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Fantasy ✨ 𝘔𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘢 ✨ [1x1]


a magical/slice of life rp between~
@ opalescent and Ranix Aurus Ranix Aurus
AP Calculus had always been a dreaded class. Thankfully, the teacher, Mr. Simmons, was an flighty, easy-going geezer who was easy to listen to. Perhaps that was why he was selected to teach the class. Nevertheless, for the third year attending the class at the moment, tension had been high for their entire curriculum.

Because that scary Gwyn O'Connell also took this course.

The Irish-descent boy could be found at the farthest corner of the class, usually sleeping his day off. Old Simmons didn't have the heart to wake him up, while the classmates didn't dare to. How could they when they had experienced his piercing glare the first thing in freshman year? When your attempts of communication were constantly cut short with a cold and emotionless "sure" or "that's great", you ended up losing interest in trying. Funny that despite of his depressing lack of social abilities, he had an amazing gift in both sports and academic -if he only put his mind to it.

Of course, there would still be some people who maintained contact with him, although such people were few and far between in the entire school.

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