Journal Internet Friends


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Growing up, my family moved a bunch. We never stayed in one place for more than, maybe, a year. As a result, I had to leave behind all the friends I made and I was constantly starting over. New city, new schools, new people.

When the internet captivated my attention, it led to me withdrawing from socializing. What was the point? We would just pack up and leave them anyway. I spent more time on social forums because no matter where I moved, I could always talk to them.

After a decade, I still have close friends I met on the internet. I never cared about that old-fashioned "internet friends aren't real friends" mind set. I care little for that sort of outdated thinking. I knew who my friends were and I was content with that.

I'm grateful the friends I've made. As lonely as my physical life may be sometimes, having those connections over the internet are a saving grace.
Some of my best friends in the world are online friends, and well... I guess a few are not anymore because I have actually met some internet friends, some I have not. I love them all the same and wouldn't wanna live without them.
Met my boyfriend on Gaia about ten years ago. Flew between our home states for visits countless times. We were long distance for about four years, been living together for two now.

I also have several close online friends who I have had for years. I love spending time with them.
Caragia and I share a remarkable friendship that has spanned well over a decade, an enduring bond forged in the digital realms of the online world. Despite the geographical distance that has kept us physically apart, the strength of our connection has only deepened with time.

In this age of constant hustle and bustling lifestyles, Caragia and I have navigated the ebb and flow of our individual lives. While life's demands often keep us occupied, our friendship has remained a steadfast anchor in the turbulent sea of responsibilities. The digital landscape has proven to be the fertile ground for cultivating meaningful connections, and Caragia stands out as a testament to the profound relationships that can be nurtured through online platforms.

It's intriguing how the majority of my "true" friends have sprung from the virtual realm, where authenticity and genuine connections often thrive. There's a unique comfort in interacting with friends online, unburdened by the masks that some people wear in face-to-face interactions. Caragia and I have built a friendship based on shared interests, mutual respect, and a genuine understanding of each other's journeys.

Observing the real-world dynamics, I've noted the harsh realities that people face in their interpersonal relationships. The cutthroat nature of some social circles, where individuals are willing to trample over others or engage in backstabbing to gain a slight advantage, has made me appreciate the sincerity and trust inherent in my online friendships.

In contrast to the sometimes ruthless nature of in-person interactions, the digital realm has provided a sanctuary for cultivating connections that transcend physical boundaries. Caragia and I have weathered the storms of life together, proving that true friendship can flourish in the pixels and bytes of the online world, where authenticity is prized, and camaraderie knows no geographical limits. Caragia Caragia

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