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Active [Isekai Hell] The Roots of the Problem

The Ragged Man & Sameborne Blossom B56192
Sameborne Blossom.jpgAfter the ominous call rang out from the darkness, a silence fell over the tunnel. And while nobody spoke, tension mixed in with the sweetness in the air. Something rustled as if moving through leaves, and the shallow dripping of water echoed against the tunnel walls. Drip. Drip-drip. Click! The flintlock hammer fell, and a sudden, bright flash revealed the cavern with a hellish ringing. Vibrant colors flashed as a subterranean forest revealed itself. And across a field of grass and flowers stood a man clad in ragged robes. He jolted, shielding his eyes against the flash as the first lead ball burrowed into the wall of tangled roots behind him. The short had missed by an inch but revealed thrashing movements in the roots before everything went dark.

It was enough. When Darin loaded the second shot, he knew where to aim. Another bright flash showed the ragged man clutching his shoulder while a pained cry echoed against the returning darkness. The second shot had found purpose but forced the ragged man to anticipate further assault. And when the third shot came, the lead ball was caught by a shadowy vortex [1]. Sparks flew off the projectile as it slowed down against the magic barrier. And the man was able to pluck the warm lead from the air.

Then, from elsewhere, more sparks flew. Boreas had made use of the muzzle flashes to start a small fire. And as the flames began to grow, more of the cavern revealed itself. The stone walls of the cavern had disappeared behind massive roots that mimicked trees by sprouting thick leafage. The soil covering the ground seemed rich, covered in grasses and colorful wildflower bedding. Within the scarce light of the fire, pollen danced around, but none that came from the flowerbeds. At the other side of the cavern, behind the ragged man, a mass of roots coiled and twisted as a massive flower opened up to spread its pollen. Each of its petals was the size of a grown man, and the center opened up to reveal rows of teeth as a lashing, blue tendril shot out.

The Ragged Man - Base.jpgNoticing the change in lighting, the ragged man dropped the lead ball and placed his hand against the mass of roots [2]. The area surrounding his hand grew coarse and brown, withering away as the hole in his shoulder closed up. The ragged man rolled his shoulder and cast a piercing gaze toward Boreas. “I commend your ability to place conversation before violence,” He answered. Boreas could tell the man's attention was elsewhere. His eyes drifted between Paru and Deliverance. “However, who are you to make demands in another's abode?

You are undesirable, single-minded...” He continued conversing with Boreas while his hand gestured odd patterns [3]. The coiling roots of the monstrous flower swayed in tandem, reaching around the ragged man. “What will you do when I dictate that opinion to the roots you ask about?

Perhaps you will foolishly oppose nature itself?” The taunting words served as a starting signal for conflict. The question had barely left his mouth when Paru dashed forward, and the cavern filled with colorful orbs. The dim, magical light cast long shadows as the orbs bolted at their target. And Paru's blade glinted in response, reflecting their glow.

Utterly foolish!” The ragged man flicked his wrist, and the swaying vines lashed out, purposefully colliding with anything approaching the man [1]. Upon collision, the magical orbs burrowed deep into the vines. The energy burned some and severed others as the flower's mass coiled and writhed. It appeared severely wounded from its defensive efforts.

Still, one more assailant remained, her sword trained on the ragged man. With most of the lashing vines occupied or torn apart by Deliverance's magic, only one remained to sacrifice itself for the ragged man. The vine threw itself on the sword and slowed the swing by letting itself get sliced. The mass writhed, trapping the blade within its vine before it could cut through the ragged man's neck. The blood of a shallow cut stained his clothes and dribbled over the blade as it sat against his skin.

Severely wounded and with danger standing in its reach, it was not the man, but the flower that responded desperately. Swaying its petals, it threw out a cloud of pollen [2]. The sweet scent carried an air of influence, an invasive defense mechanism that seemed physically harmless but meant to coerce the danger into retreating.

The Ragged Man
Action [1]:
Dark Aegis - Magic F, Affinity [Dark] F, Barrier F, Energized F
Action [2]: Tribute - Magic E, Affinity [Dark] E, Vampiric E, Energized E
Action [3]: Mandate - Magic F, Energized F, Mind Control F

Sameborne Blossom
Action [1]:
Brier Barrier - Natural Weapons [Vines] D, Area F, Flexible
Action [2]: Invasive Scent - Magic E, Affinity [Wind] E, Magic Area of Effect F, Mind Control F

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario


Elysia Wentworth from Shiei no Sona-Nyl ~What a beautiful memories~
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She will kill and kill she will. Deliverance watched as Paru followed up after the ranged attacks and nearly got rid of the man. He seemed to be on his last legs. Still, to Deliverance's surprise, the rag man had been talking a fair bit. “Spare your breath. Instead of wasting it on riddles and insults, use it to give us answers, if you wish for a shot at seeing your life saved.” He figured he'd make the man an offer, although he wasn't sure if Paru would refrain from cutting the man's throat for long enough for them to get some answers. “What's going on here and what type of magic are you using on that plant?” The last question was honestly the only thing he cared about. It was a magic he didn't know. Although the chance was slim, there might be something ethereal to it. It was worth checking out.

That said, he saw a weird cloud spread again. Recalling the irritant mist, he decided it wasn't worth taking any risks. He used [Ethreal Blight D] against it in an attempted to destroy the pollen before they could affect anyone, which would hopefully work due to his attack's [multidimensional] firepower. “If you have any control over that plant, stop it, or we'll destroy you and it both.” He warned. Then again, his counter-attack might've already done so...

Ethereal Blight D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown.

Ce CD's 1/2
De CD's 0/1
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Swamp

    As Deliverance had attempted to get rid of the Sameborne Blossom's pollen. Boreas decided it would be a good idea to attempt and attack the ragged man. The choice had nothing to do with his statement about dictating Boreas's non-existent opinion on the thing involving the roots. He didn't even know enough to have an opinion on them, but more so, the Blossom felt more like a distraction of some sort. Of course, everyone would go after the flower with the possibly poisonous pollen. It would be perfect for either the ragged man to either run or cause trouble or distract them from what he's actually being. Boreas acknowledges he could very well have overthought that. So, instead of attacking the Sameborne Blossom, Boreas attempted to run at the ragged man. He then stopped and, unsheathing his sword, he attempts use [Cold Slash [F] ] creating two intersecting lines that briefly looked like an 'X'.

    Action 1: run at the ragged man
    Action 2: stop
    Action 3: use [Cold Slash [F]



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )
"Common" "<Beastial>"

"A... grave mistake, I admit" Darin replied to Paru, realizing that a short warning would have been useful.

His attention quickly returned to the matter at hand, however, as Boreas' fire illuminated the area. Darin's eyes widened as he glanced around, taking in the local terrain; though after a moment, they abruptly narrowed in on the threat in front of the group. Looking towards another path roughly on their left, Darin briefly worked out tactics, before sprinting for it[1]. It was crucial to stay mobile, as remaining stationary was asking to be a target; and if he could block off the only other exit in the small space, Darin could make sure that this "Rag Man" wouldn't easily escape.

While sprinting, Darin watched as Deliverance tried to stop the approaching pollen, and Boreas joined Paru in attacking the Rag Man. So, upon reaching his destination, Darin skidded to a stop on his feet (claws?), musket already raised to fire. Though instead of immediately shooting, he took a handful of seconds to carefully observe the situation, and the movements of the monstrous flower; once he had everything aligned, Darin shouted "Firing!" as a warning to the others, before pulling the trigger, sending a shot whizzing forward with the intention of striking the plant's mouth[2].

Whatever the result was, Darin would then turn his head to take a look behind himself, watching the path beyond for any more dangers[3]. Though the primary threat seemed to be the man & flower in front, it was unwise to ignore one's surroundings.

Action [1]: Movement (Towards the room's other exit)
Action [2]: Used Ability [Precise Shot E]
Action [3]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F]
E Grade Cooldown: 0/1
F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception E, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
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Paru-Lord Bara 2.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru had often in her youth been scolded for tramping through the villages flower gardens. It had never made sense to her, why did any one care about flowers? They were everywhere, they didn't seem as pretty or interesting as people made them out to be. Just another plant in a world full of plants. But as Paru's narrow focus and bloodlust dissipated, and she suddenly became aware of the monstrous flower very much in her proximity, a single thought crossed her mind. "Huh, I get it now."

As the flower released it's cloud of sweet smelling pollen, Paru stood practically ground zero. Hopefully someone else had a way to take care of that, cause she sure didn't. But right now, she had a more important task. Teeth gritted in a wicked grin, she redoubled her efforts, pressing down on the blade embedded in the vine in an attempt to dig further into the Rag Man's neck. [1] [2] [3]

As she struggled, she tilted her head to rest against pebble on her shoulder. "What is this plant, frog? Anything I should know before I make mulch out of it?"

Action 1: Feel that Pressure! - Effectiveness 15
Action 2: Basic Attack - Combo Bonus + 1
Action 3: Basic Attack - Combo Bonus + 1

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2
  • Feel That Pressure! C
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword C]
    • 3 Post Cooldown
    • Paru puts all her strength into driving her sword deeper into her target.
      • Nodachi C (4) + Strength B (5) + Feel that Pressure! C (4) + Basic Attack x 2 (2) = 15 Effectiveness
D = 2/2
The Ragged Man, Sameborne Blossom B56192, and Pebble
Sameborne Blossom.jpgWith the blade's edge against his neck, held back by the blossom's vines, the ragged man kept still. And while his life hung in the balance, his eyes moved onto Deliverance. “My magic gave these ants a queen, and I, their king,” he answered hoarse, his voice pressured by the stinging blade, “I dictate their collective direction and guide their growth within these tunnels. These tunnels are the birthplace of the Gloomhold Swamp and the reason for its ceaseless expansion.” He suddenly turned his gaze onto Paru. Deep, empty eyes glanced briefly at the shimmering steel she held. “You cannot end what you could never understand in full... Strike me down, then! We will meet again. That, I guarantee.

His body remained still as his eyes continued to move freely. A fine dust began spreading through the cavern. And while the pollen appeared ineffective, the distraction allowed the ragged man a brief window to motion a few more patterns with a stiff hand [1]. Nothing. Only when Paru's blade broke free from the vines' hold - and attempted to slice through the ragged man's neck - did it feel like something had happened. Instead of the expected soft flesh, it felt like the blade had landed on a rock. The hard substance began to crack against the weapons force. It had bought the ragged man some time if nothing else.

Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgWithin that time, Pebble nudged into Paru's tilting head, twitching at the request for information. “Same!” The small golem cried, hollow points in the stone head focused on the blossom spreading its pollen. “The same protect the heart. Spreads its own clouds of whispers to make pebbles leave the heart alone.” Before Paru could ask further, the cavern lit up with a magical glow. The shadows of the tunnels danced as Deliverance's ethereal orbs cut through the pollen-ridden, stale air. Absorbing the airborne particles into their glowing mass, they swept the air clean as Deliverance warned the ragged man.

The Ragged Man - Base.jpgYour claim to destroy me is foolish, utterly foolish... Nature itself and I are o--nrck!” The ragged man swayed forward, bloodshot eyes centered onto Boreas suddenly standing before him. Recognizing the glint of a new blade, his hand moved over his tattered clothes and recoiled at the touch of something jagged and freezing. Two deep gashes crossed his midriff, covered in red spikes formed by spilled blood frozen over. “I... will not... under...estima--Shiiiing~

With his concentration broken by Boreas' blade, the stone-like defense that held back Paru's blade crumbled. And in a sharp glint of silver, the ragged man's head separated from his body. The corpse slumped down against the damp stone while his head lobbed with the momentum of the cut. A streak of blood red followed after the glinting blade. Within that moment, a translucent tendril shot out. It pierced the head and retracted it into the mouth of the blossom [1]. The open maw proved a perfect target, as within that opening, Darin shouted a warning before the hammer of his rifle fell at the pull of the trigger. And the weapon unleashed a lead desert to go with the blossom's meal.

The confident marksman did not wait to assess the aftermath of his shooting and turned toward the open tunnel as the blossom shrieked behind him. And while he observed the empty tunnel, he noticed an odd sound. It was like a loud splash, perhaps something heavy falling into a body of water. As he thought on it, the blossom once again released its translucent tendril. It lashed around violently in search of the ragged man's other half. Whipping at Paru and Boreas before finding the lifeless mass it sought [2]. The tendril appeared to calm down, carefully coiled itself around the body like a snake, and pulled it into its wounded maw [3].

The Ragged Man
Action [1]:
Blood Conversion - Magic D, Affinity [Blood] D, Barrier E

Sameborne Blossom
Action [1]:
Carnivorous - Devour F, Energized F, Healing F
Action [2]: Tendril Whip - Natural Weapons [Tendril] E, Area F, Flexible
Action [3]: Carnivorous - Devour F, Energized F, Healing F

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • it's the flower isn't it?

    Everything felt like it happened in slow motion at Boreas's end. Perhaps it was the shock of actually cutting the man's head off. A part of him had expected it to be harder than that, yet his Monochromatic blue eyes stayed focused as the head separated from the body and was basically hurled away from the body as it laid motionless on the ground. He couldn't tell if he felt horrified or not but his earlier mood certainly disappeared and turned into something else. It took a moment for Pebbles' words to catch up to the farmer.

    “The same protect the heart. Spreads its own clouds of whispers to make pebbles leave the heart alone.”

    He stared at the ground a moment, muttering quietly to himself.

    "Spread its own clouds of whispers..."

    The pollen...the pollen that was like clouds...is pebbles talking about the flower? So the rock frog does know something. But that would be if his speculations are right. He asked the rock frog in a serious tone using [Interrogation [F] ]

    "Pebble simple yes or no question. I know you'll probably respond with another riddle, BUT IS THE SAME THE FUCKING FLOWER?!"

    It only made more sense considering the ragged man's words before he got his head sliced off. He stares at the flower with the knowledge of [investigation [F] ] and his ability [Icey Gaze F] on the flower. Then it started whipping its tendril thing around. Boreas attempted to defend himself using [fighting style [X Slash] [F]] reusing the sword slashing before but without any magical aid.


    Action 1: use [interrogation [F]] on Pebbles to confirm his suspicions

    Action 2: used [investigation [F] and [Icey Gaze[F] to investigate the flower from a distance

    Action 3: attempt to defend himself with [fighting style [X Slash] [F]]

    Abilities/skills used:

    Investigation [F]
    Interrogation [F]
    Fighting Style -X Slash- Mythril Sword/catalyst-F Grade-Selective-
    Boreas uses his sword and slashes two Intersecting lines in a X shape on one selected target within proximity.
    Icey Gaze- Appraisel [F], Heightened sense [sight] [F]- Combining his heightened sense of sight and appraisal he uses his sight to gain information relevant to the current level of appraisal. -F grade 0 post cool down

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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Deliverance clicked his tongue in annoyance at the Ragged Man's reply. He was sick and tired of these riddles. He wasn't some sort of worthless linguistics professors rambling for hours and wasting away his time by playing around with language and metaphors and whatnot. If they couldn't give him a straight answer even at the threat of being murdered, it was safe to assume they weren't worth investigating any further. Their corpses might give him a clearer answer than their words might ever do, assuming anything about this was even worth investigating. What little he did get seemed like some sort off out-of-hand nature magic, nothing ethereal. “So you're part of a weed that needs to be rooted out.” He replied, his voice a mixture of spite and annoyance. He wondered if destroying this thing would count towards his practical magic credits or not, so that he'd at least get some benefit out of it. At the very least he figured he'd write a report later, just in case.

Luckily, he was able to wipe away the pollen with his attack. Even better than he'd first hoped, to that extend. He'd almost show a smile, if he wasn't so annoyed with this ragged man. It's why he did show a feint smile upon seeing the latter's head cut off. He did wonder, for a second. Had he always been this violent, or was it just the stress? He shook it off. Now wasn't a good time for self-reflection. After all, that blasted plant was still moving about.

As the plant was pulling the body of the ragged man into its wounded maw, Deliverance figured he'd feed it more than it'd been asking for. Tired of holding back, he fired off his Ethereal Orbs at his full (current) power [Ethereal Blight B]. Ten orbs were aimed straight into the maw, five at the tendril dragging the ragged man, about twenty more at general surface area of the plant, the final fifteen were aimed at its various tendrils all around. Needlessly to say, he was pretty serious about wanting this thing dead.

Ethereal Blight B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Be CD's 0/3
Ce CD's 2/2
De CD's 1/1


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )
"Common" "<Beastial>"

Turning his head back to the current scene, Darin looked just in time to witness the "Rag Man's" head be sliced off; and before he could form a complete thought on the matter, the "flower" ate the body.

Well, that just happened.

Blinking his eyes a few times, Darin raised his musket to fire again. It seemed like this creature wasn't going to go down so easily... until he saw Deliverance's massive barrage of magical orbs. "Hmph, might as well guarantee it's death." He muttered, firing a shot at the thing [1]. Darin doubted it'd survive the orbs, but if it somehow did, hopefully some lead would seal it's fate.

"I don't want us to blindly stumble into another trap, so I'm going to take a glance ahead." Darin said to the others, before turning towards the path. His claws gripped firmly on his firearm, Darin slowly walked forward, stopping after only 10-15ft of movement [2], so as to get any kind of view on the next area; if there was any immediate threat, maintaining short distance to the others was paramount.

Doing his best not the reveal himself to any potential danger, Darin would focus on scanning the area ahead, taking in every detail [3]. If it was too dark to see anything, Darin would still attempt to listen, perhaps garnering more from being closer to the sound's source.

Action [1]: Basic Attack [Gun]
Action [2]: Movement
Action [3]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F]

E Grade Cooldown: 1/1
F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
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DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.31.16 - anime style girl with a large sword, white hair in a ponytail, ye...png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru grinned wildly under her mask as the head of the foe came off. She liked a bit of finality to her victories. And a head coming off was about as final is it got. She did however reel back and grimace as the head was pierced and swallowed by the plant. Yep, that was definitely the last time they'd see that visage. She stepped aside as the tendrils began to thrash and flail wildly, bringing her sword up to meet the incoming tendril. [1][2]

Once the danger seemed about wrapped up, she returned her sword to her back. As she turned to face the others she was startled by Boreas suddenly laying into Pebble on her shoulder. She huffed her cheeks out and covered where she believed the tiny golems ears were. "Hey! Don't yell at my frog! It's not his fault he can't explain it well! He's... kinda... stupid... Like a child! He's doing his best." She gently stroked the top of Pebbles head with a finger, perhaps a little too roughly.

As Darin announced his plan, Paru nodded to him and moved to the edge of the tunnel, ready to act, but not encroaching on Darin's efforts. [3]

Action 1+2: Swift Rebuke F - Effectiveness 10, Deflecting F, Knockback F, Drain [Strength] F
Action 3: Move

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2
  • Swift Rebuke F
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F, Crippling Fang F, Denying Strike F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • 2 Actions
    • Drain [Strength]
    • Knockback
    • Deflecting
    • Paru repays an attacker in kind, using the opening to strike a vital spot.
      • Nodachi C (4) + Strength B (5) + Swift Rebuke F (1) = 10 Effectiveness
D = 1/2
C = 3/3
Only Pebble
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgThe combined effort of Paru and Boreas defending against the whipping tendril left them both unharmed as the headless body of the ragged man disappeared within the blossom's maw. The whole blossom appeared so foreign, especially to Boreas, who took a moment to investigate the creature. It was hard to believe the vines and the flower belonged to the same species, yet at the same time, not. The serration of the vines suggested there were vertebral spines inside. Along with the maw of the blossom, this made it feel almost reptilian in origin, yet the tendril resembled that of a jellyfish. It seemed a multitude of lifeforms had gathered within a single organism...

For a moment, Boreas mused quietly on his observations and their relation to Pebble's words. He had to confirm his speculations and turned to Pebble for answers. The small golem appeared unphased by the harsh tone of voice, merely taking in the request for information. Paru, on the other hand, covered the sides of Pebble's head. And as Paru defended her companion, Pebble slowly twisted its head against her palms.

We are pebbles. They are same. Flower are same. I are frog. I are child?” Pebble answered, then questioned, revealing that Paru's hands did not impede its hearing. But, as the small golem awaited an answer, the room lit up with a tenfold ethereal orbs - drawing away its attention before it could learn if it was a child.

The magical volley brought forth by Deliverance flanked the blossom, bombarding it until the coiling and whipping of desperate vines halted. The flower fell, its stem breaking with a violent snap as it crashed into the cold stone floor. Shreds of its vibrant petals danced through the cavern, shimmering against the magical light of the bombardment's final orbs. As those found their target, the convulsing mass of vines fell still, and a small heap of ragged cloth laid bare among the blossom's scorched innards. They were without question the robes of the ragged man, but along them was no sign of his remains... BANG!!

A hellish noise echoed through the cavern as a lead ball tore into the fallen remains of the blossom, the impact scattering another handful of petal shreds into the air. And while the shot ensured it was not simply acting dead, it also drew the attention of the group. Darin announced he would scout ahead and then did as he said.


The lizard marksman paced himself, slowly following the bend of the tunnel until he found another overgrown cavern. Their 'luck' was turning slightly, as the second cavern was not shrouded in darkness. Truly a 'miracle'. Instead, it was lit faintly by hundreds of small, glowing sacks hanging from the cave ceiling by algae-like strands. Darin could tell most were around the size of his fist, but a concerning few appeared large enough to hold something the size of a grown man. As he observed, one of the sacks began to move. Its pulsing glow revealed the outline of something coiled within. Snap! Snap! The numerous strands of algae holding it snapped, one by one until the writhing sack dropped down into a large hole occupying the middle of the cavern. A loud splash echoed against the walls. It appeared to hold liquid, and from a distance, Darin could see the surface shimmering in a rainbow of murky colors.

Shortly after, the second cavern returned to silence, only broken by the occasional droplet of water falling from the ceiling and echoing against the overgrown cave walls.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Good luck?” He stated and asked at once, upon Darin's sudden statement of going to go ahead. Unless the lizard gunmen had some tricks up his sleeves, going ahead like that felt like it was exactly the type of stumbling ahead into another trap that he claimed he wished to avoid. Then again, the lizard seemed more on guard than any of the others, so it'd probably work out well enough.

On the other hand, Paru being surprisingly protective of her frog was another thing. He couldn't help himself from noticing it and wondering why. It'd already been clear that [beasts] from here were different than his West Empire masters had been. Far different. Yet Paru did have that cold-killer to her that'd shred through someone's life without much issue... yet now she also cared about such a weird rock-frog-thing? How peculiar. Wait. Why was he wasting time on thinking about this? This hadn't the slightest to do with his research. He shook his head. Weird. “Getting loud with the frog probably won't help. It seems to follow a logic, just one that we haven't yet figured out.” He tried to suggest, somehow finding himself to care enough to speak on it for reasons he couldn't exactly explain. Probably the swamp gasses making his head feel cloudy.

What he also couldn't explain was why he felt oddly satisfied by the destruction his orbs caused. Their light spreading beautiful colours of destruction through-out as they ripped through the plant that'd been annoying them. Surely this would be enough to succeed his practical exam with. He should probably note some things down, come to think of it, but as he was planning to do so, the missing corpse of the ragged man was disturbing. “Seems like our ragged man might've just been a puppet of sorts, meaning the real deal is still out there.” He concluded, in case it wasn't obvious yet to those around him.

He sighed. “It seems like we might as well continue to further explore this, no?” He stated and asked alike, as he wondered if he'd be able to get anything out of this at the end of the day. “I guess we shouldn't keep our friend waiting for too long.” He noted, as he'd follow after Darin, but not before making a few notes on the magical output he felt compared to how easily it'd torn through the flower. He probably could've held back and saved some mana there. A good thing to note down for later.

Ah, on the topic of that. Wasn't there another frog with them? Kelec? He looked around, spotting if that one had fled or not. In case he hadn't, Deliverance figured he might as well try to ask the creature something. Hoping it'd at least reply in Common, rather than speaking Beastial again. “Do. You. Know. Where. This. Goes?” He asked Kelec, pointing in the direction Darin went and hoping the frog/fish thing spoke enough Common to answer him if he just slowed his words down a bit.

Be CD's 1/3
Ce CD's 0/2
De CD's 0/1
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Knew it....time to create another theory

    As Deliverance went to bother Kelec, Boreas went back to figuring out what was going on...'so the 'same' this entire time has been a kind of monster flower...' Boreas thought as his mind traveled back to everything that Pebble had said thus far since he had been there.

    'The heart is life and not. Same is life. Mist is not.' 'We are pebbles. They are not.' 'Touch the heart veins to be same.' 'Heart roots come from deeper. The same protect roots. The same protect the heart.' 'Protect... the whispers from the rag man!' 'We are pebbles. He are not. Find the rag man or he becomes same. The rag man made whispers!' 'Whispers tempered. Rag man made the whispers.' 'Heart did not want same. Whispers made the heart want same.' 'Sinking fish. Protecting roots. They are not same. Heart now want them same. Heart want all same.' 'Deeper! Heart roots come from deeper!' 'We are pebbles, they are same.' 'Same touches heart veins without pebbles. Pebbles can curious, same cannot!' 'Heart and roots are same...' ' Heart and pebbles are same. Same cannot stay same! Stop whispers from the rag man!'

    Boreas hadn't sheathed his sword as he also considered following Darin. His mind mainly focused on trying to piece together Pebble's past words, there was a story here even if some words contradicted each other the farmer knew that Pebble's was trying to communicate. Which was why he apologized to both Paru and Pebble...mainly Pebble.

    "Sorry you both lost my cool there..."

    First he was thinking about what to correlate with what. First, the same was then obvious same...the flower they had just fought. 'Same is life, the Same protect roots, find ragged man before he becomes same, sinking fish are not same heart want them same...' he pondered could something turn living people into these monster flowers? 'Note: possible transformation of flower monsters'... in hindsight that was terrifying if the heart wanted everything to be same. Boreas could only assume Pebble was talking about his own species. What about rhe whispers? Perhaps some form of mind control. Boreas asked after deciding to stick with Pebble and Paru, so he could interrogate pebble more.

    "Pebble, if I may ask. Is it possible to transform into a same? Are the Whispers controlling people or things? Are the roots a vital point to the heart?"

    Of course he didn't mind being wrong but anything felt like it could be a theory at this point in time.


    Action 1: ponder
    Action 2: ask pebble about theory
    Action 3: stick with Paru and Pebble



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

Darin stilly watched the orb fall into water... at least, he assumed it to be water. "I have view on the area up ahead." He not-quite-shouted to the others, his head remaining fixed on the scene before him. "Seems to be a pond in the center, with some kind of orb eggs attached to the ceiling? They appear to occasionally fall into it." Darin wasn't sure how accurate that description was, but it would suffice.

Darin briefly turned around, glancing at the others. "Whatever the things are, I'm not going to get closer without support. Tell me when you're all ready; I'll keep watch forward until you are." He then gestured for Paru to approach. "You have some special vision, yes? Perhaps you can make out something I can't."

Darin would attempt to use [Appraisal E] on the pond, hoping it was in range of his current position [1]. Given the plant they'd just fought, he wouldn't be surprised if these orb creatures also attempted to kill them.

Action [1]: Used Skill [Appraisal E]

E Grade Cooldown: 0/1
Last edited:
Paru-Lord Bara 1.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beast>

Paru's eyes went wide at Pebble's response and she pushed him down roughly with one finger. "N-No, you're not a child! Like! LIKE a child! You're just a frog. Rock frog." She eased up and rubbed his head gently, before turning back to Boreas. "It's cool, I get what it's like to be stressed. But I don't think you're gonna get much from him. Much useful anyway, he was going on about how the fishfolk who got turned into roots were 'Same' also."

As Deliverance voiced his desire to keep moving, Paru nodded her head. "I agree, let's finish this up, it's already more than I agreed to take on to begin with. Gods damn my bleeding heart..." That was when Darin asked for her assistance. "Oh! I'm needed!" As she moved to him she shook her head and muttered under her breath. "It's not 'vision', it-... it doesn't matter..." She moved just behind Darin and peered ahead to see if she could sense anything. [1]

As Deliverance spoke to Kelec, Paru looked over her shoulder at them. "<Tourist's get dumber every year, eh?> He. Understands. YOU. Just. Fine. Maybe you should try listening slower."
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgPebble's headstone twisted and spun as it followed the flow of conversation. The small, black indents revealed no shift in the small stone golem's demeanor as it divided its attention between Boreas and Paru. The yelling had not fazed it, and neither had the apology. Pebble merely waited as it listened for a trigger. And when Boreas addressed Pebble with questions, the headstone halted as the small indents seemed to focus. “Touch the heart veins made them same,” Pebble replied before its headstone snapped back straight from its twisted angle. “Whispers from the Ragged Man made the heart confused...” It paused and twisted its head to look at Paru. “Roots are vital point?

Awaiting guidance, Pebble redirected its attention toward any other origin of sound. First Deliverance, who requested to continue forward, then Darin, and then Paru again, as they addressed each other while moving further into the tunnels. There, the pair of keen-eyed beastfolk inspected the new cavern. And something odd revealed itself to them. While they had no notable heat signature, surrounding the murky pool lay a multitude of splattered sacks. They had likely burst from landing on the cold stone rather than inside the murky pool. A soupy mass of deformed carapace, claws, and algae covered the area surrounding the impacts. However, it also seemed not all had failed to hatch - as a shadow cut through the waters of the pool, just below its surface. The response of the surface tension was strangely slow - as if the material of the sacks had dissolved into a thin film over the surface, slowing the waves as they shimmered like oil in a spectrum of murky colors.

Meanwhile, Kelec slowly made his way into the open cavern. He grimaced at the massive flower that lay dead on the cavern floor. When the fighting started, the fishfolk had kept to the relative safety of the entrance tunnel. And now that it concluded, he had found the bravery to step forward, take the heel of his spear, and lift the flower's head to look at the reptilian fangs. “Shame... T'ain't never s'posed be born, reckon it prefers bein' killed...” Kelec mumbled solemnly, a sliver of pity dancing around glassy eyes.

Hrm..?” He turned toward Deliverance upon being addressed and followed the elf's pointing hand with renewed agitation. “Y'think me dense, d'ya?” He retorted while he pointed back at the elf, “Why'r ya askin' me then? Ain'tcha got time to figure it--

He paused as Paru interfered. His eyes focussed on the Kirin, and then he scoffed. “<More than y'think... Reckon the clever ones are clever 'nough stayin' away on purpose an' all...>” After sharing a few words in Beastial, Kelec returned his attention toward Deliverance. “I knew this'ere tree, ain't never knew there'd be tunnels 'neath it. How's I s'posed to know, right?

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Darin's descriptions of what was ahead of them weren't all that comforting. “That sounds rather worrisome.” What creatures were known to have eggs hanging from ceilings? He wasn't sure. Wait. “Don't spiders put their prey in egg-like sacks?” He vaguely recalled having read that at some point. Truthfully though, his knowledge on this type of topic was next to non-existent, as the non-ethereal simply didn't capture his interests all that much.

Deliverance was a tad surprised by Paru's reply, after sharing some words in beastial with Kelec. “He does?” He was confused for a moment. If Kelec understood him, then why did he not answer in an understandable manner. How could one even listen slower? Was this some beast joke he wasn't getting?

To his surprise, it turned out Paru was correct. Between the beastial sounds, there were some faintly recognisable words. They were crudely and unclearly spoken, but with great effort, Deliverance actually managed to make some sense of them. “We're not heading in a particularly interesting direction either? Some symbolical or geographical mark in the land that might hold meaning both above and underground?” He figured he'd try asking, wondering if this was connected to some sort of Ley Line, perhaps, or otherwise leading to somewhere significant.

As for Paru, he could agree with her on another point. “I was merely hoping to slay a monster and pass a practical magic test, so you're alone in taking on far more than you bargained for...” That's when he suddenly recalled something. Wasn't this 'socializing' thing something you could do when you had something in common? Perhaps... perhaps he could try it? He figured he'd be brave. “Do you also need to take on tests as a martial artist?” He wasn't interested in the answer as much as much as he wondered if he did this 'socializing' he got told to do at times well enough to get a reply.

There was, sadly enough, one thing that made his whole endeavour a tad less worthwhile. Mainly the really gross pool of stuff and the weird sack things in the cave around them. “I'm assuming it's fair to say this isn't natural?” He figured he'd ask to be safe. He had no clue how gross these places normally were.

As he stated it, he turned to the Human among them, Boreas, recalling he was still trying to figure out the many riddles. “From what I gathered, some sort of corrupting force is expanding the marshes and mind-controlling all sorts of things into protecting it. Is that about the same as you figured?”
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    Boreas had followed Paru and Pebble. He had been wondering if he should take that as confirmation, but Boreas knew he had managed to confuse the small rock golem. Following behind Darin, they saw a huge pool of sack things on the roof. He held his sword cautiously and stared at them using [Icey Glaze [F] to see if they would be harmful. To his surprise, Deliverance not only began talking more but began talking to him. Boreas replied.

    "Something like that, theory specifically, is the whispers are actually mind-control magic while people and things are being turned into Sames with the use of transformation magic. The Sames are the flower we just fought a moment ago, by the way."

    He figured the Fae knew what he was talking about. After all, he did seem to have some amount of intelligence. He then added.

    "As for your question earlier involving whether martial artists have tests, if they are officially students, yeah, I'd assume so. I'm...not exactly being taught by anyone, however."
    Action 1: use [Icey Gaze] on the sacks
    Action 2: talk to Deliverance
    Abilities used:
    Icey Gaze- Appraisel [F], Heightened sense [sight] [F]- Combining his heightened sense of sight and appraisal he uses his sight to gain information relevant to the current level of appraisal. -F grade 0 post cool down



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), & Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

Darin silently tensed at Deliverance's mention of spiders. "Hmph, let us hope it is not that."

Attaching the bayonet to his firearm, Darin looked around at the group. "Well, if no one else volunteers to go first, then I will. Just make sure to watch my back, and whatever lurks in that pond." He took a step forward, before glancing up. "...and the ceiling." The feeling of a threat from above in an enclosed space was unsettling, but Darin pushed through nonetheless.

With that, Darin would deliberately march around the southeastern side of the room [1], keeping his eyes and bayonet trained on the center at all times [2]. If anything were to jump out at him, it'd have to go through hot lead and sharp steel first.

Action [1]: Movement
Action [2]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F]

E Grade Cooldown: 1/1
F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Watchful Focus F - Appraisal F, Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-3682543080.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru was surprised at Deliverences earnest response to her remark. She'd just been being a bitch. But she kinda thought she might be starting to understand him. "Yeah, he understands, he just has a heavy dialect. You guys have those, right, it's not just a Beast thing?" She watched as Deliverence tried to converse with Kelec. Maybe the Elf really didn't understand and wasn't just being difficult. As for his question about tests. "Martial Artist? Like... you paint while you fight? I don't even know what that is, but I never took any tests. Survival is my test and I pass it every time I fight." She grinned a cocky fanged smile.

As Darin stepped into the passage, Paru followed close behind. "I got your back, Scales. If I pick up any heat signs, I'll let you know." She held her sword carefully, looking around as she went.
Surprised by Deliverance using a normal tone addressing him, Kelec nodded toward Paru before crossing his arms over his spear. The standing weapon rested against his shoulder as he spoke. “Should've ran ya jaw like that from the beginnin' I reckon... Anyhow, lemme think...” As Kelec stood silent, his glassy pupils slowly moved around. It seemed they were tracking the path Kelec was mapping out in his head. “Y'know.., I reckon y'might be onto somethin'! The ol' folk reckon Gloomhold was planted instead of bein' part of nature an' all that.” He paused, shrugged, and continued. “Y'all can make of it what y'will, but accordin' to them, this 'ere swamp were planted by some giant, Goroboch or the like. This 'ere tree might be the one that ol' giant fell asleep 'neath after plantin' the swamp. Might be the center of the whole swamp. How ya like that for a landmark?

Seeing the others move further into the tunnels, Kelec did not wait for a response. Instead, he brandished his spear and followed along with the group. While setting foot in the new cavern, his eyes glanced over the numerous glowing sacks and squinted with immense disgust. “Y'all be careful now, them glints are a pain getting' off...” Kelec mentioned out loud as the group continued their investigation of the area – all while steadily moving toward the tunnel entrance across the cavern. “Ain't never seen ones big as those, though...” He muttered to himself as he followed the group around the pond.

While they moved, Boreas observed the sacks looming overhead. They appeared gelatinous, soft, almost too frail for their placement. They would be incapable of withstanding a drop from the height they hung at. And while something was moving within each of them, Boreas could assess that unless the sacks fell into the pond, whatever was growing within would die from the impact of the drop. It did not seem like a natural place for these sacks to be hanging...

Meanwhile, Darin kept his weapon and eyes trained on the pond, and Paru followed his lead as they moved along the southeastern walls. The pond did not appear to give off any heat signatures, but keeping a keen eye, they both noticed that their movements within the cavern did not disturb whatever was lurking within the oily murk. The ripples in the pond remained on pace, moving slowly across the surface, and only changed when the occasional back of a curved carapace would rise slightly above the surface before diving under again. The cavern remained eerily calm, and only the sounds of flowing water disturbed the silence.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    Boreas looked at Paru. That was a reasonable response depending on what training was for her, yet everything he learned so far came out of books he had read, she was than all likeliness better at sword fighting then he was...actually scratch that after going against the Same she was in fact better. He spoke up again.

    "And everything I know this far comes from books...not the most ethical way of learning when it comes to sword play...magic maybe."

    He continued to look at the sacks. After assessing them to the best of his abilities, he says.

    "Those things...might be eggs, however they wouldn't be strong enough to stay in one piece if they fell...let's move along, and I recommend being careful.... no. Shooting. Random. Stuff."

    He looked at Darin as he said that last part. He got to the point where he just ignored Kelec's existence...the beast had made things more difficult earlier. Boreas then turned to pebble...

    "Whispers dark control fog?"

    He attempted to speak the frogs 'language' and perhaps even failed at it. While he waited for a response, he said,

    "I think we should go now. Standing around after all!"

    Action 1: talks to the others and share his findings
    Action 2: asks Pebble a question with a riddle
    Action 3: suggest they move on


Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“I see.” He replied to Boreas' speculations. “That seems reasonable, but that does make one wonder whom or what these 'whispers' originate from, as I doubt it was that 'Rag man' just now. Could it perhaps be that the organism itself is simply trying to spread through this method?” He wondered aloud, trying to at least give some form of input, now that they were in this mess together somehow. Perhaps he was already stating the obvious, but he still gave it a shot.

“Very well.” Deliverance stated, at Darin's willingness to go first. Deliverance surely wasn't one to volunteer for such a job. “I can try keep an eye on the ceiling.” He stated, figuring that others might wish to know so they could cover the pond. It'd be a bit tough to try keep all things in sight at once.

“A dialect?” Deliverance asked, a bit surprised at Paru's question. It made him ponder for a bit. “I was never allowed to interact with the Beast Masters, whilst the Human Overseers forced me to use the exact same Terran they used and hated when I sounded too Sylvan. I... I was not aware there could be such a heavy variety within one language.” He felt a bit silly for admitting to that much, as now he wondered. How often in his academic career in the Grand Duchy had he ignored people simply due to not recognising their accent? He surely hoped it wasn't too often...

Both Boreas and Paru seemed to confirm Martial Arts didn't really require one to take any tests. “I see, that must've been my wrongful assumption.” He apologised to the both of them. He wasn't entirely sure what to reply to Paru, but he felt like he was finally doing surprisingly well with the whole 'social' thing he normally kept failing at, so he at least try to continue. “I shall hope for your continued succes.” He eventually told Paru. That was... good enough, right? He hoped so.

Even so, all things considered, he still had some trouble following what the frog... wait... was it even a frog. Now that Deliverance finally took a closer look, Kelec looked a bit more fishy. Peculair. Either way, he'd try to rely. “Running jaw...” Did he even hear that right? He sighed. He was trying, he definitely was, but this fish really was making things difficult.

“So, if I understand it correctly, this place itself is a landmark? The grave of this Goroboch giant, whom planted this tree which the entire swamp stems from?” He really hoped he'd understood the fish well enough. “That would be a landmark indeed...” He turned to Boreas. “Perhaps some of what once made this swamp is has re-awoken and is now causing all these whispers, Sames and rag-men.” He suggested.

Upon Boreas mentioning that something falling from those sacks, something clicked. “Prisons.” Deliverance noted. “If whatever is in it won't survive the drop, it's like a prison. If this plant consumed people like it consumed the rag man, we might be looking at its prisoners.” He stated, looking up and wondering whom or what were captured in those things.

He'd follow along with the group, eyes on the ceiling, hoping others would keep their eyes on the water. That said, as he was observing the ceiling, he'd use [Magic Appraisal] on whatever was hanging from it (at whatever graded needed to reach so far and on as many targets as said grade would allow him to use it on).

Magic Appraisal B (or less) – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-3204413516.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru nodded politely back at Deliverence a pleased smile on her face. "And yours as well." Look at her, broadening peoples minds and shit. If her sister could see her now she'd be quite impressed. Perhaps later at the bar she could use the story of how she enlightened a Fae to get some attention... She chortled under her breath as she walked with a smug expression on her face.

At Boreas's remark about the 'eggs' she stared up at them. She stood quietly, but when Deliverence added his own observations, she looked back at the two of them. "So when they drop they break..." She looked at the remains splattered about the cavern floor, then stepped forward to peer down at the pool in the center. "What if they land in the pool though? Doesn't look like any remains are floating in it... Shame we cant get rid of the water, then all the sacks would break when they fell. Like, drain it or fill the pool with rocks or something. Either way, are we sure it's smart to just leave these things here?" She looked back to the others for their thoughts on the matter.


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

Cautiously walking towards the other end of the cavern, Darin's eyes never left the pond; except to glance towards Paru at being addressed as "Scales", though only for a moment, as it didn't seem like it was an insult.

"Indeed" Darin said in response to Boreas, nodding his head. As for Deliverance's hypothesis of the orb eggs being prisons was intriguing, but Darin wasn't fully convinced. Either way, his focus was on possible threats, so he left the others to respond. When Paru addressed them with a question, Darin thought over the tactical situation. "I don't trust whatever these things are more than the rest of you, but eradicating them would take time; is it time that we can spare, with whatever this... swamp heart is doing?" It was a genuine question; one which prompted Darin to turn his head towards pebble, asking a question that should've been asked earlier. "Should we be worried about reaching the heart fast enough?"

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