Story My fire... is going out.


They Call Me Mellow Yellow~
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Her hair was the color of a ripe sunrise, a beautiful and deep red. Its longest strands made it to the middle of her back. It framed her heart shaped face. With freckles here and there for a bit of character. Her eyes were the color of liquid gold, lit with ambition. They saw into anyone's soul. Her skin was a very pale olive with light pink lips. She shined, as bright as a flame. And her name was Kenna..

And she was all mine. Up until last night…

Let me start with the FIRST thing that happened. We had gone out to a party with a few of our friends. Their names aren't important. But their actions are.

Kenna and I had driven in my car. When we made it to the house I knew something was up. It was quiet and I only saw 1 other car. I turned to her and asked, “Who's all coming?” She just shrugged and smiled. I rolled my eyes and opened my door. “Come on,” I said. She copied my actions and we walked to the front door of the house.

She was standing in front of me when we made it to the door. She knocked and we waited. I checked my watch and we waited for about 3 minutes till someone opened the door. The person just smiles and lets us in. Something just kinda clicked in my brain, I just don't know what it was but I knew something would happen that night.

We walk in and the place is nice. They have all the equipment for a party. The kitchen, from what I could see, had snacks and drinks. The living room's TV was on and playing music. Nothing seemed wrong inside the house so far.

Everyone started to chit-chat. Some people talked about the outfits everyone was wearing. And others talked about something that was going to happen tonight. Someone made the normal, “Shut the fuck up!” Comment and then they went quiet.

As the night went on my stomach turned and did flips. I waited till it was almost the end of the night to say something. I had walked up to my friend and asked when the party would be over. All they said was that it would be a long night.

I went back to their couch and sat down. Kenna sat on my right and rested her head on my shoulder. I patted her head and pulled out my phone with my other hand. I checked the time and it said it was 23:29. I make a mental note of the time.

Kenna gets up and walks away. Soon, another girl sits down in the seat to my left. I say hi and we begin to talk. I started to get a bit uncomfortable when the girl started asking if I'm taken. I say yes and we change topics.

But the girl is really pushy on the topic of us hooking up. I roll my eyes at her actions and then she gets up. “If you're gonna be a snobby bitch, then you ain't gettin’ none!” She says. I smile and comment back, “I don't want none.”

She storms off and Kenna comes back. “What happened?” She asks. I explain and she just smiles. She hands me a cup and I smile back at her. I smell the cup and smile. Orange juice and vodka, my favorite. I take a sip and sit back. Kenna walks away and I ask where she's going. She tells me not to worry. The phrase does the opposite to me.

As I drink, I worry. What's going on w her? Why “Don't worry”? Why… I finish my glass. I try to get up and can't. What? Why? The drink! I sit there for however long and then someone, who is NOT Kenna comes and sits by me. They hand me a small cup this time. They say to drink it. I shake my head. They nod. This goes on for a while. Soon they give up.

Another person comes over to me and I don't see a drink in their hand. Instead, a filled syringe. I still can't move my body. I just close my eyes. I feel a poke in my arm and then just… nothing.
As I felt the nothingness leave my body, I opened my eyes. All I could see was black. With sight being returned my other senses came back.. slowly but surely. I began to think. Why are my wrists bound..? My ankles too. Where am I? Whatever I'm laying on is itchy. Ugggh, the feel. Oh my GOD! What is that?

I tried to grab whatever was close to my hands. It was just out of reach. My mind races, leading me to panic. I feel the movement of whatever stop, soon I hear doors open and close. I close my eyes and rest.

I felt cold air on my legs and opened my eyes again. I turn my head and see 2 figures. One had the shape of a man. The other, I can't tell. The man grabs my legs and swings me over his shoulder.

Soon, we're in a building, walking down a hall. We make a left turn and go into a room. They throw me onto the floor. It hurts, but I can't say anything. I'm in shock. I mean who WOULDN'T be in shock.

I sit up, accomplished with no ease. They turn on the lights and someone closes the door we came in through. I see the figure I thought was a man, was indeed a man. The one I couldn't tell… I still can't tell.

The man looks like my 5th grade gym teacher, if that says anything. Buzzcut, white as hell, thin but beefy build, and he's wearing a uniform of some sort.

I turn my head to look at the other person but the man starts to talk. “I know you don't know what's happening, but you don't have to worry! You're going to be safe. All we need to do is ask you some questions… are you okay with that?” I nod my head.

“Great, let's start.”

The man asks questions about my identity and past. Questions about my family, friends, and coworkers. Then asked if I knew Kenna, I said yes and now we're here… “How do you know them?”

I tell them that I met her at a party, had a hookup, exchanged numbers, and got close. She didn't live with me. I had picked her up when we had gone to the party. Then shit went down and I don't know where she is now.

The man nods and looks at the person by the door. The man cuts me free and lets me get up. Once up, he pushes me to the door. We make a right turn and walk to a door. We leave the building.

We make it back to the car, and this time I get to sit in the backseat of it. Not the trunk. Thank goodness. I get in and they do too. We start to drive.

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