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Fantasy Memories of the past: Yyradel’s Darkness (private)

(Kinda why I’m trying to get this portion over with)

The beam from Machinos grew in intensity and the barrier that they had erected for protection began to faulted and crack.

“Oh no, this isn’t good, Dru I think you energy super charged him or something…” Xander stated

“But we need to find a way out of this before the barrier breaks!” Ranni replied

AquaMarie AquaMarie

Suddenly Adelaide found herself pulled through the shadows and deposited in a room lit by a few torches, the room was rather small with many chests, weapons, gold and other treasures piled along the walls.

“Stay here Adelaide, you should be safe while we try to get the others” Flora smiled before walking through the darkened doorway of the room before vanishing.

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

Maya found her self being removed from xanders arms and brought to the treasury room where Adelaide was waiting.

Musicnotes Musicnotes @Drumonkey @The Wordsmith Myth

Felicia and Flora appeared next to Dru and Miandiya and grabbed a hold of them.

“We will be back shortly for you my lord, just hang in there” Flora replied

Xander looked at Leon “well my friend, it seems like we will be last, try to keep that shield up till they get back” he chuckled nervously.

Flora and Felicia left with Miandiya and Dru leaving them with the others in the treasury.

Shortly before his shield would fall, Felicia and Flora arrived just in time to take them both to the treasure room they found and brought the others to.

“Is everyone ok?” Felicia asked

“We were able to find our gear in this room and thought it a good fall back point if needed” Flora replied

“Good work you two, I think we’ve earned a moment to rest” Xander smiled
"Yeah I'm fine. Are you guys okay?" Miandiya asked looking around at the room they were in, seeing all the treasure.
(Kinda why I’m trying to get this portion over with)

The beam from Machinos grew in intensity and the barrier that they had erected for protection began to faulted and crack.

“Oh no, this isn’t good, Dru I think you energy super charged him or something…” Xander stated

“But we need to find a way out of this before the barrier breaks!” Ranni replied

AquaMarie AquaMarie

Suddenly Adelaide found herself pulled through the shadows and deposited in a room lit by a few torches, the room was rather small with many chests, weapons, gold and other treasures piled along the walls.

“Stay here Adelaide, you should be safe while we try to get the others” Flora smiled before walking through the darkened doorway of the room before vanishing.

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

Maya found her self being removed from xanders arms and brought to the treasury room where Adelaide was waiting.

Musicnotes Musicnotes @Drumonkey @The Wordsmith Myth

Felicia and Flora appeared next to Dru and Miandiya and grabbed a hold of them.

“We will be back shortly for you my lord, just hang in there” Flora replied

Xander looked at Leon “well my friend, it seems like we will be last, try to keep that shield up till they get back” he chuckled nervously.

Flora and Felicia left with Miandiya and Dru leaving them with the others in the treasury.

Shortly before his shield would fall, Felicia and Flora arrived just in time to take them both to the treasure room they found and brought the others to.

“Is everyone ok?” Felicia asked

“We were able to find our gear in this room and thought it a good fall back point if needed” Flora replied

“Good work you two, I think we’ve earned a moment to rest” Xander smiled
(Oh no its fine I just wanted to let you know that I was still active and interested in the rp and I hadn't completely left it)

Adelaide had still been holding on tightly to Lyn trying to keep the tiny pixie out of harms way while everything was going on around them. In a blink of an eye she was pulled through the shadows and was gone from the others side. "What?..." she gasped looking around athe room lit by torches. Later noticing they were in some teasury. "The others?..." she said a bit confused still trying to collect herself and what was going on before she watch Flora smile and vanish. It wasn't long before she started to see the other start to apear one by one into the treasurey brought in by Flora and Felicia. "Is everyone okay?...your highness are you alright?...." she went to check on Maya
LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
(Kinda why I’m trying to get this portion over with)

The beam from Machinos grew in intensity and the barrier that they had erected for protection began to faulted and crack.

“Oh no, this isn’t good, Dru I think you energy super charged him or something…” Xander stated

“But we need to find a way out of this before the barrier breaks!” Ranni replied

AquaMarie AquaMarie

Suddenly Adelaide found herself pulled through the shadows and deposited in a room lit by a few torches, the room was rather small with many chests, weapons, gold and other treasures piled along the walls.

“Stay here Adelaide, you should be safe while we try to get the others” Flora smiled before walking through the darkened doorway of the room before vanishing.

LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

Maya found her self being removed from xanders arms and brought to the treasury room where Adelaide was waiting.

Musicnotes Musicnotes @Drumonkey @The Wordsmith Myth

Felicia and Flora appeared next to Dru and Miandiya and grabbed a hold of them.

“We will be back shortly for you my lord, just hang in there” Flora replied

Xander looked at Leon “well my friend, it seems like we will be last, try to keep that shield up till they get back” he chuckled nervously.

Flora and Felicia left with Miandiya and Dru leaving them with the others in the treasury.

Shortly before his shield would fall, Felicia and Flora arrived just in time to take them both to the treasure room they found and brought the others to.

“Is everyone ok?” Felicia asked

“We were able to find our gear in this room and thought it a good fall back point if needed” Flora replied

“Good work you two, I think we’ve earned a moment to rest” Xander smiled

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you guys okay?" Miandiya asked looking around at the room they were in, seeing all the treasure.

(Oh no its fine I just wanted to let you know that I was still active and interested in the rp and I hadn't completely left it)

Adelaide had still been holding on tightly to Lyn trying to keep the tiny pixie out of harms way while everything was going on around them. In a blink of an eye she was pulled through the shadows and was gone from the others side. "What?..." she gasped looking around athe room lit by torches. Later noticing they were in some teasury. "The others?..." she said a bit confused still trying to collect herself and what was going on before she watch Flora smile and vanish. It wasn't long before she started to see the other start to apear one by one into the treasurey brought in by Flora and Felicia. "Is everyone okay?...your highness are you alright?...." she went to check on Maya
LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
"Whoa.....I guess the saying really is true. Where there are dragons, there are treasures." Maya said in amazement despite her homeland having treasures of their own. She looks over at Adelaide and Miandiya. "I'm fine. Not even a scratch. What about you?"
"Whoa.....I guess the saying really is true. Where there are dragons, there are treasures." Maya said in amazement despite her homeland having treasures of their own. She looks over at Adelaide and Miandiya. "I'm fine. Not even a scratch. What about you?"
Adelaide just stared at Maya with concern getting a closer look to make sure. "...miss I really don't mean to over step my boundaries....but are you really sure you are alright?....really nothing has been broken or injured?..." she asked once more looking her over once again just to make sure, after all she had to make sure not to disappoint or displease her new role.

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