• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


Created at
Index progress

The world is vast, so we hope to properly index everything to make it easier to find and jump to from here.
The World Map
  • Novama

    One Thousand Club
    What's Happening?

    You have died or otherwise transmigrated from your original world. Your soul and whatever comes with you finds itself in a new world with new surroundings: the world of Isekai Hell. During your trip, you are made aware of [god]. The entity speaks with you familiarly and tells you many things. Why you were chosen. Where you were going. What became of the things you left behind. For some of you, you have a world to get back to and must discover the way. For some, you have nothing worth returning to and must make the most of this new life. For others, it is unclear where you came from if you came from anywhere else at all.

    When describing the world you were going to, [god] mentioned many things about the world. The people were as diverse as the animal life back on your home world. What you would call fantasy races and magic existed. With that revelation came the explanation about how magic worked and how you would be able to grow and acquire power and influence in time. However, [god] was particularly vague when it came to what you actually had to do in this new world. It was also noted that there would be others such as yourself in the world and that [god] intended to bring more as he was able.

    As you near your end of time with [god] and are about to awaken in the new world, he answers the remaining question hanging in the air,

    "...This world is forever stuck in place. Whether it's demon lords, plague, war, or other natural disasters, the world refuses to progress in development. Through mass loss of life, discovery, and culture, the inhabitants of the world can barely stave off moving backwards in their struggle for a better tomorrow. Your mission, should you accept it, is to save the world from its perpetual stasis. Otherwise, live as you please..."

    Next thing you know, you are waking up to your new reality, life, and/or memories.


    | Characters | Glossary (doc) | Gods | Marketplace | OOC | Races/Skills (doc) |
    | RP List | Rules (rpn) | Rules (doc) | Titles (doc) |
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    Why Are You Here
  • [The World]


    A map of the second continent, showing all the countries that populate it.

    • Ryke stands as a vibrant melting pot of cultures and peoples, its ethos shaped by a blend of native and foreign influences. This diversity is most evident in its religious landscape, where a variety of beliefs coexist, encouraged by the country's open-minded approach. However, this openness also invites zealots from various orders who are keen on converting Ryke's diverse populace, including its sentient monster folk, to more widely accepted city beliefs.

      Economically, Ryke thrives as one of the freest trading nations, where commerce is vigorously pursued without government interference. Anyone in Ryke can start a business, trading in goods created or acquired, in an environment of fierce competition. Despite this, the nation operates under certain trade stipulations enforced by neighboring countries, ensuring that Ryke provides favorable trade conditions broadly and abundantly.
      As the most content-rich area at the onset, this country is painted with broad strokes of culture, history, and intrigue, designed to engage and orient newcomers. It is a tapestry of bustling cities, mystical landscapes, and intricate politics, each element crafted to entice exploration and deeper interaction.
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    Under construction
  • How to make a Character

    By now you probably have a good idea of who your character might be and what you want them to do. So now we move on to the character sheet, using the [Character skeleton]. You'll find out upon reading, that each character starts with 105 pts. You can browse the [Skills] list to choose which skills you'll want that will best suit the character you have in mind.

    Sometimes you'll find that you can't fit everything you wanted in there with the 105 pts at first. That's okay, don't panic. It just means it'll take a little time to roleplay for the assets or skills. That's part of the fun here at Isekai Hell. The unique system allows for a fair and gradual character growth. That still allows new characters to be competent even when running alongside veteran characters. So I'll break it into steps for you.

    Character Creation Proccess

    • Step 1: If you haven't already, go ahead and check out the lore of the world. There are links in the post above.
    • Step 2: Once you've got an idea for your character, check out some of the [Races] And [Skills] to get an idea of what you could do.

    • Step 3: Now that you've seen the races and skills, you'll want to copy the [Character skeleton] and post your edited version in The Character Thread
    • Step 4: After you've posted your character, you might hear from one of our character mods. They'll message you and help you to make sure the character sheet is up to code. Once everything has been straightened out, Novama will react to your post with a "Great Scene"
      (Notice: Until the CS has received the "Great Scene" reaction from Novama specifically, the character is not ready to join an rp)
    • Step 5: Once the CS has the "GREAT SCENE" reaction from Nova your character is free to join any open roleplay. Join the discord
      or check out the OOC Thread in order to ask around and find something for your character.

    • What are [Abilities] and how do we make them/use them?
      • - Abilities are a combination of [Skills] that characters use to accomplish great feats. [Skills] can be put together and utilized to create some of the "Anime Moves" you might often see. I.E. You can make as many abilities as you want, using the [Skills] your character has. IT doesn't cost anything to make the abilities.

        Hadoken: - [Fighting Style: Street Fighter] F [Flash] F [Natural Weapons: Fists] F [Knockback] F [Range] F - Character fires a blast of energy towards target from their fist. Grade F 0 post cool down 15 ft range.

      • Why does race matter?
        • - As you may have seen there are a few different countries and cultures. And because of this, there are different types of people that have adapted to their environments. And sometimes not every culture meshes well. World peace is certainly a goal, but the world is definitely not there yet. So, it would be easy to play a construct character in Widersia, and get away with roleplaying earning a barony or such. Whereas if you tried to play that construct in the Republic, where the Beastkin live; it's likely the process would be a lot harder. Due to the dislike that Beastkin have for Constructs after several went rogue in the last great war. Or perhaps you want to play a human from the East Empire. But you want to go visit the Fae See. The two countries are at war. Your character would be in enemy territory. So you can see how interactions between races might be influenced.

      • - The way that IH works, you can technically play just about any kind of creature you really want to. You can play a steampunk fairy, or a dragon/Kaiju. Anything you can imagine honestly. But all of the races will fall into the four [Racial Trees]. Which would be,
        • [Beastial]
        • [Fae]
        • [Human]
        • [Construct]
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  • As the character base grows and time passes, more and more rps will be created, and with them the world will grow. This post and perhaps others will chronicle the characters in the world and their journeys.


    November '21
    1. Aspiring Students At The Academy Festival [Nov 14, 2021--Dec 13, 2021]
    2. Killing Time! A Little Trouble in Lanost Village [Nov 17, 2021--Nov 26, 2021]
    3. Help wanted! So it shall be a competition! [Nov 24, 2021--Dec 8, 2021]
    4. Northern Forests adventure [Nov 27, 2021--Dec 6, 2021]
    5. After The Massacre of Lanost [Nov 28, 2021--Dec 14, 2021]
    6. Cold Case: A Missing Person! [Nov 30, 2021--Feb 3, 2022]
    December '21
    1. The Dead awake at Night [Dec 9, 2021--Feb 5, 2022]
    2. A Ryken Winter Story [Dec 13, 2021--Jan 2, 2022]
    3. Dan's Story - Settling In to Academy Life [Dec 14, 2021]
    4. Journey through the eastern outskirts. [Dec 20, 2021--Feb 14, 2022]
    5. Thief's Wonderland [Dec 23, 2021--Feb 17, 2022]
    6. The Rusting Blade of Ryken [Dec 30, 2021--Feb 10, 2022]
    Incomplete '21
    1. Kurikara: Resurrection of Myth
    • Total RPs: 13
    • Incomplete RPs: 1
    • Completion Rate: 92%
    • Highest Activity Month: November, December (6)
    • Lowest Activity Month: N/A
    • Highest Activity Day: N/A
    • Longest RP Duration: 65 days
    • Shortest RP Duration: <1 day
    January '22
    1. Seeking For Some Honey [Jan 3, 2022--Mar 13, 2022]
    2. Stones and Pulp [Jan 6, 2022--Feb 6, 2022]
    3. The Hateful Ryke [Jan 11, 2022--Feb 1, 2022]
    4. What Dreams May Come [Jan 19, 2022--Feb 2, 2022]
    5. Here Be Dragons [Jan 22, 2022--Mar 6, 2022]
    6. A Slice of a New Life [Jan 31, 2022--Apr 21, 2022]
    February '22
    1. Holy Draconis [Feb 3, 2022--Feb 24, 2022]
    2. A Cold Case: Afterward [Feb 6, 2022--Feb 21, 2022]
    3. Kalina's Purchase from Sophia [Feb 7, 2022]
    4. There is No End [Feb 8, 2022--Mar 17, 2022]
    5. The Dead Awake at Night, Part 2 (Blue Viscera Occult) [Feb 12, 2022--Jun 6, 2022]
    6. The Mysterious Disappearances at Norroburry Lake [Feb 13, 2022--Apr 7, 2022]
    7. Healing the Holy City of Vegard [Feb 19, 2022--Apr 15, 2022]
    8. The Twisted Underbelly [Feb 20, 2022--Apr 22, 2022]
    9. Strike at Ryke [Feb 24, 2022--Mar 18, 2022]
    March '22
    1. Prologue: Is that sand on your shoulder?(Invite Only) [Mar 10, 2022--Mar 26, 2022]
    2. A Short Road [Mar 11, 2022--May 4, 2022]
    3. Turnabout Underground [Mar 16, 2022--May 7, 2022]
    4. The One Where Steve Met Gamatsu [Mar 19, 2022]
    5. Meeting for a sword (Aria & Regula) [Mar 20, 2022--Mar 25, 2022]
    6. Schal's 11 [Mar 22, 2022--May 9, 2022]
    7. The Birds and The Horned Rabbits [Mar 27, 2022--May 3, 2022]
    April '22
    1. Into the Woods [Apr 1, 2022--Apr 22, 2022]
    2. [Tribulation]Mitsunari's Tribulation of Mind [Apr 1, 2022--Apr 22, 2022]
    3. An exchange between fiends (Mitsunari and Gamatsu) [Apr 1, 2022--Apr 5, 2022]
    4. Blood Accepted [Apr 6, 2022--Apr 8, 2022]
    5. Badgers, Bees, and... Werebadgers? [Apr 7, 2022--Jun 28, 2022]
    6. Lost and Found [Apr 8, 2022--May 20, 2022]
    7. Clothes Make the Woman [Apr 11, 2022--May 18, 2022]
    8. Chapter 1: A distant grotto [Apr 25, 2022--Aug 24, 2022]
    9. Dungeon Crawl Ho! - Remnant of Ancient Ambition [Apr 25, 2022--Sep 23, 2022]
    10. [Tribulation]Sage's Trial of Strength [Apr 26, 2022--May 10, 2022]
    11. Ryken Welcoming Party [Apr 30, 2022--Jul 17, 2022]
    May '22
    1. Lens of Truth [May 4, 2022--May 26, 2022]
    2. Testimony of Truth [May 4, 2022--May 26, 2022]
    3. Song of Truth [May 5, 2022--May 27, 2022]
    4. A Noble Hunt! [May 17, 2022--Jul 11, 2022]
    5. An Unexpected Demise [May 21, 2022--Jul 5, 2022]
    6. Rooted in the Past [May 21, 2022--Jul 27, 2022]
    7. The Grandmaster of Goldcrest [May 23, 2022--Jul 23, 2022]
    8. Let's Make Some Money [May 23, 2022--Jun 1, 2022]
    9. Chapter 2: Metamorphose [May 27, 2022--Aug 13, 2022]
    10. A Purchase From the Would Be Queen [May 27, 2022--May 28, 2022]
    11. Respite From the Truth [May 28, 2022--Jul 9, 2022]
    12. A Bath after the Storm [May 29, 2022--Jun 4, 2022]
    June '22
    1. Intrigue Down Below [Jun 2, 2022--Sep 14, 2022]
    2. The Queen, The Tank, The Sword and their Weapon Transport [Jun 4, 2022--Jul 14, 2022]
    3. Dictation of Wills [Jun 6, 2022--Jul 26, 2022]
    4. The Crafting Guild's Foundation [Jun 11, 2022--Aug 2, 2022]
    5. Ruins Right Route [Jun 18, 2022--Jul 12, 2022]
    July '22
    1. A plotted Demise [Jul 8, 2022--Aug 20, 2022]
    2. It Came from the Dark Continent [Jul 8, 2022--Jul 20, 2022]
    3. Hunt for Rageful Badgers [Jul 11, 2022--Sep 4, 2022]
    4. Summer Moon Festival! [Jul 12, 2022--Aug 12, 2022]
    5. The threads gather [Jul 13, 2022--Sep 30, 2022]
    6. A Fated Meeting [Jul 14, 2022--Aug 12, 2022]
    7. Perilous Puddles [Jul 19, 2022--Sep 30, 2022]
    8. A Village in Need, return of Trolls [Jul 21, 2022--Oct 15, 2022]
    9. An Obscure Tutor Session [Jul 26, 2022--Sep 17, 2022]
    10. See a Fae about a Tree [Jul 28, 2022--Sep 14, 2022]
    11. [Tribulation]Ceylan's Tribulation of Mind [Jul 30, 2022--Aug 10, 2022]
    August '22
    1. The Hag of the Overgrown Marshes [Aug 2, 2022--Oct 12, 2022]
    2. Storm's Dictation [Aug 2, 2022--Dec 6, 2022]
    3. The Crafter's Doll [Aug 2, 2022--Aug 11, 2022]
    4. A Ship And It's Captain [Aug 3, 2022--Aug 17, 2022]
    5. One’s Search for Reunion [Aug 7, 2022--Sep 19, 2022]
    6. The First Step [Aug 13, 2022--Sep 13, 2022]
    7. Royal Dress-Up [Aug 13, 2022--Aug 23, 2022]
    8. The Forbidden City [Aug 14, 2022--Sep 18, 2022]
    9. Chapter 2: A Red Wind Blows in the Desert, Part 1 [Aug 16, 2022--Sep 14, 2022]
    10. A Heart For This Home [Aug 16, 2022--Oct 29, 2022]
    11. Home of the Nisse [Aug 23, 2022--Oct 25, 2022]
    12. Demise's Verdict [Aug 23, 2022--Oct 29, 2022]
    13. Aria meets her Father [Aug 24, 2022--Aug 31, 2022]
    14. Cat and Mouse [Aug 25, 2022--Aug 31, 2022]
    15. Rumours of a Sunlit Temple [Aug 26, 2022--Dec 22, 2022]
    16. Let's Go Fly a Kite [Aug 26, 2022--Sep 29, 2022]
    September '22
    1. Mother's Day [Sep 1, 2022--Oct 6, 2022]
    2. Runaway Slaves [Sep 19, 2022--Oct 29, 2022]
    3. A Prelude [Sep 20, 2022--Sep 26, 2022]
    4. Darkness Lives On [Sep 20, 2022--Oct 7, 2022]
    5. Tutoring Session with the Dead [Sep 22, 2022--Dec 28, 2022]
    6. The Fox and The Hound [Sep 23, 2022--Nov 3, 2022]
    7. Red-Like: Without a Second to Spare [Sep 23, 2022--Oct 31, 2022]
    8. Let's Schmooze! [Sep 28, 2022--Oct 1, 2022]
    October '22
    1. [World]Keep Talking and No One Suffocates [Oct 1, 2022--Oct 12, 2022]
    2. [World]Actor of War: Progenitor of the Hive [Oct 1, 2022--Oct 27, 2022]
    3. [World]Lay Low Longing [Oct 2, 2022--Oct 27, 2022]
    4. An Interlude Pt. 1 [Oct 3, 2022--Dec 1, 2022]
    5. Guidance of Grace [Oct 10, 2022]
    6. Dude, Where's My Ladder?! [Oct 14, 2022--Nov 7, 2022]
    7. The Mile High Heist [Oct 14, 2022--Dec 31, 2022]
    8. Embers of Heartache [Oct 16, 2022--Nov 21, 2022]
    9. Flowers for Aljee (Nova x Ety) [Oct 24, 2022]
    10. [Tribulation]Clash of Champions [Oct 26, 2022--Nov 15, 2022]
    11. Chapter 2: A Red Wind Blows in the Desert, Part 2 [Oct 29, 2022--Nov 19, 2022]
    12. Orson's Feast: A Prelude [Oct 29, 2022--Nov 28, 2022]
    13. Faster than the Fastest [Oct 30, 2022--Dec 5, 2022]
    14. Runaway Slaves [Part 2] [Oct 30, 2022--Jan 26, 2023]
    November '22
    1. Debtor Collector [Nov 5, 2022--Feb 11, 2023]
    2. The Sewertorium's depths [Nov 8, 2022--Jan 20, 2023]
    3. Where Reality Ends, Escapists Dream. [Nov 16, 2022--Feb 17, 2023]
    4. For Whom The Bell Tolls [Nov 16, 2022--Dec 23, 2022]
    5. Mitsunari's Lost Days [Nov 16, 2022--Nov 22, 2022]
    6. Falling to Rise [Nov 17, 2022--Jan 22, 2023]
    7. A Conclave with The Exiled Tycoon [Nov 26, 2022--Dec 11, 2022]
    8. Underground Journey with Ratkin [Nov 28, 2022--Apr 24, 2023]
    December '22
    1. Project 10 [Dec 3, 2022--Dec 17, 2022]
    2. Where the Waters Taste Like [Dec 3, 2022--Jan 20, 2023]
    3. My Fading Dream [Dec 5, 2022--Dec 19, 2022]
    4. May Even This Assassin Catch His Break! [Dec 5, 2022--Feb 24, 2023]
    5. Second Breakfast Club [Dec 6, 2022--Dec 22, 2022]
    6. The Postlude [Dec 19, 2022--Jan 1, 2023]
    7. The Foundation of Knowledge [Dec 22, 2022--Jan 18, 2023]
    8. Winter's Warmth [Dec 31, 2022--Feb 9, 2023]
    Incomplete '22
    1. Raging Tides of Ryke
    2. Joining the Academy
    3. Resurgence of the Giants
    4. Studying the Unnamed Monster
    5. The Blind Desert: Part 1
    6. Woe to the Conquered - The Company of Abominations, Iconoclasts, and Nightmares (C.A.I.N.)
    7. Misogyny Melee! Frederika vs Rudolph
    8. The Search for Truth
    9. The Nightfeeder
    10. An Expedition to Lake Selene!!! ☪
    11. A Evil Calling
    12. Rabbit hunt.
    • Total RPs: 127
    • Incomplete RPs: 12
    • Completion Rate: 90%
    • Highest Activity Month: August (16 RPs started)
    • Lowest Activity Month: June (5 RPs started)
    • Highest Activity Day: Apr 1, Aug 2, Nov 16 (3 RPs started)
    • Longest RP Duration: 151 days
    • Shortest RP Duration: <1 day
    All-Time Stats
    • Total RPs: 140
    • Incomplete RPs: 13
    • Completion Rate: 90%
    • Highest Activity Month: August '22 (16 RPs started)
    • Lowest Activity Month: June '22 (5 RPs started)
    • Highest Activity Day: Apr 1, Aug 2, Nov 16 '22 (3 RPs started)
    • Longest RP Duration: 151 days
    • Shortest RP Duration: <1 day
    January '23
    1. An Unexpected Raid [Jan 1, 2023--Feb 17, 2023]
    2. Moonlight Visitor [Jan 2, 2023--Jan 5, 2023]
    3. May Even These Peseants Have Respite! [Jan 3, 2023--Apr 9, 2023]
    4. A Tutoring Lesson in Hatred of Dead [Jan 4, 2023--Mar 27, 2023]
    5. Forging for Tails [Jan 7, 2023--Jan 18, 2023]
    6. Blood for the Blood God! [Jan 8, 2023--Jan 17, 2023]
    7. (Caelia Barony) - The Start Of Something New [Jan 18, 2023--Feb 4, 2023]
    8. Gobbos Are Back on the Menu! [Jan 19, 2023--Mar 2, 2023]
    9. May There Be Plenty of Fools! [Jan 21, 2023--Mar 11, 2023]
    10. Falling to Rise, Part 2 (aka No Rest for the Weary) [Jan 22, 2023--May 5, 2023]
    11. Salty Tissue Paper [Jan 26, 2023--Mar 1, 2023]
    12. A Duel of Fates [Jan 27, 2023--Feb 16, 2023]
    13. Frozen Kingdom [Jan 28, 2023--Jun 14, 2023]
    February '23
    1. (Caelia Barony) – Our Battle Shalt Be Legendary! [Feb 6, 2023--Feb 15, 2023]
    2. (Caelia Barony) – Baroness, Take Flight! [Feb 16, 2023--Mar 14, 2023]
    3. Questions of Property! [Feb 23, 2023--Apr 9, 2023]
    March '23
    1. He Said, She Said [Mar 2, 2023--Apr 11, 2023]
    2. Worlds Training - Foresight, Flowers, Bugs and The Invasion. [Mar 4, 2023--Jul 30, 2023]
    3. Under the Sea [Mar 5, 2023--Apr 27, 2023]
    4. ☆ φαίνω ♡ The Anemone's Sparkling Debutante ☆ [Mar 13, 2023--May 7, 2023]
    5. (Caelia Barony) – Kirkwall, Baroness who? [Mar 17, 2023--Apr 17, 2023]
    6. Dragon's Breath [Mar 25, 2023--Jun 3, 2023]
    7. Blood and Steam [Mar 27, 2023--May 8, 2023]
    April '23
    1. The Missing Brewer [Apr 2, 2023--Apr 27, 2023]
    2. (Caelia Barony) – Treasure in Ruins. [Apr 17, 2023--May 20, 2023]
    3. The Party of Greed [Apr 26, 2023--May 25, 2023]
    4. A Budding Friendship [Apr 29, 2023--Jun 5, 2023]
    May '23
    1. Red Snow [May 2, 2023--Sep 16, 2023]
    2. Temple Trial [May 6, 2023--May 22, 2023]
    3. Kinship and Smoke [May 8, 2023--Jun 21, 2023]
    4. Falling to Rise Part 3: The Toad, the Witch, and the Dream. [May 12, 2023--Jul 8, 2023]
    5. The Ethereal Luminary [May 14, 2023--May 27, 2023]
    6. (Caelia Barony) Barony Burgers [May 18, 2023--May 30, 2023]
    7. ♡ φᾰεινός ♡ Village of Farewells and the Ukime No Orochi [May 22, 2023--Aug 11, 2023]
    8. (Caelia Barony) – The Big Iron on Her Hip [May 23, 2023--Jun 11, 2023]
    9. Is This.. a Date? [May 28, 2023--Jun 19, 2023]
    10. A Saviour & Student [May 31, 2023--Jun 15, 2023]
    June '23
    1. Ryke Adventurers Guild - Dirty Work [Jun 1, 2023--Jul 25, 2023]
    2. (Caelia Barony) – Mayor Trouble [Jun 3, 2023--Jun 16, 2023]
    3. The Arcane Proving Grounds [Jun 6, 2023--Jul 17, 2023]
    4. Converging Moments [Jun 8, 2023--Aug 16, 2023]
    5. Orson's Feast I [Jun 13, 2023--Aug 4, 2023]
    6. Nice To Meat You [Jun 14, 2023--Jun 29, 2023]
    7. War Song [Jun 15, 2023--Jul 27, 2023]
    8. Midnight Cleanse [Jun 16, 2023--Aug 22, 2023]
    9. See of Hearts [Jun 19, 2023--Jul 10, 2023]
    10. Where The Blood Runs Thick [Jun 21, 2023--Jul 26, 2023]
    11. Slums Music Festival [Jun 22, 2023--Aug 16, 2023]
    12. "Woke Up In A New Time?! Ancient Ruins?! I Can't Believe My Shrine Maiden's Tails Can Be This Cute!" [Jun 23, 2023--Oct 6, 2023]
    13. The Ghost of Norroburry Mine [Jun 27, 2023--Oct 5, 2023]
    14. Fowl Enigma [Jun 28, 2023--Aug 1, 2023]
    July '23
    1. May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. II [Jul 2, 2023--Aug 12, 2023]
    2. A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [Jul 12, 2023--Aug 2, 2023]
    3. Isekai Hell's Kitchen [Jul 14, 2023--Jul 31, 2023]
    4. Sowing the Seed of Love [Jul 15, 2023--Oct 1, 2023]
    5. A Spearheaded Encounter [Jul 18, 2023--Aug 6, 2023]
    6. Whispering Pests [Jul 20, 2023--Aug 29, 2023]
    7. A Murder of Crows [Jul 21, 2023--Sep 23, 2023]
    8. Beauty's In The Eye Of The Beholder [Jul 28, 2023--Sep 11, 2023]
    9. Are You Doing Your Part? [Jul 29, 2023--Sep 3, 2023]
    10. The Moonlight Huntress versus The Vagabond Hound [Jul 31, 2023--Aug 6, 2023]
    August '23
    1. A business Opportunity [Aug 3, 2023--Aug 10, 2023]
    2. Return to the Castle [Aug 4, 2023--Sep 14, 2023]
    3. • The black box and beating hearts beneath the moonlight [Aug 7, 2023--Sep 22, 2023]
    4. Orson's Feast II [Aug 7, 2023--Oct 5, 2023]
    5. Blood and Title [Aug 7, 2023--Dec 22, 2023]
    6. Definitely Not a Drinking Contest [Aug 8, 2023--Sep 25, 2023]
    7. Shadows Amidst the Snowstorm [Aug 8, 2023--Dec 12, 2023]
    8. Business as (Un)Usual [Aug 8, 2023--Aug 13, 2023]
    9. A Mother's Advise [Aug 10, 2023--Aug 17, 2023]
    10. Corruption and Riches Pt. I [Aug 10, 2023--Oct 8, 2023]
    11. The Kink in the Food Chain [Aug 11, 2023--Oct 17, 2023]
    12. Solace in a Monstrous Forest [Aug 15, 2023--Oct 1, 2023]
    13. The Plaguebearer of Lodeli [Aug 16, 2023--Nov 15, 2023]
    14. Golden Path [Aug 17, 2023--Oct 29, 2023]
    15. Knightly Duties (Or Something Similar) [Aug 18, 2023--Sep 30, 2023]
    16. The Celestine Academy for Seekers of Lore and Legends [Aug 19, 2023--Oct 10, 2023]
    17. The Hunt [Aug 24, 2023--Aug 28, 2023]
    18. Ghosts and Legends [Aug 24, 2023--Oct 12, 2023]
    19. Fields of Golden Wheat Who Needs Potatoes Anyway!? [Aug 24, 2023--Oct 25, 2023]
    September '23
    1. So Much for the Greater Good... [Sep 6, 2023--Nov 3, 2023]
    2. Eastern Empire: Weed Whackers Inc. [Sep 7, 2023--Oct 13, 2023]
    3. It's only an Escort Quest [Sep 14, 2023--Oct 29, 2023]
    4. The Redder Snow [Sep 18, 2023--Jan 21, 2024]
    5. Home Sweet Home [Sep 18, 2023--Dec 28, 2023]
    6. The Fox and the Witch [Sep 28, 2023--Oct 29, 2023]
    October '23
    1. Soul Wood [Oct 1, 2023--Nov 15, 2023]
    2. Orson's Feast III [Oct 8, 2023--Dec 1, 2023]
    3. (Caelia Barony) – Barony Reforged [Oct 13, 2023--Nov 18, 2023]
    4. Unwelcome Saviours [Oct 13, 2023--Nov 18, 2023]
    5. Corruption and Riches Pt. II [Oct 13, 2023--Dec 9, 2023]
    6. ♡ φᾰεινός ♡ Oh, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun☆ [Oct 13, 2023--Feb 17, 2024]
    7. [Tribulation]Ancient Ruins Beneath the Scarlet Sands (Amanda Steelhavens Precision Tribulation) [Oct 14, 2023--Nov 9, 2023]
    8. For Fox Sake [Oct 16, 2023--Feb 11, 2024]
    9. Infection of the Flesh [Oct 19, 2023--Dec 31, 2023]
    November '23
    1. The Roots of the Problem [Nov 2, 2023--Present]
    2. Nest-door Neighbors [Nov 5, 2023--Dec 23, 2023]
    3. Amidst the Memories They Once Had - Escape from the Madman [Nov 5, 2023--Jan 30, 2024]
    4. Not a single crumb [Nov 9, 2023--Dec 30, 2023]
    5. The Fox and the Witch Part 2 [Nov 13, 2023--Mar 1, 2024]
    6. Floating Islands (World Training) [Nov 14, 2023--Dec 16, 2023]
    7. On Tides of Blood and Embers [Nov 18, 2023--Jan 7, 2024]
    8. Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program [Nov 21, 2023--Mar 21, 2024]
    9. Heaven Let Your Light Sh(r)ine Down [Nov 22, 2023--Dec 10, 2023]
    10. 'I'll Make Them Flourish No Matter What! I Can't Believe My Slaves Are This Capable!' [Nov 22, 2023--Jan 28, 2024]
    11. The City of Reunion [Nov 25, 2023--Jan 30, 2024]
    12. The New Blood of House Driscol [Nov 27, 2023--Dec 12, 2023]
    December '23
    1. Orson's Feast IV [Dec 3, 2023--Mar 22, 2024]
    2. *✧・゚Mystery at the Valeriana Manor*✧・゚ [Dec 7, 2023--Feb 24, 2024]
    3. A Bathhouse Is For The Greater Good! [Dec 9, 2023--Dec 30, 2023]
    4. Virtus Chronica – Act I: Gula ⚝一番でっかいの豚 [Dec 9, 2023--Feb 19, 2024]
    5. Bishop's Back in Town [Dec 9, 2023--Jan 4, 2024]
    6. The Manhunt [Dec 16, 2023--Dec 30, 2023]
    7. The Alchemist's Heirloom [Dec 18, 2023--Jan 25, 2024]
    8. A Long Awaited Date [Dec 28, 2023--Jan 26, 2024]
    9. (Caelia Barony) – It's A Matter of Faith [Dec 30, 2023--Jan 18, 2024]
    10. Search for the Skythorn Blossom [Dec 31, 2023--Feb 11, 2024]
    Incomplete '23
    1. Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] May Even These Bones Find Rest!
    2. Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Dawn Will Come
    3. Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Peek-a-Boo!
    4. Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Headstrong Child
    5. Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Lesson in Manners?
    • Total RPs: 122
    • Incomplete RPs: 5
    • Completion Rate: 95%
    • Highest Activity Month: August (19 RPs started)
    • Lowest Activity Month: February (3 RPs started)
    • Highest Activity Day: October 13 (4 RPs started)
    • Longest RP Duration: TBA
    • Shortest RP Duration: 3 days
    All-Time Stats
    • Total RPs: 262
    • Incomplete RPs: 18
    • Completion Rate: 93%
    • Highest Activity Month: August '23 (19 RPs started)
    • Lowest Activity Month: February '23 (3 RPs started)
    • Highest Activity Day: October 13, 2023 (4 RPs started)
    • Longest RP Duration: TBA
    • Shortest RP Duration: <1 day

    January '24

    1. A Visitor From A Far Away Kingdom [Jan 8, 2024--Feb 22, 2024]
    2. Shadow Amidst the Snowstorm, Part Two [Jan 9, 2024--Present]
    3. Will She? Will She Not? [Jan 11, 2024--Present]
    4. Welcome to The Rubble! [Jan 12, 2024--Mar 19, 2024]
    5. Pirate Booty Job [Jan 14, 2024--Feb 21, 2024]
    6. (Caelia Barony) – Hammer-on quality. [Jan 18, 2024--Jan 30, 2024]
    7. Operation: Fort Bury [Jan 23, 2024--Present]
    8. It's a Bloody Dragon Scale! [Jan 26, 2024--Feb 21, 2024]
    9. The Little Airship That Could [Jan 26, 2024--Mar 14, 2024]
    10. Corruption in This Village?! [Jan 28, 2024--Apr 13, 2024]
    11. Sky High Prices [Jan 29, 2024--Feb 18, 2024]
    12. (Caelia Barony) – A Camping Trip and the Magic Tower? [Jan 30, 2024--Feb 21, 2024]
    February '24
    1. From the City of Faiths to Seeking Thieves [Feb 9, 2024--Apr 10, 2024]
    2. 聖域平和 Seiiki Heiwa: Bathing of the Blood [Feb 12, 2024--Feb 27, 2024]
    3. [Tribulation]Ryan's Tribulation of Precision [Feb 12, 2024--Feb 21, 2024]
    4. [Tribulation]A Precise Last Shift (Amanda's Tribulation of Precision) [Feb 16, 2024--Mar 6, 2024]
    5. A Monstrous Task [Feb 17, 2024--Present]
    6. Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive [Feb 18, 2024--Present]
    7. Journey to Gala'Kraoth [Feb 21, 2024--Mar 27, 2024]
    8. Positive Intermission [Feb 21, 2024--Mar 2, 2024]
    9. Tinkerers Triage: Start up company! [Feb 25, 2024--Present]
    10. Knife Eared Tears [Feb 26, 2024--Mar 29, 2024]
    March '24
    1. Fairweather Alchemists [Mar 2, 2024--Present]
    2. Where's this Bloody Dragon Scale?!? [Mar 2, 2024--Apr 25, 2024]
    3. LOVE&Happiness ♡ No Trouble with Trolls and Music ✩ [Mar 3, 2024--Present]
    4. [Republic:Nan pass] Runaway Singers Song! [Mar 3, 2024--Present]
    5. A Tithe! A Tithe! My Shrine for a Tithe! [Mar 5, 2024--Apr 14, 2024]
    6. Cat Tail Lists [Mar 6, 2024--Mar 16, 2024]
    7. Girl Next Dar' [Mar 6, 2024--Present]
    8. Ruining, the Fun! 1 [Mar 9, 2024--Present]
    9. Well Well Well... [Mar 12, 2024--Present]
    10. Vipers Honor, Shadowed Bonds [Mar 16, 2024--Present]
    11. Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer [Mar 17, 2024--Present]
    12. The Little Airship That Could Part 2 [Mar 17, 2024--Present]
    13. A week at the Docks [Mar 18, 2024--Present]
    14. The Fox and the Witch Part 3 [Mar 18, 2024--Present]
    15. [Kruhrin]Orson's Feast V [Mar 24, 2024--Present]
    16. Scaly Tails and Trails [Mar 28--Present]
    17. The Gunhild one :3 [Mar 29, 2024--Apr 28, 2024]
    April '24
    1. Eastern Empire Training! IN DEMOCRACY WE TRUST! [Apr 3, 2024--Apr 15, 2024]
    2. [Yemaya] Food for the Soul [Apr 5--Present]
    3. The Road of the Rambling Rover [Apr 9--Present]
    4. [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - Seeing The Trees Through The Forest [Apr 10, 2024--Apr 21, 2024]
    5. A Hellish Inheritance [Apr 14--Present]
    6. [Frontier] The AMAZE-ing Adventurer’s trial [Apr 17--Present]
    7. A Walk Through the Forbidden Forest [Apr 18--Present]
    8. [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine [Apr 21--Present]
    9. [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck [Apr 21--Present]
    10. [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair. [Apr 28--Present]
    May '24
    • TBA
    • Total RPs: 49
    • Incomplete RPs: 0
    • Completion Rate: 100%
    • Highest Activity Month: March (17 RPs started)
    • Lowest Activity Month: February, April (10 RPs started)
    • Highest Activity Day: Jan 26, Feb 12/21, Mar 2/3/6/17/18, Apr 21 (2 RPs started)
    • Longest RP Duration: TBA
    • Shortest RP Duration: 9 days
    All-Time Stats
    • Total RPs: 311
    • Incomplete RPs: 18
    • Completion Rate: 94%
    • Highest Activity Month: August '23 (19 RPs started)
    • Lowest Activity Month: February '23 (3 RPs started)
    • Highest Activity Day: October 13, 2023 (4 RPs started)
    • Longest RP Duration: TBA
    • Shortest RP Duration: <1 day
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  • For those that wish to scramble their way to the top by other means, or perhaps for those looking for a good deal, the Isekai Hell Marketplace is the place to look. There you can perform trades of some things with your fellow rp'ers. Common exchanges include points for rp, points for a crafted item, one item for another item, and the list goes on.

    Those that wish to send mail in character to other characters in the world to create in character communication even if they don't have the time or opportunity to rp together can send their letters here:
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