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Welcome to the lore page! This page will be updated weekly to add all new information that is discovered as players go through the world of Sunballe, certains locations, races and even informations about magic are hidden within the land and are meant to be discovered.

The continent is grand and the worldbuilding will be forever growing, with user submitted factions and GM based lore.

The main land is divided into 5 regions, followed by 4 floating islands, Sunballe seems to be kept afloat by some kind of ancient magic, but scholars are yet to know if it has been floating since its formation or if it has been lifted from the world by the magic that keeps it up in the sky.

Before the discovery of the land there were tales and myths found by scholars that dated back to hundreds of years ago, paintings about different kinds of people that were never before seen in the old continent, or what the scholars entitled as an “ancient airship concept” that has been peculiarly found in a few painting discovered by dwarven archeologists.

FELGFELL - Capital: Bellmare
Open fields, plateaus and a wide range of mountains are what make Felgfell one of the most decent areas to live in. The land is rich, it attracts the likes of farmers and traders alike with lots of villages seeing great movement of travelers that come from all around Sunballe. This land is somewhat peaceful, with very little danger all around, the beasts that live around Felgfell are docile with very few exceptions.

Bellmare (1).png
The capital, home of the Loxodons and technological hub of the continent.The Loxodons are welcoming of strangers and are open to trade with the other nations, recently there has been a noticeable delay in contact, and it often happens when the Loxodons are working on some kind of machine or project, their efforts are completely turned towards it and aside from those that have opted to explore the land, workers of the city love to help in what they can, even if they have no knowledge about machines or any kind of engineering.

OFEVALLE - Capital: None.
This land, once governed by the forgotten kingdom of Fallkirk is now an overgrown maze-like forest with thin but tall trees with thick foliage that can sometimes cover the sky, making the few cities remaining in Ofevalle experience a darkness that is never lifted, beasts of all kinds have taken Ofevalle as their home, posing a threat to citizens of the land and outsiders alike, the dangers of the region have made it difficult for any other nation to try and take the land to themselves.

OLDHELMN - Capital: Yumeto
Oldhelmn 1.png
This cold and mountainous land is divided into a piece of the mainland and a large island in close proximity, it snows heavily with snowstorms being a constant threat, as well as a fog that never leaves the regions. The people of Oldhelmn advice travelers to avoid the woods at night, warning about the hungry monsters that hide within the layers of snow.

The capital of the land, an orc based city that is currently going through a silent civil war, their gates have been closed for a few months as older clans try to take down the current shogunate with multiple attempts at the Shogun’s life. Their doors have been closed off for outsiders to avoid more assassination attempts.

Because of this, there has been some kind of economic depression in Yumeto, with half of their trading routes coming from outer nations, citizens of the city have grown tired of the situation with civil unrest reaching dangerous levels.

While the shogun has tried to reason with the people they demand that their gates were opened once again, threatening to take matters into their own hands, which led the shogun to apply drastic measures to keep the citizens at bay, samurai roam the streets at night, striking and arresting any person seen wandering the streets after the sun is down.

NILVISE - Capital: Uldra
Nilvise is a great swamp that spans across its entire land with the most vile creatures lurking underneath its muddy waters. The cities have been built around the large trees that surround the land to avoid being too close to the swamp. There were stories about how the water level was low enough where cities could rise on the ground, the Tortles say hundreds of cities were lost to the swamp, their secrets forever buried deep into the murky waters of the regions.

The capital, home of the tortles, cities made by tortles are not conventional, their houses built like small circular dirt and stone huts, with other building straight into trees, hollowing them out before creating their home, although they have trading, their shops are most often smaller tents and rarely carts or caravans, although they avoid the use of animals, often carrying it by themselves.

Uldra is the hub of magic in all of Sunballe, their schools are centered around the manipulation of the elements and the right way to use them. The tortles are governed by the council of time, a group of five tortles that have lived for nearly a millennium, their ancestry leads to great mages and leaders of the past.

THROUMENT - Capital: Selfort
This land is more arid, a desert like climate with lots of canyons, cactus and a few beasts unique to the hot climate, a small paradisiac oasis sits somewhere in the region where the capital stands proud. The land of Throument is not for the unprepared, raiders and thieves sprawl through the desert, making use of the high terrain to take advantage of lost travelers.

The capital, home of the minotaurs, the city centers itself in an oasis hidden by the sandstorms of the desert. The city is large and gracefully structured with statues and monuments centered around their past leaders and heroes of battle.

There has been rumors about the kingdom trying to expand their borders beyond the mountains to take Offvalle for themselves but the other nations have been watchful of their attempts and scouts, the kingdom has always been imperialist at heart, with a history of battles to gain territory from Oldhelmn, while they have been mostly silent recently, the rumors about their new interest in Offvalle has raised alarms in all other nations.

As tradition, once every 7 years a tournament is held to challenge the king, only minotaurs born in Throument can sign up to it and the judges choose 100 out of the thousands of candidates, when a champions rises he gets the chance to brawl with the king himself and the winner rules the land for the next 7 years. Rumors say the current king is looking to break the tradition of over a thousand years to avoid the potential of losing his throne, this has caused inner conversations between the council, afraid of a potential regime to be installed.

FORGON - Capital: Fallkirk
Forgon was cut off after war, the island used to be surrounded by deep forests and ravines, now completely ravaged by war, now only a shadow of what it once was, ash covering the land with ruins of its kingdom found with each step.

It was the capital, now ruins of the great city it once was. With the cut contact, no one in the mainland knows what really goes on in Fallkirk or even Forgon, it is a mystery that no one wants to solve. There was a period of time where adventurers would take illegal airships to Forgon in search for treasure, but none of them ever came back, the mystery of their disappearance plaguing the land.
For sign up purposes, the old continent will be explored a little bit further. Ivryll was the home to humans, elves and dwarves, divided into five different nations.

[!] Player submitted cities and tales about the nations will be reviewed, and if accepted will be added as official lore.

[2] Information about the old continent will be very simple, as it is not as important to the roleplay, basic descriptions will be added to give players an idea of each nation.

The kingdom of Redfell is a mountainous region with trees spanning all across the land. It became the favorite for farmers and traders due to its rich variety in natural resources. Redfell remained at peace with the rest of the continent since its creation after the millennium war, only recently waging war against Grelmand in self-defense.

Redfell is a cultural hub, with all kinds of cultures and people traveling from all around the continent to live there at the promise of a thriving nation and economy, while most of it is true, recently there have been problems with their farm fields, leading to an economic depression.

Frelent is the only democracy of Ivryll, although its noble families seem to have greater play at whoever rises to leadership or the council. The poorest say that voting is completely rigged and that it is a simple way to get barons and nobles chairs into the council.

Despite this, Frelent seems to be thriving economically and technologically, being a dwarf based region. Their cities are a few decades ahead of the rest of the continent, that brings a certain unrest among the regions left behind, making Frelent a nation that is considered dangerous for peace despite being one of the most peaceful of the land.

Arasson is the kingdom of elves and most of the cities in the region are elf only, having a strict rule to prohibit entrance of any other race. They are mostly secluded but seem to be thriving by itself. Although as of recent there has been civil unrest, with younglings demanding open borders to the rest of the continent.

This caused the queen, Elana Alvenhouse to apply strict rules to the cities, censoring any kind of protest against her ruling. While it is rare, some humans and dwarves visit at times, but these visits are made by highly important people and are often for trading reasons.

Westmount is another elven region, having its inhabitants originating from Arasson but after a civil war, they escaped to created cities open to everyone, while they suffer with the harsh conditions of the region, cold and snowy climate for most of the year, with large forests covering most of its area, they are still fighting to keep Westmount free.

There are occasional attacks from Arasson, but westmounters know their territory better than anyone, using the unforgiving conditions of the winter to fight off any invaders. Despite that, they are open for visit and have many trading routes that go all around the continent. These elves, that are paler in comparison to those from Arasson, are charismatic and have a culture that surrounds itself with comradery and wine.

Grelmand was a nation negotiated between Redfell and Frelent, their population is mostly human/dwarven and it seems to have a clash of cultures, while not as technologically advanced as Frelent, Grelmand is working its way to become another high society, the problem happened when its leader at the time broke off all contact with both parent nations.

After a few years of complete silence, Grelmand came back declaring war against Frelent in a search for land but their forces were crushed in weeks and the king had to retreat to avoid death. The citizens of Grelmand fled the nation, traveling to places safer to avoid the war. As Frelent had not attacked back, only defended itself the king decided to force an attack against Redfell but it proved disastrous as the kingdom declared official war and went after the king’s head. Grelmand suffered destruction that no money could repair and the region was completely destroyed during the war.

The king was slain and peace was restored, Frelent shunned the actions of Redfell in their pursue of the king, as they had left a path of destruction in the region that the two nations would be incapable of restoring, while Frelent has made efforts to restore dwarven cities, Redfell had completely abandoned the land, focusing their efforts in coming back from a economic depression.
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These races ARE PLAYABLE from the start and will continue to be playable in ALL SEASONS of the roleplay.​

Humans are patrons of conversation, having one of the largest trading communities of the old continent, while also having a few rulers of human descent spread around. They are mostly fighters, opting into using weapons instead of magic, their ability to cast is powerful, but their resistance is weak which means that the constant use of magic can age them drastically in just a few years.

Elves are often considered the most intelligent race of the old continent, their aging process is slower, giving them around 300 to 400 years of living which makes them great candidates for the use of magic. Their main cities are often restricted for elves only, with access only being granted to other races when some kind of meeting or negotiation must be had. Some smaller villages are more open to visitation, but it’s common knowledge that most elves consider other races as inferior for their lack of magical resistance.

Dwarves are loud, charismatic and a wonderful group of people. Their societies are based around advancements in technology and they have contributed greatly for the advancement of the old continent, and they were the main workers in the airship progress. They live around the same age range as humans, just a few years shorter which makes them the worst candidates for magic use, in exchange for this, dwarves have invented the first gunpowder weapons.

These races WILL NOT be playable during the FIRST SEASON of the roleplay, but will become available later on.​

While orcs may seem like brainless fighters, their society is built upon respect and honor. They value tradition and fight to protect their people but are not as territorial as they may seem, however there are disputes within their society, with constant backstabbing when it comes to the clans.

The elephant people, loxodons are seekers of truth, with very little time for fight. Their society is mostly secluded and they avoid contact with the outside world for as long as they can. While that is not a rule and some loxodons do not want to be a part of the light, most of them are devoted to the light, some kind of religion built around the idea of progress and advancements. In theory they are similar to dwarves but their slow aging allows them to progress their society even further than the dwarves ever did. Loxodons are the tallest of the Sunballe races, ranging from 8 to 9 feet in height.

Minotaurs are less about knowledge, while there are exceptions, the culture that centers itself around minotaur based societies is that of brawling and conquest. While it may sound chaotic, most minotaur cities are actually decently structured and offer shelter to not only their people but any other race. They may be less technologically advanced than the other races, but their strength rests in comradery, minotaurs are around 6 to 7 feet in height.

These magic creatures resemble humanoid turtles, they vary in size but are as big or bigger than minotaurs, ranging from a decent 7 to 8 feet. Their aging process can take over a thousand years, making them the perfect candidates for using any kind of magic. Their society is based around schools of magic, where Tortles learn to control the elements with grace and safety. While they may not be an aggressive society, their people are not afraid to defend their territory.
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Magic was created a Millenia ago by elven scholars of the ancient, their studies revealed a natural ability to cast energy through catalysts, these tools were created by combining living wood with catalyst crystals, these became known as staffs.

There were tales of elves able to cast with no catalysts, elves so powerful that their mere presence shifted the tides of wars, but since the fall of the ancient empire, no elves have been able to cast with no catalyst, the art has been lost and those who tried to study it were driven crazy or died in the process, magic is a dangerous art for the untrained.

Humans and other races can cast magic too, but their bodies aren’t as resistant, magic is connected to the body and its excessive use drains a person’s vitals completely, as Elves have a longer life span, the constant use of magic isn’t noticed as often as it is on other races, but humans, for an example, visibly age by the constant use of magic and there have been cases of death after casting a spell too powerful for their body to handle.

Used to create a proper catalyst, crystals can be found all around Sunballe, as well as the old continent.

Common all around the world.
[Magic focus: 50%]

Uncommon, specific to the old continent.
[Magic focus: 55%]

Rare but found all around the world
[Magic focus: 75%]

Found in an old layer of the world, distributed only to noble elves of the old continent.
[Magic focus: 95%]

Crystals found at the pit of the rotten forest, in Sunballe
[Magic focus: 120%]

Only two translucent crystals were ever found in the world, one of them was destroyed, the other rests in Sunballe.
[Magic focus: 350%]​

Living wood comes from ancient trees, these magical and sentient trees are present all around the world, their harvest is usually made after their passing, which can take a millennium or even longer but there are illegal harvesters that kill living trees to sell their wood, the wood taken from living ancient trees however is tinted a dark red color, unlike the beige color that is harvested from trees that have already passed.

The ancient trees provide knowledge and teachings to people they deem worthy, but scholars have debated about the way the ancient trees choose the worthy people as there seems to be no specific thing or criteria that needs to be met.
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Divided into three categories, crystal, hex and pyromancy

[!] Other forms of elemental manipulation will become available in the next SEASONS.

[!] New information about spells will be discovered in Sunballe, giving players the ability to learn new elements and spells to use.

Back in ancient times there were tales of wizards capable of manipulating triple that number of elements, but the scrolls that held their teachings were long lost, some say that the spells and scrolls may be found in Sunballe, with their unique people being able to control things that those from the old continent could never.

An interesting thing about magic is that people have been using it in various different ways, to cast anything you need living wood and catalyst crystal, by making a bow out of these items, you could theoretically shoot enchanted arrows, although each one of them would steal a bit of your vital energy.

Crystals are the most common form of magic and the easiest to learn, it is as some scholars say a copy of an old type of sorcery, this being the manipulation of the light element, although crystal sorceries come in a light blue hue, unlike pure light.

Sorceries are what some might call the "safe" option for mages, as it is the most versatile, being great in attack and defense and being incredibly powerful in the hands of a great mage, however it isn't as powerful as the other forms of magic, although unlike them, sorceries only cost vital energy and have better defense spells too.

Much like crystal sorceries, hexes come as a form of replica of another old type of sorcery, this being the manipulation of darkness, but unlike the dark, hexes have a dark purple hue.

Hexes are a form of magic that is shamed on for its correlation with evil, as most great hex mages were often more than not terrible people. What most people don't know is that the use of hexes actually corrupts an individual, turning their vital energy into hollowness, a point where their magical power becomes great at the expense of their soul, having them turn to greed and madness before shortly dying due to their excessive use of magic or simply going mad, unable to recover back to their original state.

Great users of hexes are calm and collected, only using their abilities when extremely necessary to avoid the hollowness of their vital energy, although there isn't really such a thing as protecting yourself from it, once a mage uses a hex, their soul becomes tainted for the rest of their life. It's said that those who controlled darkness which was a hundred times greater than hexes, turned into creatures from another world, they were described as demons in some old tales.

Pyromancy has surprisingly survived the test of time, being the same as it was a millennia ago, although spells considered to be extremely powerful have been lost or banished by schools of magic for their great destructive power.

Pyromancy is dangerous in ways the other magic elements are not, although the use of staves helped, when shooting fire, it burns the user just as it does their enemy, although at a minimum level with most pyromancers having their dominant hand or arm completely scarred from burns or sometimes, depending on their age, even more parts of their body, it's said pyromancers don't feel the heat, being mostly unbothered by the injuries.

The downside to pyromancy is that is has no defensive spells, being a magic type completely focused on attack, which makes a pyromancer rely a lot on weapons and other means to defend themselves, or even making them mix their pyromancies with sorceries to have a way to defend themselves.

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