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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth? (Out of Character/Lore)

Worst part is, it could have been even longer since there was more I could have added in to the "prologue of Felis/Ephelina" part.
Hope this intro post was alright. I took some liberties on some stuff, but if anything needs changing or you prefer having a more direct control over NPCs, especially the ones in Aevith's clergy, I can change some parts. While I thought it would've been nice to use Irali in the post to bridge the relationship you've mentioned in your intro, I've refrained from doing so since I felt it would be weird to write about a NPC I didn't design hahaha
Hope this intro post was alright. I took some liberties on some stuff, but if anything needs changing or you prefer having a more direct control over NPCs, especially the ones in Aevith's clergy, I can change some parts. While I thought it would've been nice to use Irali in the post to bridge the relationship you've mentioned in your intro, I've refrained from doing so since I felt it would be weird to write about a NPC I didn't design hahaha
As long as that one bishop is prejudiced towards ogres, especially towards Ephelina and that some of the high clergy are distrustful or at least have mixed opinions about Ephelina because she is like the opposite of the high priestess of Aevith in personality.

Let's just say that a lot of high clergy value purity and cleanliness and therefore have reservations towards someone who mingles in the streets and regularly visits the slums.

Otherwise your post is good.
Speaking of the high priestess of Aevith, what kind of personality does she have?
Let's just say that while she is a mild mannered person, she is quite sheltered and doesnt show herself in the slums and only traverses the city with a heavy bodyguard presence. Even though she can get hints and dreams from Aevith, she is not immune to influence to the bishops and is kind of naive. She is unaware that some of the clergy is corrupt.

Generally, I think if Rosearia was to talk to her, the high priestess would be polite and yet dutiful with a hint of childlike naiveness.

Ephelina would love to talk to her, but the bishops want to keep contact between them to a minimum.

You can take a little freedom with her though. Let us just call her Velia for short, with her full name being kind of lengthy.

Anyways, I think I will post again if the others dont post today.
I forgot the arcanepunk immersion in my first post. I will add some in my next post. However let's just say that Veres is a little more conservative on tech that northern nations, even though they might have like TV screen like tech and a city subway in Aevithia. Cult of Aevith/Aevithian clergy would be more conservative about technology than maybe clergy of minor deities, especially when it comes to enhancements.

Also to add some lore: Instead of an western sphere of influence vs eastern sphere of influence, it would be north vs south, with the north being more progressive, less religious nations while the south being mostly in the sphere of influence of Veres. The northern nations would called the Holy Nation of Veres "the theocracy", whereas those in the south would find a couple words to insult the north with.
I did not mean to type that much, but I started and wanted to finish :neutralteeth:... but I tried to slide in an interaction at the end ^33^
I did not mean to type that much, but I started and wanted to finish :neutralteeth:... but I tried to slide in an interaction at the end ^33^
It's not an issue. Did you see how long my first post? It was a fifth of the length of a light novel because I got carried away.

But yeah, writing long isnt an issue. Now I from upon very brief posts though.

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