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Community [Isekai Hell] The White Elephant of Hyroth Returns


One Thousand Club
Hello everyone, this RP is set in the world of Isekai Hell; you can find information about the world here.

This follows a group of adventurers who have come to visit the village of Hyroth many know this village for the Velstar festival which celebrates peace but recently, thesocial sensation called a White Elephant has taken the village by storm once again. As the weather from the north is rolling in and the snow covers the grounds many are celebrating in their homes and in public gatherings.

Location: The Village of Hyroth
Time of Day: 8 pm
Weather: Snow covered ground, cold, windy, nighttime
OOC: Please include links to your character sheet in your first post!

Cluilia Calogera.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: N/A


The snow was covered in snow, and the moonlight on this clear night reflected off the snow covering the ground. Many of the townspeople gathered outside of homes wrapped in warm clothes, singing songs of joy about the changing seasons. In this town, there sat a tavern. Not a dirty, country bumkin tavern, but a warm, clean, and festive tavern. Many of the townspeople who were not out singing were at the many tables enjoying a drink or two.

Along with a new regular sensation, a new drink had been made in this tavern called eggnog with brandy added to it. Many of the townspeople enjoyed the drink so much that many were drunk. Several of them in the tavern even started singing drunk songs that echoed through the tavern.A gentle cold breeze blew through the village as many people made their way to the tavern, the snow kicked up and lifted off into the air. Children threw balls mad of snow at one another chasing the other throughout the town. A few of them even got ambushed by another group of kids doing the same thing. So started the great snowball fight of Hyroth, which was talked about for several months afterwards.

In this tavern, a private room had been reserved and there was plenty of food on a large table at the center of the room. Against the far was a grand stone fireplace which kept the room warm along with some logs to add to the fire when it started to dim down. Between the fireplace and the table was another long table with various boxes on it and a top hat. Eris
stood at the side of the long table with all the boxes. Inside the boxes were gifts that the people attending had brought for the event. There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, magenta, black, brown, green, orange, pink, tan, sky blue, red orange, and royal blue, white, charcoal, black, and crimson.

Eris smiled as the many people were seated at the table, a large keg of eggnog was placed at the end of the large feast table. The keg was filled to the brim and more could be brought out if ordered. The priestess cleared her throat as she picked up the top hat that was on the table. "Greetings friends and strangers! Or well you really all are strangers to me but who really cares?" Eris inquired with that child-like smile on her face as she paused for a second. Welcome to the White Elephant, you all have brought your gifts up to the table and now that the food has arrived, we shall begin with the main event!" Eris exclaimed as she raised her voice she let out a small giggle as she realized her mistake.

"So let me tell you how this new social gathering works, I will draw a piece of paper out of this hat with each of our names on it. That person will then come up here and select a gift from one of the box and they will then show it to the group. I will then draw another person, the second person has the option to pick a gift from one of the boxes or steal the a gift from someone else." Eris explained as she looked around at the group for a moment.

"That is the name of the game! Pretty simple right? Well the people in this village think so! Well without further to do shall we begin?" Eris Inquired as she shook the hat around a few times mixing up the names. "Very well the first person up is......drum roll please." Eris paused momentarily to see if anyone would do it before continuing. "Lauren!" She called out as she pulled the paper out of the hat showing it to the group.

Character Sheet Here

Lauren was sitting by one of the windows of the private room and watching the children outside throw snowballs at each other, smiling as she reminisced of her own childhood. The park in the city near where she and her parents lived at the time was where she often went to play during the cold winters, with other children living within the vicinity of the park coming frequently as well for the large scale snowball fights everyone would participate in. This particular memory was of the time that some of the adults in charge of maintaining the park decided to host an event there for the children, having shoveled snow off of the sidewalks and filled multiple buckets full of water to make Snowforts for the event. The fun she had at the event made her wish she could return home, feeling more homesick than ever now as she looked towards the host of this event: Eris. This was the first time since coming to this world that she was willingly with another group of people, rubbing her shoulder a little as the cold metal socket attached to her body sapped her body heat away. As she got up to move closer to the fireplace she heard their host start talking, welcoming them all alongside explaining how it worked to those that didn't know. She was at least familiar with gift exchanges in the past, though she could only recall one instance at work where they hosted a white elephant event... It wasn't very well received by most of her coworkers, though being last to choose did make things interesting seeing how she had the pick of the litter. She was hoping to be picked last again, though they were soon dashed as her name was picked out first.
So much for being the last name called... Lauren thought to herself as she casually walked up towards the table, looking over the presents available briefly. She was quick to identify hers, making sure to avoid picking it as she grabbed the charcoal colored box. As she sat back down closer to the fireplace this time she opened it up and pulled out its contents, putting them on full display to the rest of the group.

saxon saxon
Eris Christmas 3 (2).png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: N/A


Eris watched as Lauren came up and picked the charcoal box. As the gift was revealed to the group to be a stuffed buddy thing Eris cocked her head a little. "Well, so we got a friendly buddy creature thing? Wait who said you could bring animals in here?" Eris looked for a moment before then moving on to the next person. She picked up the top hat once again before she started to shake it up.

"Alright the next person is.....Rowan!" Eris called out as she looked out into the crowd for the familiar figure from last year. She was curious as to see what the next gift was going to be there was a little confusion on the last one but hey a gift was a gift.
Rowan Thorn
Rowan had participated in the last White Elephant day, and here she was again, waiting to get a present. These events were fun, and it was easier to get one present instead of presents for over 10 people, who had different interests and tastes. It was just easier that way.

Rowan looked at the pile of gifts, her mind whirling with possibilities. Should she go for her favorite color or take the stuffed animal? Choices, choices. Some of the colors drew her more than others, as she tended to like jewel tones over bright, pastel colors. Stealing the prize from Lauren seemed a little gauche, considering they had just gotten their present, and was the only one with a present. It was decided, she would get her present from the pile.

Her name was called, making her perk up. She stood up, slowly going to the pile to presents, mainly slowing down to buy herself more time. Finally, she reached out, picking the green present, before returning to her seat, slowly unwrapping it before showing it to everyone else.​
Eris Christmas 3 (2).png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: N/A


Eris watched as Rowan came up and picked the green present before going back to her seat. As the gift was revealed, she tilted her head to the right for a moment as a pie was revealed. "Hey, why is there food? That thing looks like its about to explode any second, what even is in that thing?" Eris questioned as she wasn't entirely sure about that gift and it didn't look all that appetizing but to each their own.

Once again Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Eriedeth come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, magenta, black, brown, orange, pink, tan, sky blue, red orange, and royal blue, white, black, and crimson.
INTERACTIONS: saxon saxon II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II slifer37 slifer37

Character sheet

  • The White Elephant of Hyroth event

    Eriedeth had been sitting at the table as the event began, quietly observing what was happening. The first person to be called was a girl named Lauren who had picked a charcoal-colored present. It ended up being a stuffed teddy bear. Next was Rowan, who managed to get a pie. Now Eriedeth didn't know how long some of the presents were there or where they were kept prior to the event, but it made her wonder how someone managed to package a pie or why someone picked a pie to begin with. When her name was called, she looked at the presents laid out on the table. She wasn't particularly interested in stealing Lauren's Teddy Bear or Rowans pie. But she did wonder when someone would decide to steal another person's gift. Eriedeth ended up picking the crimson-colored present.​

Eris Christmas 3 (2).png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: N/A


Eris watched as Eriedeth came up and picked the crimson present before going back to her seat. As the gift was revealed, she tilted her head to the right for a moment as a ticket was revealed. "A ticket from Squink? Well that certainly an uhh...interesting gift I suppose." Eris stumbled through her thoughts not entirely sure what to make about the whole thing.

Once again Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Luisa, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, magenta, black, brown, orange, pink, tan, sky blue, red orange, and royal blue, white, and black.
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~Luisa O'Sullivan~

Luisa glanced around the room, her stern expression giving little away about her thoughts on the festive atmosphere. With a quick stride, she approached the table with the various colored boxes. Her eyes focused intently on the pile as if assessing the worth of each gift.

Without hesitation, she reached for the box wrapped in royal blue paper. The color seemed to catch her attention, perhaps standing out in a way that appealed to her military sensibilities. She picked it up, holding it with a firm grip.

"This one," she declared, her tone matter-of-fact. She didn't bother with any niceties or expressions of excitement. Luisa peeled away the wrapping with efficient movements, revealing the contents of her chosen gift. Luisa's eyes flickered with a subtle hint of excitment, though she quickly masked any emotion. She raised an eyebrow, addressing the gathered crowd in her blunt manner.

"Well, it's not bad. Better than some of the other nonsense here," she remarked, her lips forming a rare half-smile that vanished almost instantly. Luisa didn't dwell on the festivities, but her choice of the royal blue gift seemed to hint at a glimpse of personal preference amidst her military demeanor.

saxon saxon
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: Orikanyo Orikanyo


Eris watched as Luisa came up and looked at the gifts for a moment before picking As the gift was revealed, she tilted her head to the right for a moment as a sword was revealed. "Well that has been the most helpful gift I have seen so far." Eris chuckled as she looked at the sword for a moment.

Once again Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Shao, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, magenta, black, brown, orange, pink, tan, sky blue, red orange, white, and black.
Shao Tenko

"hello hello~! Glad to be here!" the red haired foxy fellow leapt up to the scene with all the confidence as usual. "I dare say it's a good day for gift giving, though I rarely gain so, perhaps I can choose our lovely hostess as my gift?' the man pretended to think on this for a moment, before laughing it off. "Alas alas it's the ones here I must peruse, theres no reason for me to be picky, nothing ventured nothing gained, any of these gifts could be anything of my wildest dreams!"

Of the gifts, the way they were described was solely by color. No shape, just color. A local author writing for this scene could only take a shot instead of pokeing and proding at what they might be within oddly shaped packages.

"I shall choose.... this one!!" his hands grasped the black box, tails swaying happily with close to be sated curiosity.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: Elvario Elvario


Eris watched as Luisa came up and looked at the gifts for a moment before picking As the gift was revealed, she tilted her head to the right for a moment as a handkerchief was revealed. "Well that's certainly and interesting gift, though I have no idea what you would use that for." Eris chuckled.

Once again Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Almeida, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, magenta, brown, orange, pink, tan, sky blue, red orange, and white.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog%

From start to finish, Almeida had been pretty lost on how she'd got here. She'd been gifted a had, ask to hand in a gift and told she'd receive one in return. That's about all she'd gotten, as the instructions were all in Common, making her have to guess what in the world might be being said. It's why she spent most of her time munching away at the food that had arrived. She'd also gotten herself a good few helpings of this pretty nice drink they were all hyped up about, which had made her feel a tad woozy.

She glossed over at the type of stuff people were getting. Some stuffed animal, suspicious pie, piece of paper, a sword, and a handkerchief. The paper was the most difficult to guess, as she had no clue what could be on it. Was it a coupon? Money? A contract? Alas, she had no clue.

That's when she heard her own name. “[I can do what now?]” She was a tad confused, but whether she'd get an explanation in a language she understood or not, she'd eventually probably figure stuff out. That said, she wasn't sure what to go for. None of the gifts so far stood out to her, although the paper was certainly interesting, but that was too big a risk without knowing what it was, so she figured she'd pick a new one.

“[Well then, which one do we want buddy?]” She'd ask her hammer, as she put the giant weapon on floor, making it spin like a top until it fell over with a loud thud. It somehow ended up pointing towards the tan coloured present. “[Oh, the me-coloured one~]” She spoke, as she'd pick it up to check what was in it.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece


Eris watched as Almeida came up and looked at the gifts for a moment before picking As the gift was revealed, Eris looked dumbfounded for a moment at there was a shard of ice that didn't seem to be melting at all. "Well that's certainly and interesting gift, though I have no idea what you would use that for." Eris chuckled.

Once again Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Ryuuji, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, magenta, brown, orange, pink, sky blue, red orange, and white.
Ryuuji Kamimura
Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 5.06.28 AM.png
So this was this world's sort of Christmas celebration? Between some of the red hats, food, fireplace and gifting wrapping plus the location which felt thematic, While he wasn't entirely sure about the nuances of this celebration he could certainly get down with the secular aspect of gift exchanges. Back in Japan they were very much into the more secular aspects of the holiday with decor and gifts, all he really needed was some KFC and he'd feel right at home if there was a tree.Ryuuji felt inclined to partake especially because it meant he had a chance of getting something potentially valuable for free which was the best price. Even if Saoirse ended up taking a liking to it and told him he needed to hand it over, ideally it could be sold if it didn't bring them use, and by extension theoretically his standard of life would improve as hers did and he pleased her. At least that's what he hoped.

He gave a respectful small bow to Eris since she looked like some sort of priestess figured it was better to be safe rather than sorry. "Understood." He approached the gifts, part of him was tempted just to steal a gift since it might be a safer bet knowing what object he was getting, but there might be something even more valuable or interesting within the packages still available. He found himself drawn to the white gift..kind of odd, a color that represented death, but on the other hand it reminded him of snow.

"I'll be taking the White Gift then." He then went to check what it was, feeling in a bit better spirits than usual with the ongoing festivities.

saxon saxon
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: Novama Novama


Eris watched as Ryuuji came up and looked at the gifts for a moment before picking As the gift was revealed, Eris looked dumbfounded for a moment at there was a pendant though the whole thing didn't look remarkable at least by glance. "Well that's certainly and interesting gift, I wonder if it does anything?" Eris inquired.

Once again Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Malik, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, magenta, brown, orange, pink, sky blue, and red orange.
Malik Seraphim

1702357314731.pngMalik Seraphim stepped forward, a slight smile gracing his features, one that didn't quite reach his eyes—a telltale sign of his mixed heritage, where human warmth meets the inscrutable depth of the Fae. He cut a distinguished figure against the festive backdrop of the tavern's warmth and revelry.

"Ah, it seems fortune favors the bold—or perhaps the curious, tonight," Malik said, his voice a harmonious blend of charisma and a subtle, otherworldly cadence. With a confident stride that belied an underlying purpose, he approached the table adorned with gifts. His gaze drifted across the colorful array. As a man of commerce and magic, he knew the value of a choice, and the allure of the unknown called to his Fae blood.

His hand hovered over the selection, the air almost shimmering with anticipation. With a flourish characteristic of his theatrical nature, Malik selected a gift wrapped in magenta—the color of royalty and power, but also of magic and mystery. It's a hue that spoke to both sides of his lineage, resonating with his own history.

Returning to his seat with the chosen box, Malik allowed himself the luxury of a moment's intrigue before he carefully unwraped the gift.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: Bloody_Death Bloody_Death


Eris watched as Malik came up and looked at the gifts for a moment before picking As the gift was revealed, Eris looked at the ring for a moment trying to see if there was anything special about it. After a moment she simply shrugged. "Well that's a nice-looking ring there hopefully you get to keep it," Eris inquired.

Once again, Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Eeriel, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, pink, sky blue, and red orange.


"Finally, I almost fell asleep."

Upon hearing the name being called, a black cat jumped into the scene. The cat confidently walked in front of the people who had their gift open, clearly appraising whether its worth or not to steal their gift. So far the sword seemed to be the most valuable, but then again something like that would be completely useless on the cat's hands, or paws. The plushie sparked her interest and she could see herself using it as a pillow, but if its only for a pillow she could easily steal it from some store. Well, picking a gift it is then.

Eeriel picked the red box. She dragged it into the middle spot so everyone could see before she rips and tears the wrapping with her claws and teeth. She let out several growls, grunts, and swears as she struggle to untangle the ribbon from wrapping her right paw. The end result was a messy pieces of red wrapping scattered around a cat and the now open box, as if the cat just decided to shred some unsuspecting rat to pieces.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: Scarletti Scarletti


Eris looked confused for a moment as a black cat came up when the name was called. For a moment she thought that someone had let a cat in here and she was about to shoo it away until she realized the contestant was the cat. When the gingerbread totem was revealed Eris looked confused. "Well I'm not sure if that is a gift or food to be honest with you," Eris stated.

Once again, Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper, she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Ralph, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as yellow, blue, brown, orange, pink, sky blue, and red orange.

Ralph ears perked up upon hearing his name being called. Finally! He was getting bored waiting for his turn. Stepping forward, he'd scan the remaining colors.

Then, he raised a finger pointing to the yellow gift. "I'll have that one, please."

He'd return to his seat after taking it from Eris, before opening it up for all to see. He didn't really know what to expect though, but he was already grateful to be invited to such an event in the first place.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti


Eris watched as Ralph as he came up and seemed to be deciding on what box he was going to pick up. When the yellow box was selected and opened and the whistle was revealed. "Well a whistle that reminds me of the popper that I got last year," Eris stated.

Once again, Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper, she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Lucian, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as blue, brown, orange, pink, sky blue, and red orange.
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Lucian "Lucky Bastard" Fortuna.
mentions: saxon saxon Novama Novama

In the heart of the enchanted realm, nestled amidst snow-kissed hills and moonlit streets, lay the village of Hyroth. It was a place where tales of magic and fortune intertwined, where the shadows of the past danced with the promise of tomorrow. On this crisp winter night, as the village reveled in the joy of the Velstar festival, a figure of intrigue and charm made his grand entrance. Lucian Fortuna, the man they called 'The Lucky Bastard', arrived cloaked in opulence, his silhouette cutting a striking image against the white canvas of the village.

His coat, a masterful blend of velvet and silk, flowed behind him, catching the moonlight in a shimmering cascade. Lucian's piercing blue eyes, reflecting a life reborn in adventure and luxury, scanned the picturesque scene with a blend of amusement and nostalgia. As he sauntered through the bustling streets, he found himself enveloped in the exuberance of the villagers. The crisp air carried his voice, rich and smooth, tinged with a hint of reminiscence, "Ah, the charm of a winter's night. Such splendor and joy, a world apart from the dreary days of a life once lived." His words, though softly spoken, resonated with an allure that drew curious glances and whispers from the passersby.

The heart of the village buzzed with life, and it was here that Lucian truly shone. With the ease of a seasoned gambler, he wove his way through the crowd, his presence a magnet for those around him.

The tavern of Hyroth, warm and welcoming, was a haven for those seeking respite from the winter chill. Lucian, a connoisseur of life's finer pleasures, found himself at home amidst the mirth and merriment. Approaching the bar with a confident stride, his gaze lingered on the array of drinks before settling on the evening's specialty. "Eggnog with brandy, a delightful choice for a night such as this," he commented, accepting a glass with a nod of appreciation. The richness of the drink matched the richness of his laughter, his stories weaving through the crowd, captivating the inebriated patrons. His toast, delivered with a wit as sharp as his gaze, was met with raucous cheers, his presence igniting the atmosphere with an energy that was both infectious and exhilarating.

As the night unfolded, the White Elephant gift exchange began, drawing Lucian's interest with its allure of mystery and strategy. He watched the procession of colorfully wrapped gifts with the eye of a strategist, his mind already weaving through the possibilities. Each gift, unique in size and shape, was a puzzle waiting to be unraveled, a mystery beckoning to be solved. "Ah, the thrill of the unknown," Lucian mused, his voice a blend of anticipation and cunning. "Let's see what fortunes this game brings." His fingers tapped rhythmically on the tabletop, a subtle echo of his excitement, his eyes alight with the thrill of the gamble that lay ahead.

As Eris summoned him with a flourish reminiscent of a game show host, Lucian rose from his seat, his movements a blend of grace and confidence. Lucian's gaze swept across the array of gifts, each color and shape tempting in its own right. However, his attention was drawn not to the unopened mysteries but to the prize already revealed.

With a stride that echoed his playful yet calculated nature, he approached Malik, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ah, it seems fortune favors the bold—or perhaps the curious, tonight," Lucian echoed Malik's earlier words, his voice smooth and resonant. Standing before Malik, he extended his hand toward the ring, his fingers deftly sliding it from Malik's grasp.

"Hmm, this ring," Lucian mused, turning the piece over in his hand, admiring its craftsmanship and the way it caught the light. "A symbol of power, mystery, and perhaps a hint of magic. Much like life itself, wouldn't you agree?" He glanced at Malik with a knowing smile, an unspoken acknowledgment of the game they both played.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: Novama Novama


Eris watched as Lucian stopped right in front of Malik and held his hand out for the ring. "We have our first steal of the night ladies and gentle man, Malik please come up and pick another gift or steal something from someone else," Eris explained. There were various colors, such as blue, brown, orange, pink, sky blue, and red orange.
Malik Seraphim

1702959927250.pngMalik Seraphim watched with an unreadable expression as Lucian Fortuna, a man of evident charm and cunning, approached him. The playful glint in Lucian's eyes did not go unnoticed by Malik, whose smile tightened just a fraction. He observed Lucian's confident stride and the way he effortlessly claimed the ring from Malik's possession. A part of him admired Lucian's boldness, another part assessed the situation with the keen eye of a businessman.

"Fortune indeed," Malik murmured softly, his gaze following the ring as it passed from his hand to Lucian's. He didn't resist the transfer, understanding the rules of the game they were all part of. This was more than a mere exchange of gifts; it was a dance of wit and strategy, a game he was all too familiar with.

As Lucian spoke about the ring's symbolism, Malik's smile returned, genuine this time, touched with a hint of respect. "A symbol of power and mystery," he echoed, "quite fitting." His eyes watched for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of the game's intrigue.

Turning back to the table of gifts, Malik contemplated his next move. The remaining colors offered a new array of possibilities. With a thoughtful gaze, he considered his options, weighing the potential of each gift. His fingers hovered over the choices, his decision not just about the gift itself but about the statement he wanted to make in this game.

At last, Malik's hand gravitated towards a gift wrapped in deep orange, a color resonating with warmth and vitality. He lifted it, noting its weight and feel, a small, knowing smile playing across his lips. Returning to his seat, he unwrapped the gift with a leisurely grace, relishing the anticipation.

saxon saxon
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New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

D Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F

mentions: Voider Voider


Eris watched as Malik walk up and seemed to be deciding on what box he was going to pick up. When the orange box was selected box was selected and opened was a map that lead to a cottage. "Well that looks like its going to lead somewhere," Eris stated.

Once again, Eris picked up the top hat and started to shake it before reaching into the hat. Moving her hand around for a moment she grabbed a piece of paper and pulled it out. Unfolding the paper, she looked at the name and announced who was next, "The next person is Glacier, come on down you're the next contestant on the price is right! You may pick a gift from the pile or steal one from another person." There were various colors, such as blue, brown, pink, sky blue, and red orange.

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