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Every time he does inventory on his computer he has to make sure she hasn't slipped images of sweaty wrestlers into his stock reports.
"Haha, yes, I know this meme Sara, very cringe top kek." *sounds of demons screaming*
Oh, and if you would be interested in joining, we have a theme, that being Alchemical symbols. So far, we have Mercury, Phosphorus, Salt, Sulfur, and Iron.
Oh, and if you would be interested in joining, we have a theme, that being Alchemical symbols. So far, we have Mercury, Phosphorus, Salt, Sulfur, and Iron.

Just to make sure but did you forget lead or should I change something about Leo?
Welp, I think I've got everything sorted out BTS! We can really get things rolling, barring Noivian Noivian 's character, of course!
I'll get a psot out tonight just fiddling with a dnd character.
Osvald is giving me massive Lex Luthor vibes and I love it. That cut in in the Phone Call and everything
Little did you know he just adopted a shelter full of puppies.
Of course.

But given the nature of what is to happen to them...

I am excited to see how he shall work when cut off from resources.
Oh! I should also mention that we don't a posting order, per say. Everyone shouldn't be posting all at once, but there's no ordained order, if you get what I mean.
cool, sorta do it whenever, and acquess to the order of things happening.

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