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𝐌𝐒𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐒𝐞𝐟 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝
A private roleplay between izayoiix izayoiix & revalia revalia

Feel free to read along and kindly refrain from posting.









  • home (filler tab)


good not great

Remus hated parties.

Well, no, strike that. He didn't hate parties. He just strongly disliked...most of them. He tended not to mind the ones thrown in the common room, they were alright. A bit loud, but with Sirius and James hosting, there was no escaping that. At least when they were Gryffindor parties, when he had had enough of the noise and constantly being pressed against someone on all sides, he could find a way to escape back up to his dorm.

School-wide functions? Not so much.

Of course, most everyone had been given the option to stay in and not attend, but Remus? No, Remus was not given such an option. You'd think that he would have been, but with friends like Sirius? No that option was most definitely taken away from him. He'd been overjoyed at first, thinking he could get out of attending, managing to start the year off with a quiet night of studying. Maybe getting some help from Dorcas in astronomy before he had to make a fool of himself in their first class. Alas, it was not to be, and here he was, standing in front of the large mirror in his dorm, fidgeting with the collar on his new robes, acquired from Professor Spickett.

Thankfully the professor had some sense of style, helping him come up with something that was both simple and acceptable for such an event as a school ball. He'd heard plenty of horror stories from older students about the previous professor who was in charge of assisting students in need of dress robes. Thankfully, he'd manage to avoid such a fate. And avoided some teasing from his friends.

Only some. Remus knew his fellow marauder's, and they'd always find something to tease him over. He loved Sirius, James, and Peter, but they could be right arseholes sometimes, so he knew what to expect. There was a reason he was friends with them after all, birds of a feather and all that. Remus knew that he himself, could be a bit much. Sure he was known by many to be a bit pompous, despite his more humble origins, but he was also intelligent. He was one of the top students in their year and everyone knew he was clever. James and Sirius could corner the market any day on being mischievous, but that also meant that they were often suspected as the culprits.

Of course, that was only true half of the time.

Appearances can be deceiving, and Remus Lupin knew all too much about that. Narrowing his gaze as he studied his reflection, he sighed. Like right now. He looked like he belonged at a ball, but he knew that he was only pretending.
"Let's get this over with..."
he sighed.

Leaving the room and heading downstairs, it didn't take long for him to realize that he was the only one in the common room.
"All this talk about not being late, all of us going together, these prats sure do take their sweet time getting ready."
he muttered, letting himself drop into one of the plush armchairs near the fireplace.

If his friends were going to make him wait, then Merlin be damned, if he wasn't going to make himself comfortable.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘








  • home (filler tab)

clean bandit

rather be

Late, late, late, Lily was so late! She couldn't believe how she'd lost track of time like some scatterbrained first year who was overwhelmed with the experience that Hogwarts was. Normally she kept much better track of her time and her schedule. Sure classes had been let out early for the day, seeing as the ball was tonight, but without thinking, the redhead had stayed behind to talk to Professor Flitwick about possible new uses for charms. Of course, that's why she lost track of time in the first place.

It was no surprise to anyone, that aside from his Ravenclaw's, Lily was one of his favorite students due to her love of charms. This wouldn't be the first time that the two had gotten distracted discussing different properties and executions of old charms and even the possibilities on creating new ones. It was always quite fascinating! Charms really was her favorite subject. So many uses for such an interesting branch of magic. She could never get enough!

Thankfully, when she darted into her common room, it had been empty, allowing her to rush up the winding staircase to the girl's dorms. Throwing the doors open, she yelled an apology for Dorcas, hopefully not startling her friend. She'd have offered one for Mary as well, but she had a feeling the other girl was long gone, having been part of planning the ball. Heading straight for her closet, she grabbed the garment bag that held her dress, unzipping it and reaching for the dress inside. Hanging it up on the side of the door, she pulled the curtain around her bed shut and hurried to change, carefully stepping into the fabric and pulling it up so the straps could rest on her shoulders.

Petting the fabric of her dress so laid flat against her, Lily stepped around the curtain and went to the bathroom mirror, her wand clasped loosely between her fingers. Luckily her hair hadn't given her any problems this morning, so she was able to tame her mane with a quick flick of her wand, letting her magic assist her in twisting the long strands into a messy yet elegant braided and curled style with flowers tucked between the strands. Keeping her make-up simple, she nodded to her reflection and returned to her room.

While Lily was more than ready to spend the night partying with her friends, she was dreading the shoes that she'd have to wear. They were beautiful, yes, but comfort was not something that was thought of when they were made. With a sigh, she bit the bullet, sliding into the simple pair of small heels before hurrying out the door. She'd been quick and efficient, but she was still late and didn't want to keep anyone waiting.
"Hopefully I didn't keep everyone waiting too long..."
she mumbled.

She could hear voices as she descended, but they were all jumbled up and mixing together, so she couldn't make out who all was ready.

"Hope no one was waiting too long! Sorry for the delay..."
she laughed awkwardly, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.
"Are we waiting for anyone else?"

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘








  • home (filler tab)

5 seconds of summer

easy for you to say

Standing in front of the mirror next to his bed, Barty adjusted his jacket a final time. He could do this. He had this. No matter what that bugger Evan Rosier wanted to say about him and his sleeping habits.

Yes, Mary was currently dating one of his best friends brother, but that was neither here nor there. He didn't like the bloody idiot, but he accepted it. He knew where he stood. It hurt, yes, but he just had to be patient. Patient...he hated being patient. But with everything, good things come to those who wait.

He ran a hand through his hair, tousling it slightly, before he declared himself ready.

Catching sight of Severus entering the room behind him, he shot the younger boy a grin, enjoying the short greeting before he disappeared into the bathroom. Look at him, wrangling his fellow snakes. Maybe he should see about being a snake charmer, seeing as he had plenty of experience.

Barty snorted, turning away from the mirror, grabbing his wand off his nightstand and sliding it into the holster on his right forearm. As if his father would allow such a thing. Barty was already going to push it when refused to work for the ministry. He wasn't one hundred percent sure still on what he wanted to do once he finished this last year at Hogwarts, but he knew with certainty what he wouldn't be doing. Grabbing his jacket off his bed, he shrugged it on, tugging the sleeve down so his wand was covered. Even if this was a school function, he refused to go anywhere without his wand. That was just asking for trouble.

"Seeing as none of you tossers want to enjoy yourselves, I'll be going first."
he huffed, a put out look on his face as he turned to face his roommates. Smoothing a hand down his jacket, he raised a brow at their unimpressed looks.
"I fully expect at least one of you to crash the party."
he declared before leaving the room, sending a quick wave over his shoulder.

Passing by Evan and Regulus in the common room, he greeted them before heading out into the dungeon hallways. Normally he wouldn't dare to walk the halls alone as a slytherin, but seeing as everyone was getting ready to head to the Great Hall, Barty felt that he would be fine to arrive a tad early. Get a lay of the land, so to speak.

Turning a corner, coming upon the entryway of the Great Hall, he paused, eyes widening at the sight before him.
he managed to get out, his throat dry.
"You...you look amazing."
he cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure.

"The uh, the hall looks wonderful..."
he said, wishing for anything but an awkward silence. He'd gestured a hand towards the hall, only to pause at the sight of the closed door. He winced.
"That is...I'm sure it looks wonderful."

Great job Crouch.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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