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DovahBeat DovahBeat Blaklyte Blaklyte

Curiousity got the better of me I googled what a Khezu is they do look like those graboid monsters from the tremor movies. XD Luffy be like, โ€œ Youโ€™re comparing me to that?!!โ€ Heโ€™s all offended.
xD lol if he runs into and tries to eat him heโ€™ll be like,โ€ WHY IS EVERYTHING trying to eat me?!!โ€ He thinks Trout is cute but the Khezu isnโ€™t. Heโ€™ll destroy the Khezu.. yeah with a single punch since heโ€™s pulled from the time skip.. heโ€™ll wreck it.
Its cool, recently got one of my cousins to start watching this psych horror anime and I heard his reactions

only issue is the insane amount of cough cough "wanting children" in the show which also happens to be the main pull of the show
I'll admit, I'm a bit stuck on what to do reply wise as well which has kinda killed my muse
I've never had a major surgery before so I can't imagine what it's like, but I send wishes for a speedier recovery <3
It's torture...especially when they don't give you enough anesthesia, ha-haaaa....
But re-reading posts on the OOC and the main made me feel better although I wasn't saying or posting at all so ya-
I could just have Rufus go to his room and meet Rosa though heโ€™d be more of a gentleman.
he only changes when he loses everything to meteor.. and yeah the movie happens.

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