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Realistic or Modern Magical Ladies and gentlemen (adult magical girl/boy(s)) Out of character (invite only))

Hey guys I had to rush to go take care of my Cousins dogs last night - I’m just now getting to see all of this! Gonna check out the main thread rn
I'm surprised that there's apparently a time skip right off the bat.

Would think that parts of the story would involve the new heroes learning to fight and seeing the consequences of their wishes...
Yeah his wish didn’t really have negative consequences (couldnt think of any at the time and still cant), and they wanted their character to have the deal in the past, and I figured I’d allow it, because they seem to be the mentor type
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Alright, Nellancholy Nellancholy , Kanin Kanin , if you are both still interested I can revise the already made story, and we can continue from there

redraider redraider , are you still interested? If yes I need a wish that the character would want that doesn’t relate to their power, this may require a little backstory for the character if you need help coming up with one
In that case I think I'll be withdrawing from this RP as well. If the rest of you decide not to proceed,maybe this idea can be revived in some time when there may be more interested participants.
Alright, Nellancholy Nellancholy , Kanin Kanin , if you are both still interested I can revise the already made story, and we can continue from there

redraider redraider , are you still interested? If yes I need a wish that the character would want that doesn’t relate to their power, this may require a little backstory for the character if you need help coming up with one
Aw man, I was really looking forward to this Rp concept.. if you plan on revising this I’m still very interested!
I do want to do it, we just need 3 people minimum to qualify as a group rp, I’m honestly kinda sad that it didn’t last, I was excited that one of my RPs might get a couple feet off the ground, turns out not this time and this is my third time with this specific rp. If we can find anyone that can be within the rules, I’d gladly continue, however if we can’t, I’ll probably just turn the idea into another one of my unfinished books
Perhaps deleting and reposting the interest check? I'm thinking it might spark fresh attention.. Maybe flesh out the plotline a little more?
The plot direction was pretty fleshed out, but it was also open to change so the players could add their own stories. A number of people were interested but only a few actually joined
Also, it probably hasn’t been long enough to make a new interest thread for another attempt
If you are willing to wait a month, i think i dont mind recreating it at that point. Though I would understand if you dont want to wait that long

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