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Fantasy Left Alone Lore & Chat( 2 slots open!)

Adamantia: *drill sergeant, former police officer, literally invulnerable*
Also Adamantia: *fucking TERRIFIED of Chihuahuas*
Milly was prepared to face anything, except for a pop quiz.
Don't worry. Just pull an Oz and spit up some random bullshit. What's he gonna do? Find a historical record arguing otherwise? Oh wait....
Milly was prepared to face anything, except for a pop quiz.
Also Milly, secretly a genius as she ha taken in a lot of information from technologcial devices when they tested her powers. It's just a matter of if she wants to use it or not 🤣
I want to try this one out. It sounds really cool.
I'd like to reserve the Hunter of Aces, please.

Also, what are all y'all using to make your characters?
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I'd like to reserve the Hunter of Aces, please.

Also, what are all y'all using to make your characters?
He is accepted, and you can have it to where he has ventured out, maybe even heading for one of the labs without knowing it, if you like.
I added more to the lore, travel times, Solirus had asked and I was like oh...haha better add that in. XD So it's there for you all. Also, I think once everyone gets their characters fully posted and I accept and add them in we will go ahead and start even if not all groups are filled. I don't want this dying before it even starts! Those of you who are in the 2 grouped people will become loners and so will anyone else who joins that group. The larger group Kings, will just be waking up later than the other larger groups and I will move my boy Gavin to Jacks if it comes to that.

@LXI Solirus Solirus @Texangamer @RuRussy SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles Sunsmiter Sunsmiter @viloxii
I'm new here and want to join this place sounds awesome please accept and also were do I make my character??
So I create a character before best ng accepted right?
Yup, create a character I'll look it over and let you know if it's accepted. Once it's accepted you can make your first post.

If you create your character tonight I'll probably look it over tomorrow as I'm going to sleep.

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