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Awh, thanks! <3 And I can't wait either, at least for now we can brainstorm until the host gets here, so! Was there anything you had in mind when you thought of him having a roommate? Like, a specific kind of duo you thought would really fit with him?
dreamy0 dreamy0 welcome in! I am definitely still accepting characters ^^
Oh that's amazing! I am very grateful, however I'll repeat the question I had in the main article- is if Discord is required? It's really personal preference and reasons that I prefer to use OOC here, but like I said, I entirely understand if it is a requirement
Oh that's amazing! I am very grateful, however I'll repeat the question I had in the main article- is if Discord is required? It's really personal preference and reasons that I prefer to use OOC here, but like I said, I entirely understand if it is a requirement
I do have a discord created but I can see what everyone’s preference would be in regards to if they want discord
Alrighty, thanks a lot in advance! I'll definitely be preferring to be here but I will wait to see what everyone else would prefer
I will say that if the majority prefers to keep the OOC on RPN then I will be creating a lore page that will be everyone’s duty to keep an eye on because it will list important information such as where the monsters are in the building, where NPC’s are, who has died, etc.
I will say that if the majority prefers to keep the OOC on RPN then I will be creating a lore page that will be everyone’s duty to keep an eye on because it will list important information such as where the monsters are in the building, where NPC’s are, who has died, etc.
Oh yeah that's totally ok with me, that sounds like a ton of fun, I'll understand the outcome though of if Discord winds up being the preferred platform, but I'll just be patiently waiting and seeing ^_^
dreamy0 dreamy0 , hiii! I think it would be awesome if you decide to join :3 love your 3 character ideas. Wanna meet all of them 🤣🫣
Awwwh, thank you so much! <3 That really means a lot, I think I'll keep them all in case one dies, so I have a backup 🤣 but besides that, I really loved your character too! She's got so many layers and she's so cute
Heya! Just to check in after the long maintenance, will the RP be starting tomorrow?
Since RPN was down for a couple of days, I'll most likely give it a couple of more days. My Co-GM is also sick so I want to give them some time to recover.
escapist escapist dreamy0 dreamy0 mintyo mintyo wanted to do a brief check on interest, you three still with us?

The plan is to hopefully get this rolling either Sunday or Monday. I will make a lore page that will be important in tracking the rp progress and I will be making this the main OOC.

I will be visiting my grandpa in the hospital today, so I may not be as active as I normally am, but I will still be around if anyone has any questions or my co-gm L0ck0n L0ck0n will be around if anyone needs any help.
escapist escapist dreamy0 dreamy0 mintyo mintyo wanted to do a brief check on interest, you three still with us?

The plan is to hopefully get this rolling either Sunday or Monday. I will make a lore page that will be important in tracking the rp progress and I will be making this the main OOC.

I will be visiting my grandpa in the hospital today, so I may not be as active as I normally am, but I will still be around if anyone has any questions or my co-gm L0ck0n L0ck0n will be around if anyone needs any help.

There were difficulties recently, but thanks so much for your patience!

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