
The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

  • Magix

♡design by hekaton, coded by uxie♡

The world of Magix is a beautiful place, but it is also a dangerous one. In a dimension of magic and wonder, there are those who use magic and those who use magic tools.

In the Magic Dimension, there are two schools: one is the Alfea College for Fairies, and the other is the Red Fountain School for Specialists. At Alfea, fairies learn to master their powers and reach their true potential. Red Fountain teaches young men how to master magical tools that will help them defeat great evils and dark magic. For generations, the two schools have worked together to keep balance and defeat all evils who would want to rule over Magix with an iron fist.

This year, that is all going to change.

The headmistress of Alfea and the headmaster of Red Fountain are trying a new approach. This year, the schools will more or less combine. This will foster teamwork between the two schools and lead to stronger cooperation between the schools in case of future evils and attacks.

But of course, it's not going to be as easy as combining two schools and calling it done. All the students are going to have to get used to each other... for better or worse.

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Hello! Gen here! So I DEFINITELY have not rewatched the original Winx Club cartoon (or, well, the Nickelodeon dub because, yes, that was how I was introduced to it) as a side effect of the new Netflix series. And it's not like I wanna be a fairy or anything, pffft.

So anyway, this is going to be pretty straightforward. I have no ideas for any action or anything, so hopefully anyone who's interested will have better brainpower than I will.

As you read, this will basically be a small group of fairies and Specialists going to school together. Haha. I'm creative, I know. Doubling will be required for this. I say that because not only do I not have the time/energy/resources to manage a bigger group, but I'm also not confident in my rusty GM skills to do so.

The next tab has what seems like a lot of roles, but I swear---it's just because of the doubling xD

She just learned that she was a fairy, so she's a little new to this. Magix is not her home dimension, so everything is strange and new. But hopefully her new friends will help her learn what she needs to know to survive in this new life. Maybe with her new powers, she can discover the truth behind her origins... after all, how else did a fairy end up in a different dimension?

Princess of her kingdom, this fairy grew up in a glamorous life. She is not new to the whole magic thing, but this sharing school thing? That's a bit new. Still, she must make her kingdom proud and show why she's the next in line to rule her kingdom.

Sweet and caring, this fairy just wants everyone to get along. She keeps her friends' spirits up and welcomes the Specialists with open arms, but even she is not immune to tension. Still, her mediation may be just the thing these two groups need to fully come together. Tea, anyone?

She started late at Alfea, so it's not as if this is a radical change in her life. Still, this newbie has barely gotten used to her new school life, and now she's expected to get used to new classmates? This isn't going to be easy, even for a fairy.

As the prince of his kingdom, this Specialist has a lot riding on this school union. Not only does he have to make sure his kingdom's reputation remains intact, he has to prepare to become king someday. No pressure.

He's not happy about this. Why does he have to live in the same school as a bunch of fairies? Honestly, he was already regretting becoming a Specialist, but now he's being forced to socialize more than he wants to. Geez. What does a guy have to do to get a break?

He's not terribly concerned about this school unity thing--more opportunities for socializing, right? More time for parties, too. Maybe this Specialist is a little too laidback, but hey, might as well enjoy school life while he can, right?

He's not the best Specialist there ever was, and some of his classmates make sure he won't forget it. But he's trying his best, and he just wants to protect Magix along with his teammates. Maybe teaming up with the fairies could be good for his own training... unless he drives them all away with his talk of strategy and logistics.

1. Follow RPN rules. You know, obviously.

2. Be nice. I think this is self-explanatory. Let's not be jerks to each other. (Don't be Riven.)

3. I am the GM. What I say goes.

4. Doubling is required. I already said this, but y'know. Also, realistic face claims are preferred. FAIRIES!

5. This will be "detailed." Basically, 2-3 paragraphs per post. Also, I don't really expect you to post every day. Once a week should be good? Maybe? (Honestly, we'll have to play that by ear, haha.) But don't make it a 1x1 with someone else, 'kay?

6. Romance is a-okay. Just don't force it on anyone. Or down anyone's throats.

7. Keep me posted! I get worried easily, so if you disappear, I might assume you're dead... haha... ha.........

8. This will be first come, first served. However, I have the right to reject a character if they don't vibe with the rest or if the CS doesn't live up to the "detailed" expectation. But that shouldn't be a problem.

9. Please read everything! I happen to like when people read everything I type ;-;

- - -

As a note, I am perfectly willing to add roles if the interest on this one is high. But doubling would still be required in that case, haha. I'll admit, I put roles for the characters I could easily describe in one or two words. So if we had the "full" cast, that would be pretty cool. ; )

I'll wait to decide my roles until I gauge what others are interested in. : )

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I know I just posted, but I have to sleep because it is way past midnight where I live and I nend sleep. But I wanted to jump on this before all spots were taken. I have seen all of the show and the movies so I have am pretty extensive knowledge I like to think. Anyway, I will be a way while I sleep but I should return soon if things start up before I wake up.
Bit offtopic, but can we talk about how UGLY the Fountain dragons are?


...This is bullshit.

I ain't drawing this.

I'm giving these lil shits a redesign
Haha, imagine actually having knowledge about a show you made a roleplay based around hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
You’re talking to someone who tried to plan their own version of the show after hearing about the reboot. There is no judgment here

And my gosh. Not to reserve a spot but my brain just went:

Brain: Take princess.

Me: Okay! Sounds like a fun challenge! I don't often play glamorous characters bu-

Brain: Make her like Azula but good.

Me: ... oooooOOOOOOOHHHHH!

I'm sorry. I just love the idea of this princess who has lived her whole life just learning how to t-pose for dominance and just learning that... she doesn't have to do that... all the time... here. And just can be a normal teen. Which she had no idea how to do like seriously, what the hell does she do?

And I'm looking into the guys. Definitely am tempted to take the smart guy or the prince because:
1. I loved Timmy
2. ... Having the princess and prince have that awkward "we probably have almost been put into an arranged marriage once" friendship/dynamic.

Though I don't want to name any permanent choices especially before anyone else. Just putting in ideas cause honestly this premise alone has me psyched
...I think both of my characters are going to be at least mild assholes xD

I seem to be good at playing absolute dickwads, so if no one wants the The Jerk, I'll take him
I am most interested in the fledging role and possibly the prince or the cool guy. I should be sleeping but I don't want to miss the fun.
I am most interested in the fledging role and possibly the prince or the cool guy. I should be sleeping but I don't want to miss the fun.

I know that feeling xD

I should have been asleep hours ago.

It's 2 AM, there's no going back, now
For me it is is almost one and I am probably going to just pass out. I can barley string sentences together. I should probably come back when I am not two inches from sleep.
as long as you don’t end up waking exhausted in the morning friendo!

But yeah! Honestly guy wise, I’m up for taking any of them since I love all of them and will try to take the ideas.

Girl wise...honestly the same thing though I am leaning towards the Princess role just to play a princess who is indeed stylish but has no idea how to be a normal teen

But yeah sleep schedule wise... friendos. Pls. Get your needed sleep
View attachment Winx!Flame and Oro.png

Arias "Flame" and Ouroboros concept art.

Ouro is a partial melanistic racing-class dragon that was rejected from the clutch for being both a runt and having a color mutation. 'Rias' adoptive dad let them keep him, and now they are absolutely inseparable... much to their grades' pain.

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