Official RpNation Suggestions for Sub-Genres, Dice Systems & Tags

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Pokemon
Comments: It just seems like a lot of pokemon roleplays are showing up now, so it seems like a nice tag to have.
Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Naruto Shippuden
Comments: Not sure if it's popular enough but it's one of the big anime and I've found more than a few people wanting to rp it
Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Naruto Shippuden
Comments: Not sure if it's popular enough but it's one of the big anime and I've found more than a few people wanting to rp it
I don't think Shippuden warrants a separate tag, because it's popular but only a part of a big franchise.
Could just be general "Naruto" in this case, I think.
I don't think Shippuden warrants a separate tag, because it's popular but only a part of a big franchise.
Could just be general "Naruto" in this case, I think.

I don't think I agree. Because I role play Shippuden but not the original Naruto. But I know that in this case it makes sense to just put Naruto. I can always just have Shippuden in my title
I might want to ask to... change a sub-genre rather than create it..?
I have noticed the LGBTQ one, and I thought that perhaps it'd be better to change it to the analogue of m/m, f/f/, f/m/ trans, etc.?
I can imagine a lot of situations (and am in one myself) when you might be both traditional in your preference and LGBT-friendlt at the same time, a.i., being okay with straight and queer characters and pairings, but LGBTQ implies no straight/cis stuff, which might not be the case, but still disregarded after seeing the sub-genre.
We do have the pairings listed under tags, if that helps? Maybe we could change the subgenre to LGBTQ-friendly, if that would be more clear. To me, that implies that LGBTQ are welcome rather than excluded, but, as a straight person myself, I wouldn't feel excluded by an LGBTQ-friendly RP. That particular "label" just seems more inclusive to me.
I might want to ask to... change a sub-genre rather than create it..?
I have noticed the LGBTQ one, and I thought that perhaps it'd be better to change it to the analogue of m/m, f/f/, f/m/ trans, etc.?
I can imagine a lot of situations (and am in one myself) when you might be both traditional in your preference and LGBT-friendlt at the same time, a.i., being okay with straight and queer characters and pairings, but LGBTQ implies no straight/cis stuff, which might not be the case, but still disregarded after seeing the sub-genre.
I think once everyone sees the filter feature live it'll be more clear how it works; basically the filter would allow (for example) someone to filter both romance and lgbtq at the same time, or one or the other separately. This means someone can search for romance+lgbtq or even plantonic+lgbtq via the filter system. Or if interested in romance simply only filter for romance. The problem is putting pairings as sub-genres is that it can make our current list way larger, like probably to an annoying kind of amount of options.

If we set up pairings as tags it helps better define "what kind of pairing romance". So, we can add in more pairings beyond the m/m m/f f/f options if suggested to us.
We do have the pairings listed under tags, if that helps? Maybe we could change the subgenre to LGBTQ-friendly, if that would be more clear. To me, that implies that LGBTQ are welcome rather than excluded, but, as a straight person myself, I wouldn't feel excluded by an LGBTQ-friendly RP. That particular "label" just seems more inclusive to me.
I think once everyone sees the filter feature live it'll be more clear how it works; basically the filter would allow (for example) someone to filter both romance and lgbtq at the same time, or one or the other separately. This means someone can search for romance+lgbtq or even plantonic+lgbtq via the filter system.

Well, the -friendly part might just solve it..? I can imagine that a person looking for something MxF seeing the LGBT on the top of the page and thinking "I have nothing to do here", while the author in reality wants to advertise any types of pairings in their ad.

At the moment I myself am doubtful how to advertise with this sub-genre for example, as I am always LGBT-friendly with my games... but at the same time absolutely fine with traditional pairings, not caring is the other person would want to play male, female, cis, trans, etc. - there's place for every character in my heart. But I fear that putting the "LGBTQ" would exclude possible cis/straight players; while not putting it would filter out gay/trans players.
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We'll all see better how this works when it goes live. ^3^ And there's nothing stopping us from changing things afterwards, if something doesn't work out the way we thought it would. We've put a lot of thought into it already, but we're not perfect or prophets so it's always good to be flexible!
I have an older post I’m tryong to edit, but there is no spot for tags, so the site won’t let me edit it.
I have an older post I’m tryong to edit, but there is no spot for tags, so the site won’t let me edit it.
Can you link the post?
Ah, I wanted to be sure you weren't trying to edit a post in the Site Archive.
Click the icon left of "none"
Hey guys, is it possible to have a GM Guided as either a tag or a sub-genre if it makes sense? Or Choices, Choice Based as a tag? All of my 1x1's in threads are under these genres.
I don't know how well it would work, but it would be cool if there were tags that show how often you'd like replies. That way those who like replies often can just look at search threads where that's the case and those who need a long time to reply can find partners who don't mind waiting awhile for replies.

I hope I explained that well enough 😥
Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Dark Fantasy, Low Fantasy

Suggestion Type: Tags
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Angels, Orcs, Shifter
Comment: More Races!

Suggestion Type: Tags
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Star Wars, Jedi, Sith
Comment: One of the top persistent fandoms since 1977.

Suggestion Type: Tags
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: My Little Pony
Comment: I feel it's just popular enough.

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Original Characters, Fandom Characters, Canon Characters
Comment: Help discern what characters interest in using or what will be used for a group.

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Comic Fandom
Comment: Slipped my mind.

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Post-Canon
Comment: For type of AU.

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Royalty, Nobility, Aristocracy
Comment: Common trope.

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Soulmates
Comment: Common trope.

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Espionage, War, Warfare, Kingdom, Empire

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Ninja, Shinobi, Kunoichi, Samurai, Onna-bugeisha

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Utopian

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Celebrity

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Warriors, Spies, Agents, Soldiers, Warlords, Assassin, Hitman

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Creepypasta, Urban Legend

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Furries

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Noir

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Ulzzang

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Asylum, Prison

Suggestion Type: Tag
Name of Sub-Genre/Tag/Dice Systems: Gijinka

I'll edit this as I think of more, heh.
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