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Multiple Settings Joining a Deity's Home - open, modern, godly fantasy with optional romance (MxNB) (OCxOC)


meowing all over this place
Roleplay Type(s)

The deity hadn't felt this lonely in a long time.

They were sitting in their soft white bedroom in front of a notebook, tapping a pencil idly. They didn't have any friends, they had all left over time. They had no pets, though they preferred it that way, they weren't a person who enjoyed owning pets. They had no lovers to come over and keep them company.

They stood up, and in a flash, they were gone from the desk-- and outside. They stood under a tree, hiding from the white snow floating down from the soft clouds, looking out at their palace, the palace that they had created themselves. They could create these physical things easily, but they had little ability to create life. Nothing that they could speak with. They were only surrounded by snow, hills and pine trees, all silent.

They teleported again, back to the palace, inside one of the unused bedrooms. They looked around, having forgotten what exactly was in these. It was fairly simple. It was smaller than their own room, with a bed, desk, mirror, dresser and walk-in closet. It was the same color as all of the rest of their home, cool white with gold and red accents. They believed that would be enough for a spirit to reside in, but if it wasn't enough, the deity could easily add more to it.

They closed their eyes, and when they opened them, they weren't in the palace anymore. They were outside, in a city, bustling with people. Everyone walked through their body, unable to see them. Maybe there would be a spirit here, someone who might prefer a life with them rather than a life wandering.​

winter reptiles reflection

Hello! I'm Nico (he/they), and I'm looking to get into roleplaying with others again. For the last couple of years, I've just been roleplaying with some close friends, but I'd like to try to find any other, new people to write with (so please be patient if I act a little weird! It's been a long time :3).

I want to do a single-para roleplay, likely with paragraphs ranging from 3-10 sentences, so not too long of posts. I would also like someone that I can get along with OOC, though we won't need to talk every day outside of the roleplay or anything. I'd like to do some plotting before the roleplay, so I can learn a little bit about your character (don't worry, I won't ask for secrets or all the details!) and figure out a possible direction that the roleplay could go, in plot, romance (only for guy characters, please!) or simple friendship. Also, please have proper grammar in-character. Use as little proper grammar and punctuation as you want out of character! I promise I don't type like this out of character. Also, please no AI generated faceclaims, I don't like AI art :_) (it's ok if you didn't know!).

The previous text is my roleplay starter (and hook!) so our roleplay can begin with where your character is, for them to be found.​

Amaryllis is the deity of winter, reptiles and reflection. They are usually 5'7 in height, with ghostly pale skin and hair. Their eyes are pale blue, with small pupils that don't tend to stand sharply out like someone would expect, being also blue, but darker. They're very slim and soft, and completely androgynous-- any of the few details that tend to read as being traits of one sex are balanced by details that read as the opposite.

They have many powerful abilities, to be expected as a god.

One ability is to go from the human world, Earth, to their personal realm. All gods have their own realm, where they are much stronger and safe from dangers, and they are no different.

Inside of their realm, they are able to manifest almost anything they want, such as buildings, food, and plants. They are not, however, able to make sentient creatures. Small creatures may be possible, such as rodents and insects, but anything as smart as a domestic dog is not possible.

Within and without their realm, they are able to summon and manipulate snow and snowstorms. They are also able to use this ability to a lesser degree to decrease the temperature of their surroundings. They are unable to manipulate people's body temperature directly, and cannot create heat.

They are able to create reptile, serpent and dragon creatures, with much less limitations than other creatures. They can be much larger and more intelligent, though without the aid of other gods who can imbue it with a soul, they cannot have personalities or emotions.

They are also able to control the thoughts, actions and goals of reptile creatures, both natural and created by them. They can see through the eyes of the creatures when controlling their thoughts and actions. Giving the creatures a goal will make them set out to finish what they're assigned, from fetching him an item to killing a person, and then return to him when finished. They cannot see through their eyes by default, but can look through them at any point. When he's controlling or looking through the creature, it is visible because their eyes turn light blue. He is able to use most abilities when controlling a creature, though to a lesser degree.

When people are around them, they usually become calmer than usual. Strong emotions can still rise up, but it becomes more difficult and less common. This is a passive ability, but can be turned off.

All deities have the ability to change into another form, and theirs is a large, furred and feathered dragon. All their abilities are the same in this form. In this form, they can also change their size, increasing and decreasing it.

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