes out for ambush, we don't know just what sort of Greenskins we're fighting out here or if its traitors," Sgt Sorn ordered as she looks at the facility. They expected her force to secure such things and she had to agree this place had to be held or secured from Orks so they didn't up their production of their obnoxious hodgepodge vehicles.

"We'll keep the Chimera back some to roll up where we might find an infantry concentration in the approach. I know no one likes going into that space but we need to be sure its still in Imperial hands. If traitors have it, we'll do our duty and send them on to face the Omnissiah. Then we move on to the Research Facility to seek our our primary objective."

She pauses, not about to ignore another asset. She opens her channel to the psyker.

"Can you get any sort of read on this place? I don't want to walk into Ork mischief or traitor's," Sorn asked some as she dropped down to look over at her psychic advisor. Her expression was one of an officer concerned for her men. Deep down she didn't give much of a damn for the Imperium after what it had done to her homeworld. She could therefore not feel much disdain for someone just as damned in the eyes of the rest of the guard naturally.
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The almost skeletally thin man is in the process of leaving the Leman Russ, as the question is asked of him. Gaunt and pale, the man whose very vitality and life force was taken by the Imperium coughs briefly as he hits the ground- then frowns softly at the commanding officer as the question is asked. He thinks for a long moment on how to answer; even as he see's none of the usual hate or disgust... and feels better in general, as he thinks on how to answer.

"Apologies. My sight peers over the entire field- but without pausing to do another card reading, I cannot gain more information of that kind quite yet; my mastery is not yet enough. Still- the more we see of the field, the more of what I saw will make sense, and the more I can explain it.. for now I simply say this- our destination has been defiled in some way.. corrupted, I think, is a way to put it. I don't know what to expect; but there is darkness in the research facility... and at least one of the inquisitor's dead. So we should expect things capable of slaying an Inquisitor." He says with a grim frown, even as he clutches his stave in one hand to steady himself, and a slender crystal focus in the other- his eyes alive with energy, almost as if to countermand the rest of his forms almost lifeless demeanor.

"As for this place in particular... Either the Greenskins are here, or they are on their way- and I can't tell which yet. Mrm.."
The guardsmen disembarked from the Chimera, pushing forward in a loose line ahead of the tanks, advancing on the Industrial complex. Kimba's fireteam was in the centre, while Tark's and Sloan's held the left and right flank respectively. From outside the Chimera, they could now clearly hear the drone of industrial machinery emanating from the complex. Kimba exchanged glances with the other squad leaders before touching her comm-bead and addressing the command squad.

"We're ready to go when you are, just give the word and we'll close in."

At that moment they heard a grinding sound, emanating from the Industrial complex. Looking up, Kimba saw the double doors of the nearest warehouse sliding open with a squeal of wrenching metal. Something started to emerge from within. Kimba raised a pair of primitive binoculars to her eyes and directed them at the complex. Framed in the lenses was the hulking form of an Ork Trukk, its cargo bed laden with green-skins and a Big Shoota mounted on the front. Kimba swore loudly.

"We have a Trukk!" She reported down the commbead as the escort dived into prone positions, seeking what little cover they could on the open ground and preparing to fight. Then Kimba swore a second time, much louder this time. Two smaller shapes emerged stomping from the warhouse behind the Trukk. Two Killa Kans, each apparently equipped with a Rokkit-launcha and a buzz saw, emerged to flank the truck. As she watched, Kimba saw the Ork driving the Trukk give a small start, his eyes widening in the binocular's lenses as he gesticulated loudly and shouted something which was lost behind the droning of the Complex's machinery.

"They've spotted us..." Kimba growled.

So far you can see one Ork Trukk carrying 12 Orks, and two Killa Kans, approximately 200 yards away. They seem to be just as surprised as you are, so all parties must make an initiative roll to determine the order of combat.


"Damn it all! The Orks are already here, Fire Teams pull back and use us for cover! Tank Alpha and Beta, target the Truck! Tank Gamma, target those Killa Kans with mine! Engage and fire when you've got them in range!" Sorn bellows into her headset now, dropping down fully into the tank and closing the hatch. The last thing she wanted was one of those damn club grenades dropping on top of her.

The Psyker scowls, as he moves towards taking cover behind his comrade- who winces as the Psyker moves behind him. Barthandantalus then... twists his crystal in his hand, as it shifts from a mysterious blue... to a burning red; as he prepares to call down fire upon the Orks.

"I hate Orks. They smell rather nice when burning, though." He muses aloud.

"Fractured induction coils, they're defiling the manufactory. You heard the Sergeant, Grimaldo, start the litany of accuracy and bring main cannon to bear. We'll show them how the Omnissiah feels about heresy," he growls, the voice of the lumbering beast joining him as he brings several tons of plasteel around and begins evasive manoeuvres.

Re-roll from Lightning Reflexes, +2 from Paranoia.


Total 9+5 = 14
Seeing Orks defiling so sacred a site, Eikonos was enraged. Calling down into the Chimera's crew compartment, he advised the gunner, "Eliminate the enemy vehicles post-haste. Those walkers will carve our sacred machines open like a knife through a soggy ration-bar, if we permit it.

His piece said, he clambered out of the hatch, sealing it behind him before dropping down beside the transport to aim at the enemy trukk driver.


Turn Order for Combat

1: Hieronymus

2: Killa Kans

3: Ork Trukk

4: Sgt Sorn

5: Eikonos

6: Barthandantalus

7: Guardsmen

Feel free to begin! As a reminder, the enemy tanks are about 300 yards away at the moment. To put this into context, the armour and heavy weapons are easily in range on both sides. Rifles are pushing it, but are just in range. If you wanted to close for close comat, the run to get close would take three turns provided the Orks stay put and dont move closer, which they probably will...

Good luck, don't get killed!
Hieronymus leans his head from the front viewing slit to the targeting optics of the hull-mounted lascannon, throttling back the engines to quiet the rumblings of the machine spirit as he lines up a shot. With a quick prayer to the Omnissiah he waits until the reticle passes over the Trukk - if the larger abomination can be destroyed, the Killa Kans are likely to break and run - gently squeezing the trigger to unleash a concentrated lambent beam of the Omnissiah's wrath into what passes for an engine block in its misbegotten chassis.

38 BS + 10 (Aim) + 10 (Basic Attack) + 20 (Enormous Target) = 78


Wow, hit by 1!

Pen is 13, Damage is 5d10+10E, Proven (3)

Trukk front armour is 24, so 5d10-1 damage


Total 23 damage. Awful roll. Oh well.
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The Trukk's pintle-mounted Shoota was reduced to slag metal, but the Trukk's ramshackle armor held, the looted ceramic plating on the vehicle's front taking the brunt of the lascannon blast. At first the Orks looked stunned, then they started to jeer at the guardsmen.

The Killa Kans surged to respond. While one charged forwards with a clanking, lumbering gait, the other planted its feet and prepared to fire upon the Leman Russ tanks before it.

BS 33 + 10 (Basic Attack) + 30 (Massive Target) = 73


Hit to Leman Russ turret.

Rokkit Launcha (3d10+5 X; Pen 9. Inaccurate, Unreliable.)



Turret locked in place, gains Turret Locked damage condition.

Tank Beta, a short distance to the left of the Command Tank, is struck by a rocket which connects squarely with its front. The battle tank is briefly consumed in a fireball, and shrapnel laces the air like razors from the explosion. As the smoke clears the tank is scorched, but intact, although it's main gun sparked, and was rendered immobile, fixed straight ahead.

As the Kan fired past them, the Trukk rushed ahead of the second, charging Killa Kan at full throttle, the Orks on the cargo bed waving their choppas and bawling obscenities as they went. Several fired pot-shots from their sluggas, but the rounds fell well short of the guardsmen and quickly their guns fell quiet, smoking gently and waiting to reach a closer range. The ramshackle vehicle halved the distance that had separated them from the guardsmen, and showed no sign of slowing down.

The Trukk is now 150 yards away, easily in range of most weapons. At this speed they can close the gap to the tanks and start to disembark in one turn. The charging Kan is 200 yards away, and at this rate will be among the tanks in two more turns. The only damage sustained in to Tank Beta's turret, which is now stuck.

@Crocodile your turn.
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"Take down that charging Kan! We can't let it close with us, Gamma!" Sorn orders to the tank operating with her now as she stars to angle the Battle Cannon. The rest of the tank's armaments start to whir into position now. The Lascannon shifts as well to target the Kan much more now from its forward mount. Sgt. Sorn scowls out at the tank, feeling a great hatred welling up in knowing they were making unhallowed designs in the manufactories there. She'd be damned if the Orks were going to keep it after this as she slams her hand on the fire button. She was being careful to eliminate threats to her fire teams first, giving them the chance to get in cover since she knew this couldn't possibly be the only Greenskins out here. They loved to fight too much to resist the challenge.





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