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Active [Isekai Hell] The Roots of the Problem


Rusty from the Rain
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This Roleplay is part of the Isekai Hell setting. More information regarding the world and its denizens can be found [here].

This Roleplay is a direct continuation of [
The Kink in the Food Chain].

This Roleplay will follow Paru, Darin, Boreas and Deliverance as they explore the root system beneath Gloomhold Swamp in search of its 'heart'.

Paru will be played by StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Darin will be played by Voider Voider

Boreas will be played by DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Deliverance will be played by Elvario Elvario

Narration will be provided by me, Vaudivolt Vaudivolt

Weeping_Willow.pngWithin the southernmost reaches of the Republic, just shy of crossing the border into the See, lay the Gloomhold Swamp. As anyone local to the swamp's area will tell, it is a humid and murky place where the staleness and rot cling to anything within its grasp... And still, people appear drawn to the area. They are willing to swat away oversized insects and brave the invasive natural odor, searching for something calling to them from the center of the swamp. They claim it draws them in, like a siren's song pleading for help. However, among those willing to help, few can succeed. Among those few, a small gathering of unlikely allies is now nearing their goal.

Whether through a shared attraction toward the center of the swamp or nothing more than a second fateful encounter, that gathering of Paru, Darin, a vengeful fishfolk, and Pebble would soon find themselves with new allies. Replacing their previous ally, Ko, with two individuals also traversing the swamp. With Deliverance and Boreas soon joining up with them, they collectively find themselves standing before a massive willow, surrounded by its arching roots burrowing through the murky waters.

The area surrounding the group had returned to an eerily calm state after the sounds of combat ceased, and the reptilian monster lay slain nearby. Now, only the buzzing of insects and rushing water replaced the silence as the shallow pools slowly drained into an opening beneath the gnarled base of the weeping willow. The monster lay defeated, and without its guardian, the opening appeared undefended. But, among the rushing waters, a sickly mist seeped out from the opening – demanding caution when entering the tree's roots. Perhaps getting familiar with each other and aligning goals would be better than rushing into the unknown without a plan.



Elysia Wentworth from Shiei no Sona-Nyl ~What a beautiful memories~
Mentions: Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Deliverance was a tad annoyed. His entire venture into the See had yet to show results, as what he'd written about it had been 'under debate for grading' for the longest time. Did they not believe his work was authentic? Was it not good enough? Or too complex? He had no idea why, but it felt like it kept stagnating. To increase his annoyance, he was getting the same comment more and more. 'You're always stuck with your nose in the books, yet you can barely cast a decent spell in practise.' As if he hadn't survived that awful plague-bearing heart in the See.

To make matters worse, they wanted him to go through some practical tests as well. What in the world would raw magic output help with when researching the ethereal? He wasn't sure. Then again, it wouldn't hurt either, probably, if he didn't get himself distracted for too long. He just wished he could get this over with, which is why he had a brilliant idea. They heard about some monster causing trouble in Kuridan, not too far away from the See. If he'd slay such a beast, get some recognition for it and show that to his practical magic professor, he might be able to get a free pass on the actual tests for the rest of the year.

That was the hope at least. It's why he'd set foot into this gross place. Mucky water, rancid stench, weird animals, it was annoying. That said, he was used to a lot worse. To an extend, the abundance of nature was refreshing. He wasn't one to complain much to begin with. He had his task to do and that was that.

Yet when he arrived at what should be his destination, he ended up finding far less than he bargained for. “It's... already defeated.” He concluded. That lizard was deader than dead. He sighed. “Congratulations.” He said to the ones that seemed to have beaten it. That was the polite thing to do, right? Even if he was rather disappointed.

He looked around. Had he travelled all this way here for no reason at all? A huge waste of time and resources that he could've spent on ethereal research? He didn't wish to accept such an obnoxious truth just yet, so he looked around a bit more. There was one thing of interest. The weird hole that was spewing out mist. “How peculiar.” He stated, as he got a bit closer. It didn't seem too magical, but not entirely natural either.

It would probably be best to get a better grip on what he was dealing with here, so he used [Magic Appraisal B] on the mist, the tree and the three strangers he'd encountered. Of course, he did what he usually did, or rather, forgot to do. He didn't introduce himself.

Magic Appraisal B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Swamp
    It had been a very long and exhausting trip. However, it had to be worth it and, suffice, Boreas had heard rumors about a monster located in Gloomhold Swamp in the southern most part of the Republic. Hearing about such a rumor made him willing to take the trip, which, while it would be considered a stupid choice in the case it was fake, he hadn't planned on any attempts to kill the monster. In contrast, his exact reason for using valuable supplies to make it all the way to Gloomhold was to investigate if it was real or not. While in this world he was a mere farmer who had lived on the outskirts of the Duchy, he still retained the skills of a detective from his old life. In this life he was determined to become one again, regardless of what kind of case it was...including investigating a rumor like this, because in this world any monster criminal or not could be real. With his sword in hand, currently sheathed, as he ventured through the Musky Swamp, by the time he had arrived, his legs hurt a bit, but not pain he couldn't tolerate. Boreas saw what he could assume would be the monster dead at the feet of some people he didn't know, but he could safely deduce they had killed it. And some blonde guy who had also arrived started investigating the area. Boreas had silently walked down to the corpse of the monster then proceeded to sit down next to it. He took out a pair of gloves and started poking at it. While Boreas's eyes were on it he used [Icey Glace [F] ] to get some info on the beast.



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal )
Interactions: Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), & the Fishfolk ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt )

With the crocodile dead, Darin shouldered his musket, watching the waters recede and an opening appear. That mist certainly didn't appear safe, and he hoped it would dissipate before they entered.

Turning to the two new arrivals, Darin would give a brief wave. "Greetings, I am Darin, and who may you both be?" He said with a slight turn of his head, unsure of their intentions and capabilities; after fighting thus far with Paru and the Fishfolk, as well as the now gone Ko, Darin was slightly hesitant to continue forward with a couple different companions. Practically, it was fortunate to have further allies in this venture, and it was foolish of him to harbor such a feeling; regardless, Darin would work with them fine, as long as there were no issues.

Speaking of the Fishfolk, Darin turned to face him once again. "I do not believe we have exchanged names; as I said to the other two, my name is Darin, and yours?" He'd ask with an outstretched hand.

After introductions had been established, Darin's attention would return to the opening beneath the tree. While Deliverance and Boreas conducted their own investigations, Darin would do his own with a tried-and-true method: Throwing an object at it. So, as he had done before with the strange roots, he picked up a small rock from the now-drained ground, and threw it into the darkness of the opening. If there was going to be any reaction to something entering, hopefully this would determine it now, before they all went in.
kunoichi cat girl antlers ponytail white hair yellow eyes forest snake eyes s-3723249710.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru stared at the mist coming from the cave curiously. she wanted to go down there. Surely this monster was guarding something cool. Or powerful? Monsters did that right? She turned to the tiny being 'perched' on her shoulder. "Hey, frog. That's where we need to go right? Down there? What is that mist? Seems unsavory." She raised a finger and pressed it down firmly on the constructs head, rubbing gently.

A sound behind her made her turn and look as a strange man stepped into the clearing. She watched him silently as he took in the area, then congratulated them. "Th... Thanks?" She watched as he got closer to the cave entrance and the forboding mist. "H-Hey, hold on, I wouldn't go near that yet! Stuff around here seems to be hazardous, best let my frog here explain it first! Who are you anyway?"

Another new comer entered silently and Paru's brow furrowed at these silent interlopers. She watched him as he approached the slain beast and began to examine it. "Careful with that! I just killed it." She crossed her arms and made a frustrated face. "Well, technically Ko killed it.... It was a group effort. What are you doing?"
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Pebble & Kelec
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgPebble, the small stone golem firmly perched on Paru's shoulder, appeared distracted by the opened path beneath the weeping willow. It twisted its stone head side-to-side as if being called by something. Only responding to Paru once she pressed down on the golem's head, which elicited an impulsive twitch. Pebble's head spun around until the two indents functioning as its eyes focused on Paru. “Deeper!” It exclaimed. “The heart is life and not. Same is life. Mist is not.

Pebble then twitched again, and its head spun along with Paru's turn to find a man stepping into the flooded clearing. “We are pebbles. They are not.” The small golem claimed as it followed Deliverance's movements. Whether or not Deliverance had heard Pebble's comments on the mist, his magic appraisal revealed the meaning behind it all the same. Examining the willow revealed nothing unusual, but the mist carried a mild [Irritant] in the form of a potent stench of staleness and rot, more concentrated than the natural odor of the swamp. The drifting cloud stank of death but held no danger of causing it.

As Deliverance examined the sickly mist, another person appeared from the underbrush. One who silently approached the slain monster, noting the beast was tenfold the size of its reptilian counterpart and covered in quickly withering plant life. Boreas put on gloves and began poking around between the scales. And he discovered something he could only describe as an adhesive, faintly magical force. Retracting his hand, he noticed the glove carried a thin, cotton-like webbing that strung between the glove and the monster's damaged scales.

Fishfolk.pngTouch the heart veins to be same.” Pebble said in response to Boreas' examination before Darin greeted both arrivals with an introduction and a brief wave. It seemed to remind him of something, prompting the lizardfolk to turn toward the fishfolk at his side. The fishfolk appeared skeptical of the new arrivals and made no effort to hide it. He shook his head as his glassy eyes narrowly glared.

Getta, strangers, y'ain't hafta be dyin' t'day--” He attempted to sound commanding, but sputtered as the words drew his attention to his fallen brother. His expression turned solemn, and he allowed himself to find distraction by engaging with Darin's outstretched hand. “Kelec, y'ain't know nothin' 'bout them?” Kelec introduced himself as he firmly accepted the handshake, nodding towards Boreas and Deliverance. “What're'ya doin' if thems sprout them vines? I'ain't killin'-- 'scuse me...

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Swamp

    When Darin the Lizard with a gun, he asked for Boreas's name and the name of the blonde. Boreas would reply while poking and prodding the slain reptilian like beast. While he examined the adhesive-like substance,

    "Pleasure to meet you Darin. My name's Boreas"

    He continued poking, taking in what he could. He made a few mental notes as he got stuck in his thoughts for a moment. 'Sticky...seems like it has magical-like properties.' When he moves his hand he examines the glove as he attempts to pull it a way. 'Acts like some sort of adhesive with the texture of cotton.' once he pulls away from his thoughts he uses his other hand to pull the glove down from his hand. And furthermore, attempt to use the stuck glove like a makeshift bag and pull it away to examine later. He looks at the white-haired swordswoman and answers her question.

    "I was examining the corpse, trying to find some clues. Good job on killing the thing."

    He didn't question what the frog was. Pebbles' words did make him curious and made him wonder. What did the stone frog mean by 'touch the heart veins to be same' ? Was that advice to try and examine its blood? It wouldn't be that difficult if Boreas stabbed the corpse with his sword if he wanted to. And he contemplated it.Then his attention was taken to a lizard-like man whose name was evidently named Kelec. Who spoke about not killing something? It seemed hard for Boreas to translate his words though. He mentioned something about vines, however. And he used his respective knowledge of [Investigation [F] ], [interrogation [F] ] and [insight [F] ], to see what he couldn't find out. He remained blank faced as he asked while he simply rested a hand on his swords scabbard.

    "Your name is Kelec, if I heard right? What do you mean by vines? Do they have special properties? Are they actual vines?"

    Vines could mean many things, whether it be regular vines or magical vines or code words for something else entirely. His best guess at the moment was some sort of magical vine.



Darin 256x256.png

Interactions: Kelec & Pebble ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )
"Common" "<Beastial>"

"No I do not." Darin replied, as the handshake with Kelec ended. He also gave a nod to Boreas upon receiving the man's name; though the question of vines was something Darin could answer, he wouldn't interrupt, as it was directed towards Kelec.

Darin would turn towards Paru and the small stone golem on her shoulder, gesturing towards the tree, "Well, if we're going to face trouble in a confined space, then we need to know as much about this heart as possible, yes?" He asked rhetorically, hoping Pebble could provide some tangible information about what they were dealing with; if it had any.

Taking a sip from his waterskin, Darin then check over his bandolier, making sure none of his valuable gunpower was soaked in the earlier fighting; fortunately, it appeared to be mostly dry, for being in a swamp the entire day. With the rock he had thrown earlier having no effect, which was disappointing but to be expected, Darin took a few steps closer to the opening. "What've you garnered from it?" He'd ask Deliverance, who appeared to be studying the mist. Though with [Insight F], Darin might have gotten a feeling that the mist wasn't the sole focus of the man's appraisal.
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Mentions: Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

His investigation was halted when the non-dead lizard suddenly adressed him. “Deliverance.” He answered, intending to not bother further, but realising that it might be useful to obtain more information. “Were you the ones to defeat it?” He'd ask. It wouldn't hurt being sure of it.

It was the horned lady that surprised him more. That said, considering she wasn't instantly commanding him, she wasn't a West Empire beast. Good. He'd learned the difference by now. West Empire beasts were horrible, slaving monsters. Non-West Empire beasts tended to be surprisingly nice and easy to get along with. It's why he was brave enough to not only answer question, but also ask a return one. “I'm a scholar. I was here to practice for my practical magic exam, but it seems the monster I intended to kill was already beaten. However...” He looked at the frog she was talking about. “... you seem to have a familiar. Some professors at the Ethereal Luminary kept telling me to find one as well, but I've yet to figure out how. How did you obtain yours?” Perhaps, if he could obtain such information, this trip wouldn't be wasted time and effort.

As for the mist, he mumbled his findings. “Irritant. Like a defence mechanism of something...” How peculiar. Another plague-bearing heart? Perhaps this time he could more toughly study its time and space bending properties, if it was one. When Darin asked about his findings, he'd repeat the same, speaking up a bit more clearly. “It seems to be irritant, so it's likely a defence mechanism of some flora or fauna within... Have you seen any distortions in time and space, per chance?”

He could hear an odd greenish beast folk speak in a tongue he couldn't figure out. It was probably the beast common tongue instead of just being a heavy accent. Either way, he didn't pay any attention to it.
pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-3204413516.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru rubbed Pebbles head some more with her finger while responding to Darin. "I don't know, I think that's the best he's capable of. Kinda dumb, but I like that about him. Not as insufferable as a suitor, but more interactive than a pet." She pressed down firmly again. "Did you hear what Darin said? Can you give us any more information than same and life and not?"

As Deliverance asked about the slaying of the creature, Paru spoke proudly with a smug look. "Damn right, we killed it." But she blinked confused at Deliverance's query to her. "Familiar?" She followed his gaze to her shoulder and the realization hit her. "Oh! You mean frog. I'm not really sure what happened, I just prodded the little guy and he climbed up on his own. Now he won't come off. I don't mind too much though, kinda growing on me." She gave Prebble a few soft taps on his head.

At Boreas's response, she walked over to see what he was doing. "Did you find anything? What kind of clues exactly? And I always do a good job killing." As she saw the substance on the gloves she shook her head. "Careful not to touch that. I'm still piecing together what exactly it is, but it ain't pretty when it gets on people. Look around closely at the roots and you'll see what I mean."
Ya sayin' we'ain't sure who they'r or if'n they turn, Darin?” Kelec hesitantly asked, his skepticism reaching new heights. After losing his allies, friends, and family to uncertain situations like this, he could hardly believe the lizardfolk's calm approach. To him, Darin seemed far too at ease. Especially when he willingly turned his back on the potential threat to seek out Paru.

Scuse--” Kelec sputtered, then stiffened up when Boreas directed his questions at him. In response, Kelec's bulbous eyes hastily inspected the human for potential threats. After which, he kept a careful eye on him until he could convince himself that Boreas was not a threat to their continued survival.

Y'hear right, ...Boreas, was'it?” Kelec answered coldly, and with some [Insight] Boreas noticed the fishfolk's fingers clenching as if gripping around a non-existent spear. He appeared on edge, seeking for reasons to either trust or distrust. “Y'ain't one of them, ain't'ya?” He continued and reached forward, repeatedly poking Boreas' chest. “Got any of that cotton muck or summin' stickin' t'ya? They wern't vines before they got curious, tell ya what. Poked 'round where they'ain't needin' to, like yerself!--

Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgPebble
Meanwhile, after passing the conversation along to Kelec, Darin turned to Paru. He approached with some rhetorical questions for the pebble on her shoulder. The small stone golem appeared unresponsive - or perhaps incapable of understanding - until Paru rephrased the request into a more direct question. “Heart roots come from deeper. The same protect roots. The same protect the heart.” Pebble paused for a moment. His head scraped side-to-side until it suddenly halted. “Protect... the whispers from the rag man!

Pebble twitched eagerly, emitting magic pulses against Paru's shoulder as it conveyed the information. “We are pebbles. He are not. Find the rag man or he becomes same. The rag man made whispers!

Eventually leaving Darin and Deliverance to discuss the seeping mist among themselves, Paru then walked over to check on Boreas. The man appeared to be in conversation with Kelec, and the fishfolk quickly stopped poking Boreas to intercept Paru upon seeing her approach. “--Paru! Y'ain't as trustin' of them strangers as Darin' ar'ya?” His tone practically insisted she should agree, but the insistence faded under a sigh of relief upon hearing her warn Boreas. At least she agreed on the dangers of the swamp. “Them pebbles ain't lyin', if'n ya touch that stuff it'll make ya part of the swamp right quick!” He added in an effort to convince Boreas.

Elvario Elvario StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune


Darin 256x256.png

Interactions: Kelec ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), & Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
"Common" "<Beastial>"

Darin decided to switch to beastial to respond to Kelec, taking a moment to reorient himself with the language which he didn't often use.

"<Your skepticism is not unfounded,>" Darin began, his eyes narrowed. "<but though they are unknown, fending them off without reason would be foolish; I prefer to engage in practicality and respectfulness.>" He then pointed a claw at Kelec. "<Allow me to state something clearly: Although we are allies in this endeavor, from my perspective, you are yet little different from them either. Do not mistake my outward friendliness for a lack of wariness.>" He finished, his point given, before turning away to approach Deliverance.


"Distortions in time and space? I can't say that I have, no." Darin replied to Deliverance with a metaphorically raised eyebrow, unsure as to what an irritant mist would have anything to do with that. "Is there a reason for you to believe that would be a problem here?"

Looking over to Paru and Boreas, Darin gave a short wave, speaking slightly louder to make up for any of the distance. "He says the mist is apparently an irritant. Is all good over there? I don't believe it would be in our best interests to delay for too long."
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INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Elvario Elvario
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Swamp
    Seeing Kelec's unease, he drops the glove and shows it didn't get on to his hands. He didn't know what Kelec meant by it would 'make him part of the swamp', neither was he keen on testing that theory out. However he would still deposit the information he had gathered from the nasty substance. Even so things made a little sense or had at least began to. If the gunk had magical properties it wouldn't be out there if they turned people into vines somehow. When the lizard man got to close to him and began pushing his chest he attempted to push him away.

    "Getting all touchy is unnecessary."

    The good thing was, if need be, Boreas had a sword and he slightly unsheathed it for a moment, ready to defend himself if need be. He didn't like how aggressive this guy came off as. Until he seemingly backed off and Boreas unsheathed it. He tilted his head at Kelec's words, he poked it with his gloves on for a reason there wasn't much convincing and he even got to pocket some information he just hoped it would be useful later. He finally says a bit frustrated. Especially when it seemed everyone was joining in.

    "I get it! Don't poke at random swamp gunk, especially from a corpse!"

    He wasn't going to make any promises though. He had more then 1 set of gloves. He then goes into a daze. He began trying to make sense of pebbles words. 'Heart roots come from deeper. The same protect roots. The same protect the heart.Protect... the whispers from the rag man...Protect... the whispers from the rag man...We are pebbles. He are not. Find the rag man or he becomes same. The rag man made whispers!' At first it made no sense. However, the more he thought about it over he caught onto a few things. He would attempt to ask Pebble and Paru for confirmation.

    "Pebble, do you mean that this 'rag man' is not like you or Kelec? I assume the 'whispers' are a bad thing? And the heart...is it the heart of the swamp?"

Paru-Lord Bara 1.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru watched as people started poking and shouting at each other, rubbing under the chin of Pebble with her finger. "Everybody seems to be on edge. A round of beers and a performer would be great right now, but I don't suspect there's a tavern down that tunnel is there? Do you even know what a tavern is? Probably not, little rock frog. But don't worry, you'll learn." As Kelec turned to her, Paru shrugged. "I don't particularly think they mean any harm, and even if they did, I don't know what further harm they could do. If they get samed, we'll end them or save them."

Paru nodded at Boreas's attempt to get confirmation. "The frogs been spouting stuff about the Rag Man and Heart for a while now. He says the Rag Man broke the Heart with the whispers. Apparently the Heart is like a parent to these guys and it's not functioning the way it's supposed to. If we can fix it, all the 'same' or the cotton that... fuck, what's the word... <assimilates>... If we can fix the Heart the bad stuff stops. And I suppose killing a Rag Man on the way wouldn't be out of the question, if he's still around."

As Darin shared Deliverances findings, Paru pulled a small cloth wrap that was hanging from her neck up over her mouth. "Well, that's good to know. But looks like we got no other way down, and you heard my rock frog, "Heart roots come from deeper." Doesn't get much clearer than that." Paru begin to walk toward Darin and the descending tunnel, giving one last backward glance at the crocodiles tail laying in the shallow water. "...definitely coming back for you..."
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Mentions: Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Out of all the things around him, the familiar was the most interesting to him right now. After all, he'd need to get one of those of his own. Sadly enough, it didn't seem like the deer lady could help him. “Do you happen to recall where you found it? Perhaps there are more like him.” He stated, figuring that if it was that simple to pick up such familiars, he should definitely get one of his own as well.

It sounded like the other beasts were still talking in beastial totally not a heavy accent in the background. It seemed like he and the Human were the only non-Beasts around, so it was to be expected. He was a bit surprised when the familiar started talking a lot. It spoke in the type of riddles his arcana professor sometimes loved to spout. He hated those vague questions on test. The type of 'what grows within you shall answer, how do you call out to it' questions. How in the world was he supposed to know it was just asking him how he channelled his mana? Could've just written that on the test sheet.

He sighed. “Your familiar speaks in riddles.” He commented, a tad hint of annoyance. Even so, he was trying to connect some dots. Darin's reply helped with that. “Then it's probably not the same...” Similar, but different. As for Darin's return question, he shook his head. Without there being anything like distortions in time and space, he doubted it was another plague-bearing heart. “No, not any-more.”

That meant he pretty much walked into a mystery halfway through. The monster he'd planned to beat was already beaten. Perhaps he should help uncover the mystery? He wondered if that would grand him any extra credits if he wrote an essay about it. Or perhaps he'd be able to get in a different fight to practice for his practical exam? That'd be nice. Whether he didn't understand how on edge most people were or whether he just didn't care was unclear, as he was not showing any signs on the outside.

He listened to Paru explaining the situation. “So, this 'Rag Man' tempered with the heart?” He didn't get that from the familiar stone frog's riddles. “Hey, frog. Is this 'same' good or bad?” Surely it could at least give them that much, as this was already starting to annoy him and he just got here.

That said, it seemed to be clear what they wanted to do. Go into a tunnel filled with irritant mist. “Hold up.” He said, beckoning Paru to pause for a bit. If he was correct... He cast Ethereal Blight D into the hole, using the targets to spread out a bit. Thanks to its ability to be [Multidimensional] it should even be capable of hitting vapours, like that irritant mist.

[Ethereal Blight D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ce – 1 Post Cooldown.]

Whether he succeeded or not, he'd be ready to enter and follow after Paru and/or others if they did so. “That should clear the air, at least for a little while.” He'd comment on his earlier action. “I'm still not sure what we're after, but since I'm already here, I might as well see if it's worthwhile.” He added, not really asking as much as stating the fact.
Fishfolk.pngKelec & Pebble
The usually glassy eyes of the fishfolk cleared up for a frightful moment. The sight of Darin's claw burned into Kelec's mind alongside his words. And as Darin turned away, Kelec was left to look upon Boreas with fresh eyes. Perhaps he had overestimated his position compared to the human before him. Then, Paru seconded the lizardman's assessment, and Kelec defeatedly sighed. Accepting the kirin's solution to anyone getting 'samed'. “Scuse me, y'all've done nothin' wrong an's all my paranoid talkin'... 'spose Gloomhold will do that t'ya.” Kelec apologized before extending a handshake toward Boreas. “We might be needin' all help we can get, goin' by them pebbles 'n all.

Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgWhether the apology was accepted or not, Boreas then turned toward Paru and Pebble with questions about the situation. Paru's response appeared correct, as Pebble did not interfere. The small golem only chimed in after Deliverance provided it with some direct questions to think about. Pebble spun its head toward the elf and froze for a second. The black indents representing its eyes observed Deliverance quietly. “Whispers tempered. Rag man made the whispers.

Heart did not want same. Whispers made the heart want same.” Pebble continued, and its head spun around, observing its surroundings. “Sinking fish. Protecting roots. They are not same. Heart now want them same. Heart want all same.

Pebble only stopped once Paru moved toward the opening beneath the tree – responding eagerly. “Deeper! Heart roots come from deeper!” And as Deliverance cleared the irritant mist, it revealed a glimpse of the roots Pebble had excitedly mentioned.

The murky waters from the shallows cascaded past their feet as the group descended into the tunnel. The muddy ground surrounding them soon turned to solid stone, overtaken by moss, thick roots, and vines. It was a cave that appeared to have been created by the thriving plant life as it dug around for nutrients. Something the water provided, and the tunnel responded as a whole. The roots pulsed in tandem, moving as if part of a larger organism, before thin vines slithered down the rocks in search of the murky waters. The vines only halted once they touched the shallow stream. This tunnel was more than overgrown - it appeared alive.

A path free of vines remained in the middle of the shallow stream, running deeper into the tunnel. The air turned thick and sweet from a flowery scent as they progressed, the sound of sloshing water echoing against the overgrown walls. Further from the entrance, the tunnel steadily darkened, but up ahead, beyond the shaded veil, Paru noticed something she had not for a while. It was a heat signature that pierced through the darkness, one similar in size to those belonging to Boreas and Deliverance.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario

Mentions: Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He struggled, trying to make sense of the little rock frog's words. It seemed simple yes-or-no questions weren't going to make it any more understandable. Still, there seemed to be some knowledge about stuff. Like a riddle on a test sheet. He sighed. “So, this rag man made something that tempered with the heart to make it do something bad. Thus, the rag mad is bad as well? The heart's been corrupted..? Then... I see... that does sound like a plague-bearing heart again... how peculiar...” He wondered if he might've accidentally gotten on the track of the person who'd been creating those things.

It was almost... making him feel a tad strange... happy? Giddy? An odd feeling by how excited the little frog guy got from seeing him clear the mist. He didn't like feeling such a weird thing, so he was quick to suppress it. Instead, he focussed on his success. “Well then, ladies and warriors first.” He gestured for Paru, Boreas, Darin and possibly the bigger frog to take the lead. He wasn't eager to walk in first with how few defences he had. Even this monster hunt, his entire plan had been to just try to one-shot it.

Almost slipping on the muddy, mossy and viney soil, he looked around. Big. Dark. Damp. He didn't like it. He debated using magic to light up the place a bit more, but with all the vines here, possibly swamp gasses being around, he figured what little light there was would have to suffice. Then again, he took no shame in staying valiantly behind Paru and/or others. They looked like they were far more suited to take the brunt of whatever this place might have in store for them.

De CD's 1/1
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INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Elvario Elvario
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • going deeper into the swamp
    "It's OK...I suppose..."

    Boreas wasn't so eager to accept Kelec's apology. He couldn't tell if the lizard man actually knew what he did wrong or if Kelec was shaken up by whatever Darin had decided to tell him. Boreas didn't know what Darin said as it was Beastial and at the moment he didn't know the language. Maybe it should be something to learn in the future if he could. But now he had a mystery to unravel from the beginning and start to work his way up the ladder as a detective once more. Listening to Paru's words, he thought them over. Pebble hadn't corrected her either, so he figured she must've hit the nail on the head. 'Ragman broke the heart with whispers...the Heart is like a parent to rock frogs'. He mentally noted that information from Paru. Then Pebble spoke in riddles again.

    "Whispers tempered. Rag man made the whispers. Heart did not want same. Whispers made the heart want same.Sinking fish. Protecting roots. They are not same. Heart now want them same. Heart want all same.Deeper! Heart roots come from deeper!”

    What was same? Where the whispers a form of manipulation? But that depends on if the heart is a person or a rock creature like pebble was. The word 'same' seemed to him in this context as if it replaces a major decision or choice. Like 'the heart didn't want to do it. But the ragman made the heart want to do it'.And then there was the thing with the fish.sinking Fish do not want 'same' sinking fish are not 'same' which he could only come up with one conclusion involving that. He asked pebble using [Interrogation [F] ].

    "So, in order to save the heart, do we need to save the roots first?"

    Boreas couldn't deny he didn't know in full what the roots were. However, if things went well, maybe he would learn....he just needed to get on the same track as the rock frog first. As it was time to descend onto the path when Deliverance said.

    “Well then, ladies and warriors first.”

    Boreas's first thought had been 'I'm a farmer'. However, he didn't wanna correct anyone, as far as they knew, he wasn't a farmer. Maybe they didn't need to know that considering the situation.

    Interrogation [F]



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
"Common" "<Beastial>"

The riddles were annoying; Darin didn't blame Pebble, as the thing seemed incapable of speaking in direct terms, but figuring out the jargon was exasperating nonetheless. It was surely important information, but since the others seemed keen on determining the details of it, Darin elected to focus on the task ahead.

Nodding at Deliverance's gesture, Darin slowly entered, while drawing out the bayonet from it's scabbard, and attaching it to the front of his musket. His eyes occasionally scanned the walls of the tunnel, as his hands closed the coat over his bandolier, shielding the gunpowder on him from any residue mist. Darin didn't like the place; the water that could ruin his ammunition, the enclosed space unsuitable for effective firing, and the fact that it was all made of living, twisting roots.

As the group progressed, the air... changed. It didn't seem harmful itself, but it's implications were unknown. "Hmph" Darin sounded his unease as he looked over his firearm, making sure it was primed for discharge, and that the bayonet was firmly secured. However, his focus never truly left his surroundings, and Darin was ready to respond to anything at a moment's notice [1].

Action [1]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F]

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.31.16 - anime style girl with a large sword, white hair in a ponytail, ye...png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru was confused about why everyone seemed to have so much trouble grasping her frogs words. She had no idea what he was saying either, but there were lots of things she didn't fully comprehend. If Darin had tried to explain how his weapon worked, she'd be just as confused. She didn't know what a Rag Man, Heart, or Whispers were. But she didn't need to. Wouldn't change that the Rag Man made the Whispers and the Whispers made the Heart want Same. That's just facts.

"Ladies?" The excitement and confusion in her voice were palpable as she looked around for someone she hadn't noticed at first. Her shoulders slumped and she hung her head in disappointment as the realization hit. "Oh... Well, fine then. As the only lady AND warrior present, I guess that puts me in front."

As her foot touched the stone for the first time where the ground changed, an uncomfortable feelin gshot through her, like trying to step on a staircase after it's ended. Smooth stone plus wet moss meant bad footing. She could run on tree branches no problem, but that wouldn't help her avoid slipping and falling. "Watch your step from here on out. Gonna be slick. Getting dark too, anyone have a light source?" The second she said it, however, she noticed something. "Hey, I can... see... something up ahead. A heat signature, roughly the size of these two." She tilted her sword toward Deliverance and Boreas. She said "see" though that was a half truth. The way she experienced these heat signatures was as different from sight as taste was from hearing. But she didn't have the patience to explain that sober. "It's the first one I've gotten in this swamp, present company excluded. Might be a person. Perhaps a Rag Man~." The giddiness in her voice was obvious.
Fishfolk.pngKelec, Pebble, and ???
As the group of unlikely allies made its way into the tunnel, Kelec hesitated. His feet nailed to the muddy ground as his bulbous eyes glanced up at the massive willow looming over him. Despite all his talk, he could feel the cold sweat on his scales. The anxiety had taken over his expression as he took to the back of the group – somewhat invading Deliverance's personal space. Kelec's glassy eyes darted between the moving plants while he addressed the elf beside him.

Say, Delivery, y'think it clever we goin' in'ere?” Kelec hesitated, unconvinced he wanted an answer at all. “Folks gettin' curious get killed... Reckon y'can't getta lot curiouser than this, right?

Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgA quiet moment passed, and the direct question appeared to have caught Pebble's attention. And the small stone golem twisted its head to look back at the group following behind Paru. “We are pebbles, they are same.” Its tone almost felt reassuring, “Same touches heart veins without pebbles. Pebbles can curious, same cannot!

Y'think it'd snap its neck twistin' an'all...” Kelec muttered, too distracted by the stone golem's backward head to mull over the words. The way it twisted sent a shiver down his spine, and when he averted his gaze from it, Pebble did the same. But, instead of returning to observing the area, the stone golem turned to Boreas – drawn in by another question. “Heart and roots are same...” Pebble answered, then fell silent, seemingly thinking before continuing, “Heart and pebbles are same. Same cannot stay same! Stop whispers from the rag man!

Heh, 'whispers from the rag man', speaking words you could not possibly know... truly functioning in a hive-minded fashion.” An ominous voice echoed from the darkness ahead – bouncing around as if the tunnel had expanded into a cavern. Yet, wandering beyond the entrance without a light source, it was becoming impossible to tell what was lurking in the darkness before them. And while Paru could guess that the voice originated from the heat signature now sitting no more than 50 feet ahead of her, the others could only navigate by sound – and the sweet scent in the air becoming more invasive and alluring as they progressed deeper into the tunnel.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
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Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
"Common" "<Beastial>"

As they continued, the darkness further increased Darin's unease. The smell beginning to grow even more sweet... could not possibly be good.

When the voice spoke, Darin's focus snapped to the direction from which it came. He steadily raised his musket to aim, and though he was essentially blind in the darkness, Darin's body and mind remained trained at the general area. In normal circumstances, he wouldn't be so hasty to violence; however, with the strange scent and blinding darkness, as well as the fact that this was undoubtedly the dangerous "Rag Man" that Pebble was speaking of, these were far from normal circumstances.

Darin had to take the initiative, or risk them falling further into disadvantage.

So, having taken aim into the pitch black of the tunnel, Darin pulled the trigger. The flintlock hammer released with force, striking the pan and causing a shot to ring out[1]. As soon as the lead ball left the barrel, Darin was already attempting to reload. It was somewhat difficult while not looking, given the darkness and his undistracted focus, but he couldn't call himself a marksman if he didn't naturally know how to do it. As soon as it was ready, Darin immediately fired the second shot, and repeated the process to hastily fire a third[2 & 3].

Action [1]: Basic Attack [Gun] (Base 5 Ef.)
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Gun] (Base 5 Ef.)
Action [3]: Basic Attack [Gun] (Base 5 Ef.)
  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
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INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Elvario Elvario
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • going deeper into the swamp

    The pathway was dark. He noted everything that pebble said 'We are pebbles, they are same.Same touches heart veins without pebbles. Pebbles can curious, same cannot!'The stone frog turned his gaze to Boreas and spoke more 'Heart and roots are same...Heart and pebbles are same. Same cannot stay same! Stop whispers from the rag man!' No matter how Boreas chopped it up in his mind, this ragman seems to be the bad guy, maybe the swamps real monster even. Unfortunately, the farmer hadn't had enough time to think about Pebbles' words before a voice spoke up.

    "“Heh, 'whispers from the rag man', speaking words you could not possibly know... truly functioning in a hive-minded fashion.”

    Then Darin decided to shoot at him. Which, as much as the figure frustrated Boreas, he had to resist the urge to say 'what the hell Darin!' Boreas saw this as a chance to investigate further. He took out his fire starter kit and started a minor fire with some precautions so as not to turn into a forest fire. He then looked at the figure and used [Icey Gaze [F] ] in an attempt to discern anything of use before running into battle. Using both [Invesigation [F] ] and [Interrogation [F] ] Boreas asks.

    "Who are you? What do you want? Are you related at all to what's happening to the 'heart' and the 'roots'?"

    While he wasn't eager to attack, he put one hand on his scabbard and the other on the hilt of his blade in case the figure tried to attack.

    Interrogation [F]
    Investigation [F]
    Abilities used:
    Icey Gaze- Appraisel [F], Heightened sense [sight] [F]- Combining his heightened sense of sight and appraisal he uses his sight to gain information relevant to the current level of appraisal. -F grade 0 post cool down

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Mentions: Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He was glad to see the others going in first without much questioning. For total strangers, they were surprisingly willing to show him their backs. Either naïve or foolish, but he didn't mind it. It worked in his favour, after all, as it meant he wasn't the first to risk walking into any traps. Even so, Paru's reaction surprised him. From the excitement about ladies and confusion that followed, to her eagerness to go first. “But of course, ma'am.” He replied, sort-off on instinct, as if addressing one of his former Beast masters. Perhaps it was just due to being caught off guard. Then again, he did get her to take on the most risks, so perhaps being overly polite wasn't the worst response.

Upon the question of a light source, he hesitated. “I could try using magic, but it'd attract at lot of attention and not give a lot of light.” Had he known they'd be entering some root-filled-cavern, he'd have brought a lantern or crystal or anything else of use. This wasn't exactly the 'go there and kill beast' job he'd been preparing for. When Paru said she spotted something up ahead, he halted, yet he couldn't see a thing of what she might've spotted. Probably some special beast sense. The eagerness in her voice made a shiver run down his spine. Hearing beasts get eager for violence brought up some very bad memories, although he managed to shake those off. He wasn't a slave. Those days were beyond him.

On the topic of beasts, one of them seemed to try to talk to him. “I. Don't. Speak. Beastial.” He replied, as slowly and clearly as he could. Hopefully the thing would understand that Deliverance was only getting a few words at most from whatever Beastial tongue it was speaking in. Besides, the thing was getting too close for comfort, causing Deliverance to step back again. Whatever this frog/fish/lizard was, he had no desire to interact with it all that much. He recalled that these beasts had generally been a lower cast even among the other beasts in the West Empire. Even so, he still didn't wish to be too rude, so he figured he'd at least try to reply something. 'Killed' seemed to sound familiar enough. Perhaps the creature was asking who'd go in for blood first? “She. Will. Kill.” He said, pointing at Paru. He was fairly confident that one wasn't just all talk and no bite.

He was somewhat distracted by Pebble's 'riddles' again when suddenly, he could hear someone respond to those exact riddles. Likely whomever Paru had spotted before. He wanted to reply, as being a scholar, it was in his nature to talk first. Sadly enough, there were two things stopping him. First, the fact Paru had already seemed bloodthirsty. Second, the BANG BANG BANG noise coming from Darin's general vicinity. He sighed. Beasts were barbaric, after all, he shouldn't have expected anything different. Luckily enough, these two were on his side.

The next question was, how should he react to it? He was here to train his practical magical skills... so if they were going to fight anyway... Perhaps he should join in? Thankfully Boreas had created a bit of light, allowing him to see a bit better. Combining what Paru pointed out, Darin fired at and Boreas lit up, he had a good enough idea of where to aim, so he did just that. He quickly changed a spell as he raised his catalyst and fired off 10 colourful orbs, which bolted at the target, spread out just enough to have a higher chance of at least one of them hitting him, either at first or second try (thanks to homing).

Ethereal Blight C – Magic C, Energised C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.

He only heard Boreas' questions after, but alas, it was already too late. You normally don't talk to someone after attacking them, so since Darin made that choice, he figured all of them might as well continue going down that path.

Ce CD's 0/2
De CD's free
DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.51.08 - anime style woman holding a large sword, with white hair in a pon...png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

As the gun went off, Paru dropped, putting herself below the line of fire. "Tell me before you start attacking in the dark in my direction!" She'd never been struck by a weapon like Darin's, but now wasn't the time to see how it felt. "Hey, frog, anything I need to worry about down here, besides Roots, Same, and Rag Man?" Without waiting for a response, she kicked herself off from the crouching position she was in and rushed toward the heat signature. Maybe she could end it before it started? Though it seemed several of them were trying that approach. Might as well be her! :3 She readied her hands on her weapon and prepared to swing as she got close!

Action 1: Drop to the ground to avoid attacks [Acrobatics]
Action 2: Charge at the Heat signature [Fast F]
Action 3: Aggravated Assault - Effectiveness 12, Penetrating E , Drain Strength F

Aggravated Assault - Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Swords] [Swords] D, Boulder Render E, Crippling Fang F, Fast F - Paru rushes in for a headstrong frustration fueled attack. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
Aggravated Assault D (3) + Nodachi C (4) + Strength B (5) = 12 Effectiveness

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