Journal Nokumi renewed blog!


Honor. That's what I'm after. Fame. That's my goal
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My Interest Check
HELLO HELLO! this is a fresh new start to “a blog my way!” Where well he starting off STRONG!!!

We’ll be covering brand new topics not just weather and news for my area!

You’ll be fallowing me on an epic journey through all my adventures!!!! FULL OF PICTURES! And even TIKTOK VIDEOS that I make! Coming up tomorrow will be fireworks!!! For the 4TH OF JULY!!!! full of colors and explosions!!! BOOM!!!!!

Sometimes this month or next month! THERE WILL BE A renaissance THAT I WILL ATTEND TO! FILLED WITH PICTURES! and EVEN MY PIRATE COSTUME!! ARG!!!

we’ll be posting all kinds of fun things! I’ll even be hosting some events!!!! So stay tuned!!!

As always. Stay happy. Stay healthy and KEEP BEACH CITY WEIRD!!!
HELLO HELLO EVERY ONE!!! I hope you all had a. Happy 4th of july!!!! I was gonna post 3 days ago some fire work videos but there's been some technical difficulties.

I hope you all had a happy 4th of July never the less and don't worry I will be posting the fireworks as soon as it gets WORKING!

Today's post is about my 4th of July! First I went over to some friends place. Had a lovely burger dinner with corn. Beans. Fruit. All the GOOD stuff! Then it started to rain then it cleared up a little. Long anough to do fireworks. And finally we hung out being stupid. Until one by one we succumbed to slumber.

It's supposed to rain tonight

And I'm dog sitting! I'll post pictures in the morning!

In the meantime check out this squirrel who came super close to me!


My dad feeds the squirrel sometimes. It's become quite used to us. I feel sad that I'm moving I won't get to watch this guy who stays around our house Any more. I hope the next house owners take good care of him

Lastly the renaissance fair has been called off this year. Me and my dad are struggling right now and can't afford to go.

Sorry thus post hasn't been too interesting

As always
Stay happy
Stay healthy
Hello hello everyone. Apologies of the lack of posting. Stressful times for me. Today I finally got some free time after a full day at elitch gardens. Sadly no pictures as rides forbid them. And sadly no I did not win anything. The tornado rollercoaster really hurt. I got a decent sized bruise on my thigh from it, maybe some whip lash aswel.

My friend convinced me to go on many many rides I enjoyed but nearly passed out and the fear on my face. I can't remember most of the rides names but one of them was the dragonwing very fun altho I almost couldn't ride. As being over weight the latch almost didn't lock. Rides are not fluffy friendly.

Got stuck on multiple rides. Needed assistance from my friend.

Anywho. It rained a lot today and reached the high 80s yes yes. Did some painting a gnome ones I got back and got into a new anime thanks to my friend.

Both the art and the anime I will post tommorow before I leave for the weekend
Oof been a hot moment lately.

Today we're talking about things that REALLY get my blood boiling
And things that get me to SQUEEL like a legit fan girl from 1970 canvases (even tho I was never alive during that time)

Blood boils

So today the laundry was off centured. No big deal gotta pop that sucker open and shift all the nasty wet fabrics around before my washer machine absolutely SELF DESTRUCTS. So I get that done close it up. And where the knob is there's a little spot that says "drain and spin" right? So I'm thinking. Oh ok it's gonna get rid of the water so I turn it to that.......AND IT STARTS FILLING UP WITH FUCKING WATER TO THE BRIMMMMMM IT DOESNT SSY FILL THEN DRAIN AND SPIN IT SAYS DRAIN AND SPIN. so basically I wasted all that water ahah- and for some reason this isn't the first time I DISCOVORED this like I forget it and then remember 3 months later when I run out of clothes and decide to finally do laundry. Keep in mind I buy new clothes like every time I go out including underwear and SHIT. Even tho I don't need to so I have like between. And 4 months worth of clothes just stacking up on one side of my room

Blood boils 2

I'm a collector I'll admit it, some people mistake hoarder with collector. There's a difference ok. A hoarder will keep trash from like food and their used tissue snot booger rags and get emotionally attached to SHIT covored toilet paper. And collect garbage.

A collector collects stuff like figurines. Legos. Anime SHIT. Things that will most likely be worth money in the future. Fine China. Books. Cards. Stuffed animals. Costumes, history crap. Stuff like that.

In which I collect

Anime SHIT. Fine China. Cards. Plushies. Legos and figurines. Anything anime and anything history related th at I enjoy like Egyptian. Japanese. Or even midevil. Statues. Skulls. Video games. Tv shows.

The thing I hate a lot is when people start calling me a hoarder I AM NOT A HOARDER

Blood boils 3

So I being a collector collect Legos right? And I make interesting builds with them and all kinds of SHIT. Every ones a while I'll have someone younger with me and I tell them their only allowed to play with my Legos with me around. Because kids am I right? And no food or drinks near the Legos.

One time I wasn't around and the parents my dad and my dad's at the time girlfriend let them play with my Legos. I came back to Legos COVORED IN STICKY SHIT AND MY GENESIS LEGO HORSE WITH WINGS MISSING. so I confront the parent right. And she's like "oh yea I let them take it home" and I got upset like WHY IT WASNT THEIRS!? And so I started asking the parent to bring it back and they just stared at me and the worst part is my dad told me to basically SHUT UP ABOUT IT-

So yea my blood boils when people TOUCH MY SHIT

Ok better mood now.

I squeel 1

So I'm a huge anime nerd and when ever I get into a new anime that's so emotional or epic and cool or a mix of both I squeels at certain scenes. And people think it's super weird but idc it's amazing. Nothing moves me like roleplay and anime.

I squeel 2

I squeel when someone talks to me a certain way. I'm like super super super influenced and easily persuaded and people can just be like "hey i know your mad at me but wanna get ice cream?" And I'll look at you squeels and be like "YES" unless it's something like super super bad and it affected me more than ice cream can fix

That's all for now

As always

Stay happy
Stay healthy
And keep beach city WEIRD!!!
Hello hello everyone its been a while. My birthday is coming up in 3 weeks. On September 8th so maybe a little more than 3 weeks but still

Today i made a nice short story for you all enjoy! Sorry for the lack of posting aswel ive been busy with a move. Im swirching house's/states ....yaaaaay ;-;

i have a troubled mind in which cannot rest a voice i feel unheard by the ears which shut me out. People turn a blind eye and expect me to be....normal. they refuse to listen so ive developed a way to make them listen. Weather they fallow in my footsteps. Admire me. Or look upon me with pure hatred and disgust... well.... thats up to them. My method is through music and screams of rasp voice. Guitars harshly playing a note in such rythem and beat that it rings out. Drums to match the intenseness of the hearts pounding pulse. It gathers the most interesting brand of people dressed in black and white with make up of thr same nature. Peircings in places that would usually be frowned upon by parents and netting on the arms and legs. Black platform leather boots And Mohawks. Would you do the same? Are you with me.... or against me. This is my way of venting and my way of making my voice heard. Even if only for a split moment. It works. I want to know... am i heard
Hello hello! How are my lovely viewers today? I’m gonna free up soon! I’m in my lovely new house unpacking has gone underway. No house tours for now. Everything is a mess at the moment. I’m 21 as of September 8th and had one last party! There was 34 people at the house. What a ride. Then the day after my birthday we booked it all the way to the new house! Over the course of 3 days and after signing for it on the 3rd day. Been stressed but expect more recent and rhythmic post!

Stay happy
Stay healthy and as always

Hello hello everyone! Haven’t had much time to do anything exciting- a little tight on money with new things coming up so I wont be able to post anything extravagant for a while!

In the mean time I shall tell you some things.

Before leaving the house there was this squirrel who my dad used to feed and she would sit on the porch with us and eat. I came up with a name for her! Misses squibbel.

Missed squibbel squirrel is doing ok the people (extended family) renting our house is still feeding her nuts! We get pictures and videos every ones and a while! Like these!IMG_0866.jpegIMG_0865.jpegIMG_0864.jpegIMG_2079.jpegIMG_2076.jpeg

Hello hello my wonderful viewers this one’s gonna be a little rushed since I have only a little time to do this before midnight


That being said I spent it handing out Halloween candy and with my dad WOOHOO.

The move has been decent but we’re struggling right now with a little under 300 dollars for anything period. Aside for money set aside for bills. Money is tight. But my dads getting paid this Friday and next week expect things to happen WOOHOO. Expect updates soon!

Stay happy
Stay healthy
And remember
Hello hello everyone how are we on this fine evening?

Start off by saying I’m going through a rough patch right now- my dad got layed off from his job so we have no income right now but that’s ok- not really but I’m trying to stay positive.

Today I went to the mall to try and support businesses by spreading awareness! Just so you know they exist! I asked them if I could post their shops on my blog to spread awareness for their shops and hopefully get people to visit.

Here they are!IMG_2239.jpeg
I coulnt go any farther back the rail was behind meIMG_2240.jpegIMG_2241.jpegIMG_2242.jpeg
First shop!

Second shop!

If you’re wondering the location of this mall it’s called the Ingram park mall at San Antonio!

Be sure to check it out!

Stay happy stay healthy and as always

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Hello hello viewers! Today I went to sea world! Tho I’m not a fan of some of their captivity performances I still enjoyed some of the things there. Like rides and animal sanctuary’s! And even tho I don’t like how they make the animals perform. My dad wanted to see it and so did our guest for the weekend. So I watched. While I do not approve of it it was still interesting to say the list to see dolphins perform. And balluga wales. Tho the killer whales I do not like because no killer whale can survive in captivity without having depression and other issues. You ever see a killer whale with its fin flopped over??? It’s not supposed to be like that. Killer whales in the wild always have their fins sticking straight up. The fin flops over due to poor emotional conditions. Like depression. Anxiety. Stress. Unhappy life. Just a little education on that.

Our guest went on thisIMG_2421.jpeg

Then I had this IMG_2423.jpeg
My favorite ice cream AND THIS WAS JUST ONE SCOOP!! IT WAS HUGE!!!IMG_2449.jpegIMG_2451.jpeg

This was a behind the scene tours of the shark tanks

Here’s a over view of the sharks where the employees monitor themIMG_2455.jpeg

The employee let me stick my head in a real life tiger shark jaw boneIMG_2453.jpeg
Ignore my dads poor shot

Then the bamboo shark!IMG_2457.jpeg

Then we saw the penguin sanctuary exhibit!IMG_2459.jpeg

And lastly I went on this ride! IT WAS FAST! I kinda freaked out and screamedIMG_3812.jpeg

It’s the San António sea world here’s the entrance!IMG_2390.jpegIMG_2391.jpeg

On our way out this is a picture I took of their Christmas lights and the sun setIMG_2463.jpeg
That’s all for now! And as always

Stay happy stay healthy and

Hello hello my viewers! Today I got my nails done and manicure after 3 whole years!!!!

Got my nails cleaned up (afterlife knows I needed it) and my finger nails dipped! Supposedly it makes my nails stronger without harming my nails like the acrylics. I’ve asked multiple people. Especially since I’m so specific about what I do with my nails because I take such good care of them. Even tho I haven’t been to a nail care place for 3 years. I’ve trimmed them. Washed them myself. Used special oils. And didn’t strain them. I found goat milk soap is great for the nails when cleaning them! Just a little beauty tip! (Even tho I don’t got many) and a little scrubber like this for the soap and nailsimage.jpg
The soap I have here is desert flower goat soap. No added chemicals. All natural

As for the result of my nails! HERE IT IS!IMG_2466.jpeg

Feels a little weird now and it’s my first time doing the dip but I’ll keep you updated!

That’s all for now!

Stay happy
Stay healthy
And as always
Hello hello lovely viewers!!! Today I went to the North Star mall in San Antonio Texas! It’s a rather… expensive…. Mall… but! I did find this Amazing and massive arcade with Japanese style prize winning games! Yknow those kinds that aren’t rigged and it’s super easy to win something! (Sometimes) and it’s actually guaranteed someone will win something! (As long as you don’t spend only 10 dollars)

I didn’t get pictures because I was on a time limit today and I wanted to win atleast something today! As I was walking in I saw that almost everyone I walked past had a prize in their arms from the cranes! And thinking to myself it this many people had prizes in their arms then surely I can win something too!

The first thing I did was watch other people play to see what I needed to do. And the first thing I noticed was you can tell which games are rigged and which ones aren’t. But if someone else doesn’t play it before you in order to find out you hafto play it atleast once to see for yourself. To do this all you had to do was see how well the crane picked up the item. If it lets go before even lifting the item it’s rigged. If it picked it up half way or all the way off the bottom of the crane floor it wasn’t and you had a chance. Even if it dropped it the first time.

With that knowledge I went to one game I really wanted to try. It was a small crane claw with tons of Mario’s. No one was playing so I gave it a try. Didn’t pick up. So I moved on. The next game I saw had a cat. Again no one was playing so I gave it a try. It didn’t pick up. But I saw this game that someone was playing that had a giant stuffed ball that said “drop the hall into the hole and win a prize get assistance to win the displayed prize!” So i looked at what prize it was. There were 2 types. Sonic and knuckles. From the sonic the hedgehog 2 movie.

I really wanted the stuffed knuckles. As knuckles is my favorite Sonic character. So i stayed and watched them play. Seeing if it was possible. They swiped their card… moment of truth… the ball picked up! Only half way but I knew this meant it wasn’t rigged. The person gave up after 2 tries and moved on. So I took my turn. I knew I wasn’t gonna get it on the first try. And I only had 7 tries. Before I would cut my losses and move on. First try was a loss. Same with second… but my 3rd try I had won. So I went to get an employee and ones I did. I finally got to reap my reword.


Next time I go I will be sure to take pictures I just didn’t have time today.

Now you may ask “why didn’t you have time today?”

I’ll tell you all why! Tonight I’m going to the river walk! With my extended family member Justin. My dad’s girlfriend and her daughter. We’re gonna see the lights all lit up and maybe see some fun spots or perhaps go on a river ride! Nothings set in stone for the river walk. But. Rest assured tonight I will be taking pictures. Tho I wanted to look nice for the pictures. So I’m going through my closet of clothes and deciding what to wear tonight. That not only looks nice but is warm because rest assured it will be cold. It is winter after all. Even if it is Texas!

So look at that! You guys get two updates today!!! How exciting!

I also forgot to mention WE HIT 1K VIEWS!!!! major mile stone!!! It’s a great support but it also be nice if some of you could perhaps hit the heart reaction to some of these! I would like to know what blog stories peak your interest the most! So I can keep doing what everyone loves! And maybe cut back on the things people don’t like but not rid of it entirely! After all I do enjoy the stories I post. Even if not many others do.

That’s all for the next few hours but expect a second post later tonight!

Stay happy.

Stay healthy.

And as always


exciting day today I know I know. You get two updates in one day! That’s the first huh? I been doing my best to keep all of you occupied! And updated on fun things to do! New stores! New places! Fun all around! After all this is my version of a blog!

Ready for the news?

First thing we did was head to salt grass! Tho if I’m being honest. The food was great and all but the wait was ridiculous. We got our drinks but we waited half an hour for our orders to be taken. Didn’t even order yet! By the time we got our food it’s been an hour and a half or so. And everything was already closed down by the time we left… so sadly. I wasn’t able to go to any of the stores I’m sorry to say.

Hence why I’m disappointed with the service.

Food was delicious tho! I got the salmon and fries with a lemon butter and they gave me ketchup but I didn’t use itIMG_2494.jpeg

The seasoning was amazing and it was so good and soft with a slight crunch on the outside. Cooked to perfection just like the menu said!

Then we had just anough time to get pictures of the lights! And of one of the boats!IMG_2495.jpegIMG_2499.jpegIMG_2501.jpegIMG_2500.jpeg

Tho I had fun. Sadly the shops will hafto wait until next time. Hopefully sometime this week!

Sorry for the Less than exciting update. I was really disappointed. But that’s all for now!

Stay happy. Stay healthy and always


to make up for such a dissapointing second post last night. With a post of the arcade at North Star mall in San Antonio Texas! Went today and got 2 pictures! Couldn’t get anymore because my dad was with me the whole time but I’ll get more another time!

It’s called round1


There’s 5 rows of these cranes! That go from one end to almost the other end of the arcade! IMG_2504.jpeg
This was the first game I played. It’s a very old game I played growing up! Back in 2012 to 2016 is when I used to play this! Back then I went to more arcades.

One button was broke so. I failed the final level. Still got 65 tickets tho!

Hope this update was more fun! That’s all for now!

Stay happy
Stay healthy
And as always

HELLO HELLO MY LOVELY VIEWERS!!!! been a while! I deeply apologize- I was temporarily homeless for a little while and constantly around my dad during the days leaving me no time to post- pipes broke inside the house backing up toilets. Showers and sinks. Deeming the house unlivable.

But we’re back in the house now! Having fixed the pipes (and now in dept from loans)

Anyways!!! Onto the good news!!!


San Japan is an anime convention that I’m saving up to attend to! Have plenty of time to save up! It’ll be my first time so no costumes. Sadly. But! I will hopefully get lots and lots of pictures! And videos. I just hope the video bug on rpnation is fixed.

that’s all for now sorry it’s so short!

Stay happy!
Stay healthy!
And as always!
HELLO HELLO LOVELY VIEWERS!!!!! so I went to the festival. It was…. Sadly under whelming. They said they would have decorations and food. This is what they meant by decorations IMG_2857.jpeg

That was all they had not much else.

The location was rather small- barely even an hour there. Tho they had tons and tons of people scattered around the halls selling stuff that you would normally find on TikTok or shien or something.

The first bunch I stopped by to see and yes I got permission to post and promote them on my blog are these two lovely ladies in costume!IMG_2864.jpeg
Because I was in such a rush to get through everything like shows and stuff before we had to leave I didn’t have much time to ask them much questions but their part of a lovely little group called image.jpgimage.jpg

Lovely fellas! I promised to credit them! It was nice. Loved the costumes.

Next I saw a vendor selling ears. Very nice Materials. Very well made. But because their made so well they were crazy expensiveIMG_2865.jpeg

Then here’s another vendor that had cute stuff or shall I say kawaii IMG_2863.jpeg

At the very beggining I saw this vendor that had swords and stuff and hair pins and I actually got some chopsticks from themIMG_2856.jpeg

There was a place doing Henna!IMG_2859.jpeg
No I didn’t get any henna sadly.

One show I saw which was around 12:45 or so maybe 1 I saw this couple singing on stageIMG_2858.jpeg

They sounded really nice.

As I was making my way to the next show I ran into triplets! Tho only 2 of them were thereIMG_2867.jpeg
They were selling things for a donation and also to promote their club. I got a pin from them! I again asked permission to post on my blog and they said as long as I credit them

And lastly I stopped by to see the show I was headed to and it was the sumo reselling. They asked people if they wanted to give it a tryIMG_2868.jpeg

HERES MY HAUL!!!image.jpg

Some very nice chopsticks! Great materials! 3 dollars! Very heavy too!

This Star Trek pin! From the tripletsimage.jpg
And lastly I got this cute dragon image.jpg
I just used one of the Japanese cranes for this one

There was food vendors but I wasn’t very impressed. And it wasn’t even Asian food they had like Hawaiian food for some reason?

That’s all! Hope you enjoyed this lovely little adventure with me! Sorry I don’t sound more thrilled I have a head ache and it’s making it hard to focus!

Stay happy!
Stay healthy!
And as always!
Hello hello lovely viewers!!!!

Long time no see. Deeply apologize. I been feeling a little down lately but that’s a topic for somewhere else. There’s a time and a place for everything.

Tho fear not! I have been collecting photos for a giant post!! Expect an update soon one with tons of pictures!

For todays news I simply decided to talk about some things I feel should be said

I feel like today’s world you don’t hear anough encouragement. And that people can and are harsh. So take a moment to read my next words carefully

I am proud of each and every one of you! You worked hard. Even if you don’t feel like it. Waking up today was a great and wonderful achievement! You ate some food? Even if it’s a snack? GOOD JOB! very proud of you! A simple soda or tea? Even a few sips! Keep it up! Proud of you! You did a small task? What ever that may be? You did something big! Good job! No matter what you’re going through. How you feel. What you’ve done. I’m proud of you for pushing forward. Even small things. Can lead to big achievements.

I mainly said this cuz I know I don’t hear it anough. Or well at all. And I thought maybe someone out there could use it… perhaps more than me. So if this cheered you up. I’m glad!

Here’s some small fillers to make this post worth while!



Here tuxy is in my dad’s arms! ✨


Tipsy on my lap! ✨✨IMG_3408.jpeg

Tuxy hugging my arm and won’t let go when he was asleep ✨✨✨ difficult picture because only one hand-IMG_3379.jpeg

Tux crushing my lungs 😭IMG_3353.jpegIMG_3361.jpeg

Tux went inside the box first then little miss tipsy copied him and went into the box next IMG_3310.jpeg

Tux stuck his head in my shoe 😭😭😭

That’s all for now!

Stay happy
Stay healthy
And as always!

todays the big update!!! How exciting right? Many many MAAAAAAANY pictures!

Let’s start off by this. I deeply apologize for the lack of posting. Not sure if I said this before but my dad lost his job around 6 months ago. And he only just now got a job. Being one of the poor side of society we didn’t have much money to really do anything exciting… ontop of that my dad is engaged!! Wowwwwwww! ✨ super happy for him. It was one of my fears that he would end up dying alone- so now we’re planning for a wedding and already moving in with her and her kids who are like in their early to mid 20s older than me definitely by a few years. So not only did we just move into this house we’re also almost instantly moving out before we even spent a year in it-

Not selling it tho we’re gonna put it up for rent paint it a little some other things and such. Make some money off it.

We did how ever do a few small things and one big thing. I’ll start with the big thing

Before we begin I will say I blocked out faces that aren’t mine as to protect my families privacy. My face won’t be blocked tho

So we went to 6 flags on Mother’s Day and

First ever family photo!! With of course a tails plush I won! Woohoo!!!


We went to the loony tunes ride with bugs bunny. Tho sadly we didn’t get to see bugs bunny my soon to be step sister did tho! This was inside the ride exhibit where you can take pictures along the way. Definitely gonna share this with friends!!!

I was not happy tho I got convinced that it wouldn’t be thaaaaat much wateeeer it’s fineeeeeeeee we got to the ride and legit it does not STOP you hafto hop on while it’s moving. I was told it was a love boat not a freaking what ever this was 😭 emediatly as we got the log into the water the log began to FILL UP!!! it went ankle deep in water my shoes drenched!!! I had to pass down my belongings in hopes to salvage them from the water. And let’s just say walking around drenched in water for the entire day was not fun. I definitely had a wedgie and definitely got blisters. With my shoes saying *squish* *squak* *squish* all day.


There was several super hero themed areas around the park I loved the statues. Made me fr feel like I was in the dc world remembering a hero who died heroically.

There was too many people to get all the statues and the park is massive.

I also didn’t have time to take pictures of the tiny western town that we passed through. IMG_3613.jpeg

Beautiful view of an old train track tunnel that over sees a water fall!

I went on the super girl ride there where it takes you 30 feet in the air and swings you around at different speeds. Usually I’m scared of heights but I think I did pretty good. I didn’t really panic like I usually do. It was very peaceful and I got to see a wonderful view of the horizon and park!

Next thing!

We went to go see a show! Gabriel Iglesias aka fluffy!!!! He was super funny!!! One of my favorite comedians and boy did he lose a lot of weight. Some of the jokes were hysterical! Unfortunately no pictures were allowed so this was the only one I was able to snag IMG_3432.jpeg

I was trying to be respectful of the rules no pictures but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a way to remember this! So at the very last moment I snagged a picture and left with everyone else!

Gabriel if your reading this I’m so sorry but it was the biggest moment of my life I needed something to remember it by 😭 this was the only picture I took 😭 I’m a big fan.


Next up we have the cat photo shoot!!!!!!! WOOHOO!! White nose is tipsy (female) black nose is tuxy (male) and they are siblings!! IMG_3654.jpeg

Toe beans and a blep? WOW! Perfect photo!!!! IMG_3645.jpeg

Tipsy sat on tux while he was laying ontop of me. He looks at her like “really?” And she looks away like “what? I’m not doing nothin-“ IMG_3643.jpeg

Tipsy stalking tux!!! IMG_3602.jpeg

Cuddle bug stretched out!!!IMG_3549.jpeg
Nyem kisses


10/10 loafIMG_3480.jpeg

Snuggles! ✨✨✨✨

That’s all for now other than there will be a post later about Area 51 (a food truck lot) and when I eat there with the fam. I’ll try and get pictures but no guarantees

Stay happy!!!
Stay healthy!!


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