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Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

KageYuuki KageYuuki
The Takahashi Residence - Cloud Invasion

Ash and soot rained down across the Takahashi's springs, though, no springs seemed to actually left. Instead, the steam swirls in a thick, burning fog, and the ground literally hissed everyone. A few clumps of ground were merely hot instead of literally bubbling, and the vents to the springs themselves had melted away in a combination of cooled lava and obsidian glass. There was no resort. The wood has burned away so thoroughly there was no skeleton left standing, and the foundation of the house had turned to magma.

In the middle of of the literal hellscape, two shadows could be seen. A man with one hand in a pocket, and the other gripping a woman by the neck as steam sizzled aggressively at point of contact: The once great ninja, Yumiko Takahashi. Ice release struggling against the one hand, and failing.

"Man, yo ice release is ridiculous. I bet'chu you ain't never had a fire user even once melt it. Ain't'chu out of luck that I ain't just a fire user? Sees cuz, kekkei genkai are the mixing of two elements. Ice is wind and water. It makes a vaccuum to flash freeze the water, then the water release fills that vaccuum before the wind slams back into it with a protective shell. Ain't no fire gunna be able to transfer into that.

Buuuuut, yous sees, you don't got to mix things how others do. Lava just normally earth chakra pressed with shit ton of fire and flung with a ton of pressure. It's like a volcano going off! But, I don't like doing that, sees? Against someone likes you, it just gunna be a contest of strength. So, what I like to do is to burst through things with earth release in a shockwave to crack it, and rock it with heat, baby! Straight up shatter that bitch!

Yous listening, girl?"

The man tossed the kunoichi as she went limp, burn marks across her neck as her chakra ran out, letting her crumble onto the hellscape, behind a cloud of dark smoke. His gaze settled on Izumi, slowly striding towards her, stepping over her father, Kenta's, crumbled body as the sheer heat from his body ignited the man's robes.

He squatted infront of Izumi. The leaf he had been chewing on had burned down to a smoldering stem. "What I'm saying is, yo ice ain't shit. You ain't creative cuz, ain't trying out different ways to make it. What if you lets that ice be chilled water, then my lava ain't gunna shatter and melt it. Those two cripples put up better fight. Get creative! We Kekkei genkai bruds gotta stick together. It's in our literal blood to fight! Hate me! Find me. Make it a little bit better next time. Cause ain't no one on earth gunna stop the right of the strong, and we? We wuz born strong. Imma take this little souvenir til you ask nicely for it back."

He reached down, picking up 'Icicle', Izumi's dagger, and stowing it in his pouch. Smiling menacing, his mouth and eyes glowing like a literal devil as his blood glowed, he slowly began to reach forward with a single burning finger towards, tapping Izumi in the forehead, heat rocking across her entire body as a shockwave of chakra shook her and burned her.

"Think I dun caused 'nuff of a 'distraction'. Now, remember me, don't really care if it's fantasizing of killing me, or in your nightmares, you gunna see me every night from now on juuuust the same. Bye, girlie."

And, he was gone. Like a bad nightmare. With him, the unyeilding heat, though the ground continued to smolder. However, with him, her house, her hotsprings, and two badly burnt bodies, barely moaning on the ground with charred skin. The Takahashi hotsprings was now merely a crater of obsidian glass and igneous rock.

An Idiot's Guide to Espionage
Team Nadeshiko​
The bouncer Akari had collided with stumbled backwards, flailing his thick arms to try and maintain his balance. It might have worked if the man’s heel hadn’t caught on the edge of the step in front of the sake den’s door, as it was he pitched backwards into building. The sake den’s cheap construction wasn’t up to the challenge of withstanding the bouncer’s bulk and he tore through the wood and paper screen on his way to the floor.

Inside the den wary sets of eyes looked up from card or dice games, some of them blinking from the sudden influx of light. Most of the patrons soon returned to their own affairs, this being the kind of establishment where it wasn’t all that uncommon for someone to be thrown through a wall. Usually of course the bouncer was the one doing the throwing and the direction was typically reversed but there was a trend.

One set of eyes however, belonging to a heavy set man in a bandana, kept a close, calculating watch on the unfolding events.

Akari paled at the man flying through the bar.

Nadeshiko said:
Please ensure before you two do anything rash that that is in fact a cloud shinobi,"

Well… that was already rash. Could she go one mission without freezing up, or screwing up in a panick!?

Calm down, calm down, calmdowncalmdowncalmdown…

Thankfully, it seemed a regular enough occurrence that no one seemed to care. No one but one man staring at them. Even Akari could notice him. Unthankfully, Yoshi had one direction: forward. Headed straight towards the man… Akari needed to stop him, they needed info before they could strike. How to stop someone indestructible though? She could match his strength, but, not his endurance…

Eyes flickering back and forth, desperate for something, she noticed in the back of the bar as small kitchen. She gulped, the only thing her and Yoshi seemed to agree on was food. She went up, and whispered to his ear.

“Hey, Yoshi, are they using the same peanut oil to fry both the fish and meat?”

It was the best she had! Her eyes scanned to the nearest lonely drunk she could find by himself in a corner, and quickly began to slink towards him, hoping Yoshi would make a fuss. She flashed him a handful of Ryo… all the money she’d saved from the mansion mission…

“Hey, mister, if you pretend we’re related and I’m here to pick you up, and to give you a few minutes, all of this is yours. I… uh, don’t want to get in trouble for bouncer…”

Her eyes darted towards the heavy bandana man, and the probable Cloud nin Yoshi had been chasing. Akari swore she smelled smoke. Was this what a stroke felt like? Why could she taste copper?

“What?” Yoshi’s attention was now sharpened, attentive, the scent in the airs were intermixed… peanut oil… An acceptable drying oil, but… to fry both fish and meat!?!?! UNACCEPTABLE!! THE TASTES WOULD BE TAINTED!!

He had to taste this to be certain.

He went up to the counter, with abit of a climb, he eyed the menu… then ignored it, as it was less of a menu and a rules board.

“Surf and turf stirfry.” He ordered, with all the demanding strength of a nobleman… And the slap of 2000 ryo on the counter.

The bartender stared at Yoshi for a good long while, blinked slowly then looked down at the coins the youth had put down in front of him. The bartender seemed to deflate slowly and he sighed and turned towards the kitchen behind him.

“ONE MIXED STIRFRY!” the bartender bellowed through the thin walls, receiving a muffled curse in return. With that done the bartender turned back to Yoshi, snatched up the coins and began counting them.

Meanwhile, the drunk Akari had approached stared at her with bleary, reddened eyes. It seemed to take a few seconds longer than it should have for him to process her offer, but when he did he shrugged, drained his drink and then said loudly.


THe sharp eyed, heavy man watching the proceedings looked baffled by everything, but eventually he seemed to decide everything happening was too ridiculous to constitute a threat and he returned to sipping his drink.

Yoshi awaited the food, his focus solely upon the counter before him. Sure, he was on a mission, but surely Akari was… doing.. Something. She was a capable sort when she wanted to be… Right?

Ah yes she has cover already perfect, how expected from a coward who specializes in ranged combat. What did father say again about bows..?

REAL SAMURAI DIE WITH SWORD IN HAND! Yes that was it. It was when he was drunk and complaining about how archers kept running away and peppering him with arrows.

When the food came out, Yoshi took one look at it and…

“..This is.. Barely cooked… Mostly fat and grisel and… weeds from outside for garnish…”
he looked at the mess with the same disdain one might have if they saw a dog shitting on the carpet, locking eyes with you all the while. He did, however, utilized the fork given to take a bite which elicited a look of disbelief from the room.



And sighed.

It was a good solid few seconds of incredible silence from the room before Yoshi drew his god damned sword.

“Your mockery of the culinary arts demand your deaths.”

Akari sighed. Being like a ninja had to be stressful. She hated subterfuge. Why was she on a mission for that?! Akari froze at the drunk screaming next to her... only, he was helping her? Wait, something going right?

So all the money she'd saved up hadn't been for waste, though, that one was going to hurt. She smiled slightly, wondering, briefly, if her Dad had to have been stealthy before. Then again, her mother was unnaturally graceful. A thought Akari did not like crossed her mind, Akari's brow furrowing.

She firmly put THAT thought in the 'Later' bin of her head, sitting down next to the drunk, his breath rolling over her. She still hated drunks though.

"Thank you."
She whispered. If she was acting, it would have been proper to act scared. Nope, Akari was, in fact, terrified.

Then Yoshi started a fight.

Akari was impressed at her mental vocabulary, before realizing she could use this. Was this this 'brain' thing other people were talking about? Well... if Yoshi had everyone's attention...

Akari slowly slinked off, using her stolen technique from Izanami to reduce friction from each step, halfway sliding towards the suspected Cloud nin.


Her hand slipped into her pouch to try and pick pocket him. For some reason, she swore she could hear a hud like ping, and imagined 'Pickpocket 20-> 21' above her head. Now, as for saving Yoshi? Eh, some problems could sort themselves out.

“No refunds!” said the bartender behind the counter in response to Yoshi’s tirade, folding his arms over his chest in a commendable display of nerve. “Now put that away before I have the bouncer…” the bartender trailed of as he glanced over at the bouncer, he was still lying on the floor on his back, groaning pathetically. “...Huh. You know what? Now that I think about it I guess we do do refunds,”

Meanwhile Akari’s efforts bore fruits, as her fingertips closed in on a rough scrap of paper folded in half. The target appeared not to have noticed the theft, as he was busy watching Yoshi’s antics with befuddlement.


Akari rushed back to the table in an instant, counting on the Cloud nin not seeing her, and hoping no one else was there. Actually… hoping inferred thought, she’d just acted on instinct. Gulping, she looked at the drunks receipts. He wasn’t going to pay them anyways. She tried to swipe one and write on the back of it “Meet with Nadeshiko after. I’m hungry.”

Which, Akari could pretend it was the most direct thing to get Yoshi to go, but… her stomach did, in fact, growl. Her seals across her body kept her metabolism somewhere between ‘high’, and ‘insane’. She nodded to the friendly drunk, and slid him the bills before walking by Yoshi, and slipping him the note. If he got a refund, great. At least one of them wouldn’t be broke….

Having regained his cash for his meal, he supposed he could call the matter settled… These men were smarter than they looked, he would have done all he could to destroy this place and remove it from the culinary world all together. Salting the earth with sea salt and a spray of squeezed lemon.

Not that they’d keep either of these things here no doubt.

The young man quickly sheathed his sword, and placed his money away, not so much as counting it as he.. Really didn’t care. He would then quit this place, all but ignoring the rest of anyone who may stop him…

It was when he was outside he remembered Akari, in fact, was here. “If you were successful, let us return.”

The two young samurai were able to travel about a block away before Nadeshiko rejoined them by dropping down lightly from a rooftop. “You’ve returned and nothing is on fire!” said Nadeshiko, looking surprised and delighted as she clapped her hands together gently. “Well done! Were you successful?”

Wordlessly, Akari pulled out the slip of paper, handing it to Nadeshiko, before hovering behind her shoulder, showing she hadn’t read it either yet. She did mumble “I’m broke now…” But it was so quiet that it was near inaudible.

Yoshi, in this moment, considered why Nadeshiko assumed he would set fire to something. He merely threatened the heads of the cook and the barkeep, which would have been honorable cullings.

He would let Akari’s findings do the talking instead.

“When we get back I’ll show you to file a reimbursement request for mission expenses,”
Nadeshiko said, gently patting Akari on the head as she took the paper and unfolded it.

“...These look to be patrol routes, with this point at the epicentre being our target,” Nadeshiko said after a moment. “Some of these annotations make note of who can be bribed with cigarettes or liquor and who is best avoided,” she wrinkled her nose in distaste. “I think this fellow has been sneaking away from his post to indulge in vice for some time. I suspect the enemy’s most reliable troops have all been dispatched to the front lines while the dregs have been sent here to hold supply points like this one.” Nadeshiko said primly. “Let this example be a lesson to you children. Such vices are like chinks in your armor through which the enemy may drive their blades through at their leisure,”

Nadeshiko studied the patrol routes Akari had retrieved for a few more seconds and then nodded decisively. “Alright. You two will utilize this information to slip through the Cloud’s patrols while I conduct a frontal assault to draw their attention. Once the bulk of the enemy forces are focused on me you two will enter their base and destroy as much of their supplies as possible. Do either of you have those funny little pieces of paper shinobi use to blow things up?”

Akari grimaced at the ‘vices’ comment, though the possibility of being paid back did spark interest. Attacking a Cloud Supply depot? That gave Akari the first honest smile she’d had yet. She felt like she was finally a samurai! The fact this was the most ‘ninja’ like she’d ever been could be forgiven for that chance.

As far as the paper bombs went, Akari instantly went into her satchel, pulling out three such tags. She looked a bit guilty at how quickly she’d replaced them after ‘the incident’. Bright side, that beating heart thingy was definitely, utterly, dead. She could think of some Cloud nin she’d like to add to that list. But, there was one thing bugging her. The reliable troops being dispatched to the front lines… Akari gulped.

“Where… are the front lines?”

“Wherever these scoundrels are being cut down.” Yoshi states matter of factly, though he wasn’t sure…. If he had explosives. But surely he could just smash things. Yea that’ll work.

“I wonder what they have there…”

“We can only fight the battle in front of us Akari,” Nadeshiko said gently, with a knowing expression. “Trust our friends and family to do the same wherever they are and give them the best chance for success by accomplishing our objectives here.” she said. “The cloud will likely be storing a variety of important supplies here. Rations, medicine and a lot of those throwing weapons shinobi tend to favor. They go through the latter in astounding quantities during extended warfare because they don’t usually have the latitude to retrieve the ones they’ve thrown and they rely on them to conserve their chakra reserves. We can degrade their capability to fight protracted, wide scale battles significantly by denying them access to such tools. Their supplies will likely be sealed away in scrolls for storage so they’ll be smaller than you might be expecting and they might be concealed somewhere but that shouldn’t prove an obstacle to their destruction. The cheaper seals they use on a mass scale are usually flammable and don’t protect their contents from any of the backlash when they are destroyed, they’d be too expensive otherwise,”

Yoshi nodded understanding very little and noted in his mind to look for paper slips. Maybe?

Why didn’t they just use a bow or sword? Why waste so much material with throwing weapons? It made no sense and the fact they make him confused only made him want to break their toys further.

“Okay, we shall go there and put it to the torch…

he started to wonder, if the seals were broken, do the tools go flying out?

Or do they just appear? Do they appear on fire? Do… they have passwords to open…?

Maybe they should find a good pack of stuff and take it? Medical stuff is always in short supply.

He should keep an eye out, or ask Akari to do it.

Akari seemed oddly distant at Nadeshiko’s reply, staring off into the sky. The quality of a seal was something she’d been lectured a dozen times about as Nadeshiko taught her the basics of sealing her bow, and she’d listened to at least half those lectures, so, percentage wise, way up!

She finally came back to reality with a sudden nod of her head. There was something else bothering her about this mission. It was a role of a saboteur, a spy, and yet… she was, in truth, enjoying it so far more than she wished to admit. She didn’t have to hurt anyone, and her skills were proving useful so far. She should feel disgusted, but… A small smile crept up.

“Let’s do this.”
Asa, the Flickering Blade paused in her retreat as she felt a sudden spike of chakra. ... two spikes in chakra. However, one was a more immediate concern. Turning to see the incoming blade, she gulped, not having time to retreat, and her sword style was so much weaker one handed she couldn't block if she tried! However, a clenched smile came as she acknowledged her opponent.

"Clever girl, Tokita, but that's not quite enough to do me in!"
She held her own blade up, towards her neck, the flickering restarting. The moment before it hit, she yanked.

Asa seemed to flicker out of existence. The blades of chakra cut straight through where she had been, and slammed into a telephone pole behind her, biting into it deeply enough that the wood began to creak, before it fell with the rest of the ruin of the area.

Bingo Book Entree
The Flickering Blade
A style of temporal jutsu from a newly established school of ninja within the Cloud. It focuses on using the blade itself for the anchor for various temporal jutsu. However, the jutsu are considered flashy, draining in chakra, and overly dependent on a chakra treated blade. They put enormous stress on the weapon, and if one's not careful, can shatter it, leaving the user without the entire style.

In exchange for the drawbacks, however, they give a powerful and tricky skillset where the user can manipulate both time and space, seeming to flicker in and out of existance through various techniques.

A moment later, Asa reappeared, collapsing to one knee sweating, barely on her knees, propped up by her sword. A sudden 'snap' echoed as all the temporal chakra around her blade snapped at once, cracks running down it, ruining the blade.

She wobbled back to her knees. "You know us ninjas, always so full of tric- oh shit, Koichi! -"

Ringo (And Tokita)

The heavily armored man continued to breath heavily in his suit as he walked towards Ringo, unperturbed. The air continued to shimmer around him, each step melting the road away to liquid tar, cling to his boots. Each 'plop' of his boots echoed, the chain dragging and glowing behind him through the black goop.

"It's alright to be terrified."


He watched Ringo run, barely changing his slow trudge as he just turned slightly with each step. As she began another jutsu, he held out both hands, T-posing for dominance. Kohhhhh-Pehhhhhh... Kohhhhh-Pehhhhhh....Kohhhhh-Pehhhhhh...

A slight 'ping' echoed, and the man cocked his head confused. However, as a hissing started, he began to panick turning to see a slight hole in the tank behind him, the coin embedded in the side. All around it, the metal warped and bloated, pressure building.

"S-shit! Shit shit shit, fuuuu-"

Bingo book entree:
Kirin Armor - A set of armor worn by the Kirin tank, connected to a storage tank, filled with excess chakra, slowly filled over the course of several months. The tank highly pressurizes the clan's natural storm release, being released in torrents around the user, making their jutsu explosive and quick. In addition, it cushions the armor itself, as blows against it are met with an equal pressure. The set of power armor is said to be worth 5 ninja of equal value while in use.

However, the tank itself, if overfilled, can become explosively charged.

A blast of blue light blinded the area, before a shockwave ripped through the air, so visible one could see the break in the air coming from it. Sections of stone from nearby buildings, mixed with wood and glass went flying as shards of debris and hell on earth.

Where Tokita stood, a building next to her blocked much of the resulting fallout, but infront of her, Asa could be seen being blown away, her cracked blade left behind in the ground where it had been left. Stones, glass, and blood covered where the cocky Cloud nin had been seen a few moments beforehand.

In the distance, a mushroom cloud engulfed the
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Tokita Hagami (Cloud Invasion)

Tokita cursed to herself as her opponent seemed to just vanish out of thin air before her chakra slash could deliver the finishing blow. Much as she wished to lament a missed opportunity, her instincts screamed at her to move as her foe's partner in crime seemed to be gathering something fierce as instinct seemed to take over. Her feet already began to move as she leaped back and worked to create as much distance between herself and this literal ticking time bomb and this was once instance where such instincts seemed to be rewarded.


A rumble and shockwave seemed to cause Tokita to stumble as she just barley managed to get cover while the area she had once been at was reduced to a cloud of smoke and a crater as this guy seemed to go all in on trying to take them both out. Tokita peaked around the corner and began to backtrack to the epicenter as it all seemed to be quite the drastic bit of destruction though she tried to remain composed.

"Most of the civilians evacuated earlier, I am sure the causalities were at the minimum." Tokita said, trying to find a silver lining to the destruction ahead of her. Though on this note she seemed to realize least one individual within the blast range as her eyes widened and she quickly dashed to the area.

"Ringo! Ringo are you there!?" Tokita called out, her katana close in case another Cloud Invader happened to be around, but she tried to find out of Ringo had made it out of the blast given that they were the primary target of this desperate and rather sadistically deranged foe. Tokita may have been relative new to this wider shinobi world she found herself tied in but the Samurai still desired to ensure her comrades in arms were fine.

Hopefully she'd find her and not charged pieces of what is left of her...

Ganryu Ganryu Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Cloud Invasion - Koyome && Izanami

With Koyome's speed, she managed to leap into the rooftops near the Kutsuki compound before a barrier could even erect. A few dozen shinobi looking puzzled at her entrance. And then panicked as senbon, bombs, kunai, and general hell rained down upon them.

A satisfying 'boing' echoed as one of the Cloud nin screamed something about inner gates formation, and then could be seen flying into the distance as Koyome's sumo puppet's belly inflated, reflecting the attack back at him as pure knockback. And more knockback... and some more. Clouds parted in the distance.

Not all of the attacks, landed, however, as many more experience nin were in the area, able to block them with varying degrees of success. Some, covered in senbon across their limbs. A few merely grazed. One, clearly higher ranked held several between his fingers.

And none of them seemed to touch the blindfolded nin. They all had fallen straight down, changing vectors all of a sudden, and piercing through the roof he was standing on with increased power. He happily waved everyone else off.

"You guys really are helpless without me. I got this. Focus on maintaining the barrier. We can't hold off the entire land of iron, we just need to grab the fox's corpse." He turned to Koyome. "Now, oh so honorable samurai, fancy a duel? You may address me as Daichi, As-Fine-As-Konohanasakuya's-Finest-Cherry-Blossom." He cocked his head to the ninja with binoculars from earlier. "Oh, and Ryu, step away, I need a bit of room for my jutsu to properly work. The rest of you as well, none of your jutsu will work around me anyways. Come on little girl, dance with me, won't you? Life is fleeting."

The binocular nin stepped away, and no one seemed to want to interfer

He began a few handsigns, and the entire area began to tremble as it filled with chakra . The man, though he was fairly short, seemed suddenly impressively large and looming, a tree like pillar of blue energy becoming slightly visible as his sheer volume filled the area. A large symbol painted itself across the rooftop

Bingo Book Entree: Daichi Fujiwara, As-Fine-As-Konohanasakuya's-Finest-Cherry-Blossom

A specialized jonin of the Cloud, he lost his vision in a skirmish against the Land of Iron 10 years, blinded by a Ronin. (Hey, God Jacob, take a free feat for your character's master). It took him 3 years before he was able to regain service, determined not to lose again. In a skirmish against the Leaf, he is creditted with a dozen kills after using his jutsu to cause a landslide, and posing dramatically, accidentally earning his nicknamed as he gloated the exact phrase.

A sealing expert, his unique jutsu amplifies or change the gravity in an a given area. His sensing jutsu he uses in place of his eyes focuses on vibrations in the air.


Around Izanami, the gravity dome stopped enhancing itself with additional seals as the blindfold nin turned to face her teammate. It still was crushingly powerful, making the act of standing alone difficult, but, on the plus side, to Izanami, and Izanami alone, the fact she couldn't move might actually be a blessing.
Izanami Kutsuki
“Guh- d- damnit…” Izanami grumbled as she felt her knees buckle beneath her. She fell to her knees as she struggled against the overwhelming force pushing her down before trying to stand back up once more. She was trapped, and she knew it was only a matter of time before she was fully immobile.

With one last burst of strength, Izanami gripped Sesshuki as hard as she could, and tossed it like a little spear at the man sealing her. It was a desperation throw at best, but it’s infectious properties were still present.

The gravity grew stronger, and this time she slammed face first into the ground. Blood pooled around her forehead as she let out a pained groan. Now she was truly helpless.

However, Izanami managed to prop herself up in a single elbow. She looked forward just in time to see the blindfolded ninja sealing her stop, and turn towards someone else. Izanami slowly turned her head a bit more.

“Koyome!” Izzy yelled out to her teammate. “Get out of here! There’s too many!”

Is this really my fate? Held down and sealed like a beast? I thought I could at least go out swinging… like a samurai. I should’ve thought this through… I should’ve waited for Koyome and Enkai… I should’ve… stayed in the compound or gone with my mother underground… If only I-

Suddenly, a small yellow mushroom sprouted from the pool of blood around Izzy’s head.

Shocked, Izanami let out a sarcastic remark “Oh? Are you here to help me out or something little guy?” Izzy asked quietly. She didn’t understand where the mushroom had come from, but its familiar appearance elicited a memory far more useful to Izanami than the mushroom itself could ever prove to be.

The shocked expression of Izanami’s statue began to crack, as a small yellow mushroom sprouted from its face. Slowly, more and more mushrooms broke through the stone, until the crack of stone became audible.

After several more moments Izanami rose from the ground, rock still crumbling from her skin as the mushrooms on her body began to spread to the ground around her. She reached out, grabbing Sesshu-ki once more. Instead of questioning what had just happened to her, she focused on the nature chakra coursing through her. Her muscles twitched painfully, as if begging Izanami to fight.

Izanami closed her eyes, and searched for the feeling of natural energy. She began by looking within herself, and at her own chakra.

Koyome and sensei often mentioned chakra pathways, and while Izanami didn’t fully grasp the concept, she believed she had a good sense of her own chakra. Her right hand had a buildup of chakra within it. She didn’t know if it was due to the bleeding from Sesshu-ki or not. But there wasn’t much else going on that would indicate she could find any natural energy lingering inside of her. So it was no doubt something that didn’t come natural to her. If only she could remember what those giant bugs were blabbering about back then…


Izanami centered her mind once again. She remembered how it felt to have natural energy enter her chakra system. However last time she did it, she turned to stone. She also wasn’t doing it on purpose.

Izanami reasoned that the only reason she survived was because the Blight in her blood was able to absorb the excess energy eventually. Her mother had always said that the Blight absorbed minute amounts of chakra, so it couldn’t be too far off to assume the Blight did the same with natural energy… right?

The smooth and graceful flow of natural energy began, as Izanami let herself fall into a shallow trance despite lying face first on the roof. Natural energy slowly flowed from the area around her, and into her.

As she meditated, more small yellow mushrooms began to sprout from her blood. The blood pool itself began to trickle off the edge of the roof, dribbling down onto the ground below. There too, mushrooms began to emerge, giving off a faint glow.

Ganryu Ganryu

AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Location: Ruined Street
Ganryu Ganryu godjacob godjacob

A streak of lightning split the sky as heavy rain poured down on the entire city. A booming thunder followed soon, rattling the nearby skyscrapers as if the gods want to remind them who was in charge here. Scattered on floor was countless bodies from the allied forces of the rivaling companies, and standing tall in the middle of the room was a tall muscular woman with several fresh wounds on her body. She was pointing towards the next wave of enemy standing at the entrance, challenging them to come at her, while her other hand was holding an unscathed five years old girl who seemed to be fascinated by the gore around them.

A young man briskly walk across a corridor, not far behind was two of his younger siblings eagerly following him. The girl had a brilliant gleam on her eyes whenever she stare at his eyes, meanwhile her hands never let go of the younger meek boy who seemed to have a bit of difficulty following them. The young man coldly stares back at them before he donned his rain coat and walked outside, leaving the two kids inside the building as he vanished into the perpetual rain outside.

A butler pledged his loyalty towards a young girl, with the girl having a puzzled look on her face. Still, she accepted the pledge with confidence, believing that she's entitled to everything she gets from everyone.

A pudgy man in a suit got into heated argument with his son, the young girl overheard the conversation from behind a door.

The tall woman disappear-
The young man's coup-
The escape-
The start-
The bang

A painful ringing noise filled Ringo's brain as she laid motionlessly, buried beneath some rubbles that also acts as a layer that protects her from direct explosion. She felts like she just saw her life flashed before her eyes, but now that her mind had been pulled back to reality, she desperately struggled to get herself out of her early grave. She could hear a distant voice of someone calling her name, was it Tokita? Or someone else? She couldn't feel most of her body, but she mustered all of her strength to push her right hand upward.

On the surface, a hand punched through the rubbles. Moving erratically as to draw the attention of nearby people. She was currently too weak to pull herself out.
Koyome Omozukai
Great, another weirdo Koyome thought as her opponent blathered on about something, to do with cherry blossoms or whatever. Unfortunately, as was so often the case with weirdos, this one was dangerous: Koyome vaguely recognized him from her time snooping through Yukari's bingo book for interesting tidbits, her growing interest in seals meant the entry had caught her eye, but Koyome hadn't given any real thought to how she might fight him. This was unfortunate because his whole attitude was annoying and patronizing and Koyome very much wanted to kill him.

"We're not going to dance," Koyome said flatly, rearming herself with two handfuls of senbon. "You trash don't get to walk into my city, demolish my house and try to seal away my teammate and then have a nice, clean little duel to cap it all off," Koyome pointed the senbon extendeding out from between her fingers at Daichi. "You started a war and it'll end like one,"

With that Koyome crouched and disappeared with a body flicker, launchinn herself... directly into the crowd of onlooking shinobi. Ordinarily this would be an overly dramatic form of suicide, but Koyome didn't think Cherry Blossom dingus was laying bait when he said his jutsu didn't play with others, it was obviously powerful but it affected a wide area and didn't seem all that precise. That being the case it was only sensible to draw him into a situation where he couldn't fully play to his strength. It definitely wasn't a decision driven solely by spite and a desire to trample all over his annoying grandstanding, that would be silly.

Koyome plunged into the midst of the cloud shinobi, using her byakugan, gentle fist and the freakish flexibiilty of her puppet to keep moving and unhindered. Oridianrily Koyome forced herself to pilot Kurago in something fairly close to how a human being moved to preserve the illusion that the puppet was a full, human body. That was no longer a priority tonight. Koyome skittered, twisted and flipped through the crowd like a demented spider, jabbing with senbon or precise blasts of chakra whenever somebody tried to grapple or otherise slow her down. As she moved Koyome let out spools of wire and chakra thread, tangling and looping her opponents into a web like morass that would slow down their attempts to spread.

Meanwhile Koyome deployed Boke, the spider like, explosive tag laying puppet to start sneaking through the crowd, turning the ground underfoot into a minefield while Koyome drew attention. Daichi could supposedly detect vibrations but hopefully the crowd would mask the spider's movments and once the tags were layed the wouldn't vibrate at all until they were detonated...

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