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Realistic or Modern Modern Diplomacy


New Member
The RPing is here (The RP can start once we get 5 players)


Basically you can pick any country in the world that exists today,you will have political decisions,diplomacy,and other stuff to decide the future of your country and its people




Stay realistic

You cant pick historical countries that do not exist anymore

Sign up by saying the country you want,it cannot be taken already

You can choose to either run your country with the country current constitutions or as a dictatorship

Do not complain or start flame wars

In a war you can make up to three moves with you and your opponent(s)

Winners of wars depends if someone surrenders or time runs out and people vote on who won the war

If you run your country as a dictatorship you run the risk of starting a rebellion, I will determine if a rebellion is worthy of starting

Rebellions is like a war against a NPC (or someone not in the RP can jump in as the Rebels)
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