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★ *. ⋆ ( YUDAI ) . . . 9TEEN * ANY / PRNS
hey there ! like i said right above, i’m yudai — i consider myself relatively experienced with my writing. i’ve been roleplaying for years and years, and even when i took breaks from the community, i wrote many short stories just to keep my skills sharp.. i still kinda do that now, writing out random scenes that come to my head ! it’s been a while since i had a good, long term roleplay that i thoroughly enjoyed, so that’s just what i’m looking for here. obviously i want to find people who i’m pretty compatible with, so you’ll find a few of my major standards below !
for starters, you must be above sixteen. that’s the bare minimum age requirement just for my personal comfort ; when it comes to sexual content, i won’t write anything of the sort with people below eighteen. i also generally prefer interacting with people below thirty, partially because i feel like we probably won’t have much in common if you’re too much older or younger than me.
you must be a literate / descriptive writer. people’s definitions of these terms tend to vary, so i’ll say that i usually write between 500 and 2500 words ; i consider this range literate, and anywhere above 4000 to be advanced literate. for a more detailed example of my writing style, you can find a writing sample through ( this ) link. if you have one, i’d absolutely love to see it ! i don't typically use capitals, but if that makes it hard for you to read properly, then i'm willing to use them.
i don’t feel comfortable openly disclosing my major triggers, but i will say that i deeply dislike pregnancy plots. they make me itch, i hate writing or viewing them— if your character has to have that for whatever reason, i would rather just skip over the period in which they’re pregnant or giving birth.
if you for some reason have an issue with lgbtq+ characters then already i can tell you that we aren’t compatible. i’m bisexual and nonbinary, most of my characters are bisexual and potentially paired with the same sex, if that’s an issue for you then i probably don’t want to interact with you anyway.
i don’t really do canon x canon, and i’m very iffy about oc x oc, but possibly down. i prefer oc x canon, and i prefer doubling up, unless my partner prefers to play a canon character— there are certain fandoms in which i prefer only playing a canon character, but that’s a select few. all i ask is that energy and effort should be given to both sides ; if i show interest in yours and you give dry responses whenever i talk about mine, then don’t expect me to remain invested.
and a few miscellaneous notes : i won't age up characters who are minors for the sake of smut. i’m selective about smut in general. i don’t mind roleplaying on-site, but i do have a discord if that’s your preference. also note that my replies to the roleplay are unlikely to come every day, so a certain level of patience is appreciated.
plot candies
i do prefer romance in my plots. if you don’t want romance for your side, then that’s fine. i’m cool with most types, i especially love a good slow burn, but i will say.. hate established relationships. like, starting with the characters already in a relationship, with the exception of like, arranged marriage or fake dating ? hate it, super boring to me, gives me no inspiration. i prefer building chemistry.
love love love ooc conversation, having a friendly connection to my rp partners definitely helps to keep me super invested in the rp and the characters involved. i don’t mind making friends through rp, so i’d prefer not to write with someone who treats it like a job.
i understand that canon can be kind of restricting, so i’m okay with canon divergence within reason. like.. if we’re not doing an au, i’m still fine with canon divergence so long as it somewhat abides by the laws of the respective universe. for instance : adding a new species. for twilight, something like a witch would totally make sense, but some kind of alien probably would not, that would fit more into something like marvel. ykwim ? also okay with ignoring or altering pieces of canon, such as jasper being a.. i can't even say it 😐 also, on a similar note, i do love plotting outside of canon. pre-canon, post-canon, in between installments so that it ties into the next installment of a series. it gives more creative freedom, so i’m cool with it, i encourage it.
speaking of aus, for some fandoms i totally love a good au. fandoms like attack on titan, seven deadly sins, mystic messenger- i love the canonverse for each of those fandoms, but always open for an au as well. for other fandoms i may be less inclined to want to do a dramatically different au.
now onto the fandoms !
you can find a complete list divided into sections through ( this ) link, i’ll probably say yes to anything rated higher than a four, but for now i’ll just list the ones that i’m super interested in, along with my potential love interests and existing characters. my interests are kinda all over the place rn, hopefully you might see something that you like. in no particular order…
my love interest depends on the season ! i do prefer coven, apocalypse and 1984. from those seasons my love interests would be michael langdon, madison montgomery or xavier plympton — my coven / apocalypse character is cherry sajakul. for 1984, i don't yet have a character !
my love interest would be spencer reid, matt simmons or emily prentiss. my characters are jiang lixue or lee yuna.
my love interest would be bucky barnes, steve rogers, or natasha romanoff. my characters are fujita misaki, xiao jiahao, or esther burnham.
my love interest would be jasper hale, alice cullen, rosalie hale, carlisle cullen or paul lahote. my characters are hani seo, luciel hwang, kita kasumi or evangeline hwang.
SCREAM ( 1996 )
my love interest would be billy loomis, stu macher, tatum riley or sidney prescott. i'm highly craving this fandom !!
my love interest would be shota aizawa with himura remi.
my love interests would be han jumin, kang jaehee, hyun ryu, kim jihyun or mary vanderwood.
my love interest would be karl heisenberg, bela dimitrescu or alcina dimitrescu. my character is elizabeth aoyama.
my love interest would be venom snake or revolver ocelot.
my love interest would be arthur morgan. my character is celeste auclair.
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I'd be interested in doing something Harry Potter related! I can send a writing sample over discord if nessacary
Hiya, I'd be interested in an Obey Me roleplay; if you're still looking for rps at the moment.
bump, but also i wanted to say that i'd be down for a scream roleplay or just a slasher based original rp if anyone wants that 😝

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