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Graded [Kruhrin Village][Ciu'nan]Orson's Feast IV


Wei would need more time to think about how best to help Alexei. He expressed confidence in Alexei's ability to handle his wound, but the matter did seem to concern Wei. It was not looking likely that they could take immediate action, but he would be on the lookout for the earliest opportunity to send aid.

In the meantime, Crymaria and Boris would be escorted from the town hall. They were told about a pond back in the meadow almost directly behind the foothill housing the town hall. It would be the quickest way to de-muck themselves. With the coming rain, the effort may even be accelerated.


Crymaria and Boris would be allowed to enter the inn and return to their room at their own risk. They would likely hear more moaning as well as volunteers like Mhu'ati, Daichi, and Grey the catkin, walking to and fro to tend to the ill. Eventually, even Jia came back as he said he would to lend a hand. The pitter patter of his steps, in particular, could be heard all night running around to the different sick rooms.

saxon saxon


Hathaway's condition would continue to deteriorate. Mhu'ati would urgently remind him of the root when she realized how bad his condition was. The root would have helped if exhaustion were the only thing Hathaway were contending with. Unfortunately, the priest had ran an energy defecit, and now the healer was himself in need of healing. Hathaway would be taken back to his room where he could hopefully restore himself with some much needed rest. Mhu'ati and Daichi would check in occasionally, bringing him food and drink as needed.

Thankfully, the flow of ill creatures entering the inn had slowed for the time being. Those Hathaway had healed in the chairs left and did not come back. Those he had managed to heal on the floor beds, however, still needed time to rest and recover after being purged of whatever malaise had afflicted them. The unfortunate ones that remained not healed would gradually worsen and join the many that had already been quarantined in separate rooms.


Kenju Law Kenju Law

| Fae | Merry |
Merry - character is frequently overcome with fae like merriment. While more respectable individuals may try to hide their amusement at improper times, character freely displays their amusement. It is often contagious.
Jia would offer Ciu'nan a chance to defend herself in light of his evidence, but there was nothing she could say to justify herself other than, "It was for my children...." Her tearful confession did not interest Jia though. "My assistant is dead. His blood is on your hands. If that's not bad enough"--He waved to the bearkin standing by, who went up the stairs, and returned with Beni, who was weeping as she was escorted down into the cellar--"you have caused one of our own to betray us. Beni, aide to the council, by her own admonition, knew a whole two days ago when you confessed everything to her. Yet she withheld this information from us. Her crime is no less severe than yours, and so you will both be subject to the same judgment." Jia let out a heavy sigh as Beni's weeping became more profuse. "I'm getting too old for this....Take her upstairs. She'll be confined to my chamber until we go to the monastery tomorrow." The guards left with Beni as Jia turned back to Ciu'nan. "As for you, you'll stay right where you are until we come to collect you tomorrow. Be thankful it's Orson's Feast. You would be dead already otherwise." Jia turned to leave, ordering his guards to keep a close eye on her until the move tomorrow. Ciu'nan hung her head and began to quietly weep.


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