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Fandom Kimetsu no Yaiba ~ Slayers of the Branch



The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
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It had been only a few hours since the sun has risen. The shades of yellow and orange mixed with purples and pinks as they bounced off of the wisteria flowers of the clearing at the bottom of Fujikasane Mountain. Two young girls stood on a small, lifted platform, one with white hair, the other black. Several encouraging flags were strung through the trees, zig-zag style. While the crowd was full seven days before, only five had returned. All of them looked rough around the edges. The only one wearing glasses had lost one of the lenses. Still, the two children at the front of the crowd smiled.

Common introductions were given. Each new Slayer was given a Kasugai Crow which they could name, and they had each chosen an ore for their official Nichirin blade, which would be delivered to them shortly.

"However, you will not be returning to your homes," the black-haired one stated.
"Many of you expected to be part of the main Slayer Corp, which while lovely, is not the path that has been chosen for you," followed the white-haired one.
"The five of you will be joining the Branch Slayer Corp."

The boy with the glasses and purple haori tensed up. There was a pause that the twins let linger.
Jeiko Suzuki
Jeiko.jpg The final selection is the ultimate exam in order to become a demon slayer. A dangerous path not many pass, but an honorable lifestyle. Jay isn't much of the flashy kind and had her own reasons for joining. Through the duration of the exam, she had witnessed her first slaughtering of comrades. Tough, but experience for a larger encounter in the future. She tried as best as she could to save as many as possible through her trial, but as she stands at the finish line, only five remained. Tragic how a large group has devolved to few. The effort she put into attempting to save a life, all in vain. In a darker light, once the test starts, there is no forfeit other than death. How an exam such as the final selection came to pass is beyond Jay's understanding, and still she is one of the lucky ones to make it. Whether that was in flying colors or not is to be undetermined. It would be a lie had she said she didn't struggle. The cuts on her are a prime example, but more so emotionally imbalanced.

The fear thankfully shot adrenaline through her enough to keep on her toes, but most days she was forced to nap for her survival. As Jeiko stands among the crowd, her body felt exhausted. A good night's rest would be all that she needs even now whilst on her feet is acceptable. Her train of thought drifts as she succumbs to slumber causing her to nod off and sway slightly leaning on her katana.

Soon after, the announcer twins begin to congratulate the remaining five in succeeding. The group was given a kasugai for information and missions. Jay thought the bird would be a neat companion to have on her journey. The next step was to choose an ore that will determine the blade's build. As the girl stared at the variety, she wondered if her weapon could be custom made. She would have to ask some other time. Finally, news about joining a different branch than the usual came to surprise indeed, but interesting nonetheless. She didn't much care where she would land, so long as she worked her way up for the sake of pleasing her twisted sensei. The others, however, may have a different opinion. They would also not be returning to personally give the news to their family and or teachers, and instead head to headquarters. Again, Jay was ready to get a move on with or without the others in attempt to get everything done. She should be more enthusiastic, right? One thing is for sure, there is nothing more for her to say upon the matter, even if she wanted to object.
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Tsukishima Hotaru
mood: tired, beaten
mode: normal
location: fujikasane mountain


Seven days. Seven days of never-ending hell. Hotaru could only continue to pant breathlessly as she tried to remember what the grueling past week was like. In truth, her memory of the past seven days was very hazy. Her memories were playing like disorganized clips in her head. There were some demons that she remembered, and some that she didn't recognize. She could have sworn that she should've been dead by now, it was a miracle that she was still alive. Hotaru only felt an aching pain in every inch of her body. Her lip was busted, and her left arm was trying to support her right shoulder which was twisted out of place. There were various bruises and wounds that appeared in different areas of her body, as well as dried blood smeared across her face that she couldn't even tell whether or not the blood was hers. Whatever she went through in that godforsaken forest must've caused her to take desperate measures, as she couldn't think of anything else that would cause such deep injuries.

Hotaru's eyes wandered around to look at her surviving peers who managed to get through the trials. The atmosphere was exceedingly different now than it was before at the beginning of the week, everyone's eyes seemed to have the life drained out of them. A soft caw emerged as her new Kasugai Crow gently perched on her uninjured shoulder, giving the Shadow user a blank stare with a sharp cock of his head. The caw snapped Hotaru out of her thoughts and she looked at her newfound companion, giving him an inquisitive look with a raised eyebrow before gracing him with a slightly unsure smile. "...Chuuto" she managed to say softly, officially granting the crow his new alias. Chuuto only cawed again in response, but this one seemed to have a tone of approval before both of their attention returned to the two small children that stood before them.

"However, you will not be returning to your homes."
"Many of you expected to be part of the main Slayer Corp, which while lovely, is not the path that has been chosen for you. The five of you will be joining the Branch Slayer Corp."

The Shadow user's expression went blank for a moment, but then her eyes widened when she finally processed their words. A Branch Slayer Corp? Hotaru had never heard of this mysterious faction, not even from her past mentors who assisted with her training. The white-haired child's words of "the five of you" kept ringing in her mind, and she was once again scanning the other survivors, her eyes lingering on each one for a bit while analyzing them. The five of them? Did the child mean to imply that the five of them were to work together as a team? Was their survival not enough to prove that they were competent to join the main corps? What was it that they did wrong? More questions seemed to swirl in Hotaru's head as she continued trying to determine the reason for their announcement, but she couldn't reach a definite answer for any of them. Her eyes cast downwards on the floor as her expression changed into one of discouragement, biting her busted lip since she couldn't clench a fist. Despite her frustration with the situation, Hotaru refused to speak out of turn. She could only hope that someone else with the same sentiments could speak for her.
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Interactions: The Twins { Squad141 Squad141 }
Mood: Exhausted
Mentions: N/A
Location: Fujikasane Mountain
Rin stood in the clearing with her fellow fighters looking worse for wear than she had earlier in the week. Her hair, once a neat and tidy braid now hung freely down her back in tangled curls, the ribbon she had used to tie it back lost somewhere in the demon forest. Scratches, most superficial and some deep lined her arms, the blood dried and itchy. Bruises marred her pale skin on her arms and legs, though in truth her whole body felt like one giant bruise from the beating she had taken during Final Selection. She was favoring her right foot; though it didn't feel broken, it throbbed with pain whenever she applied weight on it. She wasn't sure exactly what had happened to it, the last seven days mostly a blur of blood, screams, terror, but she assumed she had twisted her ankle somehow when fighting a demon.

She honestly wasn't sure how she had survived; she wasn't as strong as some of her peers and she surmised the only thing that had kept her from being eaten was her speed and agility. Her inner musings were interrupted as soft caws filled the air, her left arm automatically raising to allow a jet-black crow to perch delicately on her arm. The pair stared at each other for several long moments, the crow cocking his head as if waiting for something. Recalling that they were able to give their crow a name, Rin thought about it for a moment before she spoke softly. "Sora." The crow gave another soft caw before hopping along her arm until he perched on her shoulder, running his beak through her tangled hair a few times before settling down.

She limped forward when beckoned, eyes running over the lumps of ore that would soon be used for their weapons. Though the ore looked the same to Rin, she pointed at the one that she felt drawn to before returning to her previous spot as the children on the dais resumed speaking.

The fact that they wouldn't be retuning to their homes didn't bother Rin seeing as she didn't have a home to return to. Though the next bit of news was surprising. Her mentor had never mentioned a different branch of the Demon Slayer Corps when she was training, and though she was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't be in the main Corps, she was not as disappointed as others might be. Her sole goal for joining the Demon Slayers was to protect people against the demon threat and so as long as she was able to be useful to the cause, she was content on being placed wherever the higher-ups thought would be best.

"My Sensei never mentioned the Branch Slayer Corp. May I ask what its main purpose is?" She inquired politely.
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Hayato Yoshinori

There. He had done it. He passed the Final Selection. His arms were exhausted from swinging and he had countless injuries. Blood dripped from a cut in his forehead and his breathing was raspy and erratic. Sanemi's going to be proud. Well, he wouldn't show it but, he'd feel in deep down. But, only 5 people had survived. All those kids Hayato protected were dead. The orange haired boy had been decapitated by the claw demon. He saw his head on the floor on the way out. His lifeless eyes dilated and glistened. In his last moments, he cried. Hayato closed his eyes and balled his fists. He looked around at the survivors. 3 girls and two boys survived out of that entire crowd. Trying to get it off his mind, Hayato diverted his attention to the twins.

Everyone was given Kasugai Crows, which Hayato named his Yuji, after the name of the orange haired boy on the mountain Then he had to choose an ore for his Nichirin blade. He looked at his options. Scarlet Crimson Sand or Scarlet Crimson Ore. (These are the actual ores in the manga) He chose the Scarlet Crimson Sand, since more sun energy was in it than the ore. He smiled. He was officially a demon slayer. All those beatings and hard work finally got their recognition. Hayato looked around at the other survivors. These would be his fellow demon slayers. He pondered whether to make friends or not before they all part ways.

Hayato was happy with himself. Until the twins spoke again.

"However, you will not be returning to your homes."
"Many of you expected to be part of the main Slayer Corp, which while lovely, is not the path that has been chosen for you. The five of you will be joining the Branch Slayer Corp."

Hayato felt a vein bulge in his forehead. The..the Branch Slayer Corp? What the hell was that about? He had put in countless months and almost years working to join the battle to stop the Kizuki and the Demon King but, he was sent to some offshoot branch? He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He wanted to scream at the twins, but he knew at the same time, Sanemi wouldn't want him to do that. He'd tell him just to suck it up and except what he had gotten. He should be happy to even be alive.

So Hayato bit his tongue and choked down his anger. He looked at the other survivors to see how they reacted to this.


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In response to the only question, both children nodded, before continuing.

"Two weeks ago, a Hashira fell to the lowest of the Twelve Kizuki. This shocking turn of events caused a ripple within the Demon Slayer Corp."
"A decision was made to focus on the strategy of the Corp, and thus the next Final Selection was decided to recruit new Slayers to the Branch Slayers Corp."
"The Branch has existed for two years now, but has not been as important as they soon will be."

They pause, and let that sink in.

"The Demon King and the Twelve Kizuki have been the main focus of the Demon Slayers for years. This is due to Kibutsuji being the predecessor to nearly all demons."
"However, mutations and evolution were due to happen. Some demons gained abilities through other means, and formed groups of their own."
"Still, they never got as expressive as the Kizuki due to the Branch, a part of the Corp that helps it's partner focus on searching and conquering. The Branch keeps these other demon organizations at bay from ever growing."
"While there are not nearly as many, you may be able to acquaint them to a sort of special operation team, which you are now a part of."

The two children look just past the five Slayers, and at the trail back down to the ground, past the Wisteria clearing.

"Your next location is the Branch Estate, located within the Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu, which is half a day's walk from here. There you will find accommodations and rest from Final Selection."

Hayato Yoshinori -- Location -- Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu
Hayato stood in silence for a moment after hearing what the twins said. There are other demon groups besides the Kizuki? What? So while everyone was focused on the main Demon Group, this branch focused on another. Smart. And they managed to keep this quiet for two years. The twins also said they were mutations, and that they had gained abilities through other means. So..was there another demon that could give powers, or were these groups just that advanced? This all made his head spin.

Hayato listened intently as the twins spoke more on these demons and that this branch kept them from spreading out into more and more organizations. Man. The Demon Slayer Corps had this all thought out, huh?

The twins looked behind the group at the trail behind them. Instinctively, Hayato looked there too. They told them about their next location, the Branch Estate, which was in the Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu. And then-- a half day walk? They had already been through hell, and now they were going to make them walk down the trail.

Hayato let out an exasperated groan.

"Alright.." he said in a disappointed tone.

And without listening to what else the twins had to say, Hayato rushed towards the trail, hoping to get to a resting place as fast as possible. He walked past the Wisteria bushes and walked down the steep hill. Since the trip was half a day long, they'd arrive there by night. And there'd be more demons. Shit. He couldn't deal with that again. Hayato turned to the other survivors.

"Hurry on up!" he called out. "We have places to be!"

Hayato waved the twins goodbye and continued down the hill.
Jeiko Suzuki
Mentions: Hayato (when he hollered at everyone) SharkBark SharkBark / Location: in Route to Wisteria Forest of Kitakyushu

Jeiko.jpg It was shocking to hear the devastating news about a band of demons similar to the kizuki twelve is reeking havoc on their own terms. What's worse is the fact that it happened to be a fellow slayer. Why would they ever want to fall grace? Have they not seen what demons do? The terrible acts they commit under bloodlust? The twins went on to explain the situation, and the purpose behind the branch. It turns out the organization is new, and recruits are needed. It didn't make much sense to Jay. Although tired from a week of fighting, she is still perceptive to know what she is getting in for. Her first opinion changed as the twins straight up told the group that they were Guinea pigs for the project. No amount of fancy words that hold meaning changes the awful truth that they could have called other Hashira's ore experienced slayers in the special ops team. Instead a bunch of rookies, including herself, are told to take on a heavy task so early? It's almost insulting. Sure she and the others survived, but to be pigs for slaughter is another things. It left Jeiko a bitter taste in her mouth, questioning what the leader is up to. Yet, as she glares at nothing in particular, she had to give up her thoughts for her own benefit. If this is what she worked hard to achieve, then she will find a way to work around it.

'Damn it, Kiba! What did you get me into?' She clicked her tongue having only the usual annoyance for her master.

Jay's train of thought ceases as the twins look to the horizon to point out their final objective. Jay turns around as the girls inform the survivors their destination is only half a day due East? Or west? She wasn't great at directions unfortunately. Thankfully, she wouldn't be alone for the travel as everybody must go the same route, unless they had other plans? Honestly, being alone felt like the best course thing to do for some peace and quiet. It would give her time to collect herself from the bomb they've been dropped. Regardless, the plum-haired girl dragged herself forward unconsciously. All she had in mind is sleep and hopefully something to eat, but mostly rest.

As Jay trudged past the Wisteria, one of the boys hollared at everyone to hurry. She quirked a brow wondering what the rush was. If they can survive seven days, half a day isn't so bad. Soon, she will be able to collapse at the foot of haven. With that in mind, she jumped for joy internally imagining the possibilities while externally she stared at the sky exhausted. Her eyes filled with bemusement while her hands shoved into her kimono sleeves after sheathing her worn out katana.
Tsukishima Hotaru
mood: dread, guilt
mode: normal
location: wisteria forests of kitakyushu
interactions: errybody

Hotaru's frustrated expression lightened as the children began explaining the history of the necessity for the Branch Corps, but it didn't change the fact that the cause was still despairing. She could only think back to the day she lost her brother when they mentioned the story of the fallen Hashira, remembering fondly how her brother was training to become one of them. The idea of a Hashira falling into depravity was shocking to hear, especially after they swore dedication to protecting humanity. Wasn't that what the Demon Slayer Corps was all about? How could you choose to throw away the life of the sword for a life that you were once fighting against?

"Your next location is the Branch Estate, located within the Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu, which is half a day's walk from here. There you will find accommodations and rest from Final Selection."

Yikes. That was going to be an issue. Hotaru looked at her right shoulder in worry. It was already difficult enough to have to travel through darkness, a half day's walk would mean they would reach the Branch Estate after sunset. If they were forced to encounter demons, a novice Demon Slayer who was basically halfway out of commission wouldn't serve any purpose at all. What good would she be if she couldn't hold her nichirin upright with her own two hands? It would be a hinder to everyone, and an embarrassment for herself if she became a dead weight that was holding them back. "I apologize in advance for the trouble..." Hotaru said quietly to the other slayers, already making assumptions that she was most likely the weakest of the bunch. She hardly had any memories of the Demon Slayer trials after all, so she could only assume that she was knocked out and survived with the help of others who managed to protect her, whoever they were. If they were gone, Hotaru made a mental note to herself that she would pray to them in honor and gratitude later.

Hearing Hayato's hollering call, the Shadow user's eyes gazed upon the wisteria woods. It seemed that at least one of them was able to stay in high spirits, however odd that may be. But nonetheless, it provided a sort of comfort to her to see the other slayers' determination. At the end of the day, hardships would always appear whether they were expecting it or not. It was important that at the very least, they must keep their spirits high. Sheathing her nichirin the best she could, Hotaru began following the rest of the crew. As she began walking, Chuuto suddenly launched off of her shoulder and soared to the air, cawing repeatedly as if to signal the other Kasugai Crows to follow his lead. It appeared that the crows were expected to reach the estate first. At least with them ahead, the slayers could observe the directions they were taking first and follow along.
Interactions: Everyone
Mood: In pain, very tired
Mentions: N/A
Location: En Route to Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu
The news that a Hasira had fallen in battle to one of the Twelve Kizuki was worrying. The Hasira were named Pillars for a reason, they were the strongest of all in the Demon Slayer Corps. A small frown furrowed the space between her brows as she mulled over what the twins were telling them. The fact that the Corps had managed to keep the Branch a secret for two years was impressive, but the reason for its sudden importance to them was concerning. Kibutsuji Muzan was enough of a threat on his own, but now there were demons being created without the use of his blood? That was worrying indeed.

As the children's gaze shifted to behind the group, Rin twisted to gaze at the path that they were staring at. Her heart quickly sunk into the pit of her stomach at their parting words. Half a day's walk? She cast a fretful glance down at her injured ankle which was still throbbing with pain. While it wasn't impossible for her to put weight on it, she already knew that the walk to the Estate was going to be very painful.

Her inner worries were interrupted as her newfound team-mates decided that they should head out to their destination. She gave a polite bow to the twins up on the platform before inhaling a deep breath as she began to limp determinedly after the rest of the group. Sharp pain shot up her leg with each step but she refused to give in to it. She had just survived seven days of hell, she was not going to falter now when she was so close to beginning her journey.

Besides, life as a Demon Slayer was not easy. She imaged she was going to sustain many injuries out in the field in the future and the demons were not going to wait for her wounds to be treated; now was a good a time as any to discipline herself against pain.

Sora gently butted his head against her cheek as if to tell her to hang in there before he took flight, giving her an encouraging caw as he wheeled upwards into the sky.

"I apologize in advance if I slow us down," She said tentatively to the others as she struggled to catch up, "Feel free to leave me behind if we run into any trouble." She didn't know how much help she would be with an injured ankle and she refused to be the cause of any of her comrades deaths; if they had the need to leave her behind to save themselves she would not fault them.
As the rest of the group set off, the boy in the purple haori with the cracked lenses hurried after, not wanting to get left behind. A faint wind blew through the trees, causing a few petals to drift through the pastel clearing, as the twin children watched the group leave, smiling.

The sun had already begun to arc when the group was together on the road, alone. Gasps and sighs from each of their bodies after a Final Selection that seemed harder than most would have said. Above them, a few of their Kasugai Crows flew tentatively, apparently leading the way to their new temporary residence. Having lagged behind earlier, however, the boy in the purple haori was very close to the front of the group, walking with a stuttered step, like someone approaching a place they do not want to be.

At least the weather wasn't too bad.
Jeiko Suzuki
: Ichiren Squad141 Squad141 Hayato SharkBark SharkBark (about helping one of the girls) Rin SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles (offering piggy back) / Mentions: Tsukishima Wisteria Romance Wisteria Romance
Jeiko.jpg Just a few steps in, and Jeiko had already heard one of the girls apologize in advance for whatever reason, and then the other did the same suggesting to leave her behind if worse comes to pass. Why would anyone possibly do that? The changes of surviving in a group are higher regardless of being weak. Although, situations are dependable. Jay hoped she never had to make that choice in the near future. When she shifts behind her, she noticed the girls were uncomfortable walking, almost like a struggle. It's a lot more visible within the albino-haired girl. Had she not learned that breathing methods help with the pain, even if slightly? Still, it would be insensitive to ignore a comrade's injury.

Jeiko looks ahead and notices that somehow the kid with glasses was walking oddly as though hesitant. She couldn't tell if he was injured or had a limp. Regardless, the slayer calls out to both of them. "Oi, you boys, one of you help the girls. They're injured." Once she announced the pair, Jay slowed down to meet the albino where she squats down and offers her back. "I can carry you. It would be far worse if you walked for hours without rest. It could inflame your ankle and you'd lose a leg." She said.
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Hayato Yoshinori -- Location -- Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu
Hayato flinched a bit when Yuji took off and flew ahead. Guess they'd be at the estate before them. Hayato pondered running all the way there himself and dusting his new comrades but, it quickly left his mind when one of the slayers says,

"Oi, you boys, one of you help the girls. They're injured."

Hayato snapped out of his train of thought and looked towards the girls. The slayer who had called the boys out offered to help the white haired girl, so Hayato approached the one in the silk red flower haori.

"Don't worry." Hayato said to the boy with the broken glasses. "I've got it."

Hayato walked up to flower red eyed girl and gave her a closed eyed smile followed by a salute.

"Hayato Yoshinori at your service!" he happily said. He opened back up his eyes and examined her. His gaze becomes fixated on her shoulder. It was twisted out of place. "Your shoulder is dislocated. That means your upper shoulder bone has come of of the cup shaped socket, which is part of your shoulder blade."

Hayato frowned for a moment.

"I would tell you to rest for a few days but, we don't necessarily have that kind of time so, we have to think of something else." Hayato walked backwards while thinking of what to do. "This may be a bit of a painful option but, I can relocate your shoulder bone. I'd have to be careful though, or I'll damage the surrounding muscles, blood vessels, or even nerves. I'll only do it if it's okay with you, alright?"

Hayato looked at the boy with the missing lens in his glasses.

"Hey, do you have any idea what I could do for her shou-" Hayato looked at his walk. "Don't tell me you're injured too. Only the girl in shorts and I are okay? Seriously?"

Interactions: Wisteria Romance Wisteria Romance Squad141 Squad141

Mentions: SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles
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Ichiren Niban
一段 二番
"...no, I'm not injured."

Ichiren did a double take, somehow only now realizing that a lense in his circular glasses was gone, as he looked back at the four. He would have offered to help the others too, if only he'd been quicker on the draw. If only...
He supposed that was the motto of his life, at this point. Looking down, he tried to correct his walking to appear more confident and stable, though it certainly wasn't easy. He'd been chopped down bit by bit throughout the week of Final Selection, both by killing the Demons that appeared, and surviving within the daylight, something many Slayers often forget about. But now, being conscripted to the one place he didn't want to go to, he was sure he was close to crossing the line.

He'd just have to get through it.

"How do you guys feel about the Branch?"
Tsukishima Hotaru
mood: determined
mode: normal
location: wisteria forests of kitakyushu
interactions: SharkBark SharkBark
mentions: SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles Squad141 Squad141

"Oi, you boys, one of you help the girls. They're injured."

Hotaru gazed at the girl who seemed to be injured as well with an empathetic expression before she was swiftly approached by the dark-haired boy. His goofy introduction had seemed to break the ice between them a little as she felt less inclined to prioritize on formalities. When the other demon slayer examined her injury and explained to her his conclusion with the available options, Hotaru quickly responded as if the answer was obvious. "Please, I would prefer for my shoulder to be relocated." Her eyes glanced back at her dislocated shoulder before meeting back with Hayato's, who noticeably had the same eye colors as her. Her eyes suddenly carried an expression of unwavering determination. "As a newly appointed teammate, and as a new Demon Slayer corp member, I would not be able to forgive myself if I were to be held as a liability in our first battle together. Do what you must, please do not worry about the minor damages that come afterward. It's more important that I'm able to be relied upon."

With an assuring nod, Hotaru sat down straight and raised her right arm up with the support of her left, grimacing as she did so. It was clear that Hotaru's decision was final and nothing else would change her mind. She was too focused on the possibility of having her arm functional again that she didn't realize Ichiren's inquiry.
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Interactions: Jeiko { Pumpkid Pumpkid } Ichiren { Squad141 Squad141 }
Mood: Surprised and Grateful
Mentions: N/A
Location: En Route to Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu
Soon after she had apologized for possibly slowing them down due to her injured ankle, the one girl with plum-colored hair - Jeiko if she was remembering right from the introductions - stopped in her tracks and turned to head back to where Rin was at the back of their procession. Blue eyes blinked in surprise at the sight of her teammate crouching down and offering Rin a piggy-back ride. Her brows furrowed slightly as she thought about it; on one hand, she would hate to be a bother for her comrade, she might not be able to fight while carrying Rin on her back and that would put her at risk, but on the other hand, Rin knew that the girl was right and that she should rest her ankle before she made the injury any worse.

Bowing at the waist, Rin gave Jeiko a small smile. "Thank you for your kindness, I appreciate the help." Shuffling forward, Rin leaned down and wrapped her arms around the other girls neck, settling herself onto Jeiko's back. As she did so, her ears caught the question the boy with the broken glasses had asked and Rin hummed thoughtfully. "I do not know what to think about it quite yet, I did not know of the Branches existence until today."

Hayato Yoshinori -- Location -- Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu
Hayato smiled at the girl's response. She was definitely persistent.

"Okay. I'll try to reduce the pain as much as possible." Hayato said. "Lemme just--"

The girl sat straight down and put her arm out to Hayato. He thought about how he was going to do this painlessly. If he did it slowly, there wouldn't be that much pain but at the same time, after he finished relocating it, she'll feel the pain a few minutes later. So in the unlikely case they get attacked, she might be pretty useless, which is exactly what she doesn't want to happen.

But if he does it quickly, she'll feel pain but, the lasting effect will be weaker.

"Alright then." Hayato told himself. "Quickly."

Hayato grabbed the girl's arm, his left hand on her shoulder and his right grasping her forearm.

"Pull yourself back as I pull your arm forward." he told the girl.

And with a grunt, Hayato pulled the girl's arm forward and then pushed in forward aggressively, a crack being heard as her upper bone popped back into it's socket.

Interactions: Wisteria Romance Wisteria Romance Squad141 Squad141

Mentions: SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles
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Jeiko Suzuki

Interactions: Ichiren Squad141 Squad141 /Mentions: Everyone else
Jeiko.jpg As Rin thanked and took the offer to hold on, Jay silently acknowledged her appreciation. Teamwork came naturally to her, for in her time in the city, there are rare occasions where scrappers must lend a helping hand to survive. Of course, when it came to competition, that's a different story, but there was nothing to compete for and therefore no need to be selfish. They have a goal and that was to walk to headquarters of the branch. The plum-haired girl adjusts Rin to keep them from falling on the way.

The eccentric boy offered to help the other injured and said something about putting their arm back in place. Jay hadn't noticed that was their diagnosis. Honestly, how could one tell on the outside? Regardless, the issue was quickly resolved and thus time to press on. At the same time, the boy with glasses defended that they weren't injured. Then it must have been Jay's fault for assuming, but it would be one less problem to deal with. They then ask about the branch to which only Rin responded. She wasn't sure if she should give her two cents, for it didn't quite matter to her, but it would be rude not to say. "Indifferent." Jeiko said. A short and simplified answer to take in any way.
The group had been walking for a while. At times, the silence permeated the air more than the smell of blood and sweat that most likely wafted from them. From the empty hills below Fujikasane mountain, to the dirt paths by fields of crops, to the denser parts of forests that were yet to have their leaves fall due to the current warmer season. In fact, among all the fuss of injury and muss of getting through what most of them though was their final challenge, they hadn't noticed it.

As they reached the outskirts of Kitakyushu, the Wister Forest only about a mile away, the darkness of the woods truly became evident. The city was to their left, and seemed to be almost a mile and a half, or two miles, much further than the Wisteria Forest.

Still, what was more important? Their injuries? The safety of more people nearby at nighttime?

Or the rustling in the distance?
Tsukishima Hotaru
mood: p a i n
mode: normal
location: wisteria forests of kitakyushu outskirts of kitakyushu
interactions: SharkBark SharkBark , everyone
mentions: errybahday

"Pull yourself back as I pull your arm forward."

At the sound of the crack, Hotaru gave out a sharp cry of pain and almost immediately began breathing lowly to soothe the pain. The breathing was frequent at first, but as the pain was subsiding her breathing got slower until eventually, she tried moving her arm. It wasn't perfect, but it was definitely a huge improvement from its previous condition. The young Shadow slayer gave a sigh of relief before giving the Wind slayer a grateful smile. "I owe you my gratitude," Hotaru responded before getting up to catch up with the rest of the group.

At this moment they had been walking for hours. Hotaru was famished, but unfortunately her rations were already used up during the exams. How long ago was that? It felt like it happened ages ago even though she had just departed the Fujikasane mountains this morning. The group walked together in silence. Either everyone didn't know what to say or was thinking of too much to say. Hotaru was the former. She wasn't one to start a conversation unless she was spoken to, something that had been ingrained in her by her mother during her tea maiden days. The darkness that was slowly looming over them wasn't much help either, perhaps no one wanted to talk so that they could stay focused on noticing any dangers that could pop out beneath the shadows.

The only thing that was easing her was the city lights that seemed brighter as they neared. Light was always a symbol of safety, and her eyes glazed over the distant streets that seemed lively.

Rustle rustle.

The faint noise of the leaves rustling caused her to snap out of her distracted daze. She wouldn't have found it odd had it been a windy night, but there was no wind. Hotaru stopped walking and placed her hand on the hilt of her nichirin, turning back as her eyes began darting back and forth between nearby trees and bushes.

"Everyone, please wait. I fear that something may be near," Hotaru said, narrowing her brows as she increased her concentration.
Interactions: Everyone
Mood: Concerned
Mentions: N/A
Location: En Route to the Wisteria Forests of Kitakyushu

The weight taken off her foot was definitely a relief, though Rin had concerns for her team-mate since she had been carrying Rin the entire time they had been walking; surely the other girl was tired after walking for so long without many breaks. Despite the fact that they were growing closer and closer to their destination, the encroaching darkness caused her worries to heighten. Her eyes cast concerned glances at the sun as it headed for the horizon, the shadows lengthening and reaching towards the group with spidery tendrils.

The increasing darkness caused tension along her shoulders, blue eyes shifting at every shadow that moved. They were not in the safety of the Wisteria Forest yet, which left them vulnerable to any demons that thought to attack them.

The sudden rustling of the underbrush caused her whole body to tense up, her hands tightening their grip on Jeiko's shoulders. Her gaze immediately whipped towards the noise though Rin could not yet see the origin of the sound. "I heard it too." She confirmed when Hotaru pointed it out. Was it too much to hope that it was just an animal foraging for food?

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